
1609 Killing Everyone from the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty

The entire starry plain was dead silent.

Although the crack in the void had disappeared, no one left.

Everyone's eyes were on Jun Xiaoyao.

This person shocked the entire Nandou World as soon as he was born.

"Is this the power of the Natural Saintly Being's Taoist Embryo? A fifteen-year-old Supreme …"

"No, even if it's the Innate Sacred Body, it can't be this powerful. This is abnormal …"

"And don't forget, he killed a Celestial Lord with one strike. He killed someone of a higher level. This is a Table-breaking level!"

Breaking a taboo and fighting someone of a higher level was called Table-breaking.

Even in the entire Realm Sea, Table-breaking level geniuses were extremely rare.

Every single one of them came from a hegemonic force or an overlord Emperor clan.

"What kind of monster is this …"

Everyone was shocked.

They finally understood.

Why did this Young Emperor of Xuantian stay in seclusion for 15 years?

It was because no one of his peers was a match for him.

Then why did he come out?

"That sword embryo is also his …"

The princes and princesses of the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty turned pale.

At first, they thought that the sword embryo was a protective item given to Yunxi by Empress Xuantian.

That was why they thought she cheated.

Now, the sword embryo was Jun Xiaoyao's.

As someone of the same generation, this naturally couldn't be considered cheating.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't need to come. Just the sword embryo alone was enough to win first place in this trial.

But, was this important?

Jun Xiaoyao's vision was completely different from theirs.

This kind of trial, in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes, was like children playing house.

If it weren't for the rewards of checking in, he wouldn't have bothered to come.

"Yunxi, are you okay?"

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Yunxi.

Although she was a sister that came with reincarnation.

She was also his sister.

"I'm … I'm fine …" Yunxi's pretty face was flushed.

Although she saw her brother, who she thought about day and night.

But now, she didn't know how to speak. She stuttered.

"Heh … Don't be nervous. Are you still so distant from your brother?" Jun Xiaoyao said gently.

However, on second thought, he didn't talk to his sister since she was born.

Indeed, there would be a sense of unfamiliarity.

"It's just that I didn't expect brother to be so powerful." Yun Xi clenched her fists nervously, her heart pounding.

At this moment, a few Quasi-Sovereigns from the Xuantian Holy Dynasty also gathered.

"Greetings, Your Highness!"

All of them were extremely respectful, and their faces were filled with unprecedented respect.

This was the Young Emperor of the Xuantian Divine Dynasty, a peerless genius!

"Thank you for taking care of Yunxi."

Jun Xiaoyao flicked his finger, and some rare sacred pills fell into their hands.

"Thank you, Your Highness. By the way, when Her Highness was in danger and we were about to help, the people of the Yuan Zu Divine Dynasty …"

The Guardian of the Xuantian Divine Dynasty looked coldly at the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty.

Earlier, Yun Xi had encountered a Sacred Lord zombie demon.

Just as they were about to help, they were stopped by the protectors of the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty.

If not for the Daluo Sword Embryo that Jun Xiaoyao gave him.

Perhaps something would really happen to Yunxi.

When the people from the Yuan Ancestor Divine Dynasty heard their complaints, their hearts skipped a beat.

They had a bad feeling about this.

"Let's go."

They wanted to leave.


Jun Xiaoyao said faintly.

"What, what do you want?"

Jun Xiaoyao's previous performance had completely stunned them. At this moment, all of them were terrified.

Including the princes and princesses who had mocked Jun Xiaoyao in Xingyuan City.

At this moment, their legs were trembling, and their teeth were chattering.

However, they did not think that Jun Xiaoyao would make a move.

After all, although the two Divine Dynasties had conflicts, they were still limited to a certain extent.

No one wanted to fight to the death with the other party.

But now …

Jun Xiaoyao was not the kind of person who was afraid of the slightest thing.

Although Yunxi was a cheap sister in his eyes.

She was also his cheap sister, and not someone who could be bullied at will.

Jun Xiaoyao was the best when it came to protecting his own.

"Although my sister is fine now, you still have to pay the price."

Jun Xiaoyao's sword swept across the sky.

"Yun Xiao, how dare you!"

The Quasi-Sovereigns of the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty were extremely furious.

They had just obstructed him. It was not a big deal.


A sword swept across the sky, and several Quasi-Sovereigns fell.

Blood splattered on the princes and princesses, making their faces pale and bloodless as they directly collapsed to the ground.

There were even princesses who were so scared that they wet their clothes.

"Yun … Yun Xiao, we are the children of Emperor Yuan. We were wrong this time."

A prince's voice trembled.

Jun Xiaoyao and them were not people of the same world at all.

They couldn't even think of resisting.

But no matter what, they were still the children of Emperor Yuan.

The Xuantian Divine Dynasty would still have a trace of fear.

But …

The sword light swept across.

These princes and princesses were instantly beheaded, and their primordial spirits were instantly destroyed.

Dead silence …

Everyone's eyes widened.

He didn't expect Jun Xiaoyao to kill Emperor Yuan's children without even thinking about it.

This boldness and courage were too great.

"Brother, this …"

Even Yunxi was shocked.

Killing the children of Emperor Yuan was no small matter.

"They put you in danger, then they deserve to die."

Jun Xiaoyao said indifferently, as if he was stepping on a few ants, not caring at all.

Because he was in a high position all year round, his status was noble.

Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao had always done things according to his heart. He didn't care about the consequences.

As long as he was given a little more time, even the Yuanzu Divine Dynasty was nothing.

He could push the Xuantian Divine Dynasty to the top with his own strength and become the dominant force in the Nandou World.

"Brother …"

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao taking care of her so much, Yunxi was also touched.

Those feelings of loneliness, grievance, and so on in the past all disappeared at this moment.

"Greetings, Young Emperor!"

On the side, Xiang Lie also stepped forward and cupped his hands.

In his heart, he was still quite dissatisfied with this Young Emperor who had been in seclusion for 15 years.

But now, other than awe, there was no other emotion.

"Mm." Jun Xiaoyao nodded lightly.

Xiang Lie hesitated for a moment, then mustered up his courage and said, "I am willing to follow Your Highness!"

Now, everyone knew that following Jun Xiaoyao, a Saint Body with a Dao Embryo, would definitely lead to a promising future.

Jun Xiaoyao's expression was indifferent as he said, "I don't have such plans for the time being."

To be honest, although the True Battle Blood was good.

But Jun Xiaoyao really didn't think much of it.

Which one of his previous followers wasn't a peerless talent?

"I'm sorry for being rude."

Although Xiang Lie was disappointed, he felt that it was normal.

After all, he was a Saint Body with a Dao Embryo, so his vision was naturally different.

"Alright, it's almost time to go back. It's time to tell Mother about this," Jun Xiaoyao said.

Yunxi nodded her little head, feeling very happy.

At this moment.

A somewhat restrained voice was heard.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Young Emperor …"

Bai Xuewei bowed to Jun Xiaoyao with a tinge of nervousness and caution.

It was hard to imagine that Bai Xuewei, who had always been as cold as frost, was nervous and nervous like a little girl at this moment.

She subconsciously lowered her posture.

Facing Jun Xiaoyao, who was like a banished immortal, she couldn't help but feel inferior.
