
1608 Shocking the World, Checking in Empress Pearl of the Bi Clan Empress Pearl.

Qi and blood filled the sky, and the Great Path circulated.

A hazy figure emerged from it.

It was as if a true immortal had descended.

In front of this figure, even the terrifying Black Calamity Clan did not seem so terrifying.

"This figure is …"

Everyone seemed to be suffocating at this moment, and at the same time, they felt the joy of surviving a disaster.

Was there finally a big shot from an immortal force here?

However, after a moment of stagnation.

They took note of the remark.

Who dares to touch my sister?

"This …"

All the cultivators from the immortal forces present were stunned.

The Yuanzu God Dynasty, the Sacred Fire Sect, the Ice Goddess Shrine …

All the sky-prides were astonished.

"Could it be …"

Bai Xuewei covered her red lips with her jade-like hand.

At this moment, Yun Xi's mind was blank, as if she had lost all her thoughts.

Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared.

In her eyes, there was only the hazy figure in front of her.

"Brother … brother?"

Yun Xi was not even sure. Her voice trembled slightly, sounding tentative.

Her brother had come out of seclusion?

A figure walked out leisurely.

His face was like a fairy, and his clothes were like snow.

His figure was tall and handsome.

He was as handsome as an otherworldly immortal.

His hair was as black as ink, and his eyes were like jade. His white clothes were flawless, and his temperament was extraordinary. He did not look like someone from the mortal world.

Yun Xi was stunned, as if she was in a dream.

Was this her brother?

Was he really not an immortal who had fallen to the mortal world?

He saw Yun Xi's adorable face.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly and raised his hand to touch Yun Xi's head.

"Good job, Yun Xi."

There was a hint of praise in his gentle voice.

Yun Xi's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Before she saw her brother, she thought about him day and night.

Now that he had appeared in front of her, she did not know what to say.

However, her heart kept pounding.

Perhaps it was because the brother in front of her was too much of a surprise.

He was as gentle as jade, and his temperament was tranquil, like an immortal. Yun Xi felt that he was an illusion.

Was such a perfect person really her brother?

Was she really worthy of such a perfect brother?

Yun Xi was not the only one who was stunned.

The prodigies of the other undying forces were the same.

Bai Xuewei's mind went blank.

Was this the Young Emperor of Xuan Tian, Yun Xiao, who had once been engaged to her?

She had a vague premonition that she seemed to have made the worst decision in her life.

Just as everyone was petrified.

The Gu Race's Utmost Exalted said with a hint of shock.

"Innate Saint Body!"

The Innate Saint Body of Dao Embryo was so famous that everyone in the universe knew about it.

It was normal for the Autarch to be able to tell at a glance.

But what shocked him was …

It was not the Innate Saint Being of Dao itself.

It was because Jun Xiaoyao looked too young.

Yet, his strength was so terrifying.

In fact, even a Gui Clan Sovereign like him felt an unprecedented fear in his heart.

"By the way, there's still something I haven't dealt with yet." Jun Xiaoyao smiled at Yun Xi.

That handsome and gentle smile made Yun Xi's little face turn red. She lowered her head slightly.

Jun Xiaoyao turned around and looked at the Gui Clan Sovereign.

There was a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.

At this moment, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. You have arrived at the check-in location. Do you wish to check-in?"


"Congratulations to the host. You have received an eight-star reward, the Gui Clan's Empress Pearl!"

"The Gui Clan's Empress Pearl, what is this thing?"

Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

It sounded like it had something to do with this so-called Gui clan.

However, he needed to solve some problems at the moment, so he did not delve into it.

"You … Your strength …"

The Zhi Tribe's Supreme-Being's tone was filled with fear.

There was no longer the arrogance and cruelty from before.

Jun Xiaoyao was too lazy to say anything.

He pressed down with his palm. Golden light was everywhere, and the laws were everywhere.

The Gui Clan Sovereign was smashed into a bloody pulp.

The rest of the Guis around were all terrified.

With a thought, Jun Xiaoyao used his finger as a sword.

The sword qi pierced in all directions.

Those from the Gui race were killed instantly.

The world was dead silent.

All the cultivators' mouths were wide open, and their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

What was the cultivation level of this 15-year-old Young Emperor of Xuantian?

Everyone felt like they were in a dream.

Was this person from the same world as them?

He had been in seclusion for 15 years.

It was fine if he did not make a sound, but when he did, he would amaze everyone!

Yun Xi's pretty face glowed with an unprecedented brilliance.

Her spiritual eyes were filled with surprise, admiration, and respect.

Her brother was much, much stronger than she had imagined.

"A … a Sovereign … a 15-year-old Sovereign …"

To be able to kill a Sovereign so easily, he should be a Sovereign no matter what.

A 15-year-old Sovereign …

Was this possible?

Even the reincarnation of an old monster or the rebirth of a Great Emperor might not have such a terrifying cultivation speed.

This was simply refreshing the worldview of everyone present.

What was even more shocking was still to come.

At a certain moment, there was suddenly another strange movement in the void crack.

A figure with a terrifying aura appeared from within.

It was a Celestial Lord of the Gui Clan.

That Celestial Lord of the Gui Clan's eyes were even greener than the previous Sovereign of the Gui Clan.

"A Dao Embryo of the Innate Saint Body of the Sovereign Realm. This is the best flesh and blood!"

That Celestial Lord of the Gui Clan boasted that his realm was higher than Jun Xiaoyao's. He reached out with his hand, wanting to grab Jun Xiaoyao.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

In the void, Ye Liuli, who was wearing a black dress, appeared.

Although she had been shocked by Jun Xiaoyao's strength before.

However, the one who appeared now was a Celestial Lord of the Gui Clan.

There was a huge gap between a Celestial Lord and a Sovereign.

However, as Jun Xiaoyao's protector, Ye Liuli had to protect Jun Xiaoyao even if she had to sacrifice herself.


The Celestial Lord of the Gui Clan reached out with his hand and directly sent Ye Liuli flying. She spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the black veil on her face.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyebrows were cold.

"Sword, come!"

Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and grabbed with his five fingers.

The Daluo Sword Embryo shook like a pet seeing its master.

The Flying Deity pattern on the sword embryo was completely lit up. It was extremely dazzling, as if a True Immortal had really appeared.

A sword light that was so dazzling that no one could open their eyes traversed the vast sky for 100,000 miles!

The sword slashed towards the Gui Clan Celestial Lord and the void crack!


Boundless divine light burst forth, and the sword light exploded, causing the entire star plain to tremble and heaven and earth to shake!

And in the place where the waves burst forth, the Gui Clan Celestial Lord's shocking scream could be heard!

A powerful Gui Clan Celestial Lord was instantly killed by a single sword strike!

Not only that, that sword strike was too stunning, as if it had cut through eternity.

Even the spatial crack began to crumble and collapse under the attack of the sword.

The void turbulence surged, completely burying the crack!

It was over.

Jun Xiaoyao's sword strike ended everything.

The aftershock slowly dissipated.

In the void, the huge spatial crack formed by the sword light began to slowly heal.

The entire star plain was dead silent.

Only Jun Xiaoyao stood in the wind with the sword embryo in his hand, his snow-white clothes fluttering in the wind.

His handsome face was indifferent and casual.

Killing a Celestial Lord with a single sword strike and closing the void crack seemed to be an extremely ordinary thing to him.

Jun Xiaoyao put away the sword embryo.

Only then did he look at Yun Xi.

"Are you alright? The trouble has been resolved," Jun Xiaoyao said indifferently.

Ye Liuli wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and watched this scene in a daze.

Just who was the one protecting whom?

Ye Liuli's face was a little red.

Did she still need to protect him?

It was Jun Xiaoyao who was protecting her!

As for the others, they felt as if they had fallen into a dream. It was too unreal!

It was impossible to describe the shock that Jun Xiaoyao brought to them.

He was like a young emperor. The first time he made a move, he stunned the entire world!