

The Jun Family and the Jiang Family had been connected by marriage for generations. Their relationship was unbreakable. They were basically in the same boat.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao, Jiang Shengyi, and Jiang Luoli.

The two most outstanding young men and women of the two families were about to be married. It was a joyous occasion and a close relationship.

Jiang Daoxu and the other members of the Jiang Clan had arrived a long time ago, and all of them were beaming with joy and were unable to contain their joy.

The leader of the Jiang Family was Jiang Heng, a Nine Tribulation Quasi-emperor who had appeared during the crusade against the Three Great Killer Divine Dynasties.

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With him taking the lead, it could be said that he had given them enough face.

Outside, there was a banquet. Immortal music sounded, immortal maidens dancing, bustling with noise and excitement.

Meanwhile, in a palace of the Jun Family …

Jun Xiaoyao, Jiang Rou, and other family members gathered together.

Jun Xiaoyao was about to head out to entertain the guests.

After all, he was today's main character, so he had to show up first to welcome him.

"This day has finally arrived. Mother is truly overjoyed. It's a pity that Wuhui didn't come."

Jiang Rou's eyes reddened as she sighed.

She was very happy. Her only regret was that Jun Wu Hui was not present.

"Mother, this is just an engagement party, not a wedding party."

"Besides, Father has more important things to do." Jun Xiaoyao felt relieved.

However, at this moment.

He suddenly felt that his bloodline seemed to have become slightly restless.

It was as if some kind of inexplicable power was about to surge out.

However, this trace of restlessness instantly disappeared.

It was almost undetectable.


Jun Xiaoyao was stunned.

How could his bloodline change like this?

"Could it be …" Jun Xiaoyao pondered.

"Xiao Yao, what's wrong?"

Jiang Rou asked when she saw that Jun Xiaoyao was in a daze.

"Nothing, Mother. I'll go out and entertain the guests first."

Jun Xiaoyao left as soon as he finished speaking.

The corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

Guests had gathered outside the Jun Family's mountain gate. However, this was only a small portion of the forces that had come. Most of them were still on their way.

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao finally showed himself.

"The Divine Son has appeared!"

"Congratulations, Divine Child!"

"Congratulations, Emperor of the Imperial Court!"

"Congratulations to Young Master Jun on his wedding today!"

Countless important figures from various factions brought their fists together to pay their respects.

"Thank you all for coming to this Jun's engagement banquet. This Jun will accept your kind intentions."

Jun Xiaoyao cupped his hands and returned the greeting. His magnanimity made many exclaim in awe.

"The cultivators of the Monarch Imperial Court congratulate the Monarch!"

The higher-ups of the Monarch Imperial Court also came.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled and nodded slightly.

Since they were family, there was no need for etiquette.

As the main character of today's event, he naturally had to be the first to receive the guests.

"The Ye Clan of the Desolate Era has arrived!"

A group of people arrived. They were from the Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients.

They gave him a generous gift.

"The story of the Deity Child and our Little Ancestor Ye Guchen in the Nine Heavens has been widely spread."

"Later, Little Ancestor sent a message saying that we must send someone to attend your engagement party. Of course, even if Little Ancestor didn't say anything, our Ye Family wouldn't be absent."

It was all because of Jun Xiaoyao and Ye Guchen.

Therefore, the Ye Family was getting closer to the Jun Family.

"Brother Ye is cultivating in the Sword Tomb and can't leave. I accept your kind intentions." Jun Xiaoyao smiled and nodded.

There was no need to say too much about the relationship between him and Ye Guchen. It was an iron friendship.

"The Ji Family of the Desolate Era has arrived!"

The Ji Family also sent a congratulatory gift.

Ji Qingyi was also cultivating in the Nine Heavens and hadn't returned yet, so she didn't appear this time.

Then, the Mortal Immortal Sect, the Demonic Sect, and other factions also came to congratulate him.

The mischievous Xiao Moxian, who hadn't been seen for a long time, also appeared.

"Little Brother Xiaoyao, congratulations. But … do I still have a chance?"

Xiao Moxian combed her hair, and her big eyes were watery.

Although they hadn't seen each other for so many years, she was still as playful as before.

Back then, she often bickered with Jiang Luoli.

Jun Xiaoyao only smiled as a greeting.

Then, a hearty laugh was heard.

Someone from the Nine Heavens Immortal Academy also came.

The person who appeared was the Great Elder of the Immortal Academy.

As soon as he appeared, he excitedly held Jun Xiaoyao's hand.

"Little Friend Xiaoyao, this old man knew that you would definitely sweep through the Nine Heavens and teach those high and mighty fellows a lesson!"

Back then, the Nine Heavens recruited a portion of the Immortal Domain's heroes, and even many of Immortal Academy's geniuses were poached away.

He was resentful that these geniuses didn't live up to his expectations, believing that these geniuses simply recognized the enemy as their father, not knowing that the chaos was caused by these forbidden regions.

And this time, Jun Xiaoyao really helped the Immortal Domain vent their resentment.

"This is just a little bit of interest." Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Good, good, this old man will definitely wait for the day when you sweep through the Nine Heavens!" Immortal Academy's Great Elder said with a smile.

The factions that came to congratulate him were still endless.

"Feather Transformation God Dynasty has arrived!"

This sentence suddenly made the scene quiet down for a moment.

A group of people arrived, led by a man and woman.

It was precisely Feather Transformation King and Yu Yunchang.

When they saw Feather Transformation King, many people revealed strange expressions.

Feather Transformation King was one of the Seven Defiant Emperors who hid the deepest.

At first, he called Jun Xiaoyao brother, but later on, he betrayed him.

However, later on, Jun Xiaoyao also let him off. He also warned Jun Xiaoyao to be careful of Heaven Clan and Heaven's Eight Children.

"Young … Young Master Jun, congratulations."

Feather Transformation King's silver hair fluttered, handsome and spirited.

He originally wanted to call Jun Xiaoyao brother, but in the end, he could only call him Young Master Jun.

Feather Transformation King knew that he already missed the opportunity.

"En, many thanks."

Jun Xiaoyao didn't have much of an expression.

The past had gone with the wind, he already didn't care much about Feather Transformation King.

Even if he sincerely regretted, it was impossible for Jun Xiaoyao to have any friendship with him anymore.

Not everyone could be like Ye Guchen, loyal and righteous, willing to sacrifice himself for a true friend.

"Young Master Jun, congratulations."

Yu Yunchang walked up.

Her brows were picturesque, her lips and teeth sparkling, her muscles and bones delicate, containing a divine elegance.

Her face was an outstanding beauty.

Right now, although she was smiling, there was a wisp of faint sparkling in the depths of her eyes.

"Many thanks."

Jun Xiaoyao's expression became a bit gentler.

Yu Yunchang nodded and sat down, but there was a bit of sadness.

When the people here saw this, they could only sigh. Once they met Xiaoyao, they would ruin their lives.

At this moment, an extremely beautiful woman appeared once again.

Taking advantage of Jun Xiaoyao's absence, she wanted to get close to him.

"Sir Divine Child …"

The woman's eyes were filled with infatuation.

"Oh, you're … the Empress of Great Shang." Jun Xiaoyao paused for a moment and remembered.

"Sir Divine Child, you still remember me."

The Empress of Great Shang's beautiful eyes were filled with surprise.

She had attended Jun Xiaoyao's Ten Years Old Banquet, his Eighteen Years Old Banquet, and the Emperor's Court Banquet.

Now, she was attending Jun Xiaoyao's engagement banquet.

She was a passerby, the Empress of Great Shang made of iron.

Every time, she would appear without fail and was still infatuated with Jun Xiaoyao.

She could be said to be Jun Xiaoyao's biggest fan.

"Of course I remember you. Your Great Shang Dynasty has also joined the Emperor's Court," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, I am willing to follow you forever."

The Empress of Great Shang was so happy that she almost fainted.

"By the way, I don't seem to know your name."

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly remembered.

The Empress of Great Shang's beautiful eyes lit up. Afraid that she wouldn't have the chance, she hurriedly said, "Sir Divine Child, my name is …"

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the distance.

An unexpected force had appeared.

The person in the lead was a purple-haired little girl.

"Long Yao 'er?"

Jun Xiaoyao was puzzled.

Why was this dragon loli here? Was she really addicted to being beaten up by him?