

Jun Xiaoyao, Jiang Shengyi, and Jiang Luoli shared their thoughts.

The atmosphere was warm.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't mention anything important.

He didn't talk about the Immortal Sect, the dark turmoil, or the officiant.

He just chatted with Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli about some ordinary family matters.

For example, a few talented juniors of the Jun family had appeared.

How many tables would be set up for the banquet and how many forces would be invited?

Jun Xiaoyao even joked about what would happen if he was nervous.

Jiang Shengyi smiled and looked at Jun Xiaoyao affectionately.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Shengyi's gentle gaze and said.

"Xiaoyao, in the eyes of the world, you are like a god, high and untouchable."

"But now, in front of us, you have such a cute side."


Jun Xiaoyao was speechless for a moment.

"Yes, yes. Although the usually cold Brother Xiaoyao is also very charming."

"But Luoli also likes the current Brother Xiaoyao."

Jiang Luoli said with her chin in her hand.

Did she save the Immortal Realm in her previous life to get such a perfect husband?

Furthermore, they were the only ones who could see the true side of Jun Xiaoyao.

Not the cold indifference that he had when facing the world.

"Alright, as long as you're happy." Jun Xiaoyao smiled helplessly.

In the eyes of the world, he was the divine child of the Jun family and the master of the Imperial Court. He was high and mighty and looked down on all living things.

But in front of the two women, he was only the man they loved deeply.

After a warm moment.

Jiang Luoli rolled her eyes and said, "Brother Xiaoyao, Sister Shengyi, you guys continue talking. Luoli has to go cultivate first."

After saying that, Jiang Luoli ran away.

She was deliberately giving them time.

After all, Jiang Luoli had been with Jun Xiaoyao in the Nine Heavens for a long time.

Now, she had to leave this time for Jiang Shengyi.

"Luoli is so sensible that it makes me feel pity for her." Jiang Shengyi sighed.

Compared to Jiang Luoli, she was a latecomer.

Although the knot and barrier between her and Jiang Luoli had been completely untied.

But now, she couldn't help but feel sorry for Jiang Luoli.

"Don't worry. That girl is very sensible and has really grown up. She's no longer the capricious girl she used to be," Jun Xiaoyao said.

Jiang Shengyi suddenly extended her hand and placed it on Jun Xiaoyao's palm.

"Xiao Yao, promise me."


Jun Xiaoyao was puzzled when he saw how serious Jiang Shengyi was all of a sudden.

"No matter what happens in the future, you must not let Luo Li down. You must take good care of her for the rest of your life," Jiang Shengyi said.

"Sister Shengyi, what do you mean? Aren't you here?"

Jun Xiaoyao said after sensing that something was wrong with Jiang Shengyi's mood.

"No matter what, just promise me," Jiang Shengyi said seriously.

"Alright, I promise you," Jun Xiaoyao said.

Jiang Shengyi finally smiled.

She leaned close to Jun Xiaoyao and rested her head on his chest.

She quietly listened to the sound of Jun Xiaoyao's heartbeat.

"Xiaoyao, your heartbeat gives people a sense of peace," Jiang Shengyi said.

"Is that so? Then you can lean on it every day from now on," Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"If there's a chance …" Jiang Shengyi murmured in her heart.

Then, she said softly, "Xiaoyao, no matter what form it takes, I will be with you in the place closest to your heart."

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say anything.

He lowered his head and kissed Jiang Shengyi's lips.

There was no need to say anything more. Everything was said without words.

After some tenderness …

Jun Xiaoyao was also preparing to go into seclusion.

He wanted to cultivate the Small Destiny Technique before the engagement banquet.

When the time came, it could become his ultimate trump card.

"Sister Shengyi, I'll go into seclusion first."

Jun Xiaoyao left.

Looking at Jun Xiaoyao's back, Jiang Shengyi's eyes were filled with heartache.

It wasn't long before the engagement banquet.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't even have time to rest and needed to go into seclusion to cultivate again.

It was obvious how much pressure Jun Xiaoyao was under.

"Xiaoyao, you're not fighting alone. The reason why I cultivate so hard is so that one day, I can stand by your side and help you share everything."

"I will definitely do it."

There was some determination in Jiang Shengyi's eyes.

In the following time …

Jun Xiaoyao had been cultivating the Small Destiny Technique in seclusion.

And the time of the engagement banquet was approaching day by day.

As the most eye-catching banquet in the Immortal Realm …

Countless forces had prepared generous gifts and were ready to set off for the Huangtian Immortal Realm.

Fleets, carriages, and ancient beasts carried all kinds of rare gifts and rushed to the Huangtian Immortal Realm.

For a time, the entire Immortal Realm was bustling with noise and excitement.

Most cultivators didn't know at all.

Under this bustling appearance …

An unprecedented storm was about to descend.

In the blink of an eye, several months had passed.

Jun Xiaoyao's engagement banquet was finally about to arrive.

On this day, countless carriages and teams drove to the Huangtian Immortal Realm's Emperor State.

The Emperor State was originally extremely vast.

But now, the entire sky of the Emperor State was covered by flying carriages and teams.

Even the sun couldn't shine on the ground.

"It's rare to see such a lively scene in so many years!"

"This is only the engagement banquet of the Jun family's divine child. If it's a real wedding banquet, what kind of scene will it be? I'm afraid the whole world will celebrate, right?"

Some of the native cultivators of the Huangtian Immortal Realm sighed when they saw this scene.

And what was even more shocking was …

Among these teams, there was no lack of immortal forces from distant Immortal Realms.

Not to mention Dao Supremes.

Some immortal forces even sent Boundary Emperors to lead the way and send congratulatory gifts to make themselves look more solemn.

"Oh my god, I've never seen so many Boundary Emperors in my life." Some cultivators were dumbfounded.

Although Boundary Emperors were not as rare as Great Emperors, they were not cabbages that could be found on the streets.

At least, they were rarely seen.

But now, it was just to celebrate Jun Xiaoyao's engagement banquet.

The immortal forces sent some Boundary Emperors to show up.

This was simply a show of cards!

On the Jun family's side in the Emperor State, lanterns and streamers were hung and fireworks filled the sky.

The forces that came to attend the banquet filled the sky. It was simply overcrowded.

Tens of thousands of banquets floated in the sky and on the ground. It was far from being able to accommodate so many people.

"Are all the forces in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm here?" someone asked in a daze.

Even if he were to become a Great Emperor and hold an imperial banquet, there probably wouldn't be so many people.

"We have to make this engagement banquet a success today."

Some of the Jun family's geniuses.

They were all arrogant people in the outside world.

But now, they were all preparing for the banquet.

"Haha, today is really a joyous day."

The geniuses of the Jun family's hidden branch also came to help.

Jun Bieli, Li Qing'er, Jun Lanxi, and the others showed up.

It was all thanks to Jun Xiaoyao that the main and hidden branches were able to stay together.

And it was also thanks to Jun Xiaoyao that Jun Bieli's love could be fulfilled.

Therefore, he and Li Qing'er sincerely wished Jun Xiaoyao happiness.

As for the Jiang family, needless to say, they were already there.