
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 226: What happened to Ada's body?

Even the calm Butler couldn't help but feel nervous.

By 100 zombies...

Can zombies still work?

I haven't researched it...

"This friend..."

"It's like this now, you might as well let me go."

"I'll go back and persuade the company that I won't come to trouble you in the future."

"I still have something to say at the company."

Butler said seriously.

Wang Ran smiled disdainfully.

Only a fool would believe this.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Is that Butler?"

The satellite phone in Butler's hand was connected, and an inquiry came from the phone.

Wang Ran hooked his fingers.

Butler could only obediently hand over the phone to Wang Ran.

"Butler has betrayed, he said let you BOSS play with your ass!"

"He also told me the location of your base, you wait to meet me."

Wang Ran was talking nonsense on the phone.

Butler on the side was shocked when he heard it.

I'm so...

This is too embarrassing!

Doesn't this make you have no way out!

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he took the phone to Butler's mouth and raised the hammer in his other hand.

The meaning is obvious.

"BOSS...Fake Yo Self!"

Butler cursed with tears in his eyes.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

It looks like it's been hit a bit.

Before waiting for a reply, Wang Ran hung up the phone.

"Okay, that's it, you and your organization have nothing to do with each other."

"Just answer my question honestly."

"Where is your company's headquarters?"

Wang Ran asked indifferently.

"Hey... well I say."

"Our company has a large base in Hawaii, and both Institutes 2 and 4 have moved there."

"Additionally, the company has a large base in Europe, North America and Antarctica."

"The company's headquarters is not fixed, and it will flow between these bases according to the situation."

"Currently our boss should be in the United States."

Butler replied obediently.

"Your boss, is it Tang Jun?"

Wang Ran wanted to confirm the information.

"Yes...you actually know the identity of the boss..."

Butler felt that Wang Ran was becoming more and more mysterious.

Who the **** is this!

So powerful, so much knowledge.

"Come on, tell me what your company wants to do."

"Why do you want to mess with the virus?"

"The spread of the virus is also your fault, right?"

Wang Ran continued to ask.

"our company..."

"In the beginning, it was a very serious multinational company, and its research direction was biological damage repair."

"Under the leadership of Dr. Tang, progress has been slow but orderly."

"Later we discovered Subject 1, and her virus became the key to our breakthrough."

"But after the research reached a certain level, Dr. Tang decided to suspend this direction because he felt that the virus was uncontrollable."

"Especially, this virus will produce new variants after combining with organisms, which is very dangerous."

"But BOSS... BOSS feels this is the only hope for getting his legs back to normal."

"So BOSS imprisoned Dr. Tang, seized control of the company, and vigorously promoted virus research."

"The effect of the virus is really good, but the side effects are also obvious. Most of the experimental subjects have turned into zombies."

"In order to get antibodies as soon as possible, BOSS decided to spread the virus in large numbers to achieve the effect of herd immunity."

"Antibody can easily be extracted from humans who carried the first wave."

"You should know what happened next."

Butler answered honestly.

"Grass, do so many things just for your own legs?"

"When I find him, I will have to break his three legs."

Wang Ran frowned.

Just as Wang Ran was about to continue the torture, the orangutan on the side couldn't sit still.

It ran to Wang Ran, made a gesture, and then took out a piece of paper and handed it to Wang Ran.

"Ada has something wrong, hurry back!"

It is Lin Momo's handwriting.

"Fuck, what's wrong with Ada?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Wang Ran glared at the orangutan.

The orangutan looked innocent, and I didn't have a chance to interrupt...

"Tie him up and hand it over to Xiaohong, I'll go back to the base first."

Wang Ran immediately ran to the mi-26 after instructing him.

Afraid of being damaged during the battle, the satellite phone was lost on the helicopter.

Momo must be unable to contact him, so he sent the orangutan and Xiaojin to find him.


What the **** is going on...

"Uncle, are you done?"

Tang Tang saw Wang Ran running back and stepped forward to ask.

"Xiaoyu, you and Xiaohong collect these zombies."

"Something happened to Ada, I'll go back to the island first."

Wang Ran ordered quickly.

Xiaoyu nodded, there is no problem with her here.

Tang Tang and the girls in the flight attendant class immediately followed Wang Ran on the mi-26 and flew towards Donghu Island.

Soon, the helicopter landed on the island.

Wang Ran went straight to the villa.

In the villa, Ada was lying on the big bed, accompanied by Liu Shiyao.

"what's the situation?"

Wang Ran stepped forward and asked.

At this time, Ada, with her eyebrows locked and her teeth clenched tightly, looked very uncomfortable.

"Actually, she had a little condition two days ago, but it lasted for a short time, and I can't find the reason."

"It is estimated that the critical point was passed today, and she fell directly."

"I did a full body check on her and found out the reason."

"She...she grew up suddenly, and her own energy couldn't support her grown-up body."

"After a long time, she just collapsed."

"Now her organs are failing continuously, very seriously."

Liu Shiyao replied with a frown.

"Then what should we do?"

"Is my blood useful?"

"Let her drink my blood!"

Wang Ran said quickly.

"I've given her some blood from the stockpile, and the situation has indeed slowed down, but there is no sign of improvement for the time being."

"It is estimated that there was too much energy in the past, and it is difficult to make up for it in a while."

Liu Shiyao looked worriedly at Ada on the hospital bed.

"Grass, blame me!"

"I shouldn't keep asking her to give me the original virus."

Wang Ran punched a hole in the floor.

If he knew that this would damage Ada's body, he would rather not have such a strengthening speed.


"There is only one way now..."

"Blood doesn't work, try something else."

"After all, the effect is ten times worse."

Liu Shiyao's face flushed with her own thoughts.

But in this case, saving lives matters!
