
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 225: just cheating

The transport helicopter lost its balance in an instant.

The pilot was experienced and tried his best to control the plane, but he couldn't stop the plane from falling.

After spinning for a while, the transport plane fell to the ground.

After the propeller cut off many zombies, it hit the ground and broke into several pieces.

The fuselage did not fall seriously because the driver controlled the falling speed.

More than 30 heavily armed combatants climbed out of the plane, supporting each other.

"Fake, what was the altitude just now? The helicopter was actually shot down by him!"

Butler dislocated his arm, gritted his teeth, and took it back.

There are a large number of zombies wandering around, but these ordinary zombies are now weak and unstable, and they cannot pose a threat to Butler and others.

"All teammates, the goal is at 11 o'clock, advance carefully!"

Butler quickly found Wang Ran's direction.

The helicopters were all shot down, and it was definitely impossible to run, so it would be better to just kill the target.

After all, these zombies must be paralyzed for at least ten minutes under the influence of dust.

Three minutes have passed by now, and the remaining seven minutes are long enough for them to shoot a human and leave.

"Captain, the suppression dust that was put in before was blown away by the wind."

"Do you want to make up a few dust grenades?"

a player asked.

"Not yet."

"Judging from the combat power that the man just showed, it seems that the dust has little effect on him."

"Wait a minute to focus on shooting at close range!"

"I don't believe he has no weaknesses."

Butler also pulled out a Desert Eagle.

While cleaning up the zombies in the way, the group moved forward in the direction of Wang Ran.

Two minutes later, Butler and his party finally saw Wang Ran.


"When did this guy wear a body armor!"

Butler couldn't help cursing.

Wang Ran, who was in front of him, had put on a heavy-duty bulletproof vest, even a bulletproof helmet, and held a rather domineering sledgehammer in his hand.

Wang Ran raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he saw more than 30 fully-armed combatants on the opposite side.

He actually took the initiative to come and die.

When the helicopter fell, Wang Ran deliberately ran back to the corpse pile and put on his equipment.

After all, shooting a rifle at close range is painful.

Now the little followers have no fighting power, so Wang Ran can only pack up and pack himself up.

"Team 1 shoots, Team 2 retreats!"

Butler made a decisive decision.

The opponent can directly throw the mace and hit the plane, this strength must have at least the strength of the fifth-level awakened!

Their combat team is only Level 3 Awakened.

If suppressing the dust doesn't work, it's hard for them to restrain this guy.

For the cautious Butler, keeping one team shooting at the target and the other retreating was the best solution.

Soon, a team of 15 people began pouring intensive firepower on Wang Ran.

The 15 people also reloaded in batches in an orderly manner, and they cooperated very well.


Wang Ran, who was wearing a heavy body armor, was not afraid of these bullets at all, and walked forward carelessly.

Team No. 1 started to panic a little, and shot and retreated.

It's a pity that they have Butler's orders, and they dare not turn around and run away.

Wang Ran was getting closer and closer to them.

Many bullets have even collapsed under their feet.

One of the team members couldn't bear it anymore, took out the dust suppression grenade from his waist, and threw it at Wang Ran.

Wang Ran responded quickly, and hit the dust grenade back with a hammer.

The dust grenade exploded in the middle of the No. 1 team.

A lot of dust diffused out.

Those players were inevitably exposed to dust.

"Not good! I'm out of strength!"

"Me too, I am rapidly weakening!"

"Fake! This dust suppression has an effect on us!"

The members of Team 1 panicked instantly.

And Wang Ran had already killed them in front of them.

With a swing of the sledgehammer, the three players were directly smashed into close, heart-to-heart good friends.

"The dust is effective, hit him with a grenade!"

Someone shouted in panic.

Soon, more than a dozen dust grenades detonated nearby.

Regardless of whether these combatants will harm themselves or not, they will weaken the terrifying guy Wang Ran first!

Wang Ran was indeed weakened.

But after a few seconds he was back to normal.

As long as he held his breath, the tightly wrapped Wang Ran was not afraid of being continuously affected by this dust.

But these combatants can't.

Part of their skin was exposed, and they didn't wear gas masks on their faces.

Dust has an effect on them easily.


"Why does this dust only work on us!"

"Isn't this cheating!"

One of the team members wanted to abandon the gun and flee, but he was exposed to so much dust that his feet were softened and he couldn't run at all.

Wang Ran hammered a few children and easily killed all 15 people in a team.

Team 2 and Butler only withdrew a few hundred meters at this time.

They only saw Wang Ran walking out from a cloud of white dust.

Obviously, Team 1 was completely wiped out.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

While directing his men to escape, Butler did not forget to contact the headquarters with a satellite phone.

The phone just got through, and when Butler was about to speak, a black shadow fell from the sky.


A burly mutant orangutan hit the ground heavily, and the two combat team members were directly hammered into meat patties by its fists.

A panicked team member next to him wanted to shoot the orangutan with a gun, but was directly picked up by the orangutan's leg.

The gun in the poor guy's hand shot randomly around, killing several teammates.

This guy didn't end well either. The orangutan grabbed his leg and smashed it back and forth a few times like he was smashing Loki. It shattered most of the bones in his body, and he gasped.

A team member stabilized his body and raised his gun to shoot at the orangutan.

A flash of yellow lightning suddenly appeared, smashing the team member's head with a single claw.



Butler nearly gritted his teeth.

Where do mutant animals appear at such a time!

Are you doing something?

Butler raised the Desert Eagle and shot the Golden Retriever.

The orangutan's eyes were fast, and he threw the corpse in his hand with all the bones in his hand to Xiao Jin, helping it block the shot.

At this time, Wang Ran also killed in front of him.

Everyone was killed except Butler.

Butler had no choice but to put down the gun and raise his hands.

"My friend, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Butler's very sincere advice.

"Let's talk?"

"Tell me first, this corpse tide is your ghost, right?"

Wang Ran put the Doomhammer in front of Butler and asked coldly.


"I'm in charge of the company, and I can't help it."

Butler knew that defenses were useless, and he admitted it decisively.

"Well, the corpse tide is not a problem. It's just for my little followers to practice their skills, and they can also add some coolies."

"Why do you still want to plot against us behind your back?"

"Fortunately, I found it in time. If I hurt my little valet, do you believe I let 100 zombies **** you?"

Wang Ran's eyes turned cold.

Butler shivered with fright, this murderous...

too terrifying.
