
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 224: oriole behind

"Captain Butler, when do we start?"

asked a heavily armed combat team member.

Butler exhaled and threw the cigarette **** under his feet.

They are now on top of a high-rise building in Jiangbei District.

There is also a transport plane parked on the roof.

Butler didn't dare to get too close, for fear of being discovered.

He wants to appear when the two sides are fighting the fiercest, and take advantage of the fisherman.

Through the binoculars, he saw that the zombies from the north flocked to the opposite bank, and the corpses were piled up on many hillsides.

"It's almost there, gather, let's go!"

Butler stepped into the transport plane.

In the transport plane, thirty or so fully armed combat team members were already ready to go.

The roar sounded, and the transport plane slowly lifted off and flew towards the bridge.

Soon, the transport plane came over the battlefield.

The cabin door opened, and rubber **** the size of basketballs fell from the sky.


When the rubber ball fell to the ground, it exploded directly, setting off bursts of white dust.

Dozens of rubber **** suddenly filled the entire battlefield with dust.

"What is this..."

"Ah! My power seems to be taken away!"

"I'm out of strength!"

"What is this!"

The zombies on the battlefield fell into weakness instantly without exception.

Guo Sen, who had just injected the potion to gain powerful strength, was not spared either.

Before he could enjoy the refreshment brought by power, he suddenly lost his power.

"Grass! What the hell!"

"I'm bald?"

Guo Sen felt like an ordinary mutant zombie now, with more than 90% less power.

The girls on Wang Ran's side all gathered around Wang Ran.

They, the Awakened, were also affected by the dust without exception.

The girls in the flight attendant class are now almost as powerful as ordinary people.

Tang Tang also looks like a first- and second-level awakener.

Su Xiaoyu's situation is slightly better, but his strength has also weakened a lot, at least down to the level of golden pupil.

However, when Wang Ran heard the sound of the helicopter, he called them to his side and asked them to put on helmets and fasten heavy body armor.

As the transport helicopter got closer, two roller Gatling guns protruded from the hatch.

"Grass! Find cover!"

Wang Ran shouted a reminder.

Xiaohong and other weak zombies immediately began to drill under the corpse pile.

Wang Ran also led the girls to crawl behind the corpse pile.

"Da da da..."

The machine guns on the plane began a relentless strafing.

A large number of bullets mercilessly penetrated those weak zombies.

The defenses of the red-eyed zombies crouching on the bridge were greatly reduced, and they were directly shot into a hornet's nest.

Some zombies with a little brain began to jump into the river. They could at least slowly climb up when they sink. If they were shot, they might really die.

A round of shooting is over.

The barrel turned red, and it probably took a while to cool down.

"This round killed several red-eyed zombies, and earned it!"

The Machine Gunner smiled smugly.

"Captain Butler, when are we going to harvest?"

a player asked.

"No hurry, wait for the barrel of the machine gun to cool down and fire another round before talking."

"You guys use your rifle to make up for the knife first."

Butler is very cautious.

At least he had to kill all the red eyes below before he felt at ease.

After all, this dust suppression has just been developed, and it is hard to say that the effect is stable and unstable.

Several team members took out the M4 and began to swipe at the bottom.

"Grass! It must be someone from the company again!"

Wang Ran cursed from behind the corpse pile.

I thought that this time I only needed to deal with the corpse tide, as long as the boss of the corpse tide was taken care of, and Xiao Yu could take the rest by shouting and shouting.

It's all high-quality hard work.

Now being swept up like this, plus those who were unable to come up from the river, I lost a few thousand coolies all at once.

Wang Ran is very heartbroken!

What made Wang Ran even more unhappy was that when he was shopping with the corpse tide, these guys actually came to take the opportunity to harvest?

Thinking about it carefully, these corpse tides might have been tricked by them, and then another fisherman would benefit.


And they also researched the dust that inhibits the strength.

This thing has too much influence on the little followers.

Even Xiaoyu's strength was greatly reduced.

Unhappy, so unhappy.

"Jiaxin, give me a mace!"

Wang Ran stretched out his hand.

"Master, it's too dangerous to go out now!"

"And you're not wearing body armor yet."

Wu Jiaxin looked worried.

"It's okay, I've recovered my strength."

"I'll shoot down the helicopter first."

Wang Ran took the mace.


The girls were all stunned.

recovered so soon? ? ?

As expected of the master!

"Uncle, you can recover so quickly when you exercise."

Tang Tang licked his lips.

"What's the situation, do you still think about this?"

Wang Ran glanced at Tang Tang and rushed out of the corpse pile.

The transport helicopter is being lowered to allow rifles to harvest zombies.

"Captain, someone rushed out!"

A team member reminded.

Butler picked up the binoculars and looked.

"It's him!!!"

Butler was shocked.

The surveillance cameras at the gates of research institutes No. 1 and No. 3 have photographed this person.

It seems that he is the mastermind of the attack on the research institute!

"Shoot him! Shoot him!"

"He is the second target of this operation!"

Butler ordered immediately.

The gunmen turned their guns and shot at Wang Ran.

Wang Ran below suddenly started to move coquettishly, and a large number of bullets all fell into the air.

The few bullets that hit him didn't do him any damage, and basically all ricocheted.


"What's the situation? The bullets won't kill him?"

Butler punched the back of the chair.

"Captain, it seems that the power of the rifle is not enough."

"But this dust obviously has an effect on zombies..."

"The red-eyed zombies made us shoot dead! Why would he be fine..."

"Could it be that suppressing dust is ineffective for the awakened?"

The gunman muttered.

"Use Gatling!"

"Rifle power and density are not enough!"

Butler ordered.

"But Captain, the barrel hasn't cooled yet!"

"If you continue to shoot, the barrel will be scrapped!"

The shooter was a little embarrassed.

"Pull up the height first, lock the target position, and don't let him run away."

Butler quickly regained his composure.

He was a little excited when he discovered the target just now, but Butler is known for being calm and cautious, and he quickly adjusted his state.

Wang Ran, who was below, saw the helicopter start to lift, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"The sample is very cowardly!"

"But...this distance is for me..."

"It's easy!"

Wang Ran stepped on it with one foot, cracking a large piece of concrete. Then, the mace in his hand shot directly in the direction of the helicopter!

The mace whistled and spun, just hit the tail of the helicopter!
