
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 196: Capture Research Institute

On the basement level, researchers are busy.

When the mutant squid escaped before, they damaged a lot of equipment, and they spent a lot of energy to repair most of them.

"Director, didn't the boss say that if the No. 1 experimental body cannot be found within three days, our No. 1 research institute will be closed."

"Isn't it a waste of time to fiddle with this now!"

A researcher complained.


"Have you ever thought about it, what if the No. 1 experimental body is retrieved?"

"If the progress is affected by being lazy now..."

"Think about it, how many people were pulled to be experimental subjects when experiment No. 1 was allowed to escape?"

The director of the institute, an old white man in his 60s taught a lesson.

The researcher sighed.

He was a top talent who graduated from a top university, and now he has been reduced to **** the equipment.

No way, the virus is spreading too fast, and maintenance workers have become a scarce occupation.

At least in the research institute, maintenance workers are rarer than researchers, and they can only do it themselves.

"By the way, what to do with the mutant creatures that are locked up?"

"We currently don't have enough people to manage them."

"A lynx came out a few days ago, and it made us sick."

the researcher asked.

"Let's do this, let the dangerous goods handling team shoot down all those with a danger level of B or higher."

"Especially that orangutan, who keeps doing things."

The director said after thinking for a while.

The last time experiment No. 1 escaped, it happened to catch up with the orangutan going mad, attracting a lot of manpower.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the orangutan, Subject 1 would not have escaped so smoothly.

The researcher nodded and arranged to go immediately.

It didn't take long for the researcher to walk to the room where the experimental subjects were being held with several staff members in protective clothing.

These experimental subjects have rough skin and thick flesh, and are particularly prone to madness. They have to be filled with anesthesia gas first, and then shot with a gun.

In the corner of the room, in a huge glass warehouse, a burly female orangutan was playing with stones.

It has many dense wounds on its body.

Many research progresses are human experiments that start after testing on it.

Although the orangutan was injured all over, its strength has also become incomparably powerful due to countless virus injections.

Before the mutant squid ran away, it could be regarded as the most powerful mutant creature in the research institute.

"Stinky orangutan, I didn't expect it, I'm here to kill you today!"

The researcher said proudly through the glass.

This orangutan has injured many people in the research institute, and this researcher is one of them.

Today, I was able to see the orangutan die with my own eyes.

Just when the researcher was triumphant, the orangutan punched the glass violently, making him shudder.

"Fake! Scared me?"

"When I kill you later, I will shoot myself!"


The researcher said angrily.

The dangerous goods handling team immediately stepped forward and prepared to infuse anesthetic gas into it.

This orangutan is very irritable. If he shoots directly without anesthesia, it may become mad. If his strength breaks out or breaks through, it will be bad if he breaks the cover and runs out.

At this time, the entire underground research institute suddenly sounded the alarm!

"what's the situation..."

The hazmat team stopped what they were doing.

"Don't worry, first anesthetize and kill this orangutan!"

The researcher urged.

In the past few days, the institute has been sounding the alarm, and maybe someone else has been infected.

Anyway, the security team will handle those small issues, it's not their turn to worry about it.

Just as the hazmat team was about to resume anesthesia, a loud bang...

A long-legged red-eyed female zombie appeared at the door.

"Red...Red Eyed Zombie!"

"How did you get in here!"

The researchers and the hazmat team were all shocked.

Looking at the appearance of this female zombie covered in blood, it is definitely not a zombie under the control of the organization.

"Shoot! Shoot her!"

Researcher reminded.

The people from the dangerous goods handling team reacted immediately, put down the anesthesia equipment, and went to their waists to draw guns.

The red-eyed female zombie flashed red light and appeared directly in front of everyone, and the sharp claws quickly stabbed these people's heads with blood.

"Puff puff..."

The members of the dangerous goods handling team were like candied haws, and their heads were strung into two strings.

The researcher on the side was so frightened that he urinated his pants and fell to the ground.

"Master, I have cleaned up here."

"Some mutant animals were found."

The female zombie spoke on the walkie-talkie, and at the same time, she used her foot to repair the knife and kicked the researcher's throat.

"Okay Xiaoyu, let's release all the animals."

Wang Ran's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

The long-legged female zombie is Su Xiaoyu.

She slashed the glass with her sharp claws and released the orangutan and some other animals.

Most of these animals have mutated, and their strength is not weak. As soon as they come out, they tear at the corpse on the ground, which is regarded as a bad breath.

After the orangutan shoved the researcher's head into the researcher's ass, he watched Su Xiaoyu vigilantly.

Although Su Xiaoyu saved it, but its experience made it not so easy to trust others.

At this time, a touch of gold flashed in from the door.

"Big monkey, you're still here!"

Ada rushed in and hugged the orangutan.

The orangutan was shocked!

Who is this!

But it came back to its senses in an instant, the name of the big monkey... blond...

Is it...

The orangutan looked at Ada in disbelief.

"Oh, it's me, No. 1!"

"You don't know me when I grow up?"

Ada crossed her hips and sighed.

The orangutan stretched out a finger and scratched his head.

It is indeed a familiar taste...

Before, this orangutan child was turned into a zombie orangutan in the experiment, and was killed by the people of the institute.

It met Ada in desperation, and little Ada stirred up its motherhood, so it always took care of Ada on the spot as if it were her child.

In order to help Ada escape, it also deliberately injured itself, so as to drive itself crazy and attract the attention of the security of the institute.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days, Ada came back and grew up a lot.

This shocked the orangutan.

Really No. 1... The orangutan gave Ada a hug right away.

"Hey, by the way, where's the little pig?"

Ada looked around, but did not find her previous wild boar friend.

The orangutan sighed and made a motion of cutting a steak and stuffing it into his mouth.

"The little pig was eaten?"

"Damn, I want big brother to kill them all!"

Ada was very angry, her brows pressed together deeply.

Piglet is also one of her few companions, and she was actually eaten, too much!

"Come on, the master is waiting for us in the hall."

Su Xiaoyu said.

Ada nodded and took the orangutan and other animals to the hall on the first floor of the research room.
