
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Action
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240 Chs

Chapter 195: Invasion begins

After Tang Tang and Hong Tong left, Wang Ran looked at the zombie brothers on the deck.

"You guys, work for me first."

"Give me all the rooms except the penthouse suite."

"All the beds, cabinets, tables and chairs, TVs and refrigerators in the room... throw me into the sea."

"And the dozens of arcade machines in the entertainment room."

"Anyway, as long as it is large and heavy, I will dismantle it."

Wang Ran ordered.

Ordinary rooms will not be used anyway, so it is better to clean them all.

This will probably save a lot of space for loading materials.

Hundreds of containers of materials, you can take as much as you can.

These mutant zombies nodded and immediately went to work in the cabin.

They are not good at building things, but they can still dismantle things.

Furniture and equipment kept being thrown into the sea as the cruise ship went on.

Although some damage to the environment, but now the world is not the most important environmental problems.

As for Wang Ran, of course, with Su Xiaoyu and Wu Jiaxin, laying next to the open-air swimming pool on the top floor, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze.

A few hours later, islands of different sizes began to appear on the sea.

"Uncle, Xiaohong said it's coming soon, stop basking in the sun and come down soon."

Tang Tang's voice came from the walkie-talkie.


Wang Ran stretched and jumped directly from the top platform to the window of the cab.

"Uncle, the next route may have many reefs."

"You just have to be very careful."

Tang Tang reported.

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

"Little sea monster, look under the water, if my boat collides, I'll cook you!"

Wang Ran shouted to the sea outside the window.

The hull trembled slightly, apparently the mutant squid heard Wang Ran's words.

There are mutant squid watching underwater, so don't worry about hitting a reef or something.

"Xiaohong, you have been to Research Institute No. 1, how is the garrison inside?"

Wang Ran asked.

"The last time I went there, it was quite chaotic. It seemed that some mutant creatures had created chaos and escaped."

"In terms of defensive power, I have only seen twenty or so Awakeners with strengths between the second and third levels, and they are all equipped with firearms and other weapons."

"I heard that Research Institute No. 1 is basically in a semi-stagnant state because the core research body has escaped."

"Most of the power and resources were transferred to several other institutes."

"I guess we can take it easily."

The red-eyed zombie is very confident.

"Awakeners of the second and third levels..."

"You have to beware of them using potions to suddenly increase their strength."

"Also having firearms is really troublesome."

Wang Ran muttered.

Although I am not afraid of bullets, my brothers are.

Looks like you'll have to be a little more careful then.

Soon, Wang Ran saw a larger island appear on the sea.

"Have to go to the island from the south, where the water is deep enough."

The red-eyed zombie reminded.

Tang Tang nodded, turned the direction, and drove towards the south.

"Tang Tang, you and Jiaxin stay on the boat later."

"If there is a situation, you can go directly by boat or by plane to escape, don't worry about me."

Wang Ran touched Tang Tang's head.

"Uncle, who do you look down on!"

"You can watch the boat, but don't even think about escaping."

"Even if there is a situation, I will destroy it with you."

Tang Tang stuck out his tongue.

Wang Ran picked up Tang Tang's small face and kissed it, and then jumped to the bow deck with Xiaohong.

"Everyone pay attention."

"After arriving on the island, destroy all threatening creatures."

"If you meet someone at the leadership level, remember to stay alive."

Wang Ran picked up the Doomhammer.

Bring this old man, this time is really going to kill.

"Fuck him cold!"

The mutant zombies raised their arms one after another.

When they heard that they were turned into zombies because of the virus researched by this research institute, they became excited all of a sudden.

This must not kill them!

Soon, the ship entered the crescent-shaped harbour.

The island is quite big, and the pier is also built in a similar fashion.

As soon as the boat approached the dock, two security guards with guns approached.

"Who are you?"

"This is a private island, please leave quickly!"

"Otherwise we will use force!"

The security guard pointed his gun at Wang Ran in the bow.

These two security guards seem to be the level of ordinary awakened people.

"Little Rain, clear the line."

Wang Ran said lightly.

Su Xiaoyu smiled slightly, red light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the two security guards like a bolt of lightning.

The security guard was shocked and immediately wanted to aim at Su Xiaoyu.

But Su Xiaoyu's speed was too fast, before a security guard turned his head, the sharp claws pierced his neck.

Another security guard immediately pointed his gun at Su Xiaoyu.


A gunshot rang out, and a large blood hole appeared on the security guard's head.

Lu Shuangshuang proudly put down AWM.

At such a close distance, it is absolutely impossible to miss.

"Hey you're too much!"

"This guy was killed by the master, what are you robbing?"

Su Xiaoyu glared at Shuangshuang.

This new woman, like herself, has long legs and has the same characteristics, so it is easy to compete.

Originally, I could play with my legs for a year, but if I had one more long leg, I might only be able to play for half a year.

Therefore, Su Xiaoyu still has a little concern for Lu Shuangshuang.

"Miss Xiaoyu, I'm helping you..."

Lu Shuangshuang was a little depressed.

"Okay, don't worry about the details."

"Go to the island!"

Wang Ran gave an order, except for Tang Tang and Wu Jiaxin, everyone else jumped off the boat.

"This way."

"Be careful not to go too far out when walking along the main road."

"Apart from the main road, there are landmines everywhere."

The leading party Xiaohong reminded.

After passing through the jungle, the group came to a stone house.

"No, intruder!"

"Hurry up and raise the alarm!"

The guards in front of the stone house knew when they saw the lineup on the opposite side that they were not good.

Su Xiaoyu once again took advantage of his speed and stabbed the guards in the head before they sounded the alarm.

"Big brother, I know here too!"

"There is an elevator under this stone house, and it is the research institute after going down!"

Ada raised her hand.

She had escaped from here before.

"Hey, I don't know how the little monkey and the little pig are doing now."

"Thanks to their help I escaped."

Ada sighed.

She came here just to see if the little friends were still there.

"Little monkey piggy..."

"Journey to the West!"

Wang Ran smiled.

However, this institute uses animals for experiments, and it is not surprising that there are monkeys and pigs.

Wang Ran raised his hammer and smashed the iron door of the stone house into the air.

A large freight elevator appeared in front of him.

Below the freight elevator, is the legendary research institute No. 1...
