
All my Boys

welcome to jimins lovelife. will he find the ONE? how many frogs must he kiss? or was his love always right there?

snoosification · Music & Bands
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26 Chs

ch 7. broken hearts


i woke up with the sun on my face. it was already 9 am. i stretched my body and yawned, snuggled into joon more, felt his morningwood and grinned. i remembered the few times, i took advantage of it. as i stroked him slowly, watched his sleeping face and licked over his lips. joon was really sexy and i wanted to be like him sometimes. confident in anything he was doing.

he groaned and sighed, mumbled, moaned. heaven for my ears. i fastend up and with another groan he came in my hand. finally he opened his eyes. looked puzzled first, than smiled at me.

"u did it again" "u said u want to wake up like this" "i remember" he chuckled and pulled me into a hungry kiss. "and u?" i shrugged my shoulders. "we should go down, or we wont have breakfast" he kissed me again and pulled me on him. roamed his hands over my back, sqeezed my butt hard and almost ate my mouth. "hmmmrghhhh" was all i could get out. his hands moved my body on him. my hard dick rubbed against his halfhard, wet friend. he fastly slicked his fingers with his juice and fingered me. now i moved my hips on my own. moaned into joons neck, bucked my hips harder on him. "harder...deeper...jooooon"

as i came, we heard knocks on our door. "boys?! we dont wanna disturb u, but are u coming for breakfast?!" "yeah! be there in 5!" joon yelled. "good! see u downstairs"

"of course we are coming.... not just for breakfast" he winked at me and smirked. i was still recovering from my high and huffed. "perv!"



we spent the early hours in the pool and the afternood in some museum and galeries. as it was my thing, i explained all for jimin. it felt good to guide him through the rooms and show off my knowledge. jimin looked with big eyes and O shaped mouth and followed me around. asked about some stuff, or artists and i was happy to get him into my interests too.

"i didnt know that u like stuff like that.... oh look.... what should that suppose to be?" he tilted his head infront of a hideous new art portrait of.... whatever. "wow thats ugly" i blurred out. jimin bursted out in a giggle and nudged me. "i thought u like art" "yeah ART, not "art".... sometimes i cant understand why people say this is art, when a monkey or an elephant can paint it better" we laughed and walked back to the hotel.

"did kook call u again?" i asked him. jimin shook his head. "nope.... and if, i wont talk with him. i am still pissed and we broke it off anyway" i nodded my head. "yeah....about yesterday...." "we shouldnt have done it" "what?!" i was crushed. "u have a boyfriend!"

ah, now i know where this was comming from. "i already told u" "i know, still it doesnt make it easier" i held his arm and stopt him from walking. "jimin....babe.... its ok. hobi and i ... u know. and i need and want u, okay?! and our families think we are together anyways" he looked at me, i saw his brain working out a solution, he nodded after some minutes. "just this week for now, okay? but we have to talk about this when we are at home again" i was relifed. "yeah" at least he wanted to think about it. we held hands and walked to our parents.



i payed hope a visit. he jumped when i called his name. "woha.... hi there...why are u here?" "we need to talk" "okay"

we walked to a coffee shop, got us some coffee and we walked to a park. we found a bench and sat down.

"so ... whats going on" i took a deep breath. "u know that joon and jimin are on vacation together?" hope nodded. "so what" "they are fucking together" i blurred out. hope froze, smiled and shook his head. "no way. they are best friends kook. u are just jealous, thats all. dont be" i stood up, i was pissed. "i tell u! they are fucking. i think joon was his first!" "did jimin say it was joon?" i shook my head. "see" hobi shrugged his shoulder. "but hope! they are alone together" "so? they were before us. why the fuck are u so jealous?! and why the hell are u dragging me into your insecurity?! FUCK OFF, kook" hope looked really pissed. his phone gave a beep out and after some seconds he shows me the text. "see? "hey sweety, weather is great, just jimin is so down, cause kook was an asshole about this vacation. maybe he will pester u too. tell me and i will kick his ass, when i come back! kisses" sooooo?! what now?!"


i wasnt having it. i stood up, "u will see! if jimin snapt his fingers, u will lose namjoon in a second! dont come crying to me!" i spat out. hope looked at me, as if i was a toddler who had a tantrum. he sighed and also stood up. "u know, no wonder u are single again. jealousy is in a minimum a good thing, but not like yours. u will lose everyone, if u dont change. dont asume that your partners are cheating assholes like u. and mostly dont put it on other couples, who are happy. bye. dont ever call me about this fucking matter again, comprendre?!"

he left me, stood like an idiot there.

on one side, i knew hope was right. i put my own insecurities and own behavior from the past all on jimin. what was unfair. on the other side, i didnt trust jimin nor namjoon. i didnt want them together at all. i hate it, that they were alone together for a week. i had to be there, i had to .....

i took the car. i would surprise my boyfriend. wasnt that sweet???



joon spread the sunmilk on my back and on my legs. i could see that our mothers were gushing about us, giggleling and whispering. i rolled my eyes.

"they are annoying" i mumured. joon chuckled and was still with his hands on my body. i nudged him with one of my legs. "hey! u should be ready by now" "nope" "joon?! we are outside" i whisperyelled at him. he gave me a huge ass grin. i sighed. he was such a child. "u know what? if u behave, i will reward u tonight" his face was hilarous. i surpressed a laugh.

the afternoon was slow and we were all really lazy. our parents went upstairs. "are u comming?" joon asked me. "can u take my towel with u? i have to call kook and try to talk about our breakup." joons face scrunched. "are u paddeling back?" i shook my head. "no, but ... how we end things isnt what i want. i still want to talk to him in school, without any anger. maybe be friends." "oh.... okay.... just dont let him guild trip u in anything" i nodded and walked on the beach.

with a deep sigh, i dailed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"hey" i was surprised. he said it so happy.

"hey.... are u okay?" i asked. "yeah, cause u look beautiful" "huh?" "and u got a tan... nice"


"where are u?" "walk a bit further"


he stood under a palmtree, his phone on his ear and a big smile, waving at me. i froze in my step.

"what the hell are u doing here?" i harshly asked him, when he stood infront of me.

"why are u pissed?! i drove all way out here, to surprise u" "for what?! u knew i was on vacation here. with my parents" "and joon" i moaned annoyed out. "u fucking be kidding me! again?! u just came here because of joon? stuff your "surprise" up your ass, kook. this isnt normal! this isnt ...." "stop yelling at me! i knew u hide something!" frustrated i threw my hands up. "u know what?! i am done! go home and leave me the fuck alone. i wanted to talk things out with u, so we could have at least a friendship. cause i know i will miss our conversations, but if u put up with this behavior, i dont wanna talk with u again. go home!"

i turned around and stomped the beach back to the hotel, but i only got a few steps. i felt a hard hit on my back and stumbled into the sand. my face was covert with sand. i was too surprised to act.

"what the hell...." i was turned on my back and kook sat on my hips, held my hands and got into my face. i never saw him like that. his face was a horror mask. "i wont let u go! u are comming home with me! u belong to me! u will never talk with joon again!" "get off me! what are u doing! GET OFF ME!" "NO! NOT UNTIL U PROMISE ME THAT U WILL NEVER TALK OR SEE HIM AGAIN! AND TELL EVERYONE THAT U ARE MINE!" "ARE U CRAZY?! GET OFF!" we screamed at each other.

suddenly kook was off me and landed in the sand, away from me. i was shocked and looked up.



"never came close to jimin again. i will break all your bones" i had him in a headlock. i knew he was strong, but my rage made me stronger. "do u understand that?! leave him alone, never come close to him ever again. i will make u regret every stupid thing u will do"

i let him fall down again. "go home jungkook. the show is over" i gave jimin a hand and pulled him up. he still looked shocked.

"i know u too are fucking! i know that u cheat on hope! i know u have feelings for him!" kook spat out and panted for air. i sighed big.

"if we would fuck, it doesnt concern u anymore, cause u two broke things off. what my relationship with hobi is, isnt your fucking business. leave him out of this. its over kook. leave us the fuck alone. come jiminie, our parents are surely wondering where we are" i turned him around and put my arm around his shoulders. i looked over mine and saw kook standing there in anger. i knew he was gonna make trouble. this wasnt over yet. fuckhead!

jimin was silent. we walked into our room. he walked straight into the bathroom and locked the door.

after some minutes, i knocked. "jiminie?.... we need to ..." "i am not hungry!" "okay..... i ll get us something. u can eat here" "i said i am not hungry" "dont care. be here in a minute" i heard him scoff.



what the fuck happened?!

i was shocked by myself. i saw red! i attacked my boyfriend... ex-boyfriend.

i never lost my temper! i never .... what is wrong with me?!

i walked to my car and drove home. i needed help and answers.

i called a shrink next morning. i became a monster. i lost everything. i lost jimin forever. my wonderful jimin.... what have i done?"