
All my Boys

welcome to jimins lovelife. will he find the ONE? how many frogs must he kiss? or was his love always right there?

snoosification · Music & Bands
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26 Chs

ch 25. at last

"i love u for real not as a brother u mean so much to me i know that now and i am so sorry that i was an idiot for so long i should have known u are the most important thing in my life and i dont wanna lose u cause i was an idiot for not knowing i need u in my life cause without u it would be a big pile of shit i want to be with u i want to marry u i want to grow old i cant be without u i need u please forgive me for beeing so cruel and shitty and whatnot to u."

jimin took a big deep needed breath and waited for joon to answer. he just stood there frozen in place and tried to grasp the situation.

"i think u should come inside" jimin nodded and walked behind him.

like a scolded puppy, he waited for a word from joon. but joon just took two cups, poured coffee in them, never gave jimin a look and slowly walked to the table, where jimin sat.

after some sips, he finally looked into jimins face.

"jimin..." "i mean it!" he loudly proclaimed. "i really mean it. i am serious. i had enough time to think about everything. what i want in life, whom i want in it and it always came back to u. it was always u, joon. always and i was too dumb to see it"

"wow... i dont know what to say" joon husked out. "its your choice now. i just wanted to tell u that. give me a call, when u know, okay?" jimin stood up and walked to the door.

joon jumped up and back hugged him forcefully, almost knocked them both from their feet.

jimins body relaxed and leaned back into joons. he greedely inhaled joons scent. he knew, with him, he could withstand everything. with joon everything would be bearable.

joon pressed his face into jimins neck. he couldnt believe it. jimin was here, he confessed, he really wanted him.

"are u really serious? cause if u dont, i will throw myself down the balcony" "u live on the first floor, joonie and yeah i am serious"

joon let jimin go, turned him and caressed his face. "took u damn long time idiot" jimin smiled and leaned forward. "i am sorry, u know me" he pressed his lips onto joons.

instant happyness raced through his body. instant feeling this was right. joon couldnt stop. not now, finally he had jiminie back in his arms again.

even if jimin tried to get away and to get air, joon wouldnt let him. his hands were locked around jimins head, he pushed and pulled him gently back to the table. he heaved him swiftly up and sat him down. caressing jimins face and hair, he stared at him.

"joonie? are u there? hello?" joon snapped out of his gaze. "what?" "hello back again. where were u?" "dreaming" "of what?" "u?" jimin grinned and smacked gently joons chest. "moron"


tae and hobi layed in bed, busy with kissing and teasing, when the laptop gave a loud rining sound out. tae sanpped his head up and looked at the screen. his hair were everywhere and hobi laughed.

"skype call? jimin?" tae looked surprised at hobi. "take the call!"

tae stretched out and pressed the button. jimin appeared. first he smiled widely, than it disappeared and he looked shocked.

"u...two?" "oh hi jimin...." sheepishly both waved. tae was still on hope.

"ooookay... how the hell that happened? i thought u are with kook and u with yoongi! what the fuck guys! nobody tells me any shit anymore!" jimin complained.

"uhm... things changed?! yoongi is now with kook" "and it happened because of u, so thank u! u are the best friend, jimin!" hobi tuned in. "huh? how did i make that happen?" "cause u are the idiot u are? we hatched a plan to get your ass to joon and confess and with all the planning and calling and texting every day and night, we became close and... we caught feelings for each other and .. u know ..." tae blurred out, earning a slapp from hobi.

"shhhhhttttt! u just told him our plan!" "upsi daisy" jimin couldnt hold his laughter anymore. tears streamed out of his eyes. tae and hope looked at each other. "i think we broke him for good!" "yeah he is going insane, we should call his parents"

"shut up u morons!" joons voice came from nowhere. "is that joon? jimin? where are u?" suddenly joon came into the picture. "he is here with me"

tae and hope looked at each other and squeeled suddenly. "there goes my hearing.... stop screaming! my neighbours can hear u!" joon yelled back.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" hobi shoved tae away and sat closer to the screen.

"please hope... put some clothes on! i lituarly can see everything and taes ...juice on u...EWWWWW!" jimin held his hand over his eyes. hobi looked down on himself. "ups....tae take over" "but i am naked too" "hurry!!!!" "yeah yeah" tae scoffed and threw some clothes to hope and jumped into his. presentable they sat on the bed and looked eagerly into the screen.

"now, speak!"


kook sat in his gameing chair, laptop infront, when he got a call. "jimin?" "dont..." but it was too late. "hey jimin" "hey kook... i just called hobi.... " "o-okayyyyyy" kook almost moaned. jimin tilted his head, hooded his eyes, than opened them widely and looked disgusted. "are u fucking kidding me? is yoongi just giving u a blow job?!" kook grimaced his face and nodded. jimin disconnected the call.

yoongis head came up from under the table. "was that jimin?" "yeah" "what did he want" "dont know" "hmm... so wasnt improtant" he backed down again and kook arched his head back into his chair. "oh....shiiiiittt...yoongi....."


"can u believe that?! they were naked, doing whatnot and the other just gave kook a blow job.... we really have disgusting friends" jimin scrunched his face. "since when u are so prude?" "i am not prude, but i wont take a video call, when u just giving me a blow job or fucking me!" "its called making love now" "oh, is it? so u wont wreck me anymore?" joon grinned and shook his head. "if u dont wanna dance nor walk for a few days, let me know" "haha, funny guy" "i am serious" jimin could see the lust in joons eyes and flinshed a bit.

"didnt u had a lot of guys to fuck?" "couldnt get off the last few times" "what? u should go to a doctor! thats not healthy" "its because of u" "its my fault? how so?" "i tried to earase u from my mind, but everytime i fucked some guy, i couldnt focus and as a result, couldnt come" "ouch, that must hurt" "yeah. really hurt" "sorry, joon. i will now take care of every hard on, okay? make sure u ll come properly" joon couldnt contain his laughter anymore, jimins straight serious face was too much.


"hey. sorry for... u know" yoongi grinned. "wow... u are seriously proud of yourself" jimin scoffed. "yeah i am. so, whats the matter?" he pulled kook onto his lap and they both looked at jimin.

"uh...as i told u, i already called hobi and tae" "so u know we are together, good. dont need to break the new to u" "still! asshole move, yoongi!" "why is he mad at me, but not u?" "forget it! hello?!" "yeah, whats wrong?" "nothing... just somebody wants to say hello" "did u get a puppy? or a kitten?" "did u have a baby? its taes, right? or isnt it?" yoongi played shocked, while kook laughed. jimin rolled his eyes and looked away from the screen.

"we should really choose our friends better" "i know" joon bent down and was in the picture. yoongi and kook froze for seconds.

"huh?" yoongi tilted his head. "u are at joons? did u two talk?" kook asked with big eyes. "not only u got together for unknown reasons, we too"

yoongi stated to laugh. kook looked funny at him and back to the screen.

"but...but.... we made such a great plan for u.... shit... yoongi stop laughing! how many nights we spent on planning...for nothing.... oh maaaaaaaan!" kook whined.

jimin sighed and shook his head.

"we will talk later! bye" "bye...yoongi stop laughing! ...."


"they are idiots" jimin grumbled. joon just laughed and pulled him to his bed. "i think we should take a nap. this day was really something"


tae called yoongi, kook hobi. they talked and gossiped about the surprising new couple.

"i think i should spent the next vacation here with u" "oooohhh...wait... because of joon and jimin? thank u asshole" hobi crossed his arms and turned away. tae chuckled, backhugged his boyfriend. "baby.... 99 % is because of u, 1 % because of that idiots, dont be mad" hobi turned his head to him. "kiss" tae grinned and gave his love what he wanted.


"i want u to stay with me. summer holiday is gonna be a blast!" kook grinned. "u want me here with u?" "yes, why? u have another boyfriend somewhere?" "no... i will stay with u" "great! we can go to the beach, to the lake, i wanna hike with u, we have some nice mountains, we can..." "sleep?!" "dont think u ll get any sleep" "why???" yoongi whined. kook laughed. "cause .... we are together" "oh?"

kook just pushed him onto the sofa. "i think we should test the sofa" "for what?" "if its good for fucking" "u wanna fuck the couch?" "noooo, u" "huh?" "i know u are a switch like me, babe!" "who told u?!" "i might had a personal insight of your likings" "i am gonna kill tae"


"are u okay?" joon whispered. jimin nodded and held him tighter. slowly joon moved his hips, his eyes shut and focused on what he felt in that moment. jimin held his dick hostage and didnt give him a break. "dont sqeeze so hard, i cant move" "cant we just stay like this for a moment?" joon looked into jimins face and gave him small kisses around his face.

they started to made the other horny in their sleep. with closed eyes, they got the other naked and started a make-out. jimins body reacted very sensitive to joons hands. he wondered for a second, why he never felt like that with anyone else. yes, kook, yoongi and tae made him feel good, but joon.... his skin felt like caressed by lightning with joon. small impulses of electirc shocks. feeling joon again after such a long time, made him restless. joon had to restrain him from going crazy. he wanted the official first time of them together, gently, slow, meaningful. even that jimin wanted it hard and fast.

"i ...cant.....i think i have a cramp?" "no u dont" "how can u be so sure?" "i know u well enough... u are just... overwhelmed" "am i...yeah, i am....i dont know... my feelings are confusing me! i wanna cry...laugh...scream....kiss u to death" "nice....and wow. didnt know i could make u this" "cocky ass!" but he smiled at joon and connected their lips again.

"please move faster, i beg u" "how fast u want it?" "can u make me faint?" joon raised a brow. "seriously?" jimin nodded fastly. "make me faint" "okay with me"

joon stated a pace, what would consider brutal, but jimin enjoyed every thrust. he moved with him and forgot where he was. he was loud. joons poor neighbours practically heard every second. they might called the police.

joon couldnt stop watching him. he was happy and proud, on how jiminie was reacting to him. as jimine wanted to faint, joon made sure he would faint.

and he did.


the semester ended. loud noises and chatting surrounded the rooms. everyone was packing. making plans. it was loud.

jimin came back to his room and packed his things too. he would get a single room for the next semester and was looking forward to it. yoongi would stay in their room. he only made sure, to be alone in it.

"are u done?" "yeah, i think so" they looked around. "it was good as long it lasted" yoongi said. jimin nodded. "lets get going. i want to be with joon soon" "and i need my kookie" they grinned at each other.

yoongi started the car.


"u are late!" "i had more stuff than i thougth, sorry tae" jimin apologized and made room for him. "i cant wait to see my hobi again!"

the three drove off.

tae made reservations in a beach spa for hobi and him, they would enjoy luxury for 2 weeks, the rest, he was planning on looking for nice little houses or apartments for him and hobi in the future.

yoongi planned on lazy days, filled with sleeping, fucking and eating. but he knew kook would pull him on any mountain, force him to swim, waterskiing and maybe diving. he would get any minute to be lazy. still he was looking forward to it. also he was looking for an apartment, where they could live together. kook found some suitable for them.

jimin was giddy and calm at the same time. this time, they wont fake their relationship, this time it was real. he looked forward to their time together. joon would also transfer to jimins uni, jimin only didnt know yet.

jin cried. he loved the new couples. he loved that jimin and joon were finally together. he secretly got engaged to paul and their wedding would be this summer. the others just didnt know yet. it would be a surprise.