
First Day

Taking a deep breath I walk into the new building that would be my school. I could feel stares from everyone around me. I was new, I'm not surprised that people were staring at me trying to figure out who I was.

I walked until I reached a locker, putting in the combination, and putting my lunchbox inside. Some boy came next to me. He had messy blond hair and warm honey eyes and a blinding smile. He wore a white shirt with a black hoodie and black ripped jeans. He looked very familiar but I couldn't place where from.

"Hey, my name's Honey Grayson, what's your name?" He inquired gently.

"My name is Asteria Iris Graybell. I'm sorry I'd like to go to class early."

"Asteria as in "star" or the Titaness in Greek mythology or the Goddess of dreams and astrology?" He ignored my request and asked his question, it surprised me, not a lot of people knew the origin of my name.

"It's technically the same thing, isn't it? Because Asteria (Ancient Greek: Ἀστραίᾱ; "star-maiden" or "starry night"), in ancient Greek religion, is a daughter of Astraeus and Eos. But I guess you decide which one it means."

"You're interesting. What class do you have first? I can take you there if you'd like."

"I have an AP Humanities first. I think." I handed Honey my schedule and he looked over it.

"That's funny we're in the same classes as one another. Just follow me around and you'll know the layout of the school in no time!" He sent a wink my way and started walking to our class together.

"So why'd you transfer to Sunny Hill High?" Honey asked, breaking the silence.

"I actually used to live here. I moved when I was twelve, we only came back here because my Grandma passed away."

"I'm sorry for your lost."

"She's among the stars now. But thank you."

"Oh, we're here. This is where we'll have Humanities for the first hour of the day. Come on I'll introduce you to Hailey." Before I could ask who Hailey was. Honey threw open the door.

"Sup asswipes!" I see a few kids scattered throughout the room. That was familiar as well.

"Why do you have to enter the classroom like that? Every single morning?" An older woman asked looking at Honey.

"Cause life gets boring and I'm trying to brighten everyone's day." Honey replied with another bright smile.

"Whatever." The woman stops and looks in my direction, "You must be Asteria. I'm Hailey the Ap Humanities teacher."

"Yes, I am nice to meet you."

"I know it's weird, but students call us by our first names. You can sit down anywhere there are no assigned seats."

That is weird, but whatever, "Thanks."

I sit at one of the tables dropping my bag onto the chair. Honey instantly plopping down at my table.

"You don't have to sit down next to me. You should mingle with your friends."

"I can but what fun is that? I know all of them and I know nothing about you. So I'm gonna stay with you also I'm kinda your buddy for the day. You're stuck with me." As Honey spoke his face changed then went back to normal.

Must be my imagination, "That's fine with me, I don't think you'll keep that attitude for long. I'm kinda boring or so I've been told."

"I'll only know once we start talking, won't I?" Sighing as I relented.

We talked about our hobbies, favorite foods, and anything until class started and even then we talked in a whisper in no time class was over and he led me to the next class. We were still talking when I was knocked to the ground.

Everything around me froze, some people were laughing, some people looked terrified. I look up, holding my forehead, and fixing my glasses.

"Watch it, bitch. " A masculine sounding voice growled out. The voice belonged to a pale white-haired male with cold gray eyes staring down at me. He had several tattoos spread across his body. He wore a black long sleeve with blue jeans.

I stand up and dust off my jean skirt with the long sleeves of my red sweatshirt, "Let's get somethings straight. One, I am NOT a bitch, you shriveled up powered doughnut! Two, it was an accident and if your powdered doughnut self had waited I would've apologized, but nooo you want to act high and mighty so screw you! Three, if we want to be truthful your dumbass was standing in the middle of the hallway. What did you expect?" That guy looks familiar too.

It was tense, he glared down at me and I stood my ground. Then another guy came into the circle.

"Come on everyone class is about to start to get a move on." Just like that, the crowd dispersed with the exception of Honey, Powered Doughnut, and the mystery guy.

"Dai you heard me, get a move on."

"Fuck off Ezra and fuck you bitch." Dai hissed out the word. Goddess, I wanted to punch his face in, but he already left.

"You're the new girl. I see you're already making a reputation for yourself. My name's Ezra West it's a pleasure to meet you." He grabbed my hand and gently placed a kiss on the back of it.

"Oh thank you, my name is Asteria Iris Graybell it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I was blushing. Ezra had messy dark brown hair, it wasn't like how Honey had his hair, it was still organized in a way, and dark chocolate eyes. He wore a white button-up shirt with a black tie, black leather cuffed bracelet, with black jeans. Why the hell do these people look so familiar??

"Sorry, Ezra but I'm Asteria's buddy for the day, and as you said we need to head to class, so if you would be kind to let her go. Thanks." Honey said grabbing me and dragging me towards our next class."

"I'll see you around beautiful!" Ezra yelled out as I continued to be dragged down the hallway.

"Honey you're hurting me stop dragging me." Honey immediately let go of my arm.

"I'm so sorry Asteria! Sometimes I don't realize my own strength."

I waved it off. It was an accident after all.

"Come on we still got a couple more hours of school left until it's time for the club fair." This time Honey lightly grabbed my hand and walked us to the classroom.