

In the quaint town of Andal, where the days unfurl like the petals of a lotus at dawn, there lived a man named Subham. His desires were simple, his dreams modest, as he sought nothing more than the gentle hum of life's simple pleasures. Subham's heart was a tranquil lake, undisturbed by the ripples of ambition that stirred the world beyond the horizon. Yet, unbeknownst to him, the threads of his fate were spun from a different cloth, woven by his own hands in a tapestry grander than the skies above. For in the quiet recesses of his unassuming life lay the seeds of a destiny so vast, it stretched beyond the boundaries of his imagination. It was a path that would lead him through the labyrinth of time and chance, to a legacy that would echo through the ages. This is the story of Subham, the man who yearned for peace but was destined for greatness. A tale of the silent forces that shape our ends, whispering to us through the veils of the unknown, guiding us towards a future written in the stars, yet penned by our own hand.

Dragon_Legend_7475 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 68:A Legendary Dual Revelation

Subham and Ananya found refuge in a secluded cave on the outskirts of Arcanis. The entrance was hidden by thick foliage, providing them with a temporary sanctuary. Subham was still on high alert, his golden eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. He knew they had to act quickly to secure a cultivation art for Ananya before more trouble found them.

"We're safe here for now," Subham said, setting down his belongings. "Ananya, it's time for you to use the artifact. We need to get you a cultivation art."

Ananya nodded, her usually cold demeanor softened by the trust she had in Subham. She took the artifact from him, pricking her finger and letting a drop of her blood fall onto its surface. The artifact began to glow, just as it had for Subham, but this time, the phenomenon was even more dramatic.

The temperature around them plummeted, and frost began to form on the walls of the cave. The artifact radiated an intense, icy blue light that mixed with a crimson hue, representing Ananya's dual elements of Blood and Ice. A powerful gust of wind blew through the cave, and lightning flashed in the sky outside. Subham watched in awe as the artifact revealed its power.

Two scrolls emerged from the artifact, one glowing with a deep red light and the other with a shimmering blue. Ananya reached out to take them, but before they could even read the names of the cultivation arts, the cave entrance exploded, sending debris flying.

A group of armed men stormed in, their eyes gleaming with greed. Subham instantly recognized the threat and drew Psychodeus. "Ananya, stay back!" he shouted, stepping forward to face the attackers.

The fight was intense. Subham's skills with Psychodeus allowed him to fend off the initial wave, but more kept coming. He could feel his energy waning as the sheer number of enemies threatened to overwhelm him.

Realizing he needed to take drastic measures, Subham decided to unleash one of his most powerful techniques. "Dragon Gale Kick!" he roared, spinning rapidly to charge up his attack. The air around him began to vibrate with energy, forming a swirling vortex.

With a mighty leap, Subham soared into the air and unleashed a barrage of kicks, each one crackling with wind and dragon-like force. The enemies were thrown back, some crashing into the cave walls while others were sent flying out of the entrance. The Dragon Gale Kick created shockwaves that shook the ground, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

As the last of the attackers fell, a massive figure stepped into the cave. He was a giant of a man, towering over Subham with muscles like steel and an aura of immense power. He was clearly the leader of the group.

"You think you can stop me with your fancy kicks?" the giant taunted, his voice booming.

Subham knew this fight would be tougher. He began to spin again, charging up another Dragon Gale Kick. The wind around him intensified, and a faint dragon's roar could be heard. With a powerful jump, he launched himself at the giant, delivering a devastating kick to his chest. The impact sent shockwaves through the cave, and the giant was hurled backward, crashing into the rocky walls.

Subham and Ananya took a moment to catch their breath, thinking the battle was over. But then, they sensed a presence so strong it made their blood run cold. A dark, ominous energy filled the cave, and they knew they couldn't stay any longer.

"Ananya, we need to go, now!" Subham shouted. He scooped her up in his arms, and with a burst of adrenaline, he ran out of the cave. His legs moved with incredible speed, each stride carrying them faster and farther away from the danger.

The boost from the Dragon Gale Kick seemed to enhance his running speed, making him move like the wind. Trees and rocks blurred past them as Subham pushed himself to his limits. His heart pounded in his chest, but he didn't dare slow down.

"We have to find a safe place to hide," Subham said, his voice strained from the exertion. "We can't let them catch us."

Ananya clung to him, her usually stoic expression showing a rare glimpse of fear. "Subham, thank you... for everything."

They ran for what felt like an eternity until they found another hidden spot, this time a dense forest far from the city. Subham finally stopped, setting Ananya down gently. They both collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

"We made it," Subham said, relief washing over him. "But we can't stay here for long. We need to find a way back to Vidur and show him these cultivation arts."

Ananya nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "We'll make it. Together."

As they rested, Subham couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the danger, they had obtained legendary cultivation arts, and he was more determined than ever to protect them and his friends. The journey ahead would be challenging, but with Ananya by his side, he knew they could face whatever came their way.