
All I want to be is a Space Cowboy

Lance lucked out, he managed to Isekai. He thought this was his way to a life of adventure and excitement, now he's stuck paying off a spaceship he never bought and a dead-end job. Lance won't let this life be like his last one, join him as he travels through space trying to be as cool as he imagines himself to be.

DeadbeatDao · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Did I get Ripped off?

Lance spent his days in a pained cycle, eating one can belonging to the slowly diminishing stockpile of cans that rolled about the cabin, spending hours trying to fix various parts of the ship; and failing, and fantasizing about what adventures he would take part in once he got out of here. Currently, he gazed at the countless stars in the night sky. Wondering when he could get there.

"I have no cheat, no system, not even a mysterious mentor to train me. Did I get ripped off?"

Lance bolted up shaking his fist at the sky. Around him, the various empty cans from his meals were stacked into a small pyramid,

"What kind of Isekai is this?! Send me back home, at least there the manuals are vaguely legible!"

A deep growl rolled through the crash site as if God decided to heed Lance's request. The young man, decisively ran back to the shuttle, using his strength to manually close the door, as he tried to lift the Plane-like door back to position he managed to make out a truly horrifying monstrosity.

A blend of a bull and a panther, a wide muscular body moved with catlike grace. A flat face revealed a maw of dangerously sharp teeth. Its limbs seemed to have a retractable thumb allowing it to move in truly alien ways.

It wormed itself to the pile of cans, toppling it and licking each can clean. A thick black tongue covered in spiky abrasions tore off any labels in an instant. The Young man immediately began to rifle the mess on the floor hoping to find some kind of weapon.

"Blaster! Phaser! Rifle! Come one, this is a space ship how are there no weapons." from the noises outside he could tell his frantic searching was leading to the creature registering him, he could hear it crawl along the hull, its odd thumbs giving it purchase on the hull.

Unable to find any weapons, something he aggressively cursed his predecessor for; Lance quickly gripped his impromptu wrench, which now looked more like a hammer than anything else due to his repeated bashing.

His arms shocked violently as his teeth chattered, He was terrified of whatever was outside. He could hear the creature claw towards the front of the shuttle, where the shattered glass would allow it to get in. Lance held his Wrench close to him, ready to swing it at the fiend.

The creature slithered into the cockpit, it's bulk nearly too big to stand in the space. It sniffed the air; its thick, black tongue tasting the air like a snake. Saliva dropped onto the floor, staining it a sickening black-red.

The creature froze, its head robotically turning towards the living quarter. With a feral cry, it tore into the area its massive frame squeezing itself into the door frame. A disgusting scent emanated from its slobbering maw. Lance watched in horror as it began to squeeze itself through the door. Something its bulky frame should have barred it from doing.

Adrenaline kicked in once more. Lance's mind clouded as he raised the wrench high bashing it against the head of the lifeform. It thrashed and cried as it was impacted its jaws lashing out at Lance who was scarcely out of reach of it. He went for another swing only for the creature to grab his wrench in its mouth and fling it away.

Lance stepped back, primitive instinct told him to run while he could. His eyes scanned the room for anything that could help him. He reached down grabbing a heft can of beef soup, he tested its weight carefully lining up a baseball pitch aimed at the creature.

"This is MY SHIP!" Lance whipped the can at the monstrosity which roared in turn, a line of massive skull-crushing teeth greeted him. The can however flew true, squarely down the creature's gullet.

Silence filled the air, the creature stopped roaring, even stopped moving granting Lance enough time to arm himself with a second can. The tense atmosphere was soon broken by the heaving of the creature, it frantically clawed at nothing as it tried to remove the blockage from its throat.

Black-red saliva stained the living quarters, the cans rolled to a fro as the creature rocked itself in unabashed panic. The furniture shifted and slid. a few of the packaged goods that were strapped to the walls came loose, spreading yet more cans onto the floor in a deluge of vegetables.

Lance watched bemused at the change of pace, he hurled a next can at the creature's eye causing it to panic more. And another, soon he threw fifteen cans in total at the beast. Each drove the creature back out. As it tried to squeeze out of the door.

"Get out of here you stupid cat, before I turn you into a pair of boots."

Lance, his confidence building threw another can at the creature's now swollen head. The can made contact, further enlarging a massive bruise across its head, however much to Lance's dismay the creature elected to go forwards rather than backward, it burst out of the doorframe with a gurgling hiss.

Lance eyed the massive black creature, armed with nothing but a can he wondered if it was too late to run.

Hey, everyone.

This is my first real attempt at a novel so I do know it's choppy in a few places, any help of criticism is appreciated. if people like the concept I'll try and keep going.

I know some people may be put off by Lance and his at times foolish behavior but I hope this kind of protagonist is a bit more engaging than the more standard one you see on here.

DeadbeatDaocreators' thoughts