
Chapter 55

"It's okay," Olivia said when she was already sited on the edge of the bed.

"The baby didn't make it."

"What?...how..is.. that possible?" Olivia sobbed touching her stomach not believing that her baby wasn't in her tummy anymore.

"You had a miscarriage," Travis explained to her.

"Why...are you lying to me?" Olivia cried staring at Travis to see if he is joking.

"This is not a joke Olivia, I will never use my child as a joke."


"The maid will come and attend to you," Travis said leaving her alone.

Olivia stared at the door as Travis was about to leave her all alone to her thoughts, did she really lose her baby? She cried out holding on to her stomach in pain.

"Wait," she called out to him. How could he be so cold about the whole situation? Didn't he love the child as much as he had claimed to love the child. How could he just act so nonchalant about the whole situation. Wasn't he angry at her or something? and why was she back in her apartment and not on the street? All the protruding questions suddenly started to make her head ache so bad.

"Why are you keeping me locked up in here?"

"Olivia if you want to leave, I will have the maids and my bodyguards take you back to your house immediately but I doubt you would be comfortable there."

"What...do you mean?" 

"Blaire head was cut off in the..."

"Blaire?" Olivia questioned. How long was she in a state of coma that Blaire head was suddenly cut off? How could Blaire head be cut off? What was really going on?

"You need to rest," Travis beckoned noticing the anguish in her face. "We will talk better when you have gotten enough rest.

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"Here," Matteo said offering Sarah a glass of water as he sat next to her on the bed, he watched her gulp down every last bit of the water then collected the glass cup from her when she was done and placed it on the small table next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"A little bit tired," Sarah replied cleaning the remaining sleep from her eyes. "What has happened so far?" lately she had been too stressed to go to work and not just stressed but the shock of that day still consumed her, she decided to spend more time at home doing nothing but sleeping and sleeping. Today she was finally done with sleeping her life off and was interested in what had been on going so far.

The last she heard was that Blaire, Dawn's maid was killed in the most brutal way possible and they were trying to trace who this killer might be. She was also confused by how someone could want to harm Dawn by all means possible.

"We have a lead but i want you to be matured about it."

"Matured? i am always matured about things."

"It involves Anna."

"That woman." Sarah said her expression changing to a sour one, how could it suddenly involve his ex, what did killing and Gonzales have to do with Anna. She didn't like where this whole thing was heading one bit and it annoyed her to even think that Matteo would consider Anna instead of thinking about another means of sourcing for information.

"She has some link with Gonzales one way or the other, it's not a strong link but a link is a link," Matteo explained trying to get Sarah to see the reason why they need to involve Anna. This wasn't about protecting Dawn, it was about protecting all of them because it seemed everyone who were connected to Dawn was also going to get their own fair share of the drama that was about to unfold.

He placed his hand to Sarah cheek, he couldn't imagine Sarah's head been cut off like the way Blaire's head was and he was sure Stephan wouldn't be pleased. The police were currently looking into the matter but they were slow about it and he couldn't blame them especially when they had a lot on their plates.

These were the times when that idiot Alberto was of good use but he decided to be useless.

"Don't you have another means of getting a link to Gonzales, must it be through Anna? and for all we know she might be lying or something," Sarah busted out then looked away at the realization of the tone in which she had just spoken with, she sound like a jealous wife. She wasn't comfortable with Matteo meeting with Anna and she wasn't sure she was going to ever get comfortable with seeing the both of them next to each other. Now that she thought about it, she imagined them hugging and it didn't sit well with her stomach.

It wasn't Matteo she didn't trust, it was this Anna girl that she didn't trust, their last encounter she had been very persuasive.

"I knew you were going to say all of these and that is why i am informing you because she will be tagging along in all what we will be doing."


"Don't give me that look," Matteo chimed staring at Sarah's look, he couldn't tell if she was angry or confused as her expression seemed to be changing every second. He could certainly tell she was pissed off about the whole thing but trying her very best to be matured about it. He could only hope the two women would behave themselves and be matured about the situation as it wasn't about them but about Dawn and her baby's safety.

He had also discussed with Anna about a safe location where all of them could hide for the meantime but he decided to keep that information to himself it was enough trouble telling Sarah that he was going to meet Anna and to now tell her that the house where they were going to be staying was owned by Anna was something he was sure she wasn't going to agree to. He stared at her and smiled planting a kiss on her lips.

"When are we packing?"

"This morning, the maids and the guards will get to work immediately."


"Morning," Dawn heard Stephan's voice as she turned on the bed facing him with a deep yawn, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, staring at him as he smiled at her. His hand found her cheek as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead, he pulled her closer to him placing her head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around her tightly making her do the same.

"Morning," Dawn muttered. she remembered she had cried herself to sleep and that Stephan had been in the office with Matteo working on how to get connected to Gonzales immediately but the way he had stared at her it seemed he had watched her cry.

"We will be moving to a new location today just to be safe," Stephan announced. "Anna would be meeting us half way."

"Anna?" That name sounded familiar to Dawn, where had she heard that name before?

"Matteo's ex girl....."

"Really?" Dawn cut in rising up to face him in shock. 

"She has some connection to Gonzales," Stephan replied. he took a strand of hair blocking Dawn's face and placed it behind her ear.

"Oh," She rolled back into his chest placing her hand back on his chest. "What of Ivy and the baby?"

"Yes, they will be coming with us," Stephan replied because whoever was trying to get them was trying to get to the people closer to them and he didn't know if he was going to need Scar in the future with the new turn of events. It was best to keep his wife and child alive because this was the only thing tying Scar's loyalty to him and he wasn't doing this out of sympathy but more of empathy and the fact that he was a man of his word.


When the maids were all done packing there loads into the car, they all ate breakfast quietly, Dawn processing the fact that she was moving to a new location, Sarah thinking about meeting with Anna and Ivy wondering if she would ever see Scar soon with the change of location.

After breakfast they got into Stephan's limousine as the driver drove them straight to the airport with his bodyguards tailing right behind just incase, Dawn thought they would go secretly but it seemed Stephan wasn't bothered about hiding, he was interested in actually getting attacked so he could find out who was on to them.

"Matteo," Sarah heard a lady shouting at Matteo as they got down from the car at the airport, they had drove straight to their private jet.