
Chapter 54

When he withdrew from the kiss, he stared at Dawn as her eyes were closed and from the way her lips were parted he could tell the kiss had shocked her more than him.

"If you remain like that, I might not behave myself," he warned staring at her lips as her eyes flared open putting a smile on his face.

She stared at Stephan suddenly feeling timid for no reason as she opened the car door and stepped out. She waited by her door for Stephan to come out and lock the door. 

When Stephan stepped out of the car, he noticed  there was a smell in the air as he circled the car walking up to Dawn that didn't sit well with his stomach but from Dawn's clueless face, he could tell she wasn't perceiving anything. 

Dawn was about to take a step when she felt Stephan drag her by the hand as she collided into him, her head resting on his chest.

She stared at him wondering what he was up to as he leaned in. Was he going to kiss her again? She closed her eyes anticipating the kiss as she felt his lips on her forehead instead then came a tight hug.

"Go back into the car and wait for me," she heard him mutter into her ear.

"Is everything alright?" She asked still in his embrace.

"It will be if you obey me," Stephan replied. He watched her release herself from his embrace and get back into the car. 

When Stephan was sure she was safe in the car, he stepped into her apartment and as his instinct had told him the living room was in disarray. Like someone had turned everywhere upside down probably in search of something.

He pressed the earbud in his ear then went upstairs scanning each and every room in the house, when he came downstairs he went to the kitchen and found Blaire body lying on the floor without her head, he looked around and found her head at the other corner.

Whoever had come here didn't bother to fight or anything, Blaire wasn't injured on her body and from the way her body laid on the floor, whoever attacked her did it from behind without her knowledge.

He bent down to stare at the body closely and he could see a stab wound to the chest, it was unusual for gang members to carry swords around.

Finally his earbud flashed a red light as Matteo voice came on.


"Dawn's maid head was cut off, am there now." Stephan replied rising to his feet.

"Is Dawn there?"

"She is in the car, you should check on gangs that make use of swords. I think they are not only looking for Gonzales, they are looking for something."

"The house was ransacked?"


"Well the only gang I know right now is root and I could get to find out their next move but I don't think it will be a good idea."

"You are talking about Anna," Stephan remembered his ex girlfriend use to be connected one way or the other to that gang but he didn't know how well connected. 


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Dawn remained in the car waiting for Stephan to come out around, he was taken long and she was starting to wonder if he was alright in there. She didn't understand why he had told her to stay in the car, maybe he wanted to examine the surrounding and see if it was safe for her.

When she looked up she could see Stephan coming out of the house looking around, he circled the car and got inside turning on the car engine and getting Dawn more perplexed.

"What is going on? Where are we going? Did you like talk to Blaire," Dawn asked not understanding what he was up to. 

"I don't want you to panic but it's best we go to my place."

"Why will I panic? I told you I will think about it."

"It's best you remain in the car and we go home."

"Is something going on? You know I won't just sit my ass here doing absolutely nothing."

"Blaire is dead."

"What?" Dawn shouted in shock opening the door and running into the house to see for herself what the hell Stephan was talking about. How could Blaire be dead? She had left her home in one piece, baking the cupcakes.

How could she just be dead?

"Fuck," Stephan hissed rushing out of the car and tailing behind her, he should have just drove off instead of telling her immediately. When he got in he could see Dawn staring at Blaire body on the floor as she placed her hands to cover her opened mouth.

Stephan could hear a low sob escaping her lips, this was the reason he wanted her to stay in the fucking car. She had just finished consoling Sarah and now she had to face these as well. 

"Hey," he sighed walking up to her and giving her a hug as she busted into tears on his chest holding on to his cloth and crying her eyes out. "Everything is going to be fine, I promise," he reassured her. 

"Why is all these happening to me? She sobbed some more into his clothes. She remembered when she had not met Stephan and how simple her life was and easy going but since the day she had set her eyes on Stephan a lot of bad things just kept happening to her that were out of her control.

There she was thinking about how she was going to bond with Blaire and never make her feel alone again, maybe she shouldn't have come back to these house in the first place, that way the people who did these wouldn't have thought about coming here to look for her.

Without looking at the body, the image still flashed through her head. Her lifeless body just there like a dead chicken.

"I am here for you," Stephan reassured her and he meant it, the way she was hurting right now was really getting to him and he didn't know why all he knew was that he didn't like to see her hurt or feeling the way she was feeling now. 

Now that he had a closer look of the environment apart from Blaire's body, he could notice some baking equipment and fliers scattered around, was she and Dawn making something? Whatever it was it wouldn't matter anymore now because his top priority was to keep her and his baby safe.

His baby?

The baby, not his baby. It was her doing not a mutual agreement between them.

"Are you really here?" Dawn asked raising her teary eyes to look at him.

"Always," he promised her cupping her face in both of his hand as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

When Olivia woke up, the pain she felt in her body was worst than when she had her head bandaged the last time, she wondered how long she had been out. She barely remembered anything that had happened to her after she got the beating of her life.

Her vision kept lagging until she decided to let it be and go and use the toilet, she reached for the side of the bed dragging herself slowly to the side of the bed.

When her right leg touched the tiled floor, she felt cold to her veins and found herself getting a quick shiver then something dawned on her as she rose to her feet placing her left leg she fell on the floor nearly hitting her head.

"Travis," she screamed at the top of her lungs as he rushed in swiftly like he had been standing beside the door all along waiting for her to call out to him.

"Finally you are up," Travis muttered walking beside her to get her up from the floor but the stubborn woman rejected his offer and chose to remain on the floor instead. "Are you pressed?"

Travis had heard the loud bang on the floor , that was what prompted him to 

"What do you mean by am I pressed?" Olivia asked.


"My left leg feels numb and I don't know why?"

"Can I at least get you on the bed?"

"What is going on?"

"If you will just bloody let me help you for..."

"No." Olivia barked trying her best to get back on her feet as the pain started to get worst. What was happening to her? She felt her eyes getting teary from the pain."What is wrong with me?" She asked but it came out as a faint cry as the tears she had been trying so hard to hold back finally left her eyes, dropping on her check.

"Nothing that the doctors cannot fix Olivia, so please let me help you."

"No," she sobbed this time holding her stomach, she didn't feel right. "What about my baby?"

Her baby? Did he hear her clearly? Travis pondered staring at her as she stared at him with teary eyes. Was she really worried about the baby? He thought she would be more concerned about her own body than about the baby.

He had figured it will be easy to tell her the baby was no more since that was the only thing tying them together but it seemed he was mistaken and didn't quite understand this woman.

Was she pretending all this while not to want the child when truly she actually was looking forward to the baby. Was that possible? Ofcourse not, because the more he thought about it the more he didn't see Olivia has someone who was ever concerned about her baby.

This was a woman who would rather drink alcohol than water, this was a woman who forgot she was pregnant and decided to fight two ladies in the bathroom. She had Ben doing a lot of non chalant things that would have gotten rid of the baby a long time ago.

He reached out for her on the floor not minding her staring at him angrily like she wanted the ground to swallow him.

"I can do it myself," she protested as Travis grabbed her by the waist.

Of course you can you this stubborn woman, Travis thought to himself but he didn't dare to say it to her. Olivia was quite a drama queen and he wasn't ready to argue.

The lost of the baby had really distabilized him, he had already made plans for a baby that he hadn't seen. He had imagined different scenarios, if it was a boy they would play soccer together or go to watch any of his favourite sports and if it was a girl he would get her whatever doll she wanted or if it was a beautiful gown. 

He even was making plans with a room decor on the colour theme of the crib for the baby.

Right now, all he wanted was peace of mind and nothing more.

He placed her back on the bed slowly trying not to hurt her by pressing her injuries.

"It's okay," Olivia said when she was already sited on the edge of the bed.

"The baby didn't make it."

"What?...how..is.. that possible?" Olivia sobbed touching her stomach not believing that her baby wasn't in her tummy anymore.

"You had a miscarriage," Travis explained to her.

"Why...are you lying to me?" Olivia cried staring at Travis to see if he is joking.

"This is not a joke Olivia, I will never use my child as a joke."


"The maid will come and attend to you," Travis said leaving her alone.