
Chapter 40

"Is everything alright with you and Mr Klar?" Ivy asked as she handed Dawn the ingredients for the rice. She wasn't one to involve herself in issues of the house but it had been three days and she noticed they barely spoke to each other.

It reminded her of Scar and how their relationship had been like that till it all broke down.

"Why do you ask that?" Dawn and Stephan hardly talked since their conversation about having a child. She worried that her feelings were getting in the way of things.

She had tried to bring the issue up but Stephan always remained quiet.

She wasn't pleased by it and even thou she tried to pretend everything was alright, it wasn't.

"I just noticed it, I mean the way he behaves around you."

Behave? Was there a way Stephan was behaving to her that she wasn't aware of. For all she knew he cared about her.

"Are you saying he doesn't love me?"

"I never said that.... Ahhh," Ivy held on to her stomach, she felt a sharp pain on her lower belly. She felt something liquid on her leg.

Dawn rushed to her side and held her hands , she assisted her out to the living room and placed her on the couch.

She rushed into her room to get her phone as she dialed Eric's number immediately. It didn't take long before Eric came up the elevator with another guard. They assisted Ivy into the car while Dawn followed behind.

"Sarah, Ivy water just broke," Dawn yelled over the phone. She entered the back seat along side Ivy and tapped Eric's shoulder to drive.

"Keep her relaxed, she is going to be fine. If she feels any pain just try to keep her calm." Sarah said over the phone.

"Alright," Dawn disconnected the call and held on to Ivy's hand. She didn't know what to do, she had never experienced something like this before.

"You will be fine." She reassured her but Ivy didn't say anything she was trying hard to suppress the sharp pains she was feeling.

It didn't take long for them to reach the hospital and get Ivy into a ward immediately.

"She will be alright," Sarah reassured Dawn at the receptionist.

"Of course," Dawn nodded, she noticed Sarah had been staring at her in a funny way.

"Are you good?"

Was it that obvious that something was wrong with her, first it was Ivy and now it was Sarah.

"I am good."

"Are you sure there is nothing you want to tell me?"


"That you are pregnant," Sarah blurted out.


Sarah had noticed Dawn seemed off and now that she stared at her there was something about her, Sarah couldn't explain it but it felt like Dawn was pregnant.

As a doctor, somethings just came easy to see with the eyes.

Dawn didn't believe what Sarah had just told her. What nonsense? She was on the shot and also on pills. She even feared for her fertility and Sarah had reassured her that she was safe, so how was she supposed to get pregnant. It didn't make any sense to Dawn.

She couldn't be pregnant.

"You..I..I mean.." Dawn stuttered not knowing how to go about this, this wasn't right. Sarah seemed not to be joking, she had that serious look on her face.

"Do you want to get rid of it?"

"I am not pregnant and if I was I won't do that," Dawn snapped irritated by the way Sarah was making this look not complicated. She couldn't be pregnant just after Stephan had dropped that bombshell of not wanting kids or maybe he did be different. He did be like Travis, he did want the baby.

She was really pregnant.

"Let's do a test first but I am 90% sure of what I am saying," Sarah said , she motioned Dawn into her office.

After some test, it was confirmed that Dawn was truly pregnant, she was amazed by the test result.

Sarah watched her stare at the test result over and over again.

She was still in disbelief and demanded another test be carried out just to be sure.

Sarah agreed to it and it still came out the same.

Dawn remained speechless and Sarah respected her silence.

"I am really pregnant," Dawn asked.


Ivy had a safe delivery and Dawn congratulated her, she rushed to the office for work and when she heard Stephan was still in a meeting she was relieved.

She had pleaded with Sarah to keep the pregnancy a secret. On her way to the office she felt herself getting nervous and scared. She didn't know why but her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Get him to send the invoice," she heard Matteo's voice as he and Stephan entered.

"I thought you were at the hospital," Matteo said going to seat on the couch. He had heard that Ivy had given birth through Sarah.

"Yes I came to finish my work, I had a lot to do before tomorrow." Dawn replied staring at her empty desk and Matteo noticed it. Was she okay?

"Are you ill?" Matteo asked as Stephan sharply stared at Dawn, since there last discussion he had kept to himself. The question bothered him a lot but mostly his work also affected the distance.

He watched her staring at her table, why was she acting weird.

"Call Eric to take her home." Stephan told Matteo as he took his seat.

"Am fine, just stressed out."

"Leave us," Stephan told Matteo as Matteo nodded and left the love birds alone.

He didn't want to intervene in their discussion and it seemed like it was going to be a serious one.

"Come here," Stephan said after Matteo left. He leaned into the  couch and tapped his lap. He watched Dawn walk slowly to him with shaky legs and hand, she walked up to him and took a seat on his lap slowly. "What is the matter?"

He didn't want to intervene in their discussion and it seemed like it was going to be a serious one.

"Is everything alright with you and Mr Klar?" Ivy asked as she handed Dawn the ingredients for the rice. She wasn't one to involve herself in issues of the house but it had been three days and she noticed they barely spoke to each other.

It reminded her of Scar and how their relationship had been like that till it all broke down.

"Why do you ask that?" Dawn and Stephan hardly talked since their conversation about having a child. She worried that her feelings were getting in the way of things.

She had tried to bring the issue up but Stephan always remained quiet.

She wasn't pleased by it and even thou she tried to pretend everything was alright, it wasn't.

"I just noticed it, I mean the way he behaves around you."

Behave? Was there a way Stephan was behaving to her that she wasn't aware of. For all she knew he cared about her.

"Are you saying he doesn't love me?"

"I never said that.... Ahhh," Ivy held on to her stomach, she felt a sharp pain on her lower belly. She felt something liquid on her leg.

Dawn rushed to her side and held her hands , she assisted her out to the living room and placed her on the couch.

She rushed into her room to get her phone as she dialed Eric's number immediately. It didn't take long before Eric came up the elevator with another guard. They assisted Ivy into the car while Dawn followed behind.

"Sarah, Ivy water just broke," Dawn yelled over the phone. She entered the back seat along side Ivy and tapped Eric's shoulder to drive.

"Keep her relaxed, she is going to be fine. If she feels any pain just try to keep her calm." Sarah said over the phone.

"Alright," Dawn disconnected the call and held on to Ivy's hand. She didn't know what to do, she had never experienced something like this before.

"You will be fine." She reassured her but Ivy didn't say anything she was trying hard to suppress the sharp pains she was feeling.

It didn't take long for them to reach the hospital and get Ivy into a ward immediately.

"She will be alright," Sarah reassured Dawn at the receptionist.

"Of course," Dawn nodded, she noticed Sarah had been staring at her in a funny way.

"Are you good?"

Was it that obvious that something was wrong with her, first it was Ivy and now it was Sarah.

"I am good."

"Are you sure there is nothing you want to tell me?"


"That you are pregnant," Sarah blurted out.


Sarah had noticed Dawn seemed off and now that she stared at her there was something about her, Sarah couldn't explain it but it felt like Dawn was pregnant.

As a doctor, somethings just came easy to see with the eyes.

Dawn didn't believe what Sarah had just told her. What nonsense? She was on the shot and also on pills. She even feared for her fertility and Sarah had reassured her that she was safe, so how was she supposed to get pregnant. It didn't make any sense to Dawn.

She couldn't be pregnant.

"You..I..I mean.." Dawn stuttered not knowing how to go about this, this wasn't right. Sarah seemed not to be joking, she had that serious look on her face.

"Do you want to get rid of it?"

"I am not pregnant and if I was I won't do that," Dawn snapped irritated by the way Sarah was making this look not complicated. She couldn't be pregnant just after Stephan had dropped that bombshell of not wanting kids or maybe he did be different. He did be like Travis, he did want the baby.

She was really pregnant.

"Let's do a test first but I am 90% sure of what I am saying," Sarah said , she motioned Dawn into her office.

After some test, it was confirmed that Dawn was truly pregnant, she was amazed by the test result.

Sarah watched her stare at the test result over and over again.

She was still in disbelief and demanded another test be carried out just to be sure.

Sarah agreed to it and it still came out the same.

Dawn remained speechless and Sarah respected her silence.

"I am really pregnant," Dawn asked.


Ivy had a safe delivery and Dawn congratulated her, she rushed to the office for work and when she heard Stephan was still in a meeting she was relieved.

She had pleaded with Sarah to keep the pregnancy a secret. On her way to the office she felt herself getting nervous and scared. She didn't know why but her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Get him to send the invoice," she heard Matteo's voice as he and Stephan entered.

"I thought you were at the hospital," Matteo said going to seat on the couch. He had heard that Ivy had given birth through Sarah.

"Yes I came to finish my work, I had a lot to do before tomorrow." Dawn replied staring at her empty desk and Matteo noticed it. Was she okay?

"Are you ill?" Matteo asked as Stephan sharply stared at Dawn, since there last discussion he had kept to himself. The question bothered him a lot but mostly his work also affected the distance.

He watched her staring at her table, why was she acting weird.

"Call Eric to take her home." Stephan told Matteo as he took his seat.

"Am fine, just stressed out."

"Leave us," Stephan told Matteo as Matteo nodded and left the love birds alone.

He didn't want to intervene in their discussion and it seemed like it was going to be a serious one.

"Come here," Stephan said after Matteo left. He leaned into the  couch and tapped his lap. He watched Dawn walk slowly to him with shaky legs and hand, she walked up to him and took a seat on his lap slowly. "What is the matter?"