
Chapter 29

Stephan woke up with his head still on Dawn's breast, he felt a sharp pain around his neck. How long had he been asleep? He raised his head up slowly and saw Dawn staring at him with a smile.

"I slept off."

"You did, you seemed really tired. It has just been two hours." Dawn said staring at the clock, while she was playing with his hair. He had fallen asleep in her arms, she decided not to disturb him but leave him to rest. Now that she watched him rub the back of his neck, maybe she should have woken him up to sleep properly. 

"How are you feeling?" Stephan asked massaging his neck with one hand as the other held hers. 

"Hungry," Dawn confessed.

Stephan nodded at her, he planted a kiss lightly on her forehead and walked out to get her something to eat. He was also starving himself and hadn't eaten since yesterday. 

When he came out it suddenly hit him that he had fired his maid, requesting a new one right now was risky. He didn't know who to trust with watching over Dawn.

"How is she?" Sarah asked as they both walked into the kitchen. She had decided to stay back incase Dawn needed her, not like she had anything to do at the hospital. After Matteo had called her, she busied herself with watching funny videos online. She heard Stephan's door opening and decided to check if all was well.

"She seems better than me," Stephan replied opening the fridge and looking at the ingredients. He didn't know what to make for Dawn, he knew she wasn't selective but he wanted to please her.

Sarah watched Stephan as she sat on the little chair in the kitchen, he brought out the veggies in the fridge and some ingredients from the cupboard. Was he disposing them? 

She watched him turn on the fire and then it dawned on her what he was up to, she didn't know the shock had made her mouth drop. Was Stephan going to cook? Could he cook?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Stephan asked placing a pan over the fire, he decided to make something simple, he was too hungry to wait that long. Lucky for him the veggies were already chopped by Madeline and placed in the fridge.

"I...you..are..I mean you want to cook." Sarah stuttered still not believing she was seeing Stephan putting oil in the pan. Since she had know Stephan, he never cooked but now he was? Did he even know how to cook? She decided she was just going to keep her mouth shut and wish Dawn good luck in not eating something horrible.

"You might as well assist me," Stephan suggested.

"Won't that be cheating?"

"Cheating?" Stephan didn't cook but he knew how to, he could always just call the lobby to get Dawn something but when he had left that room his legs had brought him here because he wanted to do something special for Dawn. Something that came directly from him.

He placed the veggie over the oil and stir fried it, while it fried. He placed a pot over the other stove and placed water in it.

"What are we making?"

"Since you are not assisting me, you might as well not know and not eat it." 

"What?" Sarah didn't know if Stephan could cook but she wanted to taste him food, it was something she was looking forward to gisting with Matteo when he came back. She was sure Matteo would be speechless, how she wish she could record him right now or better still she will take a picture instead and message Dawn.

That's was it, Sarah waited till Stephan had his back to her, she brought out her phone and snapped him. She sent the message to Dawn and could only hope she would see it. 

She placed the phone back in her pocket and stood up to assist Stephan.

"How can I help you?"

Stephan phone vibrated in his pocket as he was about to tell Sarah what to do. He picked the call immediately seeing it was Alberto.

"What nonsense?" Stephan yelled, irritated by what Alberto just told him. He left the kitchen immediately forgetting what he was doing, he could always make food for Dawn some other time.

"When am gone, ask Dawn what she wants and order it." He came back and informed Sarah.

When he got back to the room, Dawn was already fast asleep. He went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, changed his clothes and left. 

Alberto just informed him that Damien had reported that Stephan had killed Jerome. He knew some police men would come to the house to the house and he didn't want them to disturb Dawn.

Alberto suggested he came to the police station, while in his ride to the station he kept wondering how Jerome was dead. He knew Dawn didn't harm him, if she did he would have been able to tell. So how did it happen and why was Damien accusing him of it.

When he got to the station, he went to Alberto's office and met Damien there furious and yelling at Alberto.

"You murderer," Damien launched for him but was stopped by Stephan's man. "You killed him didn't you, you bastard. You are going to finally rot in jail where you belong."

"Alberto," Stephan said not looking at Damien, he didn't have time for this idiot. All he wanted to know was how it happened, not that he cared. He was happy that bastard was dead but what was driving him mad was that he wasn't the one who killed him. How he wish he was the one?

"Jerome was found in his office, a pen was stabbed into one of his eye and a gun shot wound to his head." Alberto explained.

"How does this concern me?"

"It doesn't but Mr Damien is claiming you did it, even after we reassured him that we need to investigate the situation first. So we have to interrogate you."

"And then arrest him, he is nothing but a sick bastard. I am so sure you are happy that he is dead."

"I am," Stephan admitted and only got Damien more furious.

"I will kill you I swear."

"And what of Dawn, you kidnapped her?"

"Alberto what do you require from me? I am only here to confirm that the bastard is dead for real. Is he dead?" Stephan said trying to get clarity of the whole situation.

"He is," Alberto said again. He knew either Stephan or Matteo had killed him because when he got to the crime scene the pen used to stab his eyes was a Klar pen.

Jerome hated the Klar, he couldn't have been using the Klar pen and the pen was customized so it was only used by either Matteo or Stephan. Now that Stephan was here it only proved that Matteo did it. He didn't care who they killed as long as they settled him but thinking about Sarah, he wanted Matteo to go to jail for it. 

If Matteo went to jail, he was sure he would have enough time to get back Sarah to himself. He intentionally left the Klar pen on the crime scene even thou he had the power to change it to another pen because no one noticed but he left it that way.

He went further to tell Damien it was a Klar pen and Damien did a good job by getting furious with rage and demanding they interrogate Stephan but his target was Stephan but Matteo.

"The pen on his eyes was a Klar pen," Alberto knew Stephan would not be pleased to hear this but he formulated a lie just incase Stephan asked why he didn't change the pen. He planned to say he didn't know on time.

"And so?" Stephan replied. His face was blank so no one could tell what was going through his head. If the pen was Klar, it meant Matteo had killed Jerome and Stephan was pleased by that but why had Matteo been so careless about the whole execution and when did he even have time to travel to and fro.

This was a mess but it was nothing he couldn't solve, he wasn't going to allow Matteo go to jail not after he had just helped him get rid of that bastard.

"The only two people using that pen is you and Matteo," Alberto continue explaining the situation on ground.

Alberto could have changed the pen, why didn't he do that? 


Was he trying to tie Matteo to the scene because from the situation it was very obvious Stephan didn't do it because his security footage will prove that he was home with Dawn and there was enough witness to back that up.

"Get to the point Alberto," Stephan said. Damien was fuming mad but what was keeping him calm was the fact that finally this monster was going to jail.

He had come back home to meet Dawn gone and his brother dead. He didn't know how Dawn was able to escape, he didn't want to bring it up because he didn't know if she was back with Stephan.

His brother wasn't the best person but the way he was killed wasn't right, his eyes was wide open it was obvious his own death had shocked him and it was so gruesome, the stab to his eyes. 

He shouldn't have kidnapped Dawn, he had lost his brother and even Dawn. With the current situation he wasn't going to see Dawn again for a very long time because Stephan was not going to permit it.

Things didn't have to be this way. 


Matteo felt really tired, he hadn't gotten any rest, travelling to and fro and going to work for the last two days. He entered into his hotel room with the plan to sleep till tomorrow evening, he needed it. His body needed it so bad. 

He heard the sound of water rushing in his bathroom as he loosened his tie. Who was there?

Sarah came out of the bathroom tying a towel as she smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and it didn't come out the way he wanted it to due to his tired voice 

"Are you not pleased to see me?"

"You know that's not what I mean," Matteo replied walking up to her, he placed both hands on her face and placed a kiss on her lips slowly. 

He had missed this lips so much, but why was she here?

"Stephan wants me to be your with you, incase the need a witness." Sarah said staring at him.

Matteo had noticed she didn't reciprocate his kiss, her body seemed tensed under his touch. So the news of Jerome death had spread and he was a suspect. 

"How long will you be here?"

"You keep sounding like I am a pest."

"You are not, I am only worried about you." Matteo placed another kiss lightly on her lips but this time Sarah reciprocated as he felt her hand behind his neck propelling him to take her.

He pried her mouth open and tasted her tongue with his, he had missed her so much. It was only fours days that they had been apart but he had missed her. He nibbled her her lips, her lower lips and her upper lips.

When a soft moan escaped from her lips he lost it, he grabbed her by the butt with both hands and carried her up as her legs circled him. There lips still on each other.

He moved gently with her in his arms to the bed and placed her there slowly.

He kissed her on the lips lightly, he was too tired, too stressed. He wanted to do things to her but he didn't want their first time to be terrible. He could see the desire burning in Sarah's eyes but he just couldn't, not now .

He laid next to her and cuddled her in his arms instead.