
All Hokage in The Chat Group

the incredible journey of Ryan, who mysteriously finds himself transported to the world of Naruto. In a twist of fate, he rises to the esteemed position of the Fourth Hokage, wielding the immense power and responsibility of Konoha in his capable hands. But the adventure doesn't stop there. Ryan's unique gift of foresight becomes his most potent tool as he navigates this parallel Naruto universe. His strategic prowess and foresight set him on a path unlike any other, as he charts a course through the intricacies of Konoha's politics and the challenges of being a Hokage. As Ryan fulfills his role as the Fourth Hokage, he engages in an extraordinary encounter with the Hokage of the parallel world's Konoha. The meeting transcends time and dimensions, bringing together iconic figures from different eras of Konoha's history. The legendary First Generation Senju, Hashirama, is taken aback by the shocking news of the Uchiha clan's extermination. The Second Generation Senju, Tobirama, grapples with the sudden disappearance of his own Senju lineage. Amidst these revelations, Fourth Generation Ryan takes center stage, claiming that it was the actions of the Third Generation that shaped these unforeseen outcomes. I am just translating this mtl, Support me on p8treon/ Marioni

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 62 Tobirama's Fascination

"Is the evaluation of 610 points good or bad?" Obito asked confusedly. His surprise was evident as he looked around and saw the shocked faces of other members. It seems that the 610-point evaluation is quite a prominent score. He hadn't anticipated that Konoha under him was so strong.

As for Tobirama, the Second Hokage, he was on the verge of tears. Despite his efforts and dedication to researching the Sharingan after receiving the rewards, Konoha's progress had only been gradual.

Observing that the top three spots had already been taken, Tobirama resigned himself to his fate. Now, all they could do was wait to see what rewards they would receive. The light curtain soon changed once again, announcing the fourth-place position: Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's world.

Regarding the fourth-place Rank, Tobirama couldn't determine whether he felt happy or unhappy. On one hand, he was glad that he hadn't fallen too far behind. On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel disappointed that he didn't make it into the top three.

"Do you want to show national power?" the question on the light curtain asked, causing Tobirama to feel somewhat embarrassed. In his heart, he wanted to decline the offer.

However, before he could voice his decision, his elder brother, First Hokage Hashirama, leaned in curiously. "What's the matter, Tobirama? Show it; I want to see how you've developed Konoha!"

Hearing Hashirama's words, Tobirama reluctantly adopted a helpless expression and chose to showcase Konoha's national power. The light curtain began to reveal Tobirama's actions over the past six months after returning from the Hokage meeting and receiving the chat group rewards.

Upon experiencing the power of the Sharingan, Tobirama's curiosity about the principles behind its evolution was sparked. He embarked on a journey to study his own eyes, beginning with researching the corpses of Uchiha clan members who had fallen in battle.

In the second month, Tobirama had some new ideas and enlisted the help of his student Uchiha Kagami's help to jointly study the Sharingan.

In the third month, a remarkable chemical reaction occurred between Tobirama's body and the Sharingan, resulting in the rapid evolution of his eyes. From one tomoe to two tomoe sharingan. Tobirama became increasingly fascinated by the power of the Sharingan and dedicated his days and nights to its study.

By the fifth month, Tobirama's eagerness to reach the level of Uchiha Madara became evident. And in the sixth month, he had a vague sense that his Sharingan was on the verge of another evolution.

As the chat group members learned about Tobirama's intensive research efforts, silence fell upon them. Even Hashirama, his elder brother, found himself at a loss for words.

It was astonishing to see Tobirama devote half a year to the study of the Sharingan without any significant progress. The power of the Sharingan was undoubtedly formidable, but it seemed unlikely that it could consume the Second Hokage's attention to such an extent.

<He envied what he didn't possess. It seems one brother liked Madar another liked his eyes.>

Unbeknownst to Tobirama, Ryan had a thought in mind, ready to share it with the group. As the Second Hokage from the Senju clan, Tobirama didn't need to study the Sharingan extensively.

With his Sage Body, a natural reaction would occur between his Sage Body and the Sharingan, eventually leading to the Mangekyo Sharingan and beyond. However, Ryan chose to keep his thoughts to himself, realizing that revealing the truth might cause Tobirama to flee in embarrassment.

After all, wasting half a year on research that was unnecessary would have been a missed opportunity for Tobirama to secure a top-three position.

"The national power display is complete! Fourth Place: Second Hokage Senju Tobirama World!" the light curtain announced. As everyone expected, Konoha had only made a 50-point increase over the past six months, reflecting their natural development.

However, there was potential for Konoha to achieve even higher evaluations, considering the Land of Fire's abundance of resources and natural advantages.

"Fifth Place: Road to Ninja, Fifth Hokage Tsunade Senju's World."

"It's my world after all."

Upon seeing that the display was about her world, Glasses Tsunade was also surprised.

The blue veins on the forehead of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade in the main world unconsciously twitched.

However, as she looked at Glasses Tsunade, she realized that the other person was herself. She didn't know whether to be angry or happy. It was already relief that she had already resolved Pain's crisis and focused on vigorously developing Konoha. But despite her efforts, the ranking hadn't changed much.

"Show the evaluation."

Without waiting for the chat group Ninja Road Tsunade spoke ahead of time.

"The Fourth Hokage, Haruno Kizashi, died in battle. You, as Princess of Konoha's Senju clan, was successfully elected as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha. Under your leadership, Konoha began to develop steadily. However, a masked man who hunts Bloodline ninjas has recently appeared in the ninja world, and you sent Jiraiya to investigate. Not long ago, Jiraiya returned with a serious injury and also brought back news. You discovered that a crisis is coming to Konoha."

As Ninja Road Tsunade's world unfolded before their eyes, Ryan couldn't help but be taken aback. He didn't expect the plot to start so soon. However, now that the chat group was involved, he didn't know if Naruto and Sakura would cross into this world. Thinking about this, Ryan felt quite speechless.

<This is a movie world Naruto Road to Ninja. It is available on Youtube. Sakura's father is 4th Hokage here.>