
The wisdom of the Cycrum book

A thousand and two? Vivian thought. How? He looked so young. He didn't look like he was joking. When they got to a halt, Vivian felt like asking the others their age. Before she could open her mouth to talk, someone spoke first.

"We are here." Roman said, floating in the air like a humming bird. "Woah" Vivian said looking all star struck. "Is this the library?" Vivian asked as she looked at how big it was.

Excited, she ran into the building without warning. "Aaah!" Vivian screamed as she ran into the library with tears in her eyes.

She hadn't been in a library after she had graduated from college.

"Vivian!" Amber screamed, calling her.

Gosh, that girl was really painful to be with. No wonder she was all on her own. "OMG," Vivian gasped once she got in. This place is more than heaven. Vivian thought.

As they roamed around with Vivian admiring each and every book she saw, Roman started noticing something familiar about Vivian. She was acting exactly like how her grandfather had explained to her. Could it be? No it was probably something else. Only the Cycrum book could explain it.

About six minutes later, They finally came across the librarian who was checking in for any book that was left behind.

"Good afternoon sir." Trace greeted. It was something he liked doing. Because a really important friend of his thought him how to do that.

"Good afternoon." The librarian retaliated. "How may I help you?" He asked in the kindest way. That was odd. Roman thought. The librarian was never that nice.What happened today.

Well, that didn't matter because he was not the reason why they were there.

"Uhm, Coral, do you think you can show us the section about the Cycrum?" Roman went straight to the point.

Coral pointed to them where they were supposed to go. But then, Vivian started feeling uncomfortable. People were staring at her the same way the people back at Mizane's place stared at her. Was there something wrong with her? All the stares made her want to disappear.

It reminded her of her first day in high school. the students stared at her as if she was some kind of an alien. But she had forgot about it when she met him.

Vivian felt comfortable when the the four entered a huge room. Inside it, a circulated shelve of books had greeted them. Books that she was sure she hadn't seen before.

Some seconds after they entered the room, all of them began searching for the book except Vivian. She was hooked to a spot. It was a book which seemed to be calling her. All her senses seemed to have left her. Unless that of her ears and eyes.

Could the book be the one they were looking for or could it be done else special.