
The first ability.

Vivian shut her eyes tight. The book was glowing really hard into her eyes and she couldn't bring herself to look at it. Not any longer.

No! she thought. She was not going to let herself get devoured by this beautiful bright light. Without really thinking, she lept forward and grabbed the book on all force.

At that moment, she felt like no one was watching. She could feel her blood running rapidly inside her she could feel her heartbeat fastening by the felt of the book.

Maybe she and the book were ment to be.

"Wow, you might be annoying but you're really good at finding." Trace said, ruining her first magical experience.

Vivian frown at his rude intrusion. This guy wanted to ran to her bad side.

Trace snatched the book from Vivian and opened it to read. But got surprised when he found five hundred and fifty five blank pages in the book.

"Isn't this the book Coral directed us to?" Trace asked Ronan while looking into the book.

He sounded, a bit disappointed. Roman rolled her eyes and said, "Did you really trust that guy? He would do anything to please himself. Even if he knows the situation your in." Roman said in a strict voice which sounded like one of many brats.

"But that's the title of the book." Amber said looking deep into the book.

Vivian put her finger on her chin. She just remembered. Maybe the words in the book were written in invisible ink.

"What if we need lemon to read." She let it out immidietly the thought came into her head. Trace knew what she meant right away and asked his cousin to get them one. It wasn't that hard since she was a light tamer. Light tamers were really good with lemons and oranges that is why the realm of the light tamers was filled with traders of oranges and lemons and teleporting one wasn't a problem for them. Amber immidietly teleported one to them and watched in confusion. For the first time in life, she felt confused.

What new science were they about to reveal.

This book they found led them into a different adventure all together. Without them really knowing. They are now on an adventure to find the lost princess of Tamitario.

also I just made a new channel on YouTube. it really mean a lot to me if you checked it out. I created the YouTube channel just two days ago. The niche is gacha and the gacha niche is memes, and maybe Music videos.

And don't forget to subscribe to the channel. Enjoy the story at the same time.