
Chapter 7: Liberation of Nami no Kuni (Part III)

'What are the odds of my three students possessing a Lightning Affinity?' Wondered Kakashi to himself as he watched his three genin students diligently training. It has been a week since he tested them for their affinities and things had gone smoothly so far. Since Tazuna was taking the day off today, they had the entire day to train today. Just like a week ago, they left some clones of Naruto to protect Tazuna's house just in case. Kakashi gave an eye smile as he looked at his students. 'It seems like the younger generation is always destined yo surpass the old one though.'

After careful consideration, Kakashi had Sasuke focus on learning the basics of Katon nature transformation. Since he already had a repertoire of Katon ninjutsu to fall back on, the best thing he could was to focus on learning actual, conscious transformation to make his techniques the strongest and most effective they could be at the moment. He could focus on learning Raiton nature transformation later on. Sasuke had not been exactly happy, for that and other reasons, but he had reluctantly agreed.

One didn't need to learn actual nature transformation to be able to use elemental ninjutsu. Hand seals took care of that automatically and with enough training one could successfully pull off an elemental ninjutsu decently enough, as was the case with Sasuke and his Katon ninjutsu. Now that he would be learning actual nature transformation, not only would his techniques become stronger by default but he would be using even less chakra when performing them as well.

Kakashi had also decided, both because it was already time to do so and to appease him for denying the training of Raiton nature transformation, to start training Sasuke to awaken his Sharingan. Kakashi did this by simple sparring with the added element that he was going beyond what Sasuke could perform to force his eyes to activate as an attempt to keep up. The Sharingan was known to awaken during stressful situations the user was facing and what was more stressful for a genin than fighting a jonin that wasn't holding back?

In the past week, Sasuke had been in a perpetual state of soreness, but he didn't complain (much) since he knew that this was so he could gain the power he craved to his brother. He was about to finally learn how to set a leaf on fire using his chakra and he could feel his chakra slowly moving to his eyes as he was becoming more and more capable of keeping track of Kakashi's movements. That was a good sign, so Sasuke swallowed all his complains and focused on his path to power.

Hinata had decided to take advantage of her surroundings and started to train her Suiton nature transformation. Thanks to her innate talent and sheer talent with chakra control she had been able to extract the water from a leaf using only her chakra and she was already working on the second phase of learning true Suiton nature transformation, which consisted of condensing evaporated water back into a liquid state only using her chakra.

She was advancing so fast that Kakashi believed she would be finished with the second phase by the time he decided to teach her some basic Suiton ninjutsu, making the techniques she would learn even stronger and more effective than Kakashi had hoped they would be by the time Zabuza was ready make another attempt at taking Tazuna's life. Hinata was also working on finishing up some of the advanced Juken techniques she had been working on as well, implementing her more flexible variant of the style to them. With her Lightning Affinity being a factor one had to take into consideration, Hinata was shaping up to be one scary kunoichi.

And finally, Naruto. Kakashi couldn't help the pride that swelled up inside his chest as he looked at the blond. 'Honestly, I don't know why I am even surprised anymore,' he thought to himself in amusement. Kakashi had quickly deduced that Naruto had inherited those affinities from his parents and that they possessed the strength they did and the fact that the four of them manifested at all he was sure had something to do with him being influenced by the Kyubi when he was growing up in his mother's womb and then made its Jinchuriki. It was the only logical, and likely, explanation.

Kakashi would never know how close he had come to the actual truth of the matter.

Seeing that his Wind Affinity was his strongest one by far, Naruto had decided to focus first on Futon nature transformation first. And it had been the correct idea, considering that Naruto already managed to complete the two phases of training to acquire true nature transformation with his Wind Affinity. Sure, he had used twenty Kage Bunshin to accomplish in a week what it would take Hinata about two weeks by herself, just to set a point of comparison, but still, a week was a week, no matter if technically it had taken Naruto about seven months to accomplish it.

Kakashi didn't really know whether that spoke about Hinata's sheer talent, and Sasuke's to a lesser extent considering that it looked like he was going to take about three weeks to complete the training, or it was further prove that Naruto's ridiculous amount of chakra was actually detrimental in some cases. Thankfully, that had also proved to be enough to somewhat prevent Sasuke from exploding in a combination of envy, anger and hatred, since he understood that the only reason Naruto seemed to be more talented than him was because he… cheated, to put it in a way.

From that moment onwards, even though he still hated the blond, the only reason Sasuke was envious of Naruto was because of the amount of chakra he had allowed him to 'cheat' using the Kage Bunshin technique and the fact that Sasuke currently wouldn't be able to create two without seriously risking his life. Kakashi honestly didn't know whether this development was a good or bad thing and only time would tell.

However, as he looked at Naruto, who had a focused expression on his face, as he practiced the three hand seals for the Futon: Toppa (Wind Release: Breakthrough) before exhaling a gust of wind that Kakashi could tell wasted more chakra than what it actually used to perform the technique somewhat successfully, Kakashi couldn't help but think that the Forbidden Scroll Incident was blessing hidden in disguise as a curse, since it allowed Naruto to learn the Kage Bunshin and thus become able of keeping up, and in some cases surpass, his peers.

Unknown to Kakashi, Naruto was currently more advanced that he could ever hope to imagine. The incredibly fast progress that he had with his Futon nature transformation was Naruto just putting the show of him advancing at a pace that while surprising, was still somewhat believable after taking certain factors into consideration.

In the past week, Naruto had made sure to discreetly create eight hundred clones, the ones he already did to continue his work on chakra control not included, and send them further into the woods to work on mastering his four affinities. Using the combined knowledge he had at his disposal thanks to the memories of Kushina, Minato and Kurama and two hundred clones to work on each affinity, that technically meant roughly four years' worth of training on each element, Naruto had managed to acquire mastery on all of them without too many issues.

Mastery, however, didn't mean that he learned a bunch of elemental ninjutsu with those elements. Even though he had many he could put his clones to learn and master quite easily thanks to the memories of Kushina, Minato and Kurama, Naruto knew that knowing how to do many different jutsu was the key to true strength and power. Mastery meant that he could control those elements, Wind and Fire specially, to his hearts content using his chakra.

Naruto decided that for now, the best course of action would be to enhance what he already knew with his mastery over the elements he was attuned to. After Kakashi finished teaching him the Futon: Toppa and its advanced and more powerful version, Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough), he would 'have the great idea' of enhancing the techniques he already had with Wind chakra, making the show of advancing at a surprising, but still believable pace

Meanwhile, his clones would work on doing the same with his Fire, Lightning and Water (when applicable, since most of his techniques were offensive in nature and out of his four affinities Water lent itself the least towards that facet of techniques) and also his Wind chakra as well so he could get a better idea of just what to show to make sure his progress was well within the boundaries of what he had set as his norm.

Honestly, he couldn't be more satisfied with how things were turning out to be. The fact that mastering his four affinities also improved his chakra control by leaps and bounds and opened up more ventures for him to have his clones work further into eventually getting complete control and mastery over his chakra was just the icing of the cake.

'Now, if Sasuke would stop looking at me with a that unholy mix of smug superiority and envious inferiority…' He trailed off in annoyance as he did his best to perform the Futon: Toppa with the least amount of proficiency he could while wasting as much chakra as he needed to make it seem that he was kind of struggling with the technique. He inwardly snorted in amusement. 'Who would have thought that not standing out would take more effort than actually doing so?'

Naruto then perked up when he got the memories of one of the clones he left back at Tazuna's house. His eyes gleamed as he turned towards his silver haired jonin. "Oi, Kakashi-sensei!"

Kakashi looked at his blond student with a curious look in his eyes as he looked up form his book. "What is it?"

Naruto approached him where he sat on a boulder before speaking. "Tazuna and Inari went fishing and Tsunami-san needs to go into the town to get groceries for the week. She doesn't have anyone to go with and I don't trust her just with a clone at this distance so I was thinking I should go with her. Since I can leave some clones to continue with my training and you might be needed in case Hinata-chan, Sasuke or my clones need some tips, I think is best if I go with her."

Kakashi only took a moment to digest, analyze and agree with Naruto's reasoning. He nodded at the blond before turning back to his book. "Alright. Go ahead. I doubt that by this point Gato can send something to you can't deal with since Zabuza is still likely recovering, but still, do be careful and don't do anything reckless."

Naruto gave him a mock a salute. "Of course, Kakashi-sensei. Who do you think I am?" He said before exchanging a significant look with Hinata, who smiled eagerly at him and nodded, before he disappeared in a flicker of speed using Shunpo.

Kakashi's eyes flickered to where the blond had stood before sighing and shaking his head as he turned a page on his book. "That's more reason for me to worry," he said, though he lazy and uncaring voice didn't match his words at all.


(Streets of the Main Settlement of Nami no Kuni – About Two Hours Later)

"I'm sorry once again from taking you off of your ninja training, Naruto-kun. I know how important it is," said Tsunami with an apologetic expression on her face as she walked next to he blond. A slight blush colored her cheeks since she was next to the object of her fantasies and masturbation sessions for the past week.

Naruto shook his head and smiled lightly at her. "It's no problem, Tsunami-chan. Truthfully, I much prefer spending a few hours helping a beautiful woman such as you than to look at Sasuke's sweaty and ugly mug as he somehow broods while training."

Tsunami's blush intensified at his compliment of his appearance and how affectionately he referred to her before giving a subdued giggle to his comment about his male teammate. She had to admit that even though Sasuke wasn't bad looking, he had nothing on his blond teammate appearance wise and his perpetually dark and surly countenance was off putting, to say the least.

As they continued to walk through the streets, the light mood that had settled between Naruto and Tsunami became gloomier seemingly on its own. The blond had blank expression on his face and his azure eyes were like chips of eyes as he took in everything around him and Tsunami sported a sad and hopeless frown on her mature face as she kept glancing at the many other houses and people that lived in the main settlement of Nami no Kuni.

Despite having already gotten a general idea of what had happened, Tsunami had elaborated further on everything that happened as they walked through the city. Gato had arrived almost a few years ago seemingly out of nowhere and slowly but surely, he took control of the economy of the country by purchasing the docks and only allowing his ships to dock there. If that wasn't enough, he had forced the other people to pay taxes if they didn't want to be kicked out of their houses, the threat being carried out mostly through the goons he had at his disposal.

Things had taken a turn for the worst when Gato killed Tsunami's previous lover, Kaiza, in front of the whole town after he cut off both of his arms. That was when they decided that the bridge needed to be done and that Gato needed to be disposed of. And now, after seeing the living conditions of everyone else, Naruto was more willing than ever to kill Gato himself, slowly and painfully and not even take more money from Nami no Kuni. He knew that Konoha's higher ups wouldn't accept that, but sometimes it was the thought that counted.

He might be a selfish and greedy individual that was gathering power at an incredible place so he could enjoy a completely hedonistic lifestyle surrounded by the beautiful and sexy women he would gather for his harem, but there was a big difference between that and what Gato was doing, despite their motivations likely being similar. While Naruto would only harm those that threatened him or those he cherished and the men he possibly took women away from, which realistically wasn't his fault if they weren't good enough to prevent said women from easily discard them for him, Gato purposefully ruined the lives of everyone else to better himself.

While the Kurama in him couldn't start to give enough fucks, the situation of Nami no Kuni was unacceptable in the eyes of Naruto, Kushina and Minato, and that was why he couldn't wait for the opportunity to start proactively messing up everything Gato has 'built' here in Nami no Kuni.

And, as luck would have it, Naruto and Tsunami walked into quite the unsavory situation only a few minutes before they arrived back to Tazuna's house.

Tsunami had a helpless look on her face as she watched two thugs of Gato harassing a young, skinny woman that looked like the amount of decent meals she had in the past week could be counted in one hand with a few fingers being left over.

"C'mon baby girl. Me and my buddy here will show you a good time." One of them said with a perverse leer and grin which exposing golden teeth.

"We can give you a better life than the one you have now if you become our… 'friend'," the other one said with a similar expression on his face and a matching, disgusting chortle.

Tsunami could smell his foul breath from there. She was about to turn towards Naruto to plead to him to do something but, to her surprise and hopeful joy, he was already walking towards the two thugs and the girl after having deposited the bags he had been carrying on the ground. She watched with wide eyes as he grabbed the two thugs by the scruff of their necks and hurled one of them into a nearby alley. Then, as held the other struggling and visibly scared thug, he said something to the skinny girl, who blushed and nodded with a grateful expression on her face before she ran away from there.

Naruto then turned towards Tsunami as he absentmindedly shoved the thug that was still on his grasp into a wall before he hurling him into the same alley he had thrown the first thug. "You'll want to stay here, Tsunami-chan, because I very much doubt you'd like to see what I'm about to do with these two. I won't take long," he said with a neutral expression before scowling as he walked into the alley as well.

Tsunami stood there with wide eyes. She flinched when she heard the sound of metal sharply rubbing against metal before one of the thugs began to scream after she heard the sound of metal cutting through flesh, a wet gurgle and a dull thud. She then heard the screaming turning into a screeching sound that she would have never associated with one of the thugs. The screeching stopped for a few moments in which she could hear nothing and then she flinched again when she heard once again the sound of metal cutting through flesh and a wet gurgle followed by a dull thud.

A moment later a grimly satisfied Naruto stepped out of the alley.

Tsunami looked at him with wide eyes as he picked up the bags he had put down. "What did you do?" She asked him warily even though she had a pretty good idea of what just transpired in the confrontation. Despite not being a shinobi, due to everything she had been through, Tsunami was used to seeing death, but to see someone so young do it so easily…

Naruto's eyes flickered towards her and he relaxed when he saw she wasn't looking at him in fear. "I interrogated them before killing them. No one is going to miss scum like them and I got some information on Gato that is going to make taking him out for good easier."

Tsunami nodded her head slowly before she gave him a grateful look. "Thank you. I don't know how we are ever going to repay you for everything that you are doing to help us," she said as she locked eyes with him.

Finally getting the opportunity he was hoping for, Naruto deliberately looked at Tsunami up and down with blatant lustful eyes before staring directly into her eyes. "I can think of something you can do to thank me right now," he said suggestively as he smirked.

Tsunami's face became red as she stared at him in shock and gasped. "Naruto-kun?!" She was also extremely aware of the sudden throb and heat that came from her crotch at the look he gave her before speaking those words to her.

Naruto chuckled huskily as he stepped into her personal pace and put his mouth next to her ear. "Did you really think that I wouldn't hear you pleasuring yourself to the sound of me and Hinata fucking each other and the looks you would send the two of use when you thought no one was looking, hm?"

Tsunami couldn't help the moan that escaped her mouth as she began to slowly rub her thighs together. "Bu-but, you and Hi-Hinata-chan, you two are, mmm," she couldn't finish her sentence as she moaned again when Naruto caught her earlobe with his teeth and began to flick his tongue against it.

After a moment, Naruto pulled back with a smug smirk. "Why do you think you no one was complaining about the sounds me and Hinata-chan were making?" He asked her and her eyes widened as she realized that. "Hinata-chan had the great idea of using one of our… ninja techniques… to make it so only you could hear us. Let' just say that I'm not the only one interested in fucking you, Tsunami-chan."

Tsunami gave a groan of delight when she heard him as her legs trembled a bit. After pausing for a moment, Tsunami visibly gathered herself before she matched his perverse and inviting expression with a saucy smirk on her own. She stepped in front of him and she gave him a deliberate show as she swayed her hips, her plump and round ass jiggling behind her long skirt as she walked in front of him. Naruto made sure to keep his eyes glued to it as they made their way back to the house.

When they arrived, they noticed that her father and son weren't home yet and that only served to bubble up their excitement for what was surely coming shortly since they knew that no one would be coming back to the house any time soon.

Tsunami moved towards the kitchen so she could sort out everything she had bought and Naruto took a seat on the table so he could watch her move around. He watched with a smug smirk on his face as she made a show of arranging all the groceries they had bought in town. She would make exaggerated movements to accentuate her well developed and voluptuous assets. She would also look back at Naruto to lock eyes with him, a smirk on her face and eyes inviting as she kept arranging everything, much to his enjoyment.

Naruto looked down to see that he already had a twitching bulge on his pants before he looked up to see that Tsunami had put away the last item and she was bending over the kitchen counter, looking back at him with inviting eyes as she jiggled her ass at him and swayed her hips enticingly. "Come over here please, Naruto-kun," she told him huskily as she motioned towards him with her index finger and a slow, sensual, lustful and erotic lick of her lips.

Naruto grinned as he stood up and began to walk towards her with a purpose. The moment he approached her, he grabbed her hips as he pressed his crotch against her ass. She began to grind her ass into his covered erection and Naruto began to shove his crotch into her motions making her moan deeply as they worked their hips in tandem. "It seems like we had the same thing in mind," he spoke with an amused tone of voice.

Tsunami shrugged her shoulders as she began to put more force into her motions. "Mm, yeah. I also haven't had a good fuck since Kaiza died and you and Hinata-chan have been purposely torturing me with the delicious sounds of your fucking to tempt me. Well, now we are going to get what with all want, Naruto-kun. Make me sound just like Hinata-chan, please," she pleaded with a lustful moan.

"With pleasure," agreed Naruto with a victorious and smug grin before he began to grope Tsunami's plump ass and spank it, much to her approval as she began to moan loudly and work her hips with more enthusiasm and force. Naruto noted that her ass was as bit bigger than Anko's but it lacked the same firmness since Tsunami was a civilian. His fingers sunk into the covered flesh as they grinded into each other.

Tsunami closed her eyes as she arched her back, her hands gripping the edge of the counter as she could feel the shape of Naruto's erect cock against her covered pussy lips. She could feel her panties dampening as she continued to shove her ass into Naruto's pelvis in a very sensual fashion. Those dancing lessons she partook in as a teen were really paying off right now as she began to make circular motions with her hips.

Naruto smacked both of her ass cheeks, the flesh jiggling and she moaned heavily as he began to make thrusting motions and Tsunami began to shove back forcefully. This continued for a few minutes before he decided that he wanted to wanted to escalate things further. He was horny as fuck right now with this MILF doing the things she was doing and he just wanted to finally have his wicked way with her.

He pulled back a little and she looked back at him with some confusion in her flushed face before he grasped her wrist and directed her hand towards his crotch. She gave him an understanding look before she smirked as she began to rub up and down his covered length. She moaned as just how long and thick it felt. She couldn't wait to have that big, fat cock inside of her churning up her insides and surely ruining her for any other men.

Naruto then ripped off her skirt and shirt getting a squeal of delighted surprise from her. He inspected her creamy skin that had no blemishes on it other than the angry red color that her ass cheeks already sported due to how hard he had spanked her. He unclipped her bra and he licked his lips as he discarded them, watching as her big breasts jiggled enticingly as they were freed, her dark nipples erect and diamond hard. They sagged just the tiniest bit due to her being a civilian and a mother, but they were still perfectly round and very big, just a bit smaller than Hinata's and that was very impressive.

His right hand began to play with her right tit and his left hand snaked around her wide hip and reached into her crotch and he began to rub her clothed pussy directly. His eyes gleamed with smug perversion as he looked down at her. "Someone is already wet," he remarked with an amused voice as he began to work on her mound.

Tsunami moaned with delight as she felt him playing with two of her most sensitive places. "I'm wet because of you, Naruto-kun," she said without shame before she decided that she wanted to feel his dick directly. With dexterous fingers, she freed it from its confinements and her eyes widened when she beheld the pinnacle of manhood that Naruto was proud to call his own. 'Kaiza wasn't even half this big!' She thought as she grabbed the twitching, veiny member, whimpering when her fingers couldn't wrap completely around its girth.

Tsunami jacked him off rhythmically as she paid special attention to his bulbous head and long shaft, tenderly palming him as she moaned with delight at the thought of this humongous cock eventually going inside of her with the purpose of ruining her for other men. Not that she was going to complain mind you.

Naruto grinned at this before he went a step further and ripped off her panties so he could get a direct access. He twirled the slight patch of matching pubic hair that was above her pussy idly before he began to use the palm of his hand to rub her erected clitoris and inserted two fingers into her soaking wet folds. Tsunami began to moan loudly as she felt him pinching her right nipple in between his index and thumb finger.

"I'm going to make you forget about Kaiza or any other man that has been with you," he whispered darkly into her hear before he licked her earlobe. He trailed down with kisses and licks towards her neck and he began to work his tongue and lips across the nape of her neck and the junction between her shoulder and neck to give her as much pleasure as he could right now.

Her eyes widened before they rolled back a bit as her entire body shuddered in delight. "Oh, my Kami! Please! Yes!" She moaned after she heard his declaration. She began to pump his meaty cock faster and with more desperation and she gave another shuddering moan as she felt a third finger being inserted into her vagina. She leaned into his chest and she noticed that like her, he was somehow also naked. She didn't pay that any mind as she didn't notice when he took off the rest of clothes, or his for that matter, chalking in it up to 'ninja stuff', and instead she paid attention to the fact that she was now making out with him.

Her moans were muffled by Naruto's lips and tongue as he used his skillful mouth to exchange saliva with Tsunami. He began to thrust his hips forward as Tsunami began to frantically jack off his dick as the pleasure she was feeling started to become too much for her. He felt her start to sweat and pant into his mouth as their tongues battled in and out of their mouths in tandem with Tsunami's moans.

Eventually, her walls clamped around his fingers and she screeched into his mouth as she came, her entire body shuddering as the most fantastic orgasm she had ever felt hit her. She panted hard as she marveled at the fact that this kind of pleasure was only brought to her by the use of fingers. She looked back at him with a flushed face as she kept pumping his dick languidly.

Naruto smirked at her. "And now for the best part," he said before he gripped the arm that she was using to jack off his dick and directed her hand to grab the edge of the counter. He then pushed her back forward, forcing her to bend over the counter, her tits jiggling as they hung above the sink and he grasped one roughly, making Tsunami moan in delight at the feeling him manhandling her like he already owned her.

'That wouldn't be so bad, would it?' Wondered Tsunami deliriously as she thought of the pleasure she could receive if she gave herself completely to the blond.

Naruto then grasped his dick and rubbed it along Tsunami's pussy and ass crack as he lubed it good before he positioned it just at the entrance of her quivering pussy. His smirk widened before he rammed it in one fluid motion deep into Tsunami's core and he groaned at the velvety, warm and slick walls clamping around his dick as she screeched another, immediate orgasm due to finally having a dick inside of her after so long and not any dick, the biggest one that stretched her walls beyond what she could think possible and reached the entrance of her womb.

Naruto waited for a few seconds before he pulled back cock until only the head remained inside before he shoved it in once again, making Tsunami give another shuddering moan. The blond then began to steadily pump his dick in and out as he fucked Tsunami over the counter of her kitchen, one hand groping her breast roughly and the other one at her hip so he could time his thrusts better.

The rhythmic sounds of wet flesh smacking against wet flesh resounded through the empty house except for the ones making those sounds.

Tsunami was already a screeching, shouting, moaning and cursing mess as she threw herself back into Naruto's thrusts. After her massive second orgasm ended, her body was being rocked by continuous ones that steadily increased in intensity as Naruto rammed his big, fat cock deep inside of her. She could feel his dick kissing the entrance of her womb repeatedly, stretching her quivering walls and she was sure that there were still a few inches that just wouldn't fit.

"Do you like that, Tsunami-chan?" Asked Naruto with a grunt as he spanked her hard on the ass. He watched as her ass rippled with each of his thrust as his pelvis hit her backside every time he pumped his cock in and out of her.

"Oh, fuck yeah! I love it, Naruto-kun! I fucking love it! Fuck my cunt harder, Naruto-kun! Make me your bitch please! I want to be your bitch! Please! Please! Make me your own personal whoooore!" She screeched as she looked back at him, her face already contorted stupidly in pleasure in that way he loved to see it on every girl that he was fucking.

'Oh, it seems like she likes dirty talking,' he thought as he grinned widely at her incoherent shouts that made sense just because the words were somehow correctly articulated. He grasped both of her forearms before he pulled on them and used them to make his movements harder and to help her thrust back into him more strongly. Tsunami's voice was now hoarse as she tried to screech her pleasure to the heavens but she just couldn't.

After a few minutes, Naruto began to fuck her even faster. "I'm going to cum Tsunami-chan! Where do you want it?" He asked with a grunt as he began to fuck her so fast that his hips were a blur to the normal eyes.

Juices began to squirt from Tsunami's pussy with each thrust that Naruto made because she was experiencing a continuous, powerful and huge orgasm that rocked her body once again and she could only let herself be fucked by what had to be a God of Sex being given human form. Naruto inwardly shrugged at her lack of response before he decided to shoot his seed inside of her. Hinata could use the anti-pregnancy jutsu on her after all.

Tsunami found her voice again as she screeched like a banshee when Naruto's sperm triggered a mind-numbing orgasm deep inside of her. Naruto groaned in pleasure as her walls milked him out for all that it was worth. It was almost a minute later when he was brought down off his high and he sighed in relief as he pulled his still hard dick out of Tsunami, his sperm leaking out of her pussy.

"That was awesome Tsunami-chan! Let's…" Naruto trailed off when he noticed that she was unconscious, a wide, silly grin on her lips, her tongue hanging out and her eyes were crossed and pulled up almost completely to the back of her hair. He chuckled sheepishly. "Oh, yeah. First time having sex with me. Oh well," he shrugged before scooping up the catatonic Tsunami and taking her to her room. He deposited her on top of her bed and made sure she was in a comfortable position before walking out of the room and closing the door.

After somewhat calming down his still raging urges to continue having sex, Naruto got presentable before using Shunpo to quickly go back to where his team was likely still training. He found them largely doing the same thing they had been when he left. At Kakashi's inquiring look, Naruto just sent him a thumb up to which the silver haired jonin responded with a lazy nod. Sasuke purpose ignored him and Naruto was more than happy to do the same to him.

When Hinata looked at him with an expectant expression on her face, Naruto only had to give her a victorious, perverse grin and a nod for her face to acquire a delighted and gleeful expression as blood began to slowly leak out from her nose. Steam also began to pour out from her ears as her entire face became red and a dreamy gleam appeared on her lavender tinted eyes.

Naruto could only chuckle smugly in amusement. 'Oh, yeah. I'm the fucking best.'


(Tazuna's House – A Few Days Later - Evening)

"So…" began to say Kakashi as he looked at Naruto and Hinata with a curious expression in his eyes. "How did your afternoon go?" He asked them. He noticed that Tazuna's daughter has been seating next to Naruto for the past few days but he decided not to comment on it despite knowing the likely implications. Honestly, he couldn't help but feel both proud and jealous of his blond student at the same time.

Naruto shared a look with Hinata before smirking and shrugging his shoulders. "Eh, there wasn't much to it, really. Hinata-chan and I trained for a few hours after lunch and then we just came back to the house and hung out with Tsunami-chan."

At his side Hinata gave a nod in agreement.

Kakashi turned towards Tsunami with visibly raised eyebrow. "I hope they weren't too much trouble. I thought they were going to spend more time training but it seems like they caught a lazy streak today."

Tsunami blushed a bit before shaking her head. "Oh, no, Kakashi-san! Quite the contrary, actually. Hinata-chan is a very… servicing… person and Naruto-kun is very eager to be of help as well," she said and blushed even more at the double meaning her worlds could have for someone that knew the entire context. Truthfully, if it weren't for the Gato situation, she could have said without a silver of doubt that the past few days, which she had mostly spent fucking both Naruto AND Hinata, have been the best of her life.

"Uh huh," was Kakashi's disbelieving and dry answer.

Naruto glared at Kakashi, inwardly smirking when Tsunami's blush intensified when he grabbed her thigh and began to sensually massage it, and pointed at him with his free hand. "Oi, what does that sound mean, Kakashi-sensei?! I'll have you know that I managed infuse my chains with wind chakra today and that's why I thought I deserved an early break today!"

Truthfully, with the help of his clones and all the other factors on his favor (Knowledge, experience and mastery of attuned elements) he had already managed to enhance all his techniques, when applicable, with his four elements and he was now only making the show of advancing at a fast, but still believable, pace so no one suspected something was up. In his quest to become the strongest and most powerful being in the elemental nations and gather an harem of as many women he could handle (and were willing to handle him), the least number of annoyances he had to deal with the better.

Hinata decided to put in her two cents. "And I managed to complete phase two of the Suiton nature transformation training so I though I could join Naruto-kun as well," she said, smiling with a pink blush when she noticed Naruto caressing Tsunami's leg without anyone else, except her, noticing. She began to rub her thighs discreetly as she looked forward for the threesome tonight. She was finally able of keeping up with Naruto for two orgasm now and Tsunami was catching up pretty fast for someone that wasn't a kunoichi.

Kakashi regarded the two of them with a pleased gleam in his eye. "Is that so? Then I can't really complain if that's the case. That means that Hinata will start learning some basic Suiton ninjutsu now then. Naruto, what are you going to focus on?"

Naruto, with the ease afforded to him by experience, ignored Sasuke's glare and negative emotions sent toward him and Hinata and answered Kakashi after a 'moment of deliberation'. "I think I should stick to enhancing my 'weapons' with wind chakra. My Adamantine Chakra Chains were the first obvious choice to do so since they are already made of my own chakra so they weren't actually that hard to do. I'll go with my hidden blades now since I think they will be a bit more challenging. After that I will go with my other jutsu."

Kakashi nodded in agreement and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. I know that you know what you are doing so go ahead," he said before eye smiling. "And before you ask, nothing of note happened at the bridge. Well, Sasuke here finally set a leaf on fire with only his chakra and one of your clones thought it would be funny to throw him into the water to put down the fire before something got burned, so that's that," he finished with an amused chuckle.

Sasuke just growled at him for saying what happened and scowled at Naruto as his cheeks reddened in embarrasment. The blond began to laugh uproariously when he quickly searched for the memories of his clones and found the scene. Tazuna also began to guffaw as he punched the table heavily as he recalled the extremely funny event. Hinata giggled openly as she leaned into Naruto and Tsunami was covering her mouth demurely to hide her own amusement at Sasuke's plight.

The only one that wasn't laughing was Inari. In fact, he was glaring heatedly at everyone as his tiny hand became a fist and his knuckles turned white because of how much force he was putting into that motion. He stood up sharply and he pointed angrily at Naruto. "How can you all laugh after seeing how everyone else is living?!" He shouted with anger, getting the attention of all the occupants of the table and quickly destroying the good mood. "It's obvious that all of you have lived happy lives without anything bad happening to you! I don't know why you even bother helping us if no one here seems to care about what's happening! And Gato will kill all of you so you better go away to keep on with your happy lives!"

"Inari! How could you say something like that?!" Shouted Tsunami as she also stood up sharply and she was ready to slap some common sense into him but Naruto held her back by gripping her wrist lightly.

As he gently pulled Tsunami back to her seat, Naruto regarded her angry son with a frown. He noticed that Hinata had a similar expression on her face, Kakashi had a blank one on his visible eye though his emotions gave away what he really was feeling and Sasuke looked like he wanted to smack the kid. Tazuna, like his daughter, looked ready to discipline him harshly.

Naruto knew that he was above such things, but honestly, the words of the kid had bothered him. Perhaps because the only part of him that kind of had a mostly decent life was Minato? That was likely the reason behind what he said next.

"You are a fucking asshole kid, you know that, right?" Naruto began to say and while his words shocked most of them, no one moved to stop him from speaking. He motioned towards Kakashi. "Didn't you hear him when he explained how he got his Sharingan? I distinctly remember you were at the table. But perhaps you are just too self-centered and were wallowing on your own self-pity to see beyond the bubble you built around yourself, huh?"

Naruto then motioned towards Sasuke. "I will be the first one to admit that I don't like this guy because he is a dick and I'm pretty sure he hates my guts for whatever reason. His entire clan, except for his mother, was killed by his own brother. And while doesn't excuse most of his attitude to those that had absolutely nothing to do with it, I can at least understand where he is coming from even if that is not going to make me get along with him any time soon."

Sasuke scowled, scoffed, crossed his arms and looked away.

Naruto then motioned towards Hinata. "Hinata might come from arguably the most noble and richest clan in Konoha, but that doesn't mean she's been surrounded by rainbows and daisies. At seven she was almost kidnapped and the aftermath, because of bullshit politics, ended up with her uncle being unfairly killed. She was the black sheep of her family, with everything that comes with being it in a clan like hers, until a few years ago when she showed them just what she was worth and things started to look up for her," he said and Hinata smiled lovingly at him as she wrapped her arms around his.

Naruto then locked eyes with Inari, who had a shameful expression on his face now and tears were gathering at the corner of his eyes. "I'm not going to say you haven't suffered, you clearly have, but that doesn't give you the right to assume what others have gone through. Your grandfather and mother had gone through the exact same thing as you and Tazuna is risking his life everyday to change things and Tsunami-chan makes sure that you are having a way better time than most here. Remember this, kid, when you think you have it bad, there's always someone that's got it way, way worse."

The moment Naruto finished talking Inari's tears began to fall and he ran away from the table. No one moved to follow him. Naruto sighed and stood up, gently extricating his arm from Hinata's hold, and moving towards the door that lead outside of the house.

Naruto gave him a worried look as she also stood up. "Naruto-kun? Where are you going?"

Naruto looked back at her with small smile. "I'm just going to take a walk and maybe blow off some steam with some training. Don't worry about me, Hinata-chan. I don't know when I'll be back so don't wait up for me," he said before turning around and exiting the Tazuna's house without another word.

Hinata sighed despondently before plopping back to her seat. She and Tsunami, who had noticed that his last words were also meant for her, exchanged a quick and discreet look of disappointment. It seems like no fun was going to be had that night. If Inari's punishment turned out to be way harsher, it certainly had nothing to do with that.

"Naruto…" trailed off Tazuna as he looked towards where the blond had been seating before he turned towards Kakashi with a serious expression on his face. "He didn't say anything about himself."

Kakashi sighed and a regretful gleam appeared on his eye. "You noticed that, huh? That's because Naruto doesn't like to speak such things about himself. In some ways, he's had it worse than any of us here combined," he said, ignoring the incredulous and murderous look Sasuke sent his way, before moving on to explain at the looks he received from the others. "You see. Naruto was…"


(Forests of Nami no Kuni – The Next Day)

Haku Yuki had a small smile across her beautiful face as she walked through the woods looking for herbs that would help speed up the process of Zabuza's healing. While her current knowledge of medicine was enough that there was not going to be any permanent damage after he finished healing, if she knew the more advanced techniques, she would have been able to have him up and running in a week or maybe even less.

But alas, for those on the run and desperate, there wasn't type to be picky...

Speaking of which, her right eyebrow twitching a bit was the only sign of her sudden irritation. 'If it wasn't for the fact that Mei-sama is desperate for funds, we wouldn't be dealing with a man like Gato and his… entourage,' she thought acidly before sighing despondently.

A few years ago, she would've only had a problem with just working with someone like Gato, but now she had to deal with the lustful leers and cat calls of his men. She used to pass up as a pretty boy, to prevent dealing with such things, but now her body had the developed to the point where she could only hide her gender when she used her mas and bulky (In appearance only) battle gear. Even her face was a dead give away that she was a female now.

'Truthfully, as much as I dislike robbing this country of their chance of freeing themselves from Gato, we already gave our word that Zabuza-sama would kill the bridge builder in exchange for the money we need to start opposing Yagura in more than just skirmishes here and there. I'm certain that after removing here, Mei-sama will be more than willing to lend Nami no Kuni a helping hand, but for now, we-!'

Haku's thoughts were stopped abruptly when she reached a clearing in the woods that most certainly had seen better days. There were multiple scorch marks and deep, thin slashes on the barks of the trees that made up the edges of the clearing and there were patches of the ground below that were filled with water here and there. Some of the trees had been even cut in two perfectly and there were even two that had been ripped out, root and all, from the ground.

And resting peacefully against one of the trees was a blond-haired teen her age that had her eyes widening in realization and recognition.

'That's the genin Zabuza-sama caused him those burns! He is defenseless now! I have to…' Haku's thoughts trailed off as she carefully approached him, walking through the destroyed clearing using the silent killing techniques she was taught to move without making a single sound since someone that could injure Zabuza on his own didn't deserve less, and when she did and stood above him only her training prevented her from gasping aloud. 'Oh, my. He is so beautiful,' she thought with a blush as she took in his perfect facial features and others physical traits which she also found perfect, from his kind-of spiky hair to his body.

A disappointed expression soon appeared on her face as she shook her head to get her wits back. 'No! I mustn't think like that, no matter how true it is. Still, why did we have to be enemies…' she thought to herself sadly as she began to reach for his neck with clear intentions to snap his neck. In the last minute, however, she sighed loudly and reached for his shoulder. 'I can't do it,' she admitted to herself as she shook him lightly. "Hey, wake up. You might catch a co-!"

Haku's breath caught her throat and her entire body froze when his azure blue eyes snapped open, looking directly at her. It wasn't because she found those eyes as mesmerizing as the rest of him, though shortly she would, but because for a moment the eyes that were looking at her were the eyes of an entity that could squash her like a bug with a mere thought and she would be unable to do anything to prevent that.

Zabuza had admitted to her how for a moment he had truly feared for his life when he had looked at Kakashi of the Sharingan in the eye. 'Is… is this how Zabuza-sama felt?' However, to Haku was thing was made clear in that moment. Despite being about the same age (She would later be surprised to find out he was actually two years younger than her), she had no delusions about this young man being stronger than her.

Then there was a blink and The Beast disappeared to be replaced by eyes that were more fitting.

Haku breathed again.

"Ugh, my neck," he complained after closing his eyes again and then blink the sleep off his eyes before noticing that someone was grasping his shoulder and he followed the arm to see a visage of absolute beauty wearing a pink kimono that accentuated her magnificent and perfectly proportionate curves. 'Her face is on par with Kurenai Yuhi's and I'm pretty sure her body is close to what Ino's will grow to be. And…' That was when the information gathered by Naruto's other super senses were assimilated and he smirked inwardly. 'Well, what do we have here…' He trailed off before tilting his head at her with 'honest confusion and awe'. "Tenshi-chan?"

Haku couldn't help the blush that spread across her face at being called an angel by someone from the opposite sex whose beauty she had been admiring as well. She giggled with some embarrasment as she removed her hand from his shoulder and stood to her full height. "Not quite but I appreciate the compliment."

Naruto chuckled sheepishly as he stood up with a grace of movement that honestly made Haku a little jealous. "I'm sorry. It's just I was struck by how beautiful you are that it was the first thing that came through my mind," he said, grinning when her blush spread across her entire face and she looked away from him likely due to his blunt and shameless admission. "Speaking of which, don't you know that these lands are dangerous for girls like you nowadays, especially if you are all alone?"

The only reason Haku wasn't angered by his question was because she knew he didn't know that she was actually a dangerous kunoichi and because he was honestly curious. She just smiled at him. "I know that but Gato's goons don't goes through leisurely walks through the woods and even though I might not look like it, I can take care of myself," she said, knowing that there wasn't any harm on admitting that.

Naruto nodded his head in understanding. "I see…" he trailed off before extending a gloved hand towards her and smiling. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. A pleasure to meet you, even if it was kind of weird," he introduced himself with sheepish chuckle at the end.

Haku gave him a genuine smile as she took his hand in hers and shook it firmly. "Haku Yuki. The pleasure is all mine and truthfully, I've had weirder," she admitted, remembering the times when she met most of whom she was close to.

"Haku Yuki? I don't know why, but that name is very fitting for you."

Knowing that he meant that as yet another compliment, Haku could only smile as her face got red. Because of her close relationship with Zabuza, no boy her age ever tried to get close to her in a romantic sense. Naruto was already a breath of fresh air even though she wasn't exactly used to this kind of attention. 'Again, what a shame we are to be enemies…'

"So, Haku-chan, what exactly are you doing out here so early?" Asked Naruto curiously, though he could tell going by the basket full of medicinal herbs she was carrying.

In response, she smiled, blushing at how he wasn't afraid of referring to her so affectionately despite just meeting her, and held up said basket. "I'm looking for herbs to speed up the healing process of my friend. He suffered an accident recently and I'm the one tending to him at the moment," she also admitted truthfully, knowing that there was no way he could come to the conclusion that she was Zabuza's accomplice by just her words alone.

"Oh, sorry about your friend," he said with an apologetic expression on his face before perking up and beaming at her. "I know you said you can take care of yourself, and I believe you, but how about I help you gather those herbs? That I can also thank you for sparing my neck some serious issues," he said with a laugh at the end even though his neck had only 'hurt' for a moment before it had gone away thanks to his super physiology.

Haku adopted an unsure expression. "Well, I appreciate your offer, but I wouldn't want to take up your time…" she trailed off and when he shook his head at that, she smiled beautifully at him. "I accept then."

"Alright!" Naruto cheered for a bit before giving her a sheepish look. "By the way, now that I think about it, I kind of recognize some of those herbs you have there and there would have been plenty on this clearing had I not made quite the number on it last night, as you can see."

Haku gave him a wide-eyed look. "You did this?" She motioned around the destroyed clearing and when he nodded, she made another question. "Are you a shinobi then?" Playing completely clueless would have been suspicious since everyone knew what shinobi were and what they could be capable of.

Naruto smirked and pointed to himself boastfully. "Yup. And a pretty awesome one in my own humble opinion."

Haku giggled before she sobered up as she was suddenly struck by a sudden need to know something specific about him. "Are you strong then?"

Naruto blinked at the utterly intense look on her face and he knew that this question was more loaded than what it appeared at first. He decided to answer her 'honestly'. "For my age and the time I've been training? Yeah. I'm quite strong. Possibly the strongest in my age group," he told her, this time without boast, but simply stating facts. "But there's still a lot for me to learn and a lot of time ahead of me to become the strongest I can be. Why do you ask?"

Haku shook her head before asking him another set of questions. "Why do you want to become stronger? What is true strength?"

Naruto looked at her seriously before looking up towards the clear skies of the early morning. "That's a loaded question and one that doesn't have a clear answer, Haku-chan."

The brown-haired beauty frowned. "How so?"

"Because it truly depends on the person. Most desire strength to prove that they are more than what others believe them to be," he began, thinking of himself as just Naruto and his mother, Kushina. "Others, just gain strength no matter what they do despite just enjoying learning new things," he said, thinking about his father, Minato. "And even a few are strong and powerful the moment they are born," he said, thinking about Kurama. He turned towards Haku to see that she was looking at him intently. "Me? I admit that I am a bit of those three. As for where does true strength come from… where do YOU think it comes from?"

Haku answered immediately. "It comes from protecting those that are precious to you," she stated without a doubt and waver in her voice.

Naruto chuckled, but Haku could easily tell he wasn't laughing at her so she didn't take offense. "Heh, that's actually true you know? When someone or something precious to you is in any kind of jeopardy, there's no length you wouldn't hesitate to get to in order to protect that someone or something."

Haku's eyes gleamed as she smiled at the blond. "So, you agree with me?"

Naruto nodded his head. "Of course. I have people important to me that I want to keep safe no matter what, and to do that, I have to keep getting stronger and stronger and then some until the mere knowledge of me associating with someone is enough to keep that someone out of harm's way," he said, completely honest.

It truly is a fucking shame…' Haku thought before shaking her head. "It gladdens me to know that there are still shinobi like you, Naruto-kun," she said, extending the same courtesy of affection he did towards her and with even more reason now that she knew an important element of his character. She could tell that he wasn't lying to her at all.

Naruto grinned and adopted a smug disposition. "I did say I was awesome, didn't I?"

Haku giggled happily. "Yes, you did," she agreed with him fondly.

The two of them then began to walk through the forest with Naruto helping Haku get all the herbs she was looking for. As they did that, they continued to talk and learn more about one another. Naruto made sure to tell her about the happier elements of his life as 'just Naruto' while Haku regaled him of things about her although edited in such a manner that while she wasn't lying, he wouldn't deduce that she was actually a kunoichi.

For Haku, the more she learned about him, the more she regretted the fact that she was to be his enemy. Even though it was embarrassing to admit after just a few hours of meeting him, she could say without a doubt that he was the kind of man she wanted as a friend and romantic partner. After spending so much time with Mei Terumi and hearing her speak of the perfect man, some of her preference had been passed on to her. Naruto met and exceeded those expectations easily.

It didn't even matter to her that he was kind of a pervert and that he was already seeing multiple women at the same time. Polyamory was not uncommon and Naruto had shamelessly admitted that he had a 'condition', which he refused to elaborate on for reasons she kind of understood, that made it impossible for a single girl to be with him without it being just cruel to the girl. Haku, embarrassed, intrigued and a bit turned on, understood that it meant Naruto's sexual urges were many times beyond of a normal man.

'And it's not like I only like males. Mei-sama made sure of that,' she thought with a completely blush, glazed over eyes and a nosebleed she discreetly wiped away when she noticed as she recalled the… 'proper kunoichi only' training she had with the leader of the rebellion against Yagura and the 'purification' of the land that he called his attempt to purge all bloodlines from Mizu no Kuni. Thankfully, he had only be partially successful since clans had quickly wised up and went into hiding the moment they realized what was happening. It was not too long ago that talks and actual acts of rebellion to remove Yagura began to take place. 'I'm pretty sure Zabuza-sama still curses Mei-sama to this day for that.'

Eventually, the time came for them to part ways.

Haku bowed at him at the waist, unknowingly giving him a perfect view of her deep cleavage. "Thank very much for your help, Naruto-kun. And I enjoyed myself very much as well, but I'm afraid it's time I return to my friend."

Naruto nodded his head and smiled as she rose back from her bow. "It wasn't a problem, Haku-chan. I enjoyed our time together as well and meeting someone like you gave me a lot to think about in a good way. As a matter of fact, can I ask you a question before you go?"

Haku smiled and nodded at him. "Of course."

Naruto locked eyes with her. "Why is someone like you close to someone like Zabuza, knowing his story, and why are you working with Gato, knowing what is he doing for this country?" He asked bluntly, not reacting when she froze and her eyes widened in disbelief. He just smiled gently at her. "I'm sure you have your reasons, and if it's possible, I'd like to learn them."

Haku's mouth opened and closed multiple times in an almost comical display before she adopted a defensive stance and looking at him regretfully. "You knew? Since when?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Haku-chan, stop that. I think we both know that the other has no desire to fight the other with harmful intent," he said before smirking at Haku when she slowly relaxed and pointing to his nose. "I've got pretty good senses. I recognized your scent from when you saved Zabuza. So… I knew from the moment you woke me up."

"If you knew who I was from the beginning why didn't you try to kill me?" She asked him as she kept her distance form him even if she was sure that he was not going to attack her.

"I learned something… interesting, you could say, and I wanted to find out the kind of people you and Zabuza were before making a decision," he admitted before raising an expectant eyebrow at her. "So…"

Haku only hesitated for a few moments before she told him everything. From being saved by Zabuza from being killed by the villagers of where she had lived after she killed some of them, her father included, because he gathered a mob to kill her and her mother, with success regarding her mother, when he learned they possessed Kekkei Genkai to the moment they decided they needed money to start a proper rebellion against Yagura's reign of terror and coming in contact with Gato.

When she finished, she anxiously waited for his 'verdict' and she visibly sagged in relief when he smiled at her. "Alright. I heard enough. I know for a fact that you didn't lie, nor modified information, so I believe you," he said and winked, making Haku blush as she realized he knew what she did when she told him about her earlier. She stiffened when he reached into his pouch but relaxed again when he just pulled a folded piece of paper which he handed to her. "This is what I learned. Tell Zabuza I'll be, by myself, where you and I met on the night of the day he's recovered," he said simply before disappearing in a flicker of speed and displaced air that ruffled her hair and clothes a bit.

Haku's eyes widened in disbelief. 'He's faster than me when I use my ice mirrors!' They truly had no chance of winning if they went against the ninja from Konoha if they faced them.


(Tazuna's House – Naruto's and Hinata's Room – A Week and a Half Later)

Naruto grunted in pleasure as he repeatedly fucked Hinata from behind. The blue haired Hyuga's bountiful ass rippled as she threw it back into his thrust using her hips while her moans and shrieks were being muffled by Tsunami's pussy from which she was enjoying a mix of Naruto's delicious semen and Tsunami's pussy nectar. Hinata's eyes were crossed, tears of pleasure trailing down her grinning face as she continued to eat out Tsunami. It was obvious she was in heaven right now.

Tsunami, despite having her legs wide open to allow Hinata to eat her out while she was being fucked from behind by their shared lover, was obviously unconscious with a fucked stupid expression on her face as her body rocked back and forward, her big tits bouncing, due to the strength of Naruto's thrust into Hinata and since said girl was holding onto her for a good leverage, the force of Naruto's movements also transferred over to her. Even unconscious Tsunami was moaning in delight at the sensations coming from her crotch.

Eventually, Naruto reached his limit and with a powerful growl coming from deep within his chest he emptied his load into Hinata after pressing the head of his cock into her cervix to make sure his semen reached her womb directly. Hinata arched her back, massive tits jiggling with her motion, and threw her head back as shrieked in delight as she felt Naruto ejaculating inside of her. Before she lost her consciousness due to the overload of pleasure as Naruto finished cumming and began to pull out, Hinata felt glad that she finally was capable of lasting three of Naruto's orgasm.

Naruto saw that Hinata passed out and he chuckled as his dick exited Hinata's abused, quivering and overflowing pussy with a wet pop. He saw that his thick creampie began to leak out of her as her head limply rested against Tsunami's thigh.

'I think that's enough for now. Besides, I'm kind of late as it is,' he thought to himself as he allowed his dick soften. He then carefully arranged the unconscious bodies of Hinata and Tsunami so they were comfortable. He had already emptied his load six times that night already so he was going to be satisfied for a while. Even though he could easily continue, there were important things he needed to do.

Naruto then put on his battle gear without making and sound and exited the room in the same manner. He made sure to do the same and not wake up anyone as he exited Tazuna's house completely. The moment he was outside, Naruto faced in direction of the woods and disappeared in a flicker of motion.

Quickly zooming through trees that largely looked the same, Naruto made his way towards the clearing he had met Haku more than a week ago. In that time, he had not meet with her again so he wasn't completely sure if he was making this trip in vain or not. However, other than not enjoying the aftermath of his nightly threesome with Hinata and Tsunami, it wasn't a huge sacrifice he was making.

Naruto eventually the clearing, seeing that it was largely in the same state he had left it after he went 'all out' against an army of his clones. And by all out he meant using the arsenal he would use when fighting in presence of people that would suspect he was more than he seemed while he clones try their best to kill him with everything at their disposal.

It was to his relief, and amusement, that he saw that both Haku and Zabuza were there, the former infinitely looking more patient than the latter who looked ready to murder someone.

"Wow, you actually came. I'm kind of surprised, to be honest," he announced his presence as he dropped down from the branch of one of the trees and smirked a bit when they stiffened momentarily. It seemed like his skills were already good enough for him to no be detected by someone of Zabuza's caliber. Nice. He walked towards them in a relaxed fashion, with his hands in his pockets, that showed he had no intention of attacking them. It was successful since the two of them relaxed and Haku even smiled at him.

Zabuza narrowed his eyes. "You kept us waiting, brat," he growled as he crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto noted with interest that apart from the bandages covering the lower half of his face, Zabuza also sported visible bandages in the places Kakashi had got him with kunai and his entire left side. Nonetheless, he still looked as intimidating and formidable as before. Kubikiribocho was strapped to his back diagonally.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Had to wait for everyone to be sleeping. No one knows I'm doing this, you know?"

Zabuza grunted as he inclined his head in acceptance of his 'excuse' before crossing his arms. "I kind of got that the moment Haku told me you will be here by yourself and sensed you weren't lying. I trained her enough that I can trust her judgement so that's why I even bothered with this. Though, I do wonder why the rest of your team is aware of this," he told him, dutifully ignoring how Haku beamed proudly at him when he complimented her abilities and instead gave the blond Uzumaki a curious look.

Naruto waved it off uncaringly as he answered. "Eh, Kakashi-sensei would deem it to risky and reckless. Hinata-chan would worry too much. And I simply don't like Sasuke," he stated simply.

Zabuza shrugged. "Okay," he easily accepted that answer before his face grew serious. "So, Gato is planning to double cross us? How are you so sure?"

Naruto got a bit more serious at the question. "I interrogated two of his men a few days before I met Haku-chan," he said, inwardly amused at the raised non-existent eyebrow Zabuza sent to the suddenly blushing Haku as she adverted her gaze cutely. "I'm sure because apart from my sense of smell, as I am sure she told you, my sense of hearing is also better than most, to say the least. With it, I can tell of someone is lying by listening to their heartbeat. Pretty nifty if you ask me. That's why I also knew Haku-chan was telling the truth when she told me why you guys were working for Gato in the first place."

"Yeah, nifty," muttered Zabuza dryly as he looked as he looked at Naruto with some jealousy. Even though his sense of hearing was more developed than normal, thank to his training for the art of silent killing, it wasn't to the point he could hear someone's heartbeat and determine if they were lying or not. That was just bullshit.

"So, Naruto-kun…" Haku trailed off as she blushed again when Zabuza raised both non-existent eyebrow at her due how she referred to him. She just knew Zabuza wasn't going to let this go any time soon. "In your latter you said that you had a plan that not only would benefit both parties both also solve the Gato issue here in Nami no Kuni. What is it?"

"How much was he going to pay you for the mission?"

Blinking at the sudden question, Zabuza was the one to answer.

"One hundred million ryo," he said simply. That was around the standard someone paid for an S-Rank mission to the 'Big Five' of the Elemental Nations. In that grand scheme of things, it wasn't exactly a lot of money, but it was definitely a good start when in regards to their plans for rebellion.

Naruto grinned mischievously in a manner he knew would resemble Kurama. "What would you say if I told you that Gato's immediate liquid assets are roughly around ten billion ryo and that he has it all behind a simple vault underneath his compound?"

Due to the looks he received when he said that, Naruto could tell that while before he simply had their attention, he definitely had their interest now. With a smile that was positively evil now, Naruto began to tell an eager and impressed Zabuza and a hopeful and grateful Haku the plan he had concocted the moment he learned Gato's plans to betray Zabuza.


(Tazuna's House – The Next Day)

'What the fuck?' Thought Kakashi flatly as he looked at what was in front of him.

He was expecting two things that day. Since Zabuza had likely recovered by this point, they were no longer training and were focusing completely on protecting Tazuna and his family. Because of that, he and two of his students would go to the bridge with Tazuna, since that was the most likely place Zabuza and his accomplice would attack, while the other would stay at home protecting Tsunami and Inari in case Gato sent someone for them as well.

Today, he was going to go with Sasuke and Hinata to the bridge and Naruto was going to stay back at the house.

In any case, Kakashi was expecting two things to happened today. It was either going to be another day where they just watched as Tazuna continued to build the bridge alongside his workers and Naruto's clones or Zabuza finally attacked and they would have a battle to the death that would decide the faith of Tazuna and by proxy, Nami no Kuni. Because, as far as he knew, Zabuza making another attempt at Tazuna's life was just a matter of time.

What he was not expecting, however, was to see an unconscious and naked Gato, who had been clearly been beaten up quite roughly, to be laying on the floor in front of the main of Tazuna's house the moment he opened the door to head towards the bridge that day.

Sasuke looked at the man with incredulity. 'This midget was the one terrorizing the entire country?!'

Hinata looked at the unconscious man with distaste. 'Ugh, how ugly. And his penis is as small as the rest of him,' she thought with derision before her entire face became red and steam poured from her ears as she realized what she just thought. Where in hell that had come from?

Tazuna was more vocal with his reaction as he gaped and pointed with a shaky finger. "Gato! What the fuck?!"

At the sound of the old man's voice, Tsunami, Inari and Naruto hurried to see what the fuss was about. When they saw Gato, and his current state, Tsunami gasped and her hands flew to cover her mouth shock, Inari gave a shout of mixed shock and excitement and Naruto made the show of looking at the beaten-up midget with wide eyes. When Tsunami turned towards him with that expression on her face, he discreetly shook his head and put a finger to his lips, getting an understanding nod from her.

'It seems like she knows I had something to do with it, likely because she saw what I did to those goons and because I told her I learned something that could result in dealing with him easier. I'll have to tell her and Hinata what happened soon in that case,' he thought to himself, knowing that he had their absolute loyalty and that they won't be spouting to anyone any secret he told them. They knew how much he hated to deal with unnecessary annoyances after all.

Naruto already knew this was going to happen, of course. It had been his idea after all.

Kakashi then noticed a folded piece of paper laying on top of Gato and picked it, making sure not to touch the man. He unfolded it and began to read, his voice unwavering from his lazy and uncaring undertone despite what he read.

"Dear Kakashi of the Sharingan," began Kakashi and everyone paid rapt attention to him. "We discovered that this scumbag was planning to double cross us after we weakened each other trying to accomplish our conflicting missions. Seeing no other options, we were forced to terminate our contract. However, we still needed the money for reasons that are our own and took it, plus interests, from the vault that is located underneath his compound. Do not fret. We only took what we felt we needed. Also, knowing the current state of affairs in this country and taking into consideration the distress might have caused you, we thought it would be only appropriate to deliver the scumbag directly for you to do as you see fit. Eagerly hoping for another fight, Zabuza Momochi. PD: The scumbag suffered an episode of remorse last night and signed off the deeds to all his properties and companies to the bridge builder and his family. You will find the pertaining documents on the desk of his office inside his compound."

When Kakashi finished reading there was a heavy silence that seemingly no one was willing to break as they kept staring at the letter in Kakashi's hands.

"So…" Naruto began and he made the show of becoming nervous and laughing sheepishly when everyone turned towards him sharply. "Erm, I guess that takes care of that, right? I mean, the situation kind of resolved itself and…"

As five pairs of eyes blinked at Naruto with deliberate slowness, Kakashi could only look up and sigh. Whether he was thankful for the sudden turn of events or annoyed in some fashion at Naruto's words would forever be unknown.