
Chapter 6: Liberation of Nami no Kuni (Part II)

Inside their shared room, Hinata was straddling Naruto and the two were heavily making out, tongues and lips wrestling each other's as they gave moans and grunts of pleasure. Hinata was only in a pair of tight, extremely short black shorts and a tank top that barely managed to contain her big tits, which were squished against Naruto's bare chest, since was only in a pair of plan black boxers.

Hinata's face as flushed and her eyes half-lidded in pleasure as she had her arms wrapped around Naruto's neck and was lovingly running her fingers through his surprisingly silky blond hair. She was also sensually and ever-so-slightly grinding her heated crotch into Naruto's. The blond, for his part, had a visibly smug air around him as he enjoyed the french kiss with Hinata, her hands going through his hair, her grinding that already had his dick hard and the hold he had on her bountiful ass, which he squeezed to his heart's content, his finger sinking into the soft flesh, and getting delicious moans from the girls on top of him.

'Man. I can't get over the fact that she is only fifteen and already has this kind of body! She'll be a heart-stopper for sure in a few years,' thought Naruto as he let Hinata sexily suck his tongue into her mouth and twirl her tongue rapidly around it. He gave an inward smirk. 'And the best part is that she's all mine!'

About a week ago, Hinata had finally gathered the courage she needed and told Naruto how she felt about him. Naturally, he had accepted and returned her feelings but had also told her that he was in kind of a relationship with Anko and Tenten, and that while they didn't, and even encouraged, him being with other girls, so that meant that if Hinata wanted to be with him, she would have to share him with other girls.

Hinata, overjoyed by him accepting and even returning her feelings, had assured him that she didn't mind sharing him and even had told him that Ino and Sakura liked him as well and that she had been planning to share him with them since the beginning, so adding Anko and Tenten, the former whom she also found as attractive as her best friends, and any other girls to the mix wouldn't be some kind of sacrifice or compromise at all, quite the contrary. The only 'downside' would be that they had to keep it on the downlow for now because she had an image she needed to keep towards the rest of the village as the heiress of the Hyuga Clan. Naruto hardly cared about since public or not, the two of them would get to enjoy themselves as much as they wanted.

Hinata, before kissing him for the first time just after her confession, had revealed she had an extremely kinky said when she told him he could always use clones, how many he wanted and deemed necessary to satisfy all of them.

It was always the shy and quiet ones.

Hinata eventually had to breath and she pulled back with a gasp and regarded Naruto with a smoldering look that would have surprised those who only knew the Hyuga heiress as only a quiet, polity and somewhat shy girl. "I saw the way you looked at Tsunami-san. And the look she sent you when she thought no one was looking," she said with some amusement as she began to grind herself harder on him.

Naruto smirked, slightly looking up at her and giving her fleshy ass a hard squeeze, making her moan in delight. "Is that so? She is very beautiful and sexy despite being almost thirty and having a son so I couldn't help myself." Naruto admitted without shame and hesitation before asking her curiously. "Does that bother you?"

Hinata increased the pace of her grinding as Naruto continued to play with her ass. "Yo-you know it doesn't, Naruto-kun. I was just wondering… are you planning on sleeping with her during our stay here?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders. "Honestly? I don't know. If she comes to me, however, whom am I to say no such a beauty?" Naruto asked rhetorically before grinning when Hinata moaned at his admission as her pace became frantic. "What? Do you want to fuck her too?"

"I wo-wouldn't mind!" Screamed Hinata as she stiffened on top of Naruto and began to tremble as her body was rocked by an orgasm, the fact that she was finally doing such a thing with Naruto and the conversation she was having with him sending her over the edge.

Grateful for having the foresight to use all the privacy seals he knew on their room the moment they got inside, Naruto helped Hinata ride her intense orgasm, not minding how her juices soaked the front of his boxers due to the sheer quantity Hinata produced.

When he felt that she was coherent enough, he raised his right arm to lovingly rub her head through her dark blue tresses. "That's good to know. I hope she doesn't mind being with another girl as well in case she wants to get… closer… to me, hehe," he said with a perverse chuckle in the end that had Hinata giggling somewhat deliriously. Naruto then smirked before he started to gently push Hinata's head downwards. "Right now, however. We have to tend to some business that have be long overdue between us, Hinata-chan."

Hinata nodded her head still somewhat dazedly as her body was still experimenting the aftermath of her most intense orgasm so far. Not even Ino, Sakura or herself had given her such and orgasm and she had only been dry humping Naruto while talking about possibly having a threesome with a MILF. What would it be like when they actually had sex?

'I'm about to find out, aren't I?' thought Hinata giddily as she slipped off Naruto's lap and allowed him to guide her by pushing her head down until she was kneeling between his parted legs. Her entire face became red when she saw the wet spot on his boxers and the massive, twitching bulge that was barely containing his erection. 'Anko-neesan told us that it was the biggest she has ever seen and I have already seen it soft thanks to my Byakugan. I have yet to see it hard though!'

With slightly trembling hands, Hinata reached for the hem of Naruto's shorts and pulled them down when he raised his hips. Hinata gave a cute squeak when the gigantic pole of meat that Naruto called a cock smacked Hinata right in the face, its musky smell hitting her nostrils and sending he jolt of arousal straight to her pussy which began to gush with her juices.

She marveled at its sheer size. 'It has to be at least ten inches long and I most certainly can't wrap my fingers around it! And Naruto-kun still has some growth to do! Will it even fit now? In the future?' Were the thoughts that went through Hinata's head as her gaze turned almost worshipful.

Naruto's smirk spoke of maximum smugness as he looked down at the enthralled Hyuga heiress. "Suck my dick, Hinata-chan. Make me cum with your mouth," he ordered her, tenderly rubbing her head.

Hinata didn't even hesitate to give a small nod. She reached towards the twitching veiny cock with the most minuscule amounts of noticeably hesitance before tenderly grabbing the base, whimpering when she confirmed that indeed she couldn't wrap her fingers around it. Then, demurely Hinata leaned forward and gave the pulsing head of his cock a small, shy lick with her cute tongue.

Despite this not being by far his first blowjob, Naruto still grunted in pleasure at the sensation. That was enough to edge Hinata on.

Seemingly losing her shyness and hesitance, Hinata opened her mouth and engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth. Then, she began to pump his shaft languidly as she at the same pace swirled her tongue around the head. She finished it up by looking up at him with half-lidded eyes.

Naruto recognized this immediately as he hissed in delight. "Fucking hell! Anko-chan's definitely been teaching you," he said with a grin as enjoyed Hinata's work.

The bluenette hmmed her confirmation around his cock before she slowly began to take more of Naruto's cock into her mouth until she eventually bobbing her head up and down, her tongue pressed to the underside of Naruto's cock as she could only take about half of his length into her mouth due to her inexperience. Even though she had practiced with bananas, eggplants and cucumbers, at Anko's suggestion of course, Naruto's sheer size prevented her from deepthroating him, like Anko boasted she could with Tenten being almost there.

Her hand still continued to pump what she couldn't take inside her mouth and her other hand came up to tenderly massage and rub his balls.

Naruto was feeling incredible amounts of pleasure due to Hinata's surprisingly skillful ministrations. It was obvious she had been practicing. When she began to mix things up with long licks and open-mouthed kisses to the head of his cock, Naruto could only resist for a few more minutes before the urge to cum became too much.

"I'm about to blow, Hinata-chan!" He warned her as he restrained himself from starting to fuck Hinata's face. He recalled on time that Hinata had yet to acquire the experience of Anko and Tenten.

Hinata, instead of pulling back, only intensified her actions at his words as she began to bub her head up and down and pump what she couldn't take of his dick even faster and harder. At this Naruto couldn't take any longer and with a grunt followed by a hiss of pleasure, Naruto allowed himself to cum when Hinata was swirling her tongue around the head of his cock and pumping his shaft rapidly with both hands.

Hinata's eyes widened as for a moment, Naruto's cock became even bigger in her mouth before her mouth was filled with his semen, her cheeks bulging. She reflexively began to swallow the thick liquid and tears gathered up at the corner of her eyes before said eyes widened even more when Naruto didn't stop cumming with that first load and Hinata, refusing to spill any of it, forced herself to swallow two more loads like the first one.

When she could tell Naruto was done, Hinata locked eyes with him and opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out, to show him that she had indeed swallowed it all.

Naruto smirked perversely at her. "Come here," he said before cupping her cheeks with his hands and pulling her up until her face was level with his. She was a bit surprised when he smashed his lips into hers for a passionate, tongue filled kiss. She thought he wouldn't like to taste himself but once again, Naruto never failed to surprise her. He then ended the kiss sooner than she expected, or hoped for, and grinned at her. "That was amazing, Hinata-chan. One of the best I'd had." That was saying much, considering that Anko sucked his cock on a regular basis. "And now I'm going to return the favor."

Hinata tilted her head to the side and blinked. "What-! Eep!"

Hinata squeaked as Naruto suddenly picked her put, stood up and turned around with her in his arms and then threw on top of the bed. She could only stare as he grabbed the hem of her shorts and at his look, she raised her hips so he could pull them down. When Naruto did so, it revealed that Hinata had a patch of dark blue hair in the shape of a whirlpool right on top of her overflowing pussy.

Steam poured from her ears. Honestly, she had kind of forgotten about that…

Naruto raised an amused eyebrow as he smirked at her. "Anko-chan?"

Hinata could only nod.

A pondering expression appeared on his face. "Well, it's not that bad of an idea actually. I like it," he said before grinning hungrily at her as he glanced down at her pretty and soaking we pussy. "That's a thought for later though. Now, it's time to feast! Itadakimasu!"

Hinata gave a loud moan when Naruto began to eat her out without mercy. As she closed her eyes and tilted her head back in delight, one of Hinata's hand grasped the sheets tightly while the other grabbed Naruto's hair and pushed him further into her crotch in order to increase the intensity of the sensations he was giving her.

As Naruto used all the pussy eating skills he had acquired thanks to the memories of Minato, Kushina and the actual practice he had with Anko and Tenten, he couldn't help but think that Hinata tasted particularly sweet. While she still possessed that tangy flavor that was similar to the one Anko and Tenten possessed, the aftertaste of Hinata was actually sweet, almost like cinnamon.

Naruto chuckled into Hinata's pussy as his tongue outlined her labia, making her moan loudly in delight as she began to twist her hips into his face with increasing fervor. 'Perhaps she likes cinnamon rolls more than I thought?'

Knowing that Hinata was just a moment away from her second orgasm, Naruto focused his oral ministrations around her clitoris, using his skilled tongue to stimulate the erect bundle of nerves in many ways, and inserted two fingers into her vagina to finger her without worrying about her hymen. Like any kunoichi that trained hard, she had unavoidably broken it a few years ago. And she was also familiar with masturbation so…

Under this new assault Hinata barely lasted ten seconds before she was screaming as she thrashed around, her belly quivering visibly and her eyes rolling to the back of her head in an orgasm that was way more intense than the first one.

Naruto held her steady by her thighs as he helped her ride down her orgasm by slowly decreasing the intensity of his cunnilingus, lapping at the juices that soaked his face due to her reaching the highest peak of pleasure. When she finally became somewhat limp, Naruto pushed himself up and basked in the sight of her flushed and heaving visage as her dazed eyes looked at him with lust, love and worship.

Naruto smirked and licked his lips.

Hinata whimpered.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckled. "Delicious. But now, for the main course…" He trailed off and basically slithered up Hinata's body. The moment he was face-to-face with her he smashed his lips into her, smirking into the kiss when she moaned at the taste of herself, and wrapped his arms around her upper body and pulled her up a bit. He pulled at her tank top and pulled back from the kiss so he could take it off, her arms going up almost unconsciously. When Naruto looked down after throwing the garment away, Hinata's massive, gravity defying tits were still jiggling and her dark pink nipples were erect and diamond hard, pointing towards him.

Finally after having gotten some of her sense back to her after the orgasm, Hinata preened a bit at the way Naruto licked his lips when he stared at her uncovered breasts. 'Thanks, mom,' she couldn't help but be thankful towards her late mother since she knew, by pictures because her memories of her were kind of hazy, that she had inherited her looks entirely from her.

"Tell me what you want, Hinata-chan," ordered Naruto as he grabbed one her tits and squeezed it tenderly, marveling at the fact that he could barely grab half it and that his finger sunk easily into the flesh despite them looking so firm on her frame. 'And they are only going to get bigger!' He couldn't help but think perversely.

Hinata sighed in delight when he palmed her breast and moaned when he lightly pincher her nipple. She was way past the point of being embarrassed and she looked at Naruto with eyes full of want. "Fuck me. Fuck me and make me yours completely, Naruto-kun," she told him clearly.

Naruto grinned. "With pleasure," he said before lightly pushing her back to the bed lightly with the hold had on her tit. Hinata went willingly and parted her legs for him with hesitance, showing her overflowing and quivering pussy.

Despite that, she eyed his cock with trepidation when she saw him aiming the head of it directly to her entrance. She looked at him with trembling eyes. "Is that even going to fit?" She shared his thoughts from when she first saw it before sucking his dick.

Naruto chuckled and smirked as she moaned when he rubbed the fat head of his cock against her vulva. "Oh, yeah. It's going to fit, Hinata-chan. And I'm going to make sure that mine is the only cock that will ever give you pleasure," he told her possessively as he pressed his dick against her entrance and began to push.

Hinata's breath hitched and her eyelash fluttered at the sensation. "I would only ever do this with you, Naruto- AH!" Screamed Hinata at the end when Naruto shoved his cock inside her in one motion, the tip kissing her cervix and her vagina being stretched like never before. Her eyes rolled to the back her head as her body was rocked by an immediate orgasm many times more intense than the second one she experienced tonight.

With grin on his face as he enjoyed Hinata's vaginal walls quivering around him and squeezing him tightly, Naruto began to work his hips to pump in and out of her. He enjoyed how she unconsciously wrapped her creamy and thick legs around him as her trashing doubled when he began to fuck her properly. He enjoyed how he could see the outline of his dick throw her quivering lower abdomen as he fucked her. He enjoyed her jumping tits as his motions rocked her entire body back and forward.

Mostly, he enjoyed the fucked stupid expression on her face that mirrored the ones Tenten and Anko would get whenever he fucked them. Her eyes were crossed and rolled back, her tongue hung out limply and her lips were pulled back into a massive, silly grin as she could let out little shrieks and whimpers with every thrust of his dick.

The expression was so not like Hinata but was so perversely fitting that Naruto couldn't help himself and he began to fuck her with even more intensity. This resulted in Hinata's constant orgasmic state doubling in intensity and her 'ahegao' expression becoming even more silly, with tears and drool joining the mix as her grin widened even more, shrieks of impossible delight leaving her throat every time Naruto filled her to the brim with his cock. She didn't seem to mind her tits hitting her chin continuously every time her body was rocked back and forth.

Naruto then grabbed her legs, unwrapped them from around him and took advantage of Hinata's flexibility to basically fold her in half, her knees resting at the sides of her head and her thighs squeezing her tits together. This allowed Naruto to push even further deep inside her as he pistoned his cock in and out of her.

Hinata's pupils disappeared completely.

Eventually, Naruto reached his limit and with a roar of orgasmic delight Naruto spilled himself directly into Hinata's womb. He pumped his hips sporadically in conjuction with his twitching dick as he filled Hinata's insides with his semen. He then began to slowly pull out and as he did so, semen was still coming out and he filled her vaginal cavity as well.

Naruto pulled out of Hinata with a pop and satisfied sigh and blinked when he noticed that she was unconscious, his creampie slowly leaked out of her abused pussy and her tits jiggling with her movements. Her face was still contorted into that 'ahegao' expression as her arms and legs limp as her body locked down due to the overload of pleasure.

"Oops," he said with a grin before shrugging. He wasn't surprised Hinata was rendered comatose after their had their first time together. It had happened to Anko and it had happened to Tenten and he was sure that it was going to happen to every girl he fucked for the first time. They were most certainly not ready for the amount of pleasure they were going experience at his hands and the only thing they could do was to somewhat get 'used to it' so they could enjoy it for as much as they could until they were ultimately rendered unconscious by him.

It was ultimately the reason why he was gathering a harem of beautiful and sexy girls for himself. One was simply not enough to satisfy his needs completely after his 'transformation'. Attempting to do so was a fool's errand. So, it was best to share himself with as many women as he could and have them learn the wonders of the kind of pleasure he could give them at the same time they experienced pleasure with one another. It was a win-win for everyone after all.

Or at least, that was how Anko had put it as she rode his dick and Tenten, who had been riding his face, had agreed. Oh well, he wasn't going to complain anyways.

Naruto couldn't help but grin at the obscene and erotic sight of the catatonic Hinata. "I'm sure I can get her up to par in the time we are going to spend here. And if Tsunami-chan joins us, all the better."

As if she heard him, Hinata gave a whimper that was equal parts fearful and expectant.

Naruto just chuckled.


(Gato's HQ – Zabuza's Room)

The 'hunter nin' gently deposited Zabuza's limp and injured body on his bed. Then, after making sure that his body was in a comfortable position, the hunter nin reached for the senbon imbedded into Zabuza's neck and carefully pulled them out.

The moment that happened, Zabuza's eyes shot open and his hand reflexively shot out and grasped the forearm of the hunter nin tightly as he focused his glare on the masked visage that. Other than a tilt of the head, the hunter nin didn't give an outwards reacting that could be appreciated.

The moment he finally registered the sight before him, Zabuza visibly relaxed and gave a sight of relief as he released his hold on the 'hunter nin'. "Ah, it's you, Haku. That explains why I am alive now," he said before rolling his shoulders with a grunt and wincing a bit in pain when he reached with his burned arm to rub his neck where the senbon needles had been stuck. "You could've been a bit gentler, you know?"

Haku removed the mask to show an incredibly beautiful face that could only belong to a young woman in her teens. Zabuza visibly shrunk into himself under the hard and scolding looking she gave him with her brown eyes. "I was in a hurry considering that you were about to get killed so forgive me if I wasn't gentle when I saved you," she said with a huff before turning around to get supplies to give first aid to his more pressing injuries. "Honestly, Zabuza-sama, I don't know what possessed you to directly engage Kakashi of the Sharingan and a team you surely knew was trained by personally by himself head on like that!"

Zabuza winced at her exasperated tirade and gulped when she came back to stand by his side with a tray holding all the supplies she would nee, scolding expression not wavering when she put it at the nightstand next her for quick access while she worked on him. "I, erm, got kind of excited at finally having the chance to fight someone like him and didn't think?" He answered unsurely, though it was more like a question at the end.

Haku's response was to remove the kunai imbedded into his right arm non-too gently.

Zabuza grimaced in pain.

"Serves you right, Zabuza-sama," she spoke without mercy as she quickly disinfected the wound and began to stitch it up while occasionally using gauze to clean up some of the blood. "Perhaps you'll learn not to be that reckless in the future."

Zabuza could only grunt in discomfort as she pulled out the kunai from his right leg. "I wonder where that cute little girl I took in, who used to look up to me with only wonder and love, went?"

Haku's right eyebrow twitched as she tugged particularly harshly at the thread she was using to stitch up that wound, making Zabuza hiss in pain. Haku gave him an almost withering look. "She grew up and realized that the only person she has in her live and loves has a death wish," she hissed coldly before turning sharply to her work.

Zabuza's eyes softened a bit. "Haku…" He then grimaced again when she tugged at the stitches to make sure they were tight before cutting off the excess thread. "Can you please be a bit gentler, for Kami's sake?!"

Haku promptly ignored him as she cleaned up her work, grabbed the tray with her supplies and walked around the bed to stand by his left side, which was the one with the harsh burns. "Zabuza-sama needs to be punished so he can learn his lesson," she said before locking eyes with him, a no-nonsense expression her face. "And next time we face him, because I know we will since I know you oh too well, I will be going with you. If not to beat them, to at least make sure we get out of there alive."

Zabuza could only nod his head in agreement. "Okay, okay. You don't have to pull my leg, geez," he said before wilting again at her glare as she put down her tray. "So, erm, how long will it take to get back to fighting shape? I know they know by that I'm not dead." The moment Haku didn't dispose of his body right there and there it should have become obvious to Kakashi that she was on his side.

"I estimate three weeks, perhaps a few more days if you insist on not listening to me, as you always do," she told him before grabbing her utensils and looking at him with a slightly sadistic and pleased glint in her eyes that told him she was enjoying this more than she should. "Now, stop talking and hold still, Zabuza-sama. Because of these burns, this side is not going to be as pleasant as your right side."

Zabuza paled and sweat dropped. "Oi, Haku, wait a second- GAH!"

"Stop being a little bitch, Zabuza-sama."

These three weeks were going to be long ones. Despite never regretting it, Zabuza sometimes wondered what was going through his mind when he decided to take Haku as a surrogate daughter and, later on, apprentice. Oh yeah, he had been excited at the idea of a cute little thing like her being a badass killer. And while he kind of succeeded in that front, he never expected she would somehow wrap him around her little finger.

The fact he knew she was stronger than him, despite knowing that she would never harm him, surely was an important factor to take into consideration.


(Tazuna's House – The Next Day)

Tsunami couldn't help the light blush that colored her cheeks as she looked at the handsome blond teen and his dark blue haired teammate from where she sat across from there at the opposite side of the table. Going by the lazy smirk he had on his face and the almost literal glow the girl had as she leaned her head against his shoulder while letting out occasional happy sighs, it was obvious to her what had likely transpired between them last night.

Even if oddly enough, she had been unable to hear anything for some reason…

'And if her current state is anything to go by, she had the time of her life,' she thought as she recalled the first time she had sex with the father of her son. While it had not been a horrible experience, she had most certainly not been as happy as this girl, Hinata was her name if she remembered correctly, which only spoke extremely well about the prowess of the blond.

She could feel heat gathering at her core as she stole glances at him as he switched from talking with Hinata and eating his breakfast. Tsunami whimpered inwardly. 'It's been so long…' The last time she had sex had been with Kaiza before he was murdered by Gato. After that bleak chapter, she had been neither unable nor willing to beyond occasionally masturbating when the natural needs of her body became too much to bear.

Naruto, who was easily the most handsome and sexy man she had ever seen, managed to turn her own with just the sight of him and Tsunami couldn't blame herself. Not only had it been years since she had been with a man, someone not even a tenth as attractive as Naruto was, but she could tell that he had the perfect mix of muscle mass and definition that she liked in a man. It was a shame that he was apparently in a relationship with his teammate.

Tsunami couldn't help the sudden feelings of jealousy and irritation that momentarily went through her. While she wasn't that surprised about the jealousy, considering that she wanted to have sex with the blond but couldn't because he obviously was with Hinata, the irritation did surprise because it was more because Hinata was going to be enjoying the blond every night while she would only be able to masturbated at the thought of the two of them fucking each other than the fact that they were having sex in her home…

As her blush intensified a bit, Tsunami decided to focus on her breakfast before she possibly embarrassed herself.

Naruto for his part was immensely enjoying himself as he savored Tsunami's delicious cooking while having the happy Hinata pressed against him. While she had been too sore that morning to have a repeat of the night before, she had promised she would be ready for him later to nigh and, with a massive blush on her face, told him that she was determined to not pass out. Naruto doubted it, since it had taken Anko about a week before she 'got used' to it, Tenten a few days more than that, but he had accepted her words and even subtly teased her about it, much to her embarrasment.

Another reason for his good mood was because he could easily deduce Tsunami's thoughts going by her emotions and facial expressions. He smirked as he discreetly looked at her. 'It seems like Hinata and I are not going to be alone in our fun during the nights for too long…' He thought to himself, knowing that if he left things to develop by themselves with only subtle nudges on his part, he would get what he wanted faster and with the least possible amount of negative backslash towards him.

Not even Tsunami's son, Inari, with his gloom and surliness as he played with his breakfast and Sasuke's continued existence could damp his mood today. Speaking of Sasuke, it seemed like the black-haired boy was too busy brooding to notice the obvious development between his two teammates. That, or he was simply oblivious. Considering that the only thing he had on his mind was killing his brother ninety-nine percent of the time, it shouldn't be surprising.

He turned towards Kakashi, who had woken up that morning, and smirked at the discreet thump up he sent his way and the gleam of pride he could see on his right eye as he read his book while occasionally somehow eating through his mask. The fact that Kakashi approved of his relationship with Hinata was another reason for his good mood since his possible disapproval had been an annoyance he didn't want to deal with.

Everyone, even the silver haired man himself, had been surprised to see Kakashi up and about after seeing the state he had been in after his fight with Zabuza. The only reason Kakashi was capable of standing up and walking with minor difficulties right now was because Naruto had used a clone to transfer him some of his chakra to speed up the process significantly. His chakra control had reached the point that he could safely transfer some of his chakra through a clone created with the least amount of chakra he could put into one, which was still more than what a Kage level shinobi possessed.

At this rate, Kakashi would be back to one hundred percent in a day or two. However, Kakashi would notice that he would out of nowhere regain some of his previous physique and that his chakra reserves had gained a significant boost. He would suspect, of course, but he would never know why that happened.


Kakashi looked up from his book and regarded his blond student with a curious look. "Yes, Naruto?" He couldn't help but feel pride welling up on his chest at seeing the son of his sensei get another girl for himself. He knew that he was already intimate with Anko and Gai's only female student, Tenten, so the fact that Naruto was now with Hinata as well had Kakashi feeling almost like a proud older brother of sorts.

In their time together as a team, he had come to see Naruto as more than just his sensei's son and the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi. While they were still sensei and student, their relationship was closer than that. He had wanted to take care of him when he was a baby but now he could admit that his state of mind at that time was unfit to take care of a newborn. That, and everyone knows that he was Minato's student and it wouldn't take much to make the connection between Naruto and his sensei if Kakashi took care of him.

The last thing Konoha needed just after being wiped out by the Kyubi was for it to leak out to their enemies that the Yondaime Hokage had a son and that said son was also a Jinchuriki. He had to settle with checking on him every now and then through the years. For a time, his feelings had been… complicated… regarding Naruto, and when the Sandaime had told him what happened during the Forbidden Scroll Incident, he had feared the worst, but thankfully, there had been nothing to worry about.

He had managed to form a close bond with Naruto as his sensei and he was thankful for that. Thinking back, he could only feel pride and awe whenever he recalled watching Naruto acquiring skills to survive and thrive as a shinobi all by himself. Now, watching him form bonds that would only assure him being always on the side of Konoha made Kakashi feel content. He dreaded what would happen when Naruto eventually learned of his parentage, but that was a bridge he would cross when he got there.

But for now, he could say, without a sliver of doubt, that both Minato and Kushina would be extremely proud of their son. 'And Jiraiya-sama as well, though for completely different reasons,' he thought with a bit of perversion and amusement.

Naruto gave Kakashi and inquiring look. "How did you get Zabuza to think that you were seeing the future?" Inwardly, however, he regarded Kakashi with conflicting feelings. After his initial anger at the man and then deciding to take a neutral standpoint regarding him, Naruto had been by his side enough to feel his shifting emotions whenever he looked at him. That had let him to quickly figure out the likely reason why Kakashi had not approached him in the past. While it still made him angry, he couldn't really blame the man. It was the reason why he allowed himself to become close to him despite the Kurama part of him still not giving a fuck, Kushina still wanting to get some kind of retribution and Minato easily forgiving him.

At his question, Sasuke stopped brooding so he could focus on Kakashi. The others were also curious about his answer. The first thing Tazuna had done yesterday during supper was to tell his family everything that had transpired between him leaving Konoha and the moment they arrived.

Kakashi blinked before turning back to his book. "Hmm, well, it wasn't that complicated. The Sharingan already gives the user some predictive abilities when fully developed. Since I was already familiar with all the jutsu Zabuza used and was going to use, I only had to use the hypnotic abilities of the Sharingan to nudge him in the right direction to make him think I was seeing the future when I just making it seem like I was. The fact that he was already angry because of you successfully forcing him to release me on your own, Naruto, only made it harder for him to realize what was happening."

The civilian could only look at Kakashi owlishly.

Naruto made the show of blinking before deadpanning. "That eyes of yours is seriously overpowered. Can perfectly copy any ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu that isn't a Kekkei Genkai, gives you predictive abilities and allows you to hypnotize people and who knows whatever the fuck else. I call bullshit."

Sasuke couldn't help but smirk smugly at the blond's words. Finally, he was getting the recognition he was owed.

Kakashi simply flipped to the next page of his book. "You have to remember, that not only can I not deactivate it but my Sharingan is always consuming chakra when uncovered. And beyond that, it also consumes many times more than it should since I wasn't born with it and the chakra pathways aren't connected properly. I cannot make the most out of it for extended periods of time, as you saw yesterday."

Sasuke finally saw the opportunity he was looking for and stared at Kakashi with some hostility. "Where did you get that eye?"

Naruto scowled at him. "Oi, Sasuke!" He knew the reason and that it was painful for Kakashi. Sasuke might now know, but he was sure not dense enough to not realize that there was a significant story behind it considering that Kakashi had not even mentioned the fact that he had the Sharingan before revealing it to the team yesterday. Sasuke was being even more of a prick than normal.

Even Hinata, despite the wonderful mood she was in, couldn't help but frown disapprovingly at Sasuke. "That was quite rude even for you, Sasuke-san."

Kakashi sighed before closing his book and putting it away. "Don't worry you two. Considering what happened, and the fact that the Sharingan is a Kekkei Genkai exclusive to the Uchiha Clan, is only fair I give him an explanation," he reassured and when Naruto and Hinata backed down, he turned towards Sasuke with a serious look that had the Uchiha boy losing some of his bravado. "I won't go into much details and will be brief since it not something I like to consciously remember. During the Third Shinobi World War, a… good friend of mine, who was an Uchiha, gave his life for mine and gave me his newly awakened Sharingan so I could make it out alive of the situation we found ourselves in. Since it was under pressure and the middle of a battlefield, the surgery to implant the eye only allowed me to see and use its abilities."

When it seemed like that was all he was going to get, Sasuke simply looked away after giving Kakashi a short nod. Tazuna and Tsunami gave Kakashi looks of sympathy while Inari seemed to be lost in his own world, not paying attention to what was being said around him.

In the awkward silence that followed, it was Hinata broke it, somewhat changing the subject, easily telling that speaking of what happened was painful for their sensei. "Um, Kakashi-sensei? Why haven't you gotten some kind of corrective surgery so you can use your Sharingan without all of those limitations?" With her Byakugan, she had been able to tell that Kakashi had used significantly more chakra through his Sharingan than by using the Suiryudan no Jutsu and Daibakufu no Jutsu combined. It also explained why he had suffered from chakra exhaustion despite the fight not being that long and Kakashi being the third person with most chakra she had seen.

The first was Naruto, obviously, the second was the Sandaime Hokage, whose chakra she had accidentally seen when he had visited the Hyuga Compound for a meeting with her father and she had been training at that time. Kakashi was actually tied with her father in the chakra capacity, with Kakashi actually having a bit more than her father.

The silver haired jonin gave her an eye smile. "That's because the only one capable of doing such a procedure without irreparably damaging the eye or my own optical nerves and chakra pathways is Tsunade-sama and she has not stepped a foot inside the village in a long time. So, for the time being, I'll have to do with what I've got."

Hinata nodded in understanding at his answer before going back to bask in the joy that was the new level of closeness she had with her blond teammate, sighing happily as she snuggled further into him. After what transpired between them, she felt that the only instances she would become embarrassed was when the blond himself teased her about their closeness.

Naruto smiled down at Hinata before turning towards Kakashi with a curious and serious expression on his face. "So, what are we going to do while we wait for Zabuza to recover? For that matter, how long is going to take him to recover?"

Everyone became more attentive the moment Naruto voiced his question.

Kakashi adopted a serious expression himself as he nodded at the blond. "To answer your second question, I estimate that it would take him about three weeks to get back to fighting shape if he has someone that only knows the basics of healing and medical treatment. As for your first question, the only thing we can do for now is protect Tazuna and his family from any threat Gato might send their way, which is bound to happen considering Zabuza's initial failure, while he continues to build the bridge."

Inari perked up when he heard the name of the man he hated the most.

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Agreed. I can even help with the building. I can easily create a hundred clones without straining my chakra. Tazuna-san can use them as a working force to speed up the process of his work."

Tazuna looked at the blond gratefully. He as getting worried about his workers not wanting to work on the bridge anymore due to the threat of Gato but after he showed up at the bridge with an army of blond teens ready to work alongside them and told them what they were capable of, which he had seen with his own two eyes, he was sure they were going to feel the same hope he was feeling right now. Tsunami and Inari had yet to see but they eventually would.

Unknown to Tazuna, her daughter was stuck on finally realizing the implications behind the fact that the blond she was lusting for was capable of making clones of himself. 'Oh my…' She whimpered quietly as she rubbed her thighs together.

Naruto tried not to smirk at that as Hinata raised her head from his shoulder so she could put her own two cents. "We also must take into consideration the involvement of Zabuza's accomplice. I doubt he would attempt to attack us by himself after the sound defeat he suffered at yours and Naruto-kun's hands, Kakashi-sensei," she pointed out.

Inari began to tremble in place. Naruto's eyes flickered towards him as he sensed the turmoil of negative emotions coming from him.

Kakashi nodded his head again. "I am aware of that, Hinata. The 'hunter-nin' was skilled enough to sneak up on me and that is worrying. That's why we are also going to be training as well. I know that three weeks is not nearly enough to make enough advancements in order give any of you a chance to defeat Zabuza, however, I believe we can-!"

Kakashi was interrupted when Inari suddenly stood up and smacked his small hands into the table and glared heatedly at the members of Team Seven. "I don't know why are even going to try! Gato is going to kill all of you anyways!"

Tsunami looked at him both scandalized and angrily. "Inari!"

The child looked at her before clicking his tongue. "Tsk, whatever," he muttered before running out of the room.

Tsunami also stood up and hastily bowed at the ninja from Konoha. "I'm so sorry about him. Please, enjoy the rest of your breakfast," she said before following after her son, her intentions to reprimand him and punish him for his words clear to everyone.

Sasuke scoffed. "What the hell is that kid's problem?"

While Naruto and Hinata looked at him in disapproval and Kakashi only sighed tiredly, Tazuna adopted a grim expression on his face. "I also apologize for my grandson. He didn't use to be like that. However, a few years ago, when Gato first came here…"


(Woods near Tazuna's House – A Few Hours Later)

"Alright," began Kakashi the moment they were at a prudent enough distance from Tazuna's house. After finishing their breakfast and hearing the tragic story of Kaiza, Team Seven decided to waste no time and start training right away. Naruto had created some clones to make a perimeter around Tazuna's house just in case and they were close enough to respond in case Naruto's clones couldn't deal with the threat. "Since Tazuna is going back to work on the bridge tomorrow, we are going to have the entire day to train uninterrupted. From tomorrow onwards, however, we will be on protection detail on morning shifts and evening shifts so everyone gets to train some every day, understood?"

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke, who stood in a line in front of him, nodded their heads as their answer.

"What are we going to be doing?" Sasuke was the one to ask and his excitement was almost palpable. He was always almost jumping at the chance to get more power and he could tell that whatever it was, it wasn't going to be focused on teamwork building but rather increasing their own abilities, which was what Sasuke was after.

Naruto rolled his eyes at him while Hinata just smiled patiently.

Kakashi eye smiled. "Well, relatively speaking, there is nothing much I can teach you in terms of learning new things. Sasuke and Hinata already have that covered with the knowledge and techniques they have from their respective clans and who knows just what Naruto learned from the Forbidden Scroll," he said, chuckling at Naruto's cheeky and mischievous grin, before continuing. "I already made sure to build up on your foundations, that you know how to control your chakra and that you know how to work together as a team. With that in mind, I guess the only thing left is for me to teach you some of my specialty: Ninjutsu," declared Kakashi as he reached into his pouch and produced three small pieces of paper.

Hinata's eyebrows shot into her hairline. "Is that Chakra Induction Paper, Kakashi-sensei?" She asked as their sensei handed one piece of paper to her.

As he took his from Kakashi, Sasuke wondered, "What is this for?"

As Kakashi handed him the last one, Naruto was surprised that he would introduce them to nature transformation this earlier but considering the circumstances, it was obvious what Kakashi what Kakashi's intentions were. He answered Sasuke's question. "This is a one-of-a-kind paper made from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. It's used to determine to what element one's chakra is attuned to."

Kakashi nodded at Naruto's quick explanation. "That's correct, Naruto. We are going to determine your elemental affinities. While we don't have time to complete the training it's required to master the ability of harnessing one's element, there should be enough time to teach you the basics and a jutsu or two that could mean the difference between life and death in the future," he said before making a 'go ahead' motion. "Channel your chakra into the paper. If your affinity is Fire, the paper will ignite and turn to ash. If its Wind, the paper will split in two. If its Lightning, the paper will wrinkle. If its Earth, the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away. And if its Water, the paper will become wet/damp. Bear in mind that it's possible to have more than one elemental affinity, even though is rare outside of those with specific Kekkei Genkai."

Sasuke gave an eager nod before channeling his chakra into the paper. He watched with excited eyes as the paper first wrinkled before it caught on fire and quickly turned to ash. He smirked smugly. 'That means I have an affinity for Fire and Lightning! Yes! This is a step closer to finally becoming strong enough to kill Itachi!' He thought to himself as his fist tightened at his sides. He turned towards the others to see their results.

Hinata looked at her paper curiously as she channeled chakra into it. Her paper first wrinkled before becoming damp. Her eyes gleamed as she considered this. 'Water and Lighting? Those two are complementary. Not only that, but I also can…'

When he saw that Hinata also had two affinities, Sasuke's smug smirk disappeared from his face as he realized he wasn't superior to her in that regard. With gritted teeth, he turned towards Naruto, eagerly expecting to finally one upping him. Because, realistically, what were the chances of him having two affinities as well?

Naruto, feeling Sasuke's emotions and seeing the look on his face, inwardly groaned at the annoyance that was to come. He already knew what his affinities were. After a moment, he inwardly shrugged. Whatever happened with Sasuke wasn't his problem as long as he didn't anything idiotic. And if he was expecting Naruto to not have two affinities, well, he wasn't going to be disappointed technically speaking.

'Let's get this over with,' he thought before channeling chakra into his paper. He made the show growing more shocked by the second as his paper got shredded into dozens of uneven pieces, then, some of those pieces caught fire, other got so damp they basically became water and the rest wrinkled so much they became little balls.

Four shocked expressions, three real and one fake, stared at the results of Naruto testing for his affinity.

Naruto, however, knew exactly why he had those affinities. As just Naruto, before his transformation, he knew that he already had an extremely strong affinity for Wind, a strong one for Fire and a normal affinity for Water and Lightning. That was because of what inherited from his parents and the influence Kurama's chakra had while he was on Kushina's womb growing up.

As just Naruto, his Wind Affinity had been inherited from both Kushina and Minato and Kurama's own affinity to that element had enhanced it further. His Fire Affinity had been inherited from Minato and Kurama's own affinity to that element had enhanced it further. His Water Affinity had been inherited from his mother and his Lightning Affinity from his father. The influence of Kurama's chakra had also been the reason why his chakra had maintained those four affinities… as just Naruto.

Now, after his transformation, which had essentially consisted of combining the souls of just-Naruto, Kushina, Minato and Kurama and their chakra, which carried their affinities, keeping 'just-Naruto's' body as the vessel resulted in those affinities enhanced even further.

Naruto's Wind Affinity was positively godly now considering that it was the combination of just-Naruto's already strong Wind Affinity with Kurama's, Kushina's and Minato's. His Fire Affinity was barely beneath since the only one that didn't contribute to it was Kushina. And finally, his Lightning and Water Affinities would be considered extremely strong since the former was the combination of just-Naruto's and Minato's and the latter was the combination of just-Naruto's and Kushina's.

As he sensed Sasuke's jealousy and hatred growing, Hinata's admiration for him slowly starting to turn into worship outside the bedroom activities as well and Kakashi's pride beginning to soar, Naruto 'felt the need' to ask as he pointed at the results of his test. "So, erm, if having more than one affinity is rare, how unusual, in a scale of one to ten, is to have four affinities?"


(Konohagakure no Sato – Anko's Apartment)

Ino Yamanaka threw her head back and screamed in pleasure as she felt Anko's lengthened tongue do wonders inside her vagina. Oh, how grateful she was at that moment for breaking her hymen during training a few years ago, otherwise it would have been impossible to enjoy the full… extension… of Anko's oral abilities without having to take care of that first, which would have been unpleasant.

Ino heard a quite familiar moan by her side and she turned her head to bask in the sight of Sakura, her best friend sister along with Hinata in all but name and blood, enjoying a similar treatment from the brown-haired Tenten, whom Anko had introduced as 'one of Naruto's girls'. In the absence of Naruto and Hinata, Tenten had joined them in their extra training sessions after team meetings.

Neither her or Sakura had minded, not that it would have mattered since Anko had insisted, so Tenten had joined their training sessions.

It had quickly become apparent to Ino that apart from helping them grow in skill, the other thing that Anko wanted was to get in their pants with the help of Tenten. Well, in Sakura's pants actually, since by that time she had already gotten intimate with Ino. The training sessions between her, Hinata and Anko also included 'sexual training', which consisted in learning skills to pleasure both men and women, with the latter having quite the amount of practical sessions between Anko and themselves.

Sakura had been 'spared' because she spent most of her time with Naruto, the lucky bitch, and had only joined them for taijutsu training and learning medical ninjutsu from Hinata.

Anko had managed to convince her and Hinata to go along with it since she was going to teach them exactly how Naruto liked to be pleasured and how to pleasure all the other women Naruto was going to be, assuring them that the five of them (Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Anko herself) were not going to be nearly enough to satisfy the blond. Anko's claims of Naruto's prowess and stamina turning them on and the temptation of becoming the best sexual partners they could be in the future for Naruto and the rest of his harem, spurred both Ino and Hinata to accept.

Ino grinned and tugged at Anko's hair to push her further into her crotch, her nose rubbing her erected clitoris and intensifying the pleasure she was feeling due to Anko's expert cunnilingus. The violet haired woman had been surprised to learn that it wasn't the first time Ino and Hinata had been with another woman. Nor that it also wouldn't have been Sakura's had she been included at that time.

Hormones and curiosity between three girls that passed most of their time together and alone led to wonderful, erotic things.

Anyways, Ino had learned a lot from Anko and she didn't regret one bit any of her decisions so far, even if she knew that her father would have a heart attack if he learned that she was participating in lesbian threesomes, which just recently turned into foursomes, on a regular basis and that she was planning on becoming a member of Naruto's harem that would include the three girls she was having sex with regularly at the moment, Hinata and who knows how many girls more when he came back from his mission. So, whatever he didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.

Outside of the erotic side of things, Ino had also learned and grown a lot as a kunoichi. Her chakra capacity and control had increased by leaps and bounds and by default her sensor abilities had also increased, she had learned more about different poisons (and their antidotes of course), how to effectively use senbon, her taijutsu skills had increased, she had learned many interrogation techniques and had even learned some medical ninjutsu from Hinata.

Her father had been so proud and impressed with her that he had finally acceded to teach her more advanced clan techniques when she finally demonstrated her mastery of the Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Switch technique). She couldn't be happier.

And then Naruto and Hinata had been sent to Nami no Kuni, Anko had introduced them to Tenten and Sakura had joined her more actively in training with Anko, so much that she was starting to implement some elements of Anko's taijutsu style into her own and was learning about poisons as well. Tenten also helped Sakura by teaching her how to best use the Tanto she had decided would be her weapon of choice and while Ino also to start using some kind of weapon beyond kunai and shuriken, she felt that she needed to master the use of her senbon before attempting to learn how to use another weapon.

And yesterday, on their second day training together, using the same arguments Anko had used with herself and Hinata, she, along with Tenten and Anko, had managed to convince Sakura into joining the 'sexual training'.

Ino watched as Sakura also grabbed Tenten by her hair and forced her to eat her out harder. The blonde then shrieked as suddenly, Anko nipped lightly at her clitoris. That got Sakura's attention and the two best friends suddenly found themselves swapping saliva as they share an erotic and lustful french kiss after locking eyes for barely a second.

Loudly screaming into Sakura's mouth as she reached her third orgasm of that session, Sakura thrashing around at her side as she experienced the same, Ino hoped that Hinata had finally made her move on Naruto. And she could tell that Sakura was hoping for the same. Anko and Tenten had told them that their foursomes, which were already many times better than the many threesomes she had with Sakura and Hinata, were nothing compared to getting fucked by Naruto, and she couldn't wait to see that for herself.


(Nami no Kuni – Tazuna's House – Naruto's and Hinata's Room – That Night)

Naruto had a smug grin on his face as grunted with the effort of his actions. "Man, I fucking love my life," he said as he continued to fuck Hinata from behind, his dick going in and out of her gushing pussy as the sound of wet flesh smacking against wet flesh and her shrieks of pleasure were heard repeatedly through their room.

A particularly loud screech left Hinata's mouth when Naruto smacked her crimson red jiggling ass for who knows what time since they began their activities that night. After getting a blowjob and a paizuri from Hinata and then eating her out, Naruto decided that he wanted to fuck Hinata doggystyle that night.

The upper body of Hinata was pressed against the mattress of the bed, her head and chest resting on a soft pillow and her tits being squished tightly between her body and the mattress beneath her, her nipples rubbing deliciously against it which each rock of her body, the rest of witch was propped up as Naruto held her by her rippling ass cheeks as he shoved his entire cock in and out of her repeatedly.

Like yesterday, Hinata's face was contorted stupidly in pleasure in an 'ahegao' expression as she could only work her hips to respond to respond to Naruto's thrust with her own. Truthfully, the only different from yesterday was seemingly the position in which Hinata was being fucked.

Naruto knew, however, that there was another different from yesterday and that was the privacy seals. He had not removed them. He was the only man that was going to ever listen to Hinata's, of any of his girl's after being with them, cries of pleasure. What he had done, however, was to… modify them, so to speak.

As luck would have it, Tsunami's room was next to the one he was sharing with Hinata. So, in order to give things a 'nudge in the right direction, he had modified the layering of the seals so only Tsunami would be able to hear them having sex in the room right next to her.

He could already hear her moans as she pressed her ear to the wall that separated their rooms and masturbated to the sounds he and Hinata were making.

Naruto grunted as he grabbed Hinata's forearms and forced her upper body up when he began to use his hold on her arms to get leverage to fuck her even more savagely, Hinata's gigantic tits bouncing back and forward as her entire body rippled due to the strength of his trust. Proving that her words were more than just that, as her already intense orgasm doubled in power, Hinata began to shriek like a banshee as she enjoyed the overload of pleasure Naruto was giving her, refusing to pass out from it.

She was determined to at least stay conscious until he came once. After that, she had told him she could use her unconscious body to his hear content until he was satisfied for that night. After all, that was the least she could do since she couldn't equal the amount of pleasure Naruto gave her with the amount she could give him while conscious.

As his first orgasm of the night began to build up, Naruto couldn't help but wonder what the future had in store for him, since he was sure as hell that things were only going to get even better from now on.

Oh, if he only knew…