
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 93 Cleaners and Fire Brigades

The three people who have cooperated many times have a clear division of labor, and within two days, everything will be ready.

  Among them, the most difficult fire truck was also easily handled by Lu Qi.

  His approach, however, gave full play to the role of the team.

  He first found Miss Page and asked her to hack into the fire department's system. By searching for information, he found a retired fire truck that the fire department stored in the warehouse to eat ashes. Then, let Rick and Rama go to steal the fire truck and hide it in the prepared warehouse.

  The reason why Rama joined this preparatory operation was entirely because Rick, his cousin, saw Rama hanging out on the streets all day and not earning much money, so he brought him in to work.

  After all, when it comes to stealing cars alone, Rama is still trustworthy...

  It is worth mentioning that Rama, who was paid 20,000 yuan afterward, was very happy to run to Xiao Fu, half showing off and half sincere, asking him to go to the Vanilla Unicorn Club Hipi.

  When Lu Qi learned about this from the constipated Xiao Fu, he couldn't help laughing.

  I have to say, Rama is really a good-hearted funny bit...

  As for manpower, Lu Qi didn't let the fat and water flow to outsiders, so he brought in the old black man.

  Considering that this is the last task of working for FIB, the garment factory is no longer safe. In order to completely eliminate the traces, Leicester directly created a fire incident in the garment factory!

  Being so cautious is also an important reason why Lester has been hiding in the dark and has not been targeted.

  Lester's plan is not complicated.

  First, let Michael pretend to be a cleaner and use the cleaner's ID card to enter the FIB building. Then, under the surveillance camera, play the role of a competent cleaner, wait until you leave the surveillance range, and then install the prepared flame bombs in every corner of the office.

  After leaving get off work and leaving the building, Michael detonated the bomb, and then went to meet the three of Lu Qi.

  Then after Lester intercepted the call, they drove the fire truck and played a team of firefighters who arrived at the scene at the first time.

  Finally, he swaggered into the FIB building, took away the hard disk in the server room, cleared the monitoring data, and left the scene.

  The main point of the plan is to use camouflage to create an opportunity to freely enter and exit the FIB office and access the hard disk.

  And, the time must be grasped.

  They have to get the hard drive before the other fire brigade arrives!

  . . .

  At eight o'clock in the evening, the night shrouded the earth, but it couldn't hide the splendid lights of Los Santos.

  Mission Luo, in a warehouse on Vespucci Avenue, Lu Qi, Franklin and Rick, the three chatted while waiting for Michael's order.

  And not far from them, a refurbished fire truck was parked.

  "It's nine o'clock, I don't know if Michael went in..."

  Saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, as soon as he finished speaking, Michael called.

  "Xiao Fu, I'm going in dressed as a cleaner. You change your clothes first, stay in the fire truck, and wait for my news."

  "Okay, call me when you come out."

  After waiting for about an hour, the three people who had changed into fireproof suits waited for Michael's call:

  "Hey, the bomb is loaded, I've left the building, and I'm going to join you now."

  About five minutes later, Michael dressed as a cleaner joined everyone in the warehouse.

  After changing his clothes and talking on the phone with Lester, Michael looked at Xiao Fu who was beside him and commanded, "Xiao Fu, detonate the bomb!"


  While talking, Xiao Fu took out his mobile phone, called the bomb in the FIB building, and activated the detonating device.

  The next second, everyone vaguely heard a loud noise.

  When the four looked up at the towering FIB building in front of them, they found that the upper floors were already filled with flaming flames.

  "Okay, next, it's our turn to appear!"

  Under Michael's order, everyone quickly got into the fire truck, turned on the fire alarm, and drove towards the FIB building.

  The whole way was unobstructed, and some Xiao Fu, who was not very relieved, did not forget to confirm aloud:

  "So, did Lester intercept the SOS call?"

  "Yeah, we'll be the only idiots going into the fire, so don't worry."

  Just two minutes later, the fire trucks arrived in front of the FIB building.

  "Enter the building, hurry up!"

  The four quickly got out of the car, ran towards the door of the building, and ran quickly.

  Since it was off-duty time, there were not many people inside the building. In the open space in front of the building, there were only a few FIB personnel who had just escaped from the building.

  And the ground is full of rubble and glass slag.

  Seeing four people in fireproof suits, a blond girl in professional attire, she immediately pointed to the building and reminded:

  "Hey, there are still people above, be careful!"

  Lu Qi, who was wearing a mask, did not forget to answer casually when passing by:

  "Don't worry, ma'am, that's what we're here to do, leave the scene quickly!"

  Under the admiring gazes of several FIB personnel, the four ran straight into the building and came to the elevator entrance.

  "Leicester said the lifts should still work and at least save us some time climbing the stairs."

  Because the place where the bomb is placed is relatively far from the elevator entrance, after the explosion, it has not affected the use of the elevator for the time being. Therefore, the four were able to take the elevator,

Arrived on the 47th floor.

  And the server room where the hard disk is located is on the 53rd floor!

  That is to say, they must pass the fire stairs and go up through the 49th floor, which is already a sea of ​​fire, to reach the server room on the top floor.

  The four people, carrying oxygen cylinders and wearing fireproof suits, took slightly heavy steps and ran wildly all the way.

  When they came to the 53rd floor, the four sweaty people didn't have time to rest and came to the server room at the corner of the floor.

  "Damn it! The door is locked..."

  "Xiao Fu, put the prepared explosives on the door!"

  Only a "bang" was heard, and the door to the server room was blown open.

  "Removable hard drives on the innermost server rack against the wall!"

  Hearing this, Lu Qi, who responded the fastest, ran into the server room quickly, and after pulling out the hard drive, he did not forget to remove the hard drive storing the monitoring data to avoid cleaning the fake Michael. worker, was found.

  "Come on, let's get out of here before the building starts to collapse!"

  The four returned along the original road, and just after returning to the fire corridor on the 47th floor, they heard a loud collapse from above.

  What followed was an ever-expanding crack in the ceiling, and a succession of falling concrete blocks.

  "The building is about to collapse, hurry up and run!"

  Where did the four of them experience such a battle, when their hearts were pounding, they quickly sped up their pace, trying to leave this ghost place as quickly as possible.

  Crossing the office, the four arrived at the elevator entrance on the 47th floor.

  "We can rappel down here! Come on, help pry the door open!"

  Under Michael's command, Lu Qi took the crowbar and worked with the three to open the elevator passage.

  Fortunately, Lester had long thought of possible emergencies, and asked the four to bring ropes and tools for rappelling.

  After fixing the ropes, they threw them into the elevator passage. The four of them fastened the ropes with the seat belts around their waists and descended down the elevator passage one after another.

  Fortunately, all four of them were wearing gloves, otherwise, the palms of the hands might have been worn away from the nearly fifty-story high-speed descent.

  While dodging the stones that fell from the top of the passage, they made a rapid descent, and the four finally reached the negative floor of the building without any risk.

  Using the fire escape, the four ran up one floor, passed through the lobby on the first floor, and successfully escaped from the collapsing FIB building.

  "There will be other fire trucks coming soon, we've done our best inside!"

  Leaving such a sentence to the FIB personnel at the scene, Lu Qi and the four got into the fire truck and drove away from the messy fire scene...