
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 92 Stance

Next to the Los Santos Expressway, the Daniel Brothers garment factory.

  When Franklin, who was sitting on the sofa in the office, saw Michael pushing the door in, he immediately got up and asked:

  "Hey man, what's the problem?"

  "Fuck Steve Hines!" Michael responded with a frown.

  "Of course it's fucking Steve Hines, he's always the one who makes the problem."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Lester, who was walking slower, also leaned on crutches and walked in from the door:

  "Not quite, either Steve Hines or Trevor. Or his family, one of them anyway."

  "Yeah, indeed, always one of the..."

  "I'm an old, fat bastard with a horrible family and even scarier friends. I've said it before, Franklin, I'm not a good role model, that's all..."

  Looking at Michael with a distressed face, Franklin spread his hands and said comfortably:

  "Whatever, man, it's either doing this or selling dicks. Either way, bullets will still go to your ass, that's how the world fucks up..."

  Before he finished speaking, a male voice came from the door:

  "I agree."

  Looking at the reputation, I saw Lu Qi in a black suit walking straight into the office.

  "Hey, Lao Mai, I heard you're in trouble again?"

  Seeing Lu Qi, Michael couldn't help being a little surprised.

  He thought that after his ugly past was revealed, Lu Qi would be very disappointed in himself, and would not even interact with him again.

  But it didn't happen, the other party heard that he was in trouble and was willing to come to help.

  So did Franklin.

  Although the two did not say anything, they proved their position with actions. This made Michael feel deeply in his heart.


  Before he could continue speaking, Lu Qi turned to look at Franklin beside him and reminded:

  "By the way, Xiao Fu, I almost forgot to tell you that it's raining outside and your motorcycle got wet."

  "Gan! Didn't you tell me earlier!"

  After scolding, Franklin quickly ran out of the office to check his precious motorcycle.

  Seeing Michael's expression of hesitating to speak, Lu Qi smiled lightly, sat on the desk beside him, and said casually, "Don't look at me so moved, I am today thanks to your care. , you are in trouble, and I won't stand by."

  Hearing this, he took a deep look at Lu Qi, and then Michael said in a hoarse voice:

  "Thanks, brother."

  When Franklin came back, Lester also preliminarily completed the planning board and began to arrange the preparatory work.

  "To take the hard drive where the evidence is stored, we have to enter the heavily guarded FIB building. That means we need to gather more intelligence, especially to find the architectural drawings of the FIB building."

  "I can't find the blueprint for the building online, so I need the paper version. The architect's name is Chip Peterson, and the office is in Bakerloo City. Xiao Fu, you can follow him and get the blueprint."

  Hearing this, Franklin nodded and replied, "OK, leave it to me."

  "Okay, we'll withdraw first and wait for you to contact us."

  Before leaving, Michael patted Lester on the shoulder and joked, "Don't work too hard..."

  Standing in front of the plan board, Lester, who was contemplating, responded casually:


  . . .

  Franklin's work efficiency has always been very high.

  Only the next day, he brought back the architectural blueprint.

  After receiving contact from Leicester, the three gathered in the garment factory again.

  Standing in front of the plan board covered with various photos and information, Lester, leaning on crutches, began to say:

  "We have two options. The new security software will go into lockdown mode during emergencies, you know, earthquakes, mudslides, and when God's gonna bit you."

  "So, we can place some firebombs ourselves. "Bang! "There's an explosion, they'll make an emergency call, and we'll hack in to intercept the call, then we'll go in as a fire brigade and take the hard drive that's blocked."

  "This is the first option. For the second option...or we can hack the system on the spot, go in from the air, and hopefully there won't be too much resistance by then."

  After the plan was finished, Franklin was the first to express his opinion.

  "Sounds easy... Whether it's blowing up the offices of the corrupt ZF lunatics, or using our most useless ninja skills to bring down the most complex security system in the world, ho ho..."

  Hearing Franklin's words, Lu Qi, who was leaning against his desk, could not help frowning and said:

  "This is the FIB West Coast headquarters. It's not an ordinary Vespucci Beach two-story apartment. It's amazing to be able to make two feasible plans in a short period of time. Give this man some respect!"

  Hearing the words, Franklin realized that his own words might hurt Lester, so he could not help saying to Lester beside him:


Yo, man, I'm just whining, not against you. "

  "I know."

  Looking at Lu Qi gratefully, Lester stepped forward and said:

  "My work is done, the choice is yours."

  "By the way, if you like this plan of firebombs and camouflage infiltration, we have the FIB cleaner's credentials in hand, which can come in handy..."

  Looking at the two plans on the plan board, Michel thought for a while, then turned to look at Lu Qi who was in deep thought, and asked:

  "Alix, what do you think?"

  Don't even think about this question!

  Of the two plans, the second option is to attack the FIB directly, and it will be over.

  Even if there is a high-level support from Hines, a large part of the FIB personnel in the building can be transferred to reduce the threat level in the building, but still, this is undoubtedly a death sentence.

  If you have Lao Cui, an old man with outstanding combat power by his side, maybe you can give it a try.

  Besides, the frontal recklessness is a plan B that was chosen under the last resort, and it is not Lu Qi's behavior.

  As for the first option, the trouble is a little more troublesome, but the risk is relatively small, the operability is higher, and the security is much higher.

  After discussion among the three, the first plan was unanimously selected.

  "Very well, that's it!"

  "In terms of clothing, I can prepare it for you. But the fire truck, I need you to get it. Also, a fleeing vehicle hidden nearby allows you to quickly leave the scene after dealing with the fire truck..."

  "In terms of manpower, the fire brigade has always been in groups of four, but the three of you may cause suspicion. That is to say, we still need to find a helper..."

  "The only thing to be happy about is that Hines promised to use the rest of Perito's money as operational funds. We can keep the rest of the money except for the recruitment dividends."

  After assigning specific work, Lester opened his arms, like a warrior who declared war on capitalism, and said excitedly:

  "Let's do it! Gentlemen, let's give those corrupt ZF lackeys a little color!"