
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 49 Dig a hole and bury you

"You... how did you know?!"

  Seeing that Liston's face changed suddenly, with an unbelievable look, Lu Qi couldn't help showing a very bright smile for the second time.

  Gently patted his face with his hand, Lu Qi said:

  "Yes, I know that the videotape is in your safe, and the safe is located behind the painting on the bedroom wall."

  "Do you really think that you can easily get five million by texting and blackmailing your ex-girlfriend?"

  "that's it?"

  "Oh, you're so naive..."

  Standing up, Lu Qi glanced at the old black man who was shoveling soil, and then said:

  "Jeremy, you know, you should stop obediently after taking the half a million. In that case, there would be no such thing as today..."

  click... click...

  The noise in his ears made Liston turn his head and look aside.

  When he also saw the busy figure of Rick shoveling and digging a hole, he couldn't help but startled, as if thinking of something, his face turned pale.

  "He... what is he doing?!"

  "Oh, did you say that pit? Of course it was prepared for you!"

  Hearing this, in Liston's mind, he immediately made up the scene where he was thrown into a pit and buried alive.

  The feeling of being submerged in mud bit by bit seems to have filled his entire brain.

  This made him shiver all over, his lower body became cold, and before he knew it, a lot of liquid seeped out of his crotch.

  He is incontinent...

  Somewhat disgusted, he took two steps back, and he was relieved to see that his shoes were not wet.

  Lu Qi didn't expect that this guy's psychological defense was so fragile, and he was already frightened before he really threw him into the pit.

  But it's good, in this way, he doesn't need to continue to play such a villain role...

  However, some people never die until they reach the Yellow River.

  Before he could ask for the password of the safe, Liston suddenly shouted:

  "You can't do this!"

  "Oh, why?"

  Like a drowning person who caught the last straw, Liston didn't notice the joking on Lu Qi's face at all, and just said hurriedly:

  "Only I know the password of the safe. If you kill me, you will never get that videotape!"

  Hearing this, Lu Qi shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

  "Anyway, after killing you, I can still find a professional to open the safe, but it's just a little more troublesome."

  After that, Lu Qi looked in the direction of Rick and asked:



  After receiving the answer, Lu Qi looked at Liston with a pale face and smiled:

  "are you ready?"

  Without waiting for the other person to answer, he reached out and grabbed Liston's clothes, dragged the whole person hard, and walked slowly towards the dug hole.

  Liston, who was dragged on the ground, was already snot and tears streaming down.

  With his hands and feet tied, he could only twist his body frantically, trying to make a final struggle, while begging for mercy:

  "God, please, don't kill me! Don't kill me, I don't want to die... I can give you anything you want, you want money, you want the password to the safe, and I'll give you everything..."

  Hearing these extremely miserable shouts, the old black man holding a shovel and standing aside was also a little unbearable.

  However, Lu Qi turned a deaf ear like a ruthless robot.

  He dragged Liston to the edge of the deep pit and pushed him down into the dug.


  Under Lu Qi's order, the black man held a shovel, shoveled a handful of sand, and filled the pit.

  With some dry sand pouring over his body, Liston, who was lying in the pit, let out a fearful "ah" and continued to beg for mercy:

  "Please...don't kill me...I don't want to die yet..."

  When a thin layer of sand covered Liston's body, Lu Qi suddenly reached out to stop Rick.

  Squatting on the edge of the bunker, looking down at Liston condescendingly, Lu Qi raised a finger and said coldly:

  "Last chance, tell me the password to the safe, or be buried alive!"

  Lu Qi's words were like the voice of nature, and Liston seized this last chance to survive without hesitation:

  "I said I said, 8...7..9..520..."

  After reciting the password in his heart, Lu Qi took out his mobile phone and called Peggy:

  "Are you in front of the safe?"


  "The password is 879520."

  He heard a faint sound of "di", and in the next second, Lu Qi heard Peggy's reply:

  "Get the tape."

  "Very well, check the contents of the tape, just in case."

  After a while, on the other side of the phone, Page's voice rang again:

  "The tape is fine."

  "Okay, remember to take everything away and see you in the office."

  Hanging up the phone, Lu Qi looked down at Liston in the bunker again, applauded and said:

  "Very good, Jeremy, you saved your life."

  After that, Lu Qi pulled out a tactical dagger from behind his waist and jumped into the bunker. Under Liston's terrified gaze,

Broke the nylon tie that bound him.

  With Rick, they pulled Liston up from the bunker, and Lu Qi stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, like a confidant and friend, and said to him in a deep voice:

  "Since you know that I am serious, then you should understand, what are you going to do?"


  Without waiting for Liston to react, Lu Qi's expression changed suddenly, he grabbed his neck suddenly, brought him close to his ear, and said solemnly:

  "From now on, even if you look in Scarlett's direction, I will let you really see what it feels like to be buried alive."

  "Do you want to experience the feeling of the nasal cavity being filled with sand, unable to breathe, and finally suffocating to death?!"

  Liston, who was strangled by his neck, didn't dare to take a breath, just shook his head frantically.

  Seeing this, Lu Qi nodded very satisfied, released his hand, patted Liston's face, and smiled:

  "Very good. So, stay away from her and never step into her life again, okay?"

  Liston nodded frantically again.

  "That's right, go straight in that direction, and you can see the road. Then you can find a way to go home yourself."

  "thanks, thanks…"

  After guiding Liston in the direction, Lu Qi watched Liston walk into the darkness, then turned around and said to Rick beside him:

  "Pack up, we should go too."

  "Then what about this pit?"

  "Save it for next time..."

  Leaving such an indistinguishable remark, Lu Qi picked up a vertical construction site light, turned around, and walked towards the van.

  Only the helpless black old man was left standing there.

  . . .

  On the way back, the black man held the steering wheel with both hands and asked curiously while driving the car:

  "Alix, if he doesn't say anything, are you really going to bury him alive?"

  Hearing this, Lu Qi paid attention to Rick's expression and gasped deliberately:


  "No! What the hell are you thinking, am I such a person?"

  Hearing this, Rick was relieved in his heart, scratched his head with his hand, and then covered his embarrassment with a simple and honest smirk.

  Lu Qi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also smiled back.

  However, under the smile, only Lu Qi himself knew that he had lied on this issue...