
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 48 give him a little surprise

"When I get the money, I'll buy a Ferrari first, and then throw a big party to show those idiots who talk bad about me behind my back all day, I'm not out of breath..."

  "Yeah, of course she doesn't dare to play tricks... That stinky bitch is already raising money, I can get the money tomorrow..."

  Sitting on the sofa, Jeremy Liston was enjoying himself, holding a colorful bong in his hand.

  Meanwhile, far away in the office.

  Liston's every move, like a reality show, was revealed to Lu Qi without privacy through several surveillance screens and bugs.

  Whether it's every word he says or every action he does.

  At this time, Rick, who was standing aside, wearing headphones, and watching the monitoring screen, said what everyone in the room said:

  "This TM is such a jerk!"

  Shrugging, with a lollipop in his mouth, Peggy turned to look at Lu Qi, who said nothing, and asked:

  "What are you going to do next? Go straight to the door and ask him to hand over the videotape obediently? I don't think he would agree to you so easily..."

  "No, I changed my mind..."

  After a pause, a smile suddenly appeared on Lu Qi's Gujing Bubo's face, and he said meaningfully:

  "I'm going to give him a little surprise!"

  Seeing Lu Qi's smile, for some reason, Rick suddenly had an inexplicable chill that passed through his heart.

  The so-called "surprise" is definitely not what he understands...

  . . .

  The night is getting darker.

  Under the dim street lights, Vespucci Beach Street, which was extremely lively during the day, could not see any pedestrians at this time.

  When the hands pointed to 12 o'clock, Jeremy Liston was full of alcohol before returning home.

  Without even taking off his clothes and shoes, Liston, who was blushing, walked straight into the bedroom and fell on the bed with a bang.

  Within a few minutes, the party master had already fallen asleep.

  When the clock on the wall came to one in the morning, the door of the apartment suddenly made some abnormal noises.

  ka ka ka ka ka ka ka...

  The tiny sound did not affect Liston's good dream.

  The sound didn't last long, and with a "click" like a spring, the locked door was slowly pushed open.

  Two figures in dark clothes and peaked caps tiptoed into the apartment and came to the bedroom through the moonlight shining through the window.

  Looking at Liston, who was unaware and had his eyes closed, one of the taller figures boldly stretched out his gloved right hand and patted Liston twice on the face!

  It seems that he did not expect his companion to do this, and another shorter figure was suddenly startled.

  Fortunately for him, Liston, who was sleeping, did not respond to this.

  "Yo, boss, next time you do this, can you tell me in advance? I was almost scared to death by you!"

  Hearing the black brother's complaint, Lu Qi's face under the peaked cap raised the corner of his mouth and whispered:

  "Don't worry, when he sleeps, even if there is thunder outside, there is no way to wake him up. Okay, you move your feet, I'll move your head."

  "Don't tell me sooner..."

  The two, who had divided their work, immediately moved one after the other, picked up Liston and walked downstairs.

  On the first floor, a dark van stopped in front of the apartment.

  Open the car, put the sleeping Liston in, and bind his hands and feet with nylon ties, and Rick closed the door smoothly.

  After getting it done, Lu Qi took out a bundle of keys and threw it to Miss Page who had just gotten off the co-pilot, and ordered:

  "You're on standby inside, waiting for my call."

  "as you wish…"

  Sitting on the co-pilot and patted Rick on the shoulder, Lu Qi said:

  "Come on, let's go for a ride!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the black van suddenly started and drove all the way to the north...

  . . .

  Three in the morning.

  Located in the Senora Desert outside Los Santos.

  After two hours of driving, the black van finally came to a stop on some deserted desert.

  "Just here."

  After parking the car, Lu Qi and Rick got out of the car and came to the back of the carriage.

  Opening the door, the two first moved the two vertical construction site lights to the ground and turned on the lights.

  Then, the two of them carried Liston, who was sleeping, and carried him off the carriage.

  In his sleep, Liston suddenly felt a pain in his back, and his whole body shuddered.

  Before he could tell the difference between sleep and reality, an incomparably strong light shot directly into his eyes, forcing him to slowly open his hazy eyes.

  What caught my eye was a light that could not be seen directly.

  Liston just wanted to raise his hand to block the dazzling light, but found that his hands and even his legs were tied up, and he was lying on his side on the uneven ground!

  At this moment, the fear of danger,

Let his brain filled with alcohol finally sober up a lot.

  "Where is this place?"

  "This is the desert."

  Accompanied by a deep voice, Lu Qi and Rick, who were all in darkness, walked out slowly from behind the lights.

  It is worth mentioning that Rick is also holding a shovel in his hand, which he does not know how to use.

  Under the backlight, the frightened Liston could not see the appearance of the two of them clearly, but in a panicked tone asked repeatedly:

  "You... who are you? What do you want to do?!"

  "It doesn't matter who we are, it matters, Jeremy, who you are."

  While speaking, Lu Qi slowly walked in front of Liston, squatted down with his legs bent, grabbed Liston's hair, and said solemnly:

  "Jeremy Liston, do you know Scarlett Jones?"

  "She asked me to say hello to you..."


  Hearing this, Liston's eyes and pupils suddenly dilated, finally realizing the seriousness of the matter, he involuntarily raised his throat and shouted loudly:

  "Help! Help!!"

  However, in the vast desert, as soon as the sound of shouting came out, it was drowned out by the wind and sand, and there was no wave.

  He loosened Liston's hair and looked at him like a clown. Lu Qi smiled lightly and said:

  "Shout, shout loudly! Even if you scream, no one will come."

  After shouting a few times, he found that Liston, who was useless, turned to pretend to be calm, put on a stern look, and shouted to Lu Qi:

  "Don't eat the sour radish! I know what you want, isn't that the tape of that bitch Scarlett?! I've put it in a place that only I know, if you don't put me, don't TM wants to get the tape back."

  "Oh, really? I'm so scared..."

  Although he said so, there was no trace of fear on Lu Qi's face at all.

  Waved to the old black man beside him, Lu Qi squatted down again, helped Liston tidy up his collar, and said with a smile:

  "Don't worry, after a while, you will cry and beg me, and tell me the password of the safe with the videotape..."