
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 46 First Order Entrustment

"The Garden Bank Building is expensive, but the location is good..."

  "The price of Weishaupt Plaza is good, and it is also close to the Richard Monarch Studios, which may be more conducive to the development of the business..."

  Just as Lu Qi and Daniel were discussing the location of the company's office at home, they suddenly received a call from Lacey.

  "Hello, Lacey?"

  "Alix, are you busy?"

  Lacey on the other side of the phone, his tone was obviously much lower than usual, which made Lu Qi frowned and asked:

  "No, I'm at home, what happened?"

  "Yes, but it's not me, it's Scarlett... Can you come to my house now?"

  Hearing this, Lu Qi glanced at Daniel who was beside him, and then said:

  "I know, I'll be there soon."

  After hanging up the phone, Lu Qi got up immediately, picked up the suit jacket on the armrest of the sofa, and instructed Daniel:

  "I have something to go out. If I have an office, I'll choose the one in the Weisoe Plaza building."

  "Okay, I'll go talk to the broker about the lease right away in the afternoon..."

  "Well, when you go out, remember to close the door."

  Leaving such a sentence, Lu Qi took the car keys and hurried out the door...

  . . .

  A few minutes later, Lu Qi was already sitting on the sofa in Lacey's living room.

  On the opposite side of him were Scarlett, who had a sad face, and Lacey, who was comforting her best friend in a low voice.

  "What the hell happened?"

  Hearing this, Scarlett looked like she was hesitating to speak, but Lacey finally said it:

  "Scarlett is in trouble."

  Wrinkling his brows, Lu Qi's expression became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice, "Trouble? What kind of trouble? Tell me carefully, don't omit any details..."

  "It's like this..."

  With Scarlett's explanation and Lacey's addition, Lu Qi probably grasped the ins and outs of the whole thing.

  Lacey's best friend, Scarlett, is also a big movie star and a representative of the pure school.

  However, Hollywood stars always have two faces.

  The front is pure, but the back is crazy, and there are many people.

  Scarlett is that type.

  A few years ago, she had privately dated a boyfriend in the music industry despite company protests.

  Due to the better and better development of Xingtu and the incompatibility between the two, Scarlett finally chose to break up with each other.

  And after the breakup, the ex-boyfriend still stubbornly pestered Scarlett.

  In order to put things at ease, and to end this relationship, Scarlett gave him half a million to get him out of the way.

  However, the other party seems not satisfied with this and wants more.

  This time, the ex-boyfriend went even further and sent an extortionate text message directly to Scarlett, claiming that if he didn't give him a 5 million hush fee, he would spread the video of the two making @ together.

  Five million is not a small amount even for Hollywood stars with incomes at the top of the pyramid.

  Although she could get the money, Scarlett finally understood that she couldn't continue like this.

  Insatiable blood flows in the bones of such a person. Once a precedent is set, there will be a second blackmail, a third blackmail...

  The other party will not give up until no more oil and water can be squeezed out of her.

  Until then, in order to save herself, Scarlett must do something to stop things from continuing to the point of being irreparable!

  Fortunately for her, at Lacey's party, she happened to meet Lu Qi, who calls herself a "private security consultant".

  So, this time we meet...

  Sitting on the sofa, Lu Qi looked at Scarlett, who frowned tightly, and Lacey, who looked at him expectantly, and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

  Even Lu Qi, who was full of confidence, did not expect that the company's first order would come to his door so quickly.

  However, this proved that his previous guess was correct.

  This is indeed a potential industry that makes a difference.

  Although he already knew the answer, Lu Qi still asked the exit:

  "Then why don't you tell the agency about it, they should have a way to deal with it."

  Hearing this, Scarlett's sad expression remained unchanged, and she said a little helplessly:

  "You don't know, I'm currently competing for a heroine in a big production, and there's a good chance I'll get that role. If the company or the media know about this, don't talk about the heroine, my future will be ruined !"

  "I will never allow this to happen!"

  Scarlett's answer was basically the same as what Lu Qi thought.

  As a public figure, Scarlett must not dare to speak out, contact the police, and can only seek a private solution.

  Perhaps, it is with this in mind that this ex-boyfriend is so fearless...

  Seeing Lu Qi's fingers constantly tapping on the armrest of the sofa, with a contemplative look,

Scarlett blinked, and then said:

  "I heard Lacey say that you deal with that fanatical fan... If you can help me get rid of this damn guy and let him stop bothering me in the future, I won't treat you badly."

  At this time, Lacey, who was sitting on the side, also blinked her watery blue eyes and said in agreement:

  "Alix, please help Scarlett..."

  Suddenly stopped tapping the armrest, Lu Qi leaned forward slightly, crossed his hands and fingers, and said seriously:

  "Since I'm already here, you don't have to worry anymore. This matter is not difficult to solve."

  This sentence instantly caught the attention of the two of them.

  Under the gaze of two pairs of beautiful eyes, Lu Qi continued:

  "The reason why he is so resolute is that he thinks he has decided on you. However, this kind of smart guy is also the best solution."

  "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will bring the videotape back intact, and make him never dare to enter your life again from now on!"

  Perhaps it was Lu Qi's serious appearance, or perhaps it was his resolute tone, which made Scarlett's uneasy heart suddenly become much more stable.

  Looking at Lu Qi with grateful eyes, Scarlett said softly:

  "Alix, then please..."

  Immediately afterwards, Lu Qi immediately called Daniel over, and after signing an entrustment contract with Scarlett, he officially accepted the first entrustment since the establishment of the company!

  It is worth mentioning that since it was the first time to take an order, Lu Qi didn't know the market situation, so he hesitated and called out the commission fee of $500,000.

  But Scarlett didn't think about it, and she agreed directly.

  But also, compared to 5 million, 500,000 is too cheap...

  This made Lu Qi feel a little bit regretful, and regretted whether the price he bid was a little low.

  Walking out of Lacey's house with Daniel, Lu Qi suddenly stopped, looked back at Lacey's luxurious mansion, and couldn't help sighing in his heart:

  "These Hollywood stars are really rich..."

  In an instant, Lu Qi was full of endless motivation for his career!