
All-day stand-alone big player ( Re )

In GTA5, I was a member of F4 in Los Angeles, and the trouble-solver that Hollywood was craving! In "Call of Duty", I am the founding member of the 141 Special Forces, and I am also the most reliable teammate of Old Immortal Price as always! "Tomb Raider", "Killer", "Resident Evil"... I'm Lu Qi. When an opportunity to traverse the world of a single-player game was presented to me, I pressed the agree button awkwardly. In this way, I embarked on my own stand-alone journey... [There are two million-word old books, which are updated and stable, and will never be monitored. 】

Namelessempire · Video Games
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121 Chs

Chapter 45 Accounting and Hacking

As the saying goes, money can make ghosts run the mill. Driven by money, Daniel's work speed is unprecedentedly efficient.

  It was said that the company registration was completed within five days, but in just three days, he was asked to do it!

  "" After the successful registration of the security consulting company, Lu Qi took advantage of the situation and made a very tempting proposal to Daniel:

  Become a legal consultant with an annual salary of 150,000!

  For the olive branch that Lu Qi handed over, Daniel took it without hesitation.

  He also doesn't want to continue living in the city court, defending criminals who can't afford lawyers, spending time and making little money...

  After the company is successfully registered, it means that the security consulting company can officially open for business and accept the entrustment of customers.

  However, before that, Lu Qi still has one thing to do, and that is to recruit troops!

  Lu Qi, the company's CEO and chief security advisor, is in charge of muscle; Rick, the company's chief intelligence officer, is in charge of intelligence and logistics; Daniel, the legal counsel, is in charge of legal affairs.

  Such a configuration, in Lu Qi's opinion, is a little bit less interesting.

  Although the company's scale and business direction do not require a large number of veterans to be recruited like Merryweather, to enrich the team.

  However, the most basic security consultant team is still required.

  After careful consideration, Lu Qi also needs an accountant who can file taxes and settle accounts, and a hacker who can help make his work easier and simpler.

  It just so happens that he already has a suitable candidate in his heart...

  . . .

  Downtown Hollywood, outside a coffee shop.

  Lu Qi, who was wearing a black motorcycle jacket, sat at a table in the corner, swiping his mobile phone boredly, checking all the news on the social network.

  Judging by his actions, and the coffee that was no longer steaming, he seemed to be waiting for someone.

  At this moment, a fat man with glasses, leaning on crutches and wearing a plaid shirt, pulled out the chair and sat down opposite.

  Looking up, Lu Qi couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and said hello:

  "Hey man!"

  The person who came is the mastermind behind the scenes, the criminal genius - Lester!

  As soon as Lester sat down, a waiter with a menu in his hand immediately greeted him.

  "Sir, what would you like to drink?"


  Without waiting for Lester to answer, Lu Qi said first:

  "Bring him a strawberry milkshake with sugar and milk, thank you."

  "OK, just a second."

  When the waiter left, Lu Qi turned to look at Lester again and smiled:

  "Your taste is similar to that of a high school student..."

  "What do you know? Supplementing sugar is the best way to keep your brain active. This is all based on science. You should follow me."

  "Okay, I'll try again next time."

  After a few chats, the drinks were quickly served.

  Like a strawberry, after taking two big mouthfuls of milkshakes, Lester, who was enjoying his expression, put down the straw in his hand and asked:

  "Tell me, what's going on?"

  Shrugging, Lu Qi said straight to the point:

  "I recently opened a security consulting firm, and I still have a shortage of reliable people. I want you to help."

  "What's the meaning?"

  "Do you remember that hacker we did at the jewelry store last time?"

  Hearing this, Lester pushed his glasses subconsciously, and then said, "You mean Paige Harris?"

  "Yes, that's her. I have a deep memory of her last job performance. I have a job and I want to talk to her. Can you ask her out for me?"

  After a pause, Lu Qi spread his hands, and then said, "You know, I'm a rookie, and I don't know the rules of this industry. And as a big man in this industry, it's better for you to be the middleman. It's safer, you What do you think?"

  Lu Qi's words made Lester, who has always longed for respect from others, quite useful.

  His face flushed slightly, and Lester lowered his head and took another sip of the strawberry milkshake before speaking again:

  "This... there should be no problem. You have worked together last time. We are all colleagues, and she should not refuse."

  As he spoke, Lester couldn't help but asked the doubts in his heart:

  "By the way, why did you suddenly think of opening a security consulting company?"

  "Oh, it's like this..."

  After listening to Lu Qi's description of the origin of this idea, Lester also felt that this was a very good business opportunity.

  After all, these people do all kinds of illegal activities all day long, aren't they all for making money? With safer and lower-risk ways to make money, who would challenge the bottom line of the law?

  Immediately afterwards, at Lu Qi's strong request, Lester also confusedly landed on the thief ship named "" and took up accounting work.

  As for Lester's remuneration, it is not the annual salary model like Rick and Daniel, but is paid according to the dividends of each commission fee.

  With Lester in charge of the company's accounts, Lu Qi doesn't have to be afraid of someone from the Internal Revenue Service knocking on the door.

  Ten percent is not much.

  . . .

  The next day, under the introduction of Lester, Lu Qi and Paige Harris met at a coffee shop in Lopota.

  The first meeting in the jewelry store action Lu Qi admires Miss Page very much.

  This young lady, about the same age as Lu Qi, is a bit cool and doesn't like to talk much. However, when it comes to hacker strength, it is top notch.

  By Lester's own admission, Page is the best hacker he's ever seen.

  Of course, Lester didn't count himself in when he said this...

  Page was a little curious about Lu Qi, the guy he had worked with before, and didn't know what the other party's intention was.

  Lu Qi didn't talk too much, and directly threw out his own poaching price - 200,000 annual salary, 5% of the commission fee for each order!

  Although this price, whether in the normal workplace or in this circle, is very high. However, in Lu Qi's view, being able to hire a top hacker is definitely worth the money.

  Hearing Lu Qi's intention, Peggy was also a little moved.

  In the eyes of many people, in the life of a hacker, as long as you stay at home and have a computer, you can remotely invade the system and manipulate various information.

  Of course it is.

  The premise is that this computer must have the top system software and military-grade hardware configuration.

  And these things can not be bought casually in the computer city. A small military-grade computer hardware alone costs tens of thousands of dollars on the black market!

  The last time I participated in the jewelry store work, it was also because Peppa needed a sum of money to upgrade his equipment.

  After the upgrade, the remaining money is just enough for her life...

  After thinking about it for a few minutes, Page readily agreed to Lu Qi's invitation to become another employee of the security consulting company.

  So far, a security consulting company with only three or two kittens has finally started its official business...