
Alita's Vampire: The Rise Of The Rejected Princess

Alita, the princess of Perest, half human and half fairy, hated and was fiercely underestimated. Despite her royal blood, she struggles to find her place in a land where she feels unwanted. She was hated because of her human heritage. "We can not allow a half-blood to rule over our descendants, she is an abomination," they whispered even to her face as they spoke of their contempt. Alita was betrothed to Philippe Fairybug who secretly hated her but had to marry her because of his family prestige and power he had always longed for. Bowen Archibloodie, a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire, has spent centuries conquering kingdoms and amassing power. His latest target is the Perest Kingdom, a prosperous and magical realm that has withstood numerous invasions due to its formidable defenses and the powerful fairies who protect it. Bowen has the chiseled physique of a god, but of course, he’s off-limits because he is a vampire. Fate takes a dark turn when Bowen and Alita encounter each other in the village square. Instead of mortal enemies, they discover they are bound by an unbreakable bond as mates. In Perest, the laws are unforgiving: anyone mated to a vampire is condemned to death. Alita must choose between her kingdom and her bond with Bowen. Meanwhile, Bowen grapples with his bloodthirsty nature and the realization that his conquest might mean the death of the one person who has ever stirred his long-dead heart. As war looms and tensions rise, Alita and Bowen must find a way to unite their people against a common enemy threatening to destroy them all. Their bond could be the key to peace or the ultimate destruction of everything they hold dear. Hey Readers – I’m known for over-the-top stories, and this one delivers! We’re back with an alpha male who’s utterly POSSESSIVE, and a beautiful girl with fire and sass. Watch as Alita and Bowen tear up the lands in this emotional and dramatic story. You’ll love it, I promise! Xoxo, Skywings.

SkyWings · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The Arrival of Lord Fairybug

As Alita was about to delve into the details, a guard's voice echoed through the grand yard, "Lord Fairybug has arrived!"

The yard fell silent as Philippe entered. With him was a young boy, no older than fourteen seasons, his hands bound with rough rope. The boy walked ahead of Philippe, who pushed him forward with an air of disdain.

The king, resting against a tree moved towards Philippe. His voice, though calm, carried a note of impatience. "What kept you so long, Philippe? And why are you bringing a child before me?"

Philippe bowed slightly before responding, "This boy was caught trespassing, my king. I was in search of a fat togiculo for my beloved princess, but the creatures eluded me. I decided to lie in wait and must have dozed off. When I awoke, I found this little miscreant playing with my bow and arrows. I brought him here so you could grant me the authority to punish him."

The king's eyes narrowed as he listened. "An arrow was shot at my daughter today," he said, pointing to Bowen, the stoic guard standing beside Alita. "This guard blocked it."

Philippe's face fell slightly, disappointment flickering in his eyes. He couldn't understand why the loyal guard had to save the princess. If only the arrow had struck true... He quickly masked his emotions and exclaimed, "Oh no! Not my princess!" He walked briskly up to Alita, his face a mask of concern. "Are you alright, my lady?"

Alita ignored him, her eyes cold and distant. Philippe's pretentiousness had always grated on her nerves, and she had no intention of indulging him now.

Philippe, trying to maintain his composure, said, "She must still be upset about what happened."

The king glanced at Bowen, then back at Philippe. "Bowen did his duty, as expected. But this boy—what did he say for himself?"

Philippe pushed the boy forward roughly. "Speak, boy! Tell the king why you were trespassing."

The boy, trembling, looked up at the king with wide eyes but refused to talk.

The king turned to the lad, his voice filled with barely controlled fury. "Who are you, and why were you trespassing?"

The boy kept his gaze firmly on the ground, refusing to speak.

King Aric's eyes narrowed. "You dare ignore me after what you have done? You could have killed my daughter. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Still, the lad remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ground.

Anger flared in the king's eyes. "Lock him in the dungeon," he commanded, his voice icy. "Let him starve to death."

Four guards stepped forward, seizing the boy and dragging him toward the castle. The boy did not resist; he simply let them take him away.

"Father, that is too harsh a punishment for a lad," Alita interjected, her voice filled with concern.

King Aric raised his hand, silencing her. "Speak no more, Princess. I am being merciful. If he were older, I would have ordered his execution. An attempt to assassinate the princess is not a matter to be taken lightly."

Bowen, standing nearby, nodded in agreement. He understood the king's harshness. If it were up to him, he would have tortured the boy until he confessed, then drained him completely of his life force.

The king turned his attention back to Alita. "You were saying something about Philippe wanting to kill you?"

Philippe's eyes widened in feigned shock. "By the hermit's ears! Why would I hurt a beauty like you?"

Alita rolled her eyes. "I thought he was the one who shot the arrow."

King Aric shook his head. "Now you know it was not him but that foolish child. This new generation lacks manners and common sense."

"He is just a boy, Father," Alita insisted.

"A boy that could wield a bow and arrow and then point it at the princess in an attempt to kill her is not an ordinary boy," the king blew a perplexed exhale and continued, "On this matter, I will not change my mind," King Aric replied firmly. He turned to a guard and instructed, "Prepare the togiculo; we are returning to the palace."

Bowen stepped forward. "I need to leave now, my princess," he said, his voice strained. The matter with the princess was resolved, but his own predicament was becoming dire. He could feel his hunger growing, and it was a miracle he had not yet lost his fairy form. The effort to maintain it was draining the last of his energy.

Alita, noticing the hunger on Bowen's face but mistaking it for pain, nodded. "Yes, you can go now."

"Thank you, my princess," Bowen replied, his wings fluttering. With a powerful thrust, he shot into the sky, his wings flapping rapidly.

The guards exchanged uneasy glances, unsure if Bowen would be punished for flying in the presence of the princess. It was a breach of protocol, but given the circumstances, they hoped the king would show leniency.

As the guards led the boy away, Alita's heart ached. She could not shake the feeling that the punishment was too severe. She watched the boy disappear into the horizon with the guards, she knew something was amiss but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Back in the castle, the boy was thrown into a dark, cold cell. He huddled in the corner, his mind racing. The guards, sensing the boy's vulnerability, began to mock him.

"Look at the little assassin," one guard sneered. "Thought you could kill the princess, did you? You thought you would sneak around and just take a shot at the princess and then you run away like nothing had happened? Foolish child!"

"Bet you're regretting it now," another jeered. "Starving to death in this pit."

A guard hit another in jeer, "Ohh! He thinks he is strong, when you stay in this place for just a day, you will tell another story boy," he voiced with a sneer on his face.

The boy remained silent, his resolve hardening. He could not afford to break. The guards' taunts continued, but he tuned them out, focusing on the reason he had come.

He had been caught, but he could not reveal the truth. His family's safety depended on his silence.

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