
Alita's Vampire: The Rise Of The Rejected Princess

Alita, the princess of Perest, half human and half fairy, hated and was fiercely underestimated. Despite her royal blood, she struggles to find her place in a land where she feels unwanted. She was hated because of her human heritage. "We can not allow a half-blood to rule over our descendants, she is an abomination," they whispered even to her face as they spoke of their contempt. Alita was betrothed to Philippe Fairybug who secretly hated her but had to marry her because of his family prestige and power he had always longed for. Bowen Archibloodie, a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire, has spent centuries conquering kingdoms and amassing power. His latest target is the Perest Kingdom, a prosperous and magical realm that has withstood numerous invasions due to its formidable defenses and the powerful fairies who protect it. Bowen has the chiseled physique of a god, but of course, he’s off-limits because he is a vampire. Fate takes a dark turn when Bowen and Alita encounter each other in the village square. Instead of mortal enemies, they discover they are bound by an unbreakable bond as mates. In Perest, the laws are unforgiving: anyone mated to a vampire is condemned to death. Alita must choose between her kingdom and her bond with Bowen. Meanwhile, Bowen grapples with his bloodthirsty nature and the realization that his conquest might mean the death of the one person who has ever stirred his long-dead heart. As war looms and tensions rise, Alita and Bowen must find a way to unite their people against a common enemy threatening to destroy them all. Their bond could be the key to peace or the ultimate destruction of everything they hold dear. Hey Readers – I’m known for over-the-top stories, and this one delivers! We’re back with an alpha male who’s utterly POSSESSIVE, and a beautiful girl with fire and sass. Watch as Alita and Bowen tear up the lands in this emotional and dramatic story. You’ll love it, I promise! Xoxo, Skywings.

SkyWings · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The Fall and the Rescue

Alita's POV

I stood at the center of attention, my face flushed with embarrassment. The fairies had all gathered, their curious eyes fixed on me, having witnessed my humiliation. Their whispers and giggles echoed in my ears, a chorus of mockery that made me wish for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

I stood there, a half-blood princess among pure-blood fairies, feeling the weight of their judgment. My hands clenched into fists, and I tried to steady my breathing, willing myself to stay composed. But the sting of their derision was too much to bear. If only I had the power to disappear, to vanish from their sight and escape this unbearable pain.

Just then, a loud neigh cut through the air, sharp and panicked. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned toward the sound, my eyes widening in alarm. Maya! I called out, my voice trembling with concern. She reared up on her hind legs, her front hooves pawing at the air, and I felt a surge of fear grip my chest. What could have caused her such distress?

"Maya!" I shouted again. But before I could steady myself, Maya bolted forward, her sudden movement catching me off guard. In an instant, I was thrown from her back, my body lifted into the air. Time seemed to slow as I soared upwards, the world spinning around me. I braced myself for the inevitable impact, knowing that everyone was watching, waiting for the moment when the half-blood princess would be brought low.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to my fate. The ground rushed up to meet me, and I prepared myself for the pain. But instead of the hard earth, I collided with something firm yet yielding. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me, breaking my fall. I gasped as I felt the warmth of another's body, their breath hot against my cheek.

For a moment, I was too stunned to speak. I had never known the touch of a man apart from my father, and even then, only when I was a child. As an adult, my father's touch was always distant and formal. But this man's touch was different—gentle yet firm, protective and reassuring.

"You are safe, princess," a deep voice murmured, smooth and resonant.

People were murmuring maybe they were angry that their entertainment was cut short but all sound seemed to fade as I opened my eyes, my vision slowly clearing. I found myself staring into the deepest red eyes I had ever seen—so dark they were almost black, like the richest, most forbidden wine. His gaze was intense, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. His nose was narrow and slim, his lips a soft pink that seemed to beg for a kiss. But it was his eyes that held me captive, a magnetic force that I couldn't resist

"Who...who are you?" I stammered my voice barely above a whisper.

"Nobody," he replied, his lips curving into a faint smile. "And it seems I've arrived just in time."

Who could this be? My mind raced, struggling to process the emotions coursing through me. I shouldn't be feeling this way for a male, especially a stranger. I had been taught that my duty was to marry for the good of the kingdom, to forge alliances, and to strengthen our realm. There was no room for personal desire, no place for the wild fluttering in my chest that this man evoked.

The fairies, the onlookers, the whispers—they all faded into the background. It was as if a spell had been cast, binding me to him with an invisible thread. I didn't want to let go, and it seemed he didn't either.

In his eyes, I saw a flicker of something dark and compelling, a raw hunger that mirrored my own. He wanted me, and I couldn't deny that I wanted him too. My breath hitched as I waited for the kiss that seemed inevitable, the air between us charged with electric tension. But just as his lips began to descend towards mine, a rough hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back.

"Release the princess!" one of the guards barked, his voice a jarring intrusion. The spell was broken, and the stranger was forced to let me go. A surge of frustration and longing coursed through me—I didn't want to be released.

Before he let me go, the stranger leaned in, his breath warm against my ear. "I will come for you, princess," he whispered, his voice a promise and a threat all at once. My heart raced at his words, and then he was gone, disappearing into the crowd like a shadow.

"Who is that man?" I wondered aloud, my thoughts still reeling from the encounter. For a moment, I had been so caught up in him that I had forgotten about Maya. She stood a short distance away, her eyes wide with confusion and pain. I hurried to her side, guilt gnawing at me for neglecting her.

"Is she alright?" I asked one of the stablehands who had come to check on her.

"Just a slight bruise, Your Highness," he assured me. "But she should rest for a while."

I nodded, relieved. "Thank you. I'll take one of the guards' horses then. Maya needs her rest."

Mounting the borrowed horse, I glanced back at the crowd, searching for any sign of the mysterious stranger. But he was nowhere to be seen, and a sense of loss settled over me. Who was he, and why had he affected me so deeply?

The rest of the event passed in a blur. The fairies resumed their festivities, the guards maintained their vigilance, and the nobles continued their conversations. Thankfully, there were no more humiliations, and I was able to return to the palace without further incident. But my mind was not at ease. The memory of those red eyes haunted me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that our encounter was far from over.

As the palace gates closed behind me, I dismounted and handed the reins to a waiting servant. The halls of the palace felt strangely cold and empty, a big difference to the warmth and intensity of the stranger's gaze. I made my way to my chambers, my thoughts a mixture of curiosity and desire.

Who was that man? And what did he want with me? I knew I should be focusing on my duties, on the responsibilities that came with being a princess. But I couldn't help the way my heart raced at the thought of him, the way my skin tingled where his hands had touched me.

Slipping into my room, I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, letting out a heavy sigh. The day had been a whirlwind of emotions, and I needed a moment to collect myself. Crossing to the window, I gazed out at the moonlit gardens below, my mind still buzzing with unanswered questions.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. "Enter," I called, straightening up as one of my handmaidens stepped into the room. Nadir had taken permission from me earlier that she needed to visit her parents.

"Your Highness, is everything alright?" she asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied, forcing a smile. "Just tired, that's all."

She nodded, though her eyes remained wary. "Would you like anything before you retire for the night?"

"No, thank you. I'll be fine."

As she left, I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. Despite being surrounded by people, there was a void inside me that nothing seemed to fill. The mysterious stranger had stirred something within me, a longing I hadn't known existed.

Lying down on my bed, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift. His words echoed in my ears—I will come for you, princess. What did he mean by that? Was it a promise of protection, or something more evil?

Sleep came slowly, and when it did, my dreams were filled with visions of red eyes and the words he spoke to me, "I will come for you, princess."

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