
Alita's Vampire: The Rise Of The Rejected Princess

Alita, the princess of Perest, half human and half fairy, hated and was fiercely underestimated. Despite her royal blood, she struggles to find her place in a land where she feels unwanted. She was hated because of her human heritage. "We can not allow a half-blood to rule over our descendants, she is an abomination," they whispered even to her face as they spoke of their contempt. Alita was betrothed to Philippe Fairybug who secretly hated her but had to marry her because of his family prestige and power he had always longed for. Bowen Archibloodie, a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire, has spent centuries conquering kingdoms and amassing power. His latest target is the Perest Kingdom, a prosperous and magical realm that has withstood numerous invasions due to its formidable defenses and the powerful fairies who protect it. Bowen has the chiseled physique of a god, but of course, he’s off-limits because he is a vampire. Fate takes a dark turn when Bowen and Alita encounter each other in the village square. Instead of mortal enemies, they discover they are bound by an unbreakable bond as mates. In Perest, the laws are unforgiving: anyone mated to a vampire is condemned to death. Alita must choose between her kingdom and her bond with Bowen. Meanwhile, Bowen grapples with his bloodthirsty nature and the realization that his conquest might mean the death of the one person who has ever stirred his long-dead heart. As war looms and tensions rise, Alita and Bowen must find a way to unite their people against a common enemy threatening to destroy them all. Their bond could be the key to peace or the ultimate destruction of everything they hold dear. Hey Readers – I’m known for over-the-top stories, and this one delivers! We’re back with an alpha male who’s utterly POSSESSIVE, and a beautiful girl with fire and sass. Watch as Alita and Bowen tear up the lands in this emotional and dramatic story. You’ll love it, I promise! Xoxo, Skywings.

SkyWings · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Mischievous Agreement

Alita's POV continues...

He smiled, an easy, disarming smile. "Will I see you in this place again?"

"No, this is just a coincidence that I am here," I replied quickly. "I am not from this part. I am also a visitor like you, but unlike you, I am not going to dwell here for long."

He nodded, looking thoughtful. "The palace would be a wonderful place to work. Do you know anyone who works there?"

I shook my head, trying to maintain my composure. "I do not know the area. Like I told you, I am new. You can fly up north; you will see the castle. Ask around. Perhaps someone might employ you."

He flashed me a grin. "Why does it feel like you are trying to evade me?"

"Haha, very funny," I laughed awkwardly. "I assure you it is not like that."

"Please, can you help this gentleman?" he implored, his tone sincere now. "I am the only son of my family, and I am the one bearing the burdens. If you can introduce me to the palace, I would appreciate it, and I promise to repay your kind gesture."

I almost rolled my eyes, feeling a pang of pity for him. But I couldn't take him to the palace. He could not know I was the princess. A princess never tells lies.

He looked at me with those pleading eyes, a shift so quick from playful to earnest that it took my breath away. How did his expression go from smiling to pleading in a split second He doesn't belong in the palace; he belongs in the theater. Probably, he is telling the truth, but I can't help him.

"I am sorry," I said softly. "I cannot help you with that."

'You can't get rid of me easily, ' the side of Bowen's lips curled which Alita did not see.

Before I knew it, the male fairy knelt, one knee on the ground and the other raised high. His face held a pleading expression, and his eyes shimmered with desperation. "Please help me, pretty damsel," he said, gripping my hand tightly and refusing to let go.

The absurdity of the situation struck me. This man was a lunatic! What did he think he was doing? If anyone saw me with him like this, it could spell disaster. He might be slain on my account.

"I won't get up until you tell me that you have agreed to my petition," he insisted.

It was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for both of us. An idea sparked in my mind, I could take him to the palace gates and leave him there. Once he grew tired of waiting, he would leave, and I would not be humiliated. It was a perfect plan.

I smiled, feigning a friendliness I did not feel. "Get up, my friend. I have heard you, but I cannot guarantee that you will get work."

He stood up, his expression one of hopeful relief. "I know, but at least I will be reassured that you did your best."

I smiled to myself, feeling a surge of satisfaction. Who knew I was this brilliant? He was a fine young man, but I could not afford to lose the last shreds of my pride for him.

I mounted my mare and looked down at him. "You will fly while I ride."

'It takes two to waltz, Princess'

He nodded eagerly. "Of course, my lady. But what about the tiara? Won't you take it with you?"

I shook my head. "It is not mine. You can keep it. I don't think anyone needs it anymore."

To my surprise, he took the tiara and carefully placed it in the pouch hanging from his trousers. I had thought he would leave it on the ground, and I could send Nadir to retrieve it for me later. This male was a thief!

He looked at me with a solemn expression. "No one will need it. I will sell it and send the proceeds to my mother to buy medicine for my sister's sickness."

My heart melted a little at his words. He had a sister who was sick. This was going to be harder than I thought. He might not find work in the palace, but I could help him find work elsewhere.

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