
Alita's Vampire: The Rise Of The Rejected Princess

Alita, the princess of Perest, half human and half fairy, hated and was fiercely underestimated. Despite her royal blood, she struggles to find her place in a land where she feels unwanted. She was hated because of her human heritage. "We can not allow a half-blood to rule over our descendants, she is an abomination," they whispered even to her face as they spoke of their contempt. Alita was betrothed to Philippe Fairybug who secretly hated her but had to marry her because of his family prestige and power he had always longed for. Bowen Archibloodie, a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire, has spent centuries conquering kingdoms and amassing power. His latest target is the Perest Kingdom, a prosperous and magical realm that has withstood numerous invasions due to its formidable defenses and the powerful fairies who protect it. Bowen has the chiseled physique of a god, but of course, he’s off-limits because he is a vampire. Fate takes a dark turn when Bowen and Alita encounter each other in the village square. Instead of mortal enemies, they discover they are bound by an unbreakable bond as mates. In Perest, the laws are unforgiving: anyone mated to a vampire is condemned to death. Alita must choose between her kingdom and her bond with Bowen. Meanwhile, Bowen grapples with his bloodthirsty nature and the realization that his conquest might mean the death of the one person who has ever stirred his long-dead heart. As war looms and tensions rise, Alita and Bowen must find a way to unite their people against a common enemy threatening to destroy them all. Their bond could be the key to peace or the ultimate destruction of everything they hold dear. Hey Readers – I’m known for over-the-top stories, and this one delivers! We’re back with an alpha male who’s utterly POSSESSIVE, and a beautiful girl with fire and sass. Watch as Alita and Bowen tear up the lands in this emotional and dramatic story. You’ll love it, I promise! Xoxo, Skywings.

SkyWings · Fantasy
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59 Chs

A Fairy Conversation

Bowen pov

The sun had long set over the Perest kingdom, painting the sky in colors of deep blue and purple. As darkness settled in, I took advantage of the night. My transformation was swift; a faint shimmer enveloped me as my body shifted, shrinking down until I became indistinguishable from the common Bolle. The tiny insect, with its delicate wings and nearly transparent body, was a frequent sight around these parts, making it the perfect disguise.

From my point near the window, I watched the two women closely. Their movements were graceful yet casual, the way only fairies could manage. As they flew to their home, I kept my distance, my Bolle's eyes capturing every detail.

The house itself was quaint and adorned with various trinkets and baubles. Fairies were known for their love of beauty and they made sure they were surrounded by beautiful objects.

I moved through the air, careful to stay out of their line of sight, and found a perch on a small, ornate shelf.

"Marin," the second woman, Cassie, spoke, her voice tinged with amusement. "I saw what your daughter did. It was hilarious."

"Of course, Cassie," Marin replied with a satisfied smirk. "Immediately I heard the news that the princess was coming to the square, I had to make sure she was humiliated."

The venom in their words stung more than I had anticipated. It was clear now that this was not a simple act of childish mischief but a deliberate effort to disgrace Princess Alita. My hands itched with the urge to confront them, but I remained in my insect form, it was not yet time.

Cassie leaned in closer to her sister, her green dress rustling softly. "It's good that the king's wife died before she could bring forth more half-bloods, imagine the abomination. Our king was manipulated into bedding a human."

Marin snickered and replied, "I don't care if he was manipulated or not, all I know is that we don't want a half-blood to rule over us, it is something that has never happened before, the king shouldn't force us to accept what we don't want."

"Imagine a half-blood being a princess while our full-blooded children aren't living in luxury, it is like giving gold to the swine," Cassie's words were filled with jealousy and disgust.

Rage coursed through my veins like a storm as I listened to their vile conversation. 'These bitches,' I thought, seething. They spoke of Princess Alita as if she were nothing more than a commodity, a thing to be ridiculed and despised. My anger coiled tightly within me, ready to strike.

Life doesn't work like that, The arrogance of these fairies was staggering, their sense of superiority unfounded.

"I saw your full-blooded children, they look more like swine. They are ugly and also stupid. Imagine humiliating a person because of your stupid mother. Your daughter is a foolish girl," I voiced out of anger.

The fairies suddenly grew quiet, sensing my presence though they could not see me. They glanced around nervously, their wings twitching.

Cassie summoned her courage and spoke, her voice laced with defiance. "Show yourself, creature, before I make you."

I chuckled darkly, my voice echoing through the room. "Ah, your ridiculous magic. You can try."

Marin joined in, her tone equally defiant. "You must be a weakling to hide and talk to females who are alone in the house."

I laughed, a sound devoid of humor. "I know what you are doing, but I will agree to your request."

With a swift motion, I transformed back to my full length. My head brushed the ceiling, forcing me to crouch slightly in the cramped space. I removed the hood over my head, revealing my face to the stunned fairies.

"Surprise," I said, my voice dripping with menace.

Their faces grew pale, their eyes wide with fear. "A vampire!" they gasped in unison, scrambling to flee.

But I was faster. In a heartbeat, I caught them by their delicate wings, my grip firm yet not enough to cause damage. I pulled them closer, their feeble attempts to escape futile.

"Perhaps if I cut off your wings," I mused aloud, "will it make you a half-blood?"

They trembled with fear, nemesis had caught up with them and I am that nemesis.

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