
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Time Skip Again

Quickly I was in the car and on the way to UHA. I just closed my eyes and started to relax while absorbing energy from the sun. The ride went by too fast for me but once there like every other time we went directly to the boss and asked to meet with Nero after some small talk.

It wasn't long after the call that we were able to see Nero who once he saw me excitedly started running toward us since the only reason I would be here was because something new came up from my quirk.

Once inside the glass office he got a talk from the boss because there was no running in the office in normal operation but soon he just told us to leave his office since Nero was too excited and asking questions to my parents at a rapid pace.

Reaching his office my mother asked me to show him what I could do and so I showed his one armored hand and made a floating concrete slab.

Seeing that, Nero somehow got even more surprised and started asking more questions but my parents just told him to see for himself. Quickly he touched me and like before started to learn about my alien who I had a connection set with.

This time I decided to focus on my body to see if I could catch what he was doing but even after a few seconds I was unable to find anything different with it.

Once he stopped Nero looked up at my parents and quickly started to explain Bloxx's abilities to their amazement since it was a powerful defensive ability that also had its offensive capabilities.

After Nero finished he asked my parents to make me crate more slabs to run some tests to which I gladly complied with because I also wanted to see the results.

After an hour or so it was found that the slabs were more durable than concrete and were highly resistant to fire, cold, water and various other types of attacks.

Once finished we bid farewell to Nero, the boss and left to go to the mall, then home.

From then on I started using Bloxx's abilities in front of them more to the annoyance of my mother who always ran after me with a worried face while I was flying around on my slabs. It was pretty good training trying to dodge her since she is pretty agile, especially when she forces my father to help her catch me.

Quickly the day before my birthday came again.

Today was Saturday the day my grandparents visited again to stay for another week for my birthday. My mother always calls them after she leaves me in my room but never talks about anything that should be kept secretive, like my abilities since phones can easily be tracked and although they have untraceable phones they only use them for emergencies.

Once they got to the house they surprisingly got even more annoying than last time since this time they were asking me to speak and to show them my abilities after my mother told them about my quirk and intelligence. But I still spoke and showed my abilities to them since they can be trusted.

In the last six months I have learned a few new studies such as how the mind worked and electronics, but I have mainly improved in what I already knew. I started actively coding, although it was a slow process with my baby hands, I was coding basic things in my tablet nothing that would be easy to see without carefully looking through my tablet which my parents don't do since they only charge my tablet when needed.

One thing that I learned about online that interested me was artificial intelligence, something that exist but the government has only allowed basic AIs to be sold to the public, AI that learn your routine and help you throughout the day. Obviously more advance AIs that can help in many ways exist in places such as in I-Island where it can help speed up scientists jobs or even add ideas in the mix. Sadly the only thing that I could find were basic AIs and some theories on how to make them better that ended up in failure.

With the idea of having an AI for myself I started to modify the codes available to the public to make it more advance and hopefully make an AI that has its own consciousness that will also not betray me. Having an advance AI will be incredibly helpful not only in everyday life but also with things that are complicated such as skipping experiments because the AI deducted the result, doing complicated calculations and getting info fast. But with what I have I was only able to make an AI in my tablet that responds to my voice to control the tablet, it helps with coding since now I don't need to use my fingers, hiding or deleting stuff in my tablet if anyone ever checks it and getting me current news.

I also started looking into combining alien's abilities but sadly my current aliens are not very compatible with each other. The only thing I could think of was putting the gasses created by Wildvine into BallPit's hollow balls. With that I may be able to trick someone by constantly attacking them with my rubber balls and adding the gas once they let their guard down.

Today my family decided to stay at home all day, talking, drinking and playing board games that rely mainly on luck since my mother always dominates in every other game.

They were talking about things that they couldn't communicate through their phones such as the missions my father has gone to, news that hasn't been released to the public and many other topics. I was silently listening to them, although they didn't leave me in the room with them since they know I am able to understand them they didn't know that I could enhance sound to be able to hear them.

At eight my mother brought me to my room, laid me in my crib to sleep and went back downstairs to talk. I stayed awake reading in my tablet and training my aliens, one thing that I always did was trying to increase the amount of balls I could control, right now while also using Grey Matter's brain power I am able to control 400 balls at once.

By ten I fell asleep and at twelve I found myself in my consciousness looking at the ten meter tall roulette wheel. I was excited to see what alien I would get this time since due of Grey Matter my plans has sped up quite a bit. The only reason I am not able to proceed with my plans is because of my undeveloped body.

Getting close to it I see a letter laying at the bottom of the wheel, picking it up I started to read:

"Hello Azmuth as you already know this world is populated by people with extraordinary abilities, weak or strong they are all extraordinary but this world is hanging on a thin thread, that thread is the blind trust the public has on heroes that if broken would lead to chaos and the fall of humanity.

Although this trust is what is keeping this world's balance it would be a major problem if this trust keeps going as it currently is. Although having trust is not bad, blind trust is problematic because it halts this world's progress. Your main objective is to slowly break the blind trust citizens have of heroes if done too fast it would make the citizens riot but too slow and it would be taken advantage of by those who are aware of it and cause irreparable damage.

It is a tough mission since you are to break a system set in place by the whole world itself and that has held up for many years but the only thing that follows stillness is extinction.

I trust that you would be able to accomplish this. Good luck!"

- From The Supreme God of Creation -

Having read the letter I started to think of what he was referring to and quickly I realized it.

This world a world with quirk, heroes and villains but that is only what the public focuses on. The part that not many focus on is that even with all the amazing abilities we are still humans and all humans have their problems and secrets. I know it all too well from my parents since they mainly work against corrupted heroes. My mother is always gathering info on heroes, info that would lead to riots against not only heroes but also the government if it was released.

This is what god is pointing out, and although I knew, I didn't think much of it since I thought the public must know even a little about human nature but he brought me to reality. The reality that many people just stand by and wait for heroes. Many would not go train, not even the least bit because they believe in heroes that much, and I believe that what god is referring to when he says "progress" is the quirks. Since the majority of the people just live their lives normally only using their quirk as a convenience or not even at all, the quirk's strength has halted.

It is proven that the majority quirks strengthen the more it is used or after every generation, with that stated if the world keeps its current pace the gap between the people that use their quirks to the limit such as heroes and people that barely use it would widen to the point that the citizens would realize the gap and feel oppressed due to the powerful individuals being at the top. At that point the citizens that would be the majority of the public would riot. What the riots lead to even I cannot predict since although the power gap is wide the citizens numbers would be overwhelming. Even if the powerful individuals win, they definitely would not be able to kill all the rioters because of the possibility of extinction and the cycle would repeat itself.

What god is telling me to do is to give an incentive for the general public to train their quirks and I have the perfect solution.


Author's Notes

Hello, please point out any mistakes and if you have any ideas that may fit into the story please comment them. I am interested in hearing them.

There are a lot of time skips happening and they would keep happening because there is nothing interesting going on except for the roulette. If you don't like it well...

Too bad.

I wasn't planning on putting a letter this time but I wanted to keep the roulette for next chap so I came up with this on the spot tell me if it makes sense.

If you have any questions please leave a comment I know someone is curious as to why Azmuth is not as intelligent as he was in Ben 10, or why does his personality not change because of the aliens? I would answer them if need be but not in the story since I don't know how to include them.

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!