
Alien Z

Besides the clone of Superman, Cadmus has one more secret they have been hiding. About a ship that crash-landed in the moon which they retrieved and found a living alien with enough energy signature to make the board of directors to want to turn it into a weapon as soon as possible.

Bloodycak3 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Unorthodox Reincarnation

Zack could only helplessly look on as he sped towards the ground. His body turned on its own, making him look upwards, the top of the building where he saw a SWAT officer peeked down towards him. He still could not believe he had pushed him! He had surrendered, put his weapon down but the son of a bitch had still pushed him off the building.

"FUCK YOU!" he managed to swear out loud, showing the fucking pig his two middle fingers before he became a pancake on the street.


With a jerk, Zack regained his consciousness. He was in a room that looked eerily like an overworked clerk's office. He himself was a humanoid shaped white mass and infront of him was a rugged looking man in a cheap suit looking at him tiredly.

"Hello and welcome, haaa!" the man said with a tired sigh at the end. "I am your designated reincarnation clerk. I check to see if you are eligible for reincarnation or not."

"H...Hello!" Zack greeted him back. The man materialized a small dosier and opened it without much ado.

"Zack Sanders, a small life you've lived but you have certainly made the most of it. High School shooter, broke out of jail to kill your rapist, burnt his whole house down and then proceeded to hunt down and kill the SWAT officers that killed you. Oh! Oooh! You killed three of them! The fourth killed you instead!" the man read.

"I do not come across these everyday," the man said with a chuckle. "This just makes my whole job easier with you. So, because of your sins, you are not eligible for reincarnation, yet. You have to spend a few years in hell, atone then you will be brought back here." Zack became even paler than he was.

"Hell! How long is a few years?" he asked, panicked.

"Well, let's just say you will stay in there for a very long time," the man said. Zack became terrified.

"No, no, no. I can't go to hell, I can't!" he screamt before getting off the chair and running to the door, leaving the flabbergasted clerk behind.

"Oye! You can't go there, you haven't been cleared for reincarnation!" the clerk shouted in a panicked voice. He got off his chair and ran after the runaway soul.Zack's only thoughts were to get away from the place, far away as he could. Suddenly, he thought back to the favorite Marvel issue comics about Sentry and how he got his powers. Suddenly, a vial with a golden coloured liquid dropped from the air as his hands reflexively got hold of it.

"Hey, stop imagining! This is a soul palace, a place where pure souls go in order to reincarnate. What you are doing is making wishes and it is punishable by absolute soul annahilation for a soul with all his memories and an unclean slate to use!" the clerk shouted his warning.

"Well, I'm not going to hell so you can kiss my ass and eat my dick while you're at it!" Zack shouted back.

Suddenly, another memory got into his head. This time, it was about an anime, the very first anime he ever watched, One Punch Man. He remembered the hype Boros, the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves had been given. How he had survived the first punch of Saitama with no injuries. He was the first person on screen to be showed having survived the Saitama's punch. He remembered how much he was excited for the fight and how much Murata had not let the fans down. Boros was a good end of season villian and with him, it showed just how much Saitama was powerful!

"Hey! I said stop imagining and stop running!" he heard the clerk say, bringing him back to his thoughts. But he suddenly felt something was different. His sight had changed and he could feel his body had too. Before he could check what had happened, an overbearing presence enveloped the place, bringing him and the clerk to their knees in a fraction of a second.

"How dare an unclean soul enter the Soul Palace!" a booming voice said, shaking the entire place. Zack looked up and what he saw scared the death out of him An enormous eyeball with sixteen cruel looking wings behind it, surrounded with six rings that had foreign words written on them; was looking down at him. The thing was the size of the moon from up there yet he felt like his entire existence was at stake.

"Sire, please, I was trying to educate him of what happens here. He is a new soul, misguided and afraid!" the clerk spoke up only for the eyeball to look at him. It did not show but the two certainly felt it was bubbling in anger.

'Now while it's distracted!' Zack thought before suddenly drinking the golden fluid in the vial then imagining he was out of the place. Suddenly, the entire place shone brightly for just a second and he was gone, leaving two flabbergasted beings behind.

"Did...Did he just reincarnate himself?" the eyeball ask in shock! The clerk was just as shocked if not more.

"This is unprecedented!" another being appeared beside the eyeball. It was a purple cube with runes all over it and fourteen wings on its back. "We need to find this soul and punish it. This will and should not stand!"

"That is not possible, sires," the clerk said. "Usually it is one of us clerks who reincarnate the souls. Before he reincarnated I saw he had turned into a fictional character from a desiree's bloom. This one is an avid reader of things like manga, light novels and the sort so I assume he reincarnated in one of those universes. Assuming each of the fictional worlds is a universe, there are infinity amount of timelines he could have gone to and infinity amount of mirror universes of the universe. If we were to go after him, we would just be wasting heaven's resources!" the clerks spoke up.


Zack found himself in a spaceship going so fast everything was just coloured curves. It broke through curve after curve, its speed so great it felt like he was trying to move inside dried up concrete! Also, he could feel the changes in his body, change so great his past self was akin to something lower than a speck of dust.

First of all, he felt Boros' power in all its glory. The power to destroy planets with minimum effort thrumming in his now alien body. His senses had heightened...No, changed to levels he could not imagine! He felt like even in his suppressed state, he could kill his past self with a sneeze.

Then came the empowerment of the Golden Sentry Serum. The serum had turned a drug junkie Like Robert Reynolds into a godslaying entity. If it wasn't for his mind degradation, he resigned Sentry would be the all time strongest being in the Marvel Universe! Now, he himself could feel the power coursing inside him, changing him, molding him and bringing his body to the zenith of his races's evolution while bestowing him even more powers! The change itself was just too painful for him to stay conscious so he blacked out.



A sound woke him up from his self induced coma. His brain had decided to make his body go into a comatose state while the power of the serum was just finishing up molding his body. He was suddenly assaulted by frigid cold and so to protect his body, his mind forced his body into another comatose.

Now, the coldness was receding and his body could now be free. His organs started coming back alive, spreading heat to his muscles which expanded then contracted and made him clench his hands into fist. Because he had not moved for a long time, his joints were popping. He opened his eyes and saw five beings looking at him carefully.

'I recognize Robin, who wouldn't, but who the hell are the others. Especially that big ugly thing. Is it a hulk wannabe?' he asked himself. 'Why is it hugging a muscular teenage boy in a spandex? Wait, is this a hentai DC world?' He took two steps out of the pod before doing some stretches to relax his body before turning his undivided attention towards the five.