
Alfonsi: Chronicle of the Seven Realms

(UPDATES WILL RESUME ON THE 6TH OF OCTOBER 2024) Life is hard. It is hard on the homeless, the tired and the wealthy. It is hard on Azra, the King's only son and heir to the Alfonsi throne. A child of unknown talent with the weight of his people on his shoulders. Holding the ability to control so much yet do so little is a frustration that can lead to madness. A balance is needed, between good and evil, ethic and moral, kindness and severity, though it's damn near impossible to achieve. Life is hard, but when Azra is sucked into a hole and spit out into an entirely new realm... life just gets harder. ...and you thought there was a rock bottom.

Inari_san · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Space Left Behind

"Can you believe it?"

"No, who would want to do something like this?"

"It's not even her full body in there. Just some pieces they managed to find. They say her right hand was found first."

"How horrendous! But why?"

"Some speculate it's a message to the King."


The funeral was extravagant.

Adaline never had a high rank, in fact there was much protest from nobility about allowing such a woman of unknown background to become the first concubine of the King.

Even so, she was the mother of the Prince and would therefore be treated with a level of respect that some deemed unworthy.

A generous gathering of nobles had come to the service that was being held at the extravagant temple. It was built long ago in the noble residence, stretching across a large plot of land. Like all other buildings in the vicinity, it screamed of wealth and opulence.

Large spotless glass stained windows and light aged wood decorated its entirety. The inside smelled of herbs and medicine.

Although the intricately carved pews for audience members were nothing to scoff at, the statue at the front took center stage.

It was double the height of the average adult male sitting on a stone pedestal. Meticulously hand carved from shiny black marble to depicted a man covered in a cloth from head to his bare feet. Hands outstretched upwards to the sky as the fabric draped down his arms.

The All Father, creator of mana itself. Though the statue conveyed them in a more masculine light; The All Father surpassed gender and common morals. They were neither Good nor Evil. They just were, existing as a balance between the two.

Now sitting before that statue was a beautifully decorated coffin. Rare mana enriched flowers picked directly from the grounds of Asteri were woven in colorful wreaths and bouquets that lay against the glossy wood surface.

"Another life has come to a close. With this flame, Lady Adaline's body will become one with Llyria1, and her mana will fuel our very breath. Let us give her our thanks."

The elderly devotee in all white stood before the coffin as he spoke. He muttered a short sentence as he touched the container holding a few of Adaline's remains. A flicker of fire sparked to life between his fingers.

As the flame slowly grew, the nobles responded in one voice to the prompt.

"We celebrate you as your death becomes our life. Return to the fold of the All Father in peace. Samsara."

 "Samsara." The devotee echoed, drawing the ceremony to a close.

Though the service was over, it was customary to watch the fire burn away at the coffin until only embers remained. With specialized magic, it wouldn't take long.

Nobles gathered in small groups. Some unbothered by the death of the woman, some happy to have her gone, while others were genuinely sympathetic to see the mother of the Prince go so soon. All were gossiping.

"His Majesty hasn't made an appearance."

"Why should he? She's just a concubine."

"Still, she is the mother of his child. Shouldn't he-"

"Hush, we are here to bare witness to her passing in his place. Idle chatter in this setting is untoward."

"... Yes mother."


Matteus glance out at the star speckled night sky, work in hand long forgotten.

It was over by now, it had to be. Adaline was nothing more than dirt and ash. No, a part of her was dirt and ash.

"Forgive me. I failed you when you were alive, and I repeat it even in your death. I at least wanted to give you a proper passing. You won't be able to rest properly like this."

Matteus glanced over at his son sleeping away in a deep dreamless haze. He had to be with him right now. Azra was his only source of comfort, the last thing Adaline left behind.

He pulled up a chair that wasn't overflowing with stuffed animals and sat before the crib.

Azra would need him now, more than ever but he was at a loss.

How am I supposed to do this without you, Adaline?

Matteus stayed in that chair watching his son long after the night sky had lightened into day, taking the stars and moon with it.

The maids who catered to the little Prince marched into his room, only to stop in surprise upon seeing the king there. A flurry of bowing heads greeted him but Matteus was too wrapped up in his thoughts.

During the night hours, he made a decision.

"I will be ordering the maids from the fourteenth floor to move everything here to the room next to mine. You have all been relieved of your care taking duties, visit the servants quarters. New work will be assigned to you there."

It didn't take long for the room to be moved to the higher floor, exactly as it was originally. This was always where Azra was supposed to be, the only reason he stayed on the lower floor was because Adaline was there. Was...

Nothing changed within the palace, the days passed in the same way. That was probably the worst part. To Matteus, Adaline had become the thing he orbited around, a reason to finish work early, why smiling seemed to come easier.

Now he felt as if her mark on his world was disappearing too quickly. Her room was emptied out, her belonging were things he brought her... she came to him empty-handed. Everything felt like a fever dream, and now Matteus had been jolted to reality.

All he had left of Adaline was her memory, and Azra.


 He looked more and more like Adaline with each passing day. A bittersweet observation Matteus had come to. At least with him here, he'd never forget what Adaline looked like. The exact shade of her eyes when she was happy or sad was replicated so clearly onto Azra's face. The memories would never fade or grow blurry. Having lived for so long Matteus had seen many deaths, some he didn't remember; but Adaline's was one he never wanted to forget.

Not that he could forget, the simmering rage he contained was there. Someone had killed Adaline with brutal intent. Matteus had made it his business to find the person and force them through torture that was tenfold what Adaline received.

He never allowed these thoughts to surface around Azra. His son was sensitive and just like Adaline, he was able to read every minute expression on his face even when he was sure they were hidden.

Years passed like this, a strange balance of keeping his emotions in check, ruling his Kingdom while discreetly investigating Adaline's death.

All while watching Azra grow before his very eyes.

"Dad, what was mom like?"

Father and son were sitting in a tearoom bathed in sunlight. This one they frequented regularly because on the wall in front of them was a large painted portrait of Adaline. Matteus had witnessed her maids pester her to do it and after some hesitation she gave in. At the time Matteus couldn't be bothered but now he was grateful for it. Even if its only purpose was to show Azra the face that came with the name.

"What an easy question. You need look no further than yourself."


"Yes, Adaline was just like you. Smart and curious about everything; it seems she left a piece of her soul with you. For that, I am forever thankful."

Big purple eyes gaze up at him, and Matteus reach one hand to pat the soft white hair on his son's head.

"Your fifth birthday is in a few weeks. Is there anything you want?"

Azra furrowed his eyebrows together and looked down in deep thought.

Matteus would be the first to admit he spoiled his son rotten. He had everything a child could need and things he didn't even think to ask for. Plenty of the toys and clothes in his room went untouched simply because he had too many.

He lights up with an idea as he looks up at Matteus with pleading eyes. The King stiffened, similar to Adaline, when Azra made that face he always ended up getting what he wanted.

"Anna has been telling me about her cat, and how much fun it is to have a pet. Can I have a cat too?"

"A cat?" Matteus supposed it wouldn't be bad for Azra to have a companion. He had never left the palace before, and he was still too young to be introduced officially into society. A pet would do nicely.

"Then I suppose you should start thinking of a name."

Azra smiled happily as he jumped in his seat, unable to maintain his excitement. Matteus let him babble off about all the things he would do when he got said pet before he spoke again.


The child stilled, that was the serious voice. It only came out when he did something bad or when his father had something really important to say.

"Dad?" His voice was soft and tentative.

"After your fifth birthday, I will assign you a private tutor. It is time you begin learning who you are."

Fun fact: 'Samsara' means protected by God, or can be used to describe the cycle of life and death.

Inari_sancreators' thoughts