
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Realistic
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30 Chs

chapter 8

Strong hands snaked around me holding me tight and strong in a very possessive and protective manner, I tried to move and it held me tighter and I screamed, Despite my body and soul not wanting to leave that position i was in but I couldn't stain my chaste I have been keeping for a very long time.

Alex jerked up surprised at me and also with a tinge of worry in his emerald eyes.

"W-What are you doing here?" immediately he left I felt cold penetrate my body i didn't want him to leave just yet, i couldn't feel my skin burn as his eyes scanned through my naked body realizing I wasn't really putting on anything. I grabbed the sheets to cover my body.

Thinking aloud, how could this girl make me feel this way?, I have never felt all this kind of emotion before. I could feel his member already shooting out. The moment his eyes caught my breast, round like two coconuts he thought he was gonna die of these emotions, he stood up and hastily left the room heading straight to his room and slammed the door shut.

"This can't be happening Alex, man up how can a lady you barely know make you feel this way", he walks straight into the pool and sinks in with only his boxer on.

flashback* Alex POV

His eyes flew open the moment he heard her scream, his gazes were welcomed with the sight of a naked angel who body, an entitlement of danger he couldn't seem to get hold of his emotions as he taught of moving towards her feeling her body against his devouring her mouth with a wet kiss licking sucking and biting her breast and doing wicked and evil things to pleasure her, he felt the urge to just make her his , What are you doing here? those words snapped him from his evil thoughts he couldn't believe his "big monster has actually betrayed him" as he likes to call it how could he be so irresponsible with even being touched only just looking at her has turned him on to the highest peak"

*present* Lilly POV

I don't understand what happened last night. Lilly tried hard to remember but there was nothing. She stood up and rushed to the bathroom which looked like a very big room. The bathroom words are not enough to describe it, it looked beyond magnificent.

It could be said to be "heaven on earth", Lilly slowly slides into the tub trying not to think about a man, Alex at that seeing her naked she hasn't even known if anything really transpired between them it would be really awkward to face him again.

Considering all this she hits her head slightly it's your fault Lilly you wanna show off right look the mess you got yourself into, falling into her thoughts.

Just with the way Alex was looking her her earlier Lilly was so damn hot she felt really wet down there, all she was thinking at the moment between the embarrassment and shame she still hoped he could hold her against his body she saw how hard he was she too felt so wet down there she itched and itched for him but she was disappointed when he just left without saying a thing.

After a few minutes in the tub she puts on her dress and goes down stairs to eat, seeing Alex by the table makes her heart skip a beat and she blushes hard she faces down looking at the stairs as he. walks ever so slowly.

"Hurry up my lady or would you rather take your time while I wait for you" The atmosphere was rather tense between Alex and Lilly.

She hastened her steps and joined them in the table "Good morning",she greeted kyle.

"Wonderful morning to you too, well it's already a great morning, waking up to see your face makes my day shine" he was smiling at her.

Chuckling loudly, "you're pulling my leg again kyle".

"Oh I almost forgot I heard you scream this morning I hope you're fine?".

Both Alex and Lilly stared at each other for a moment, before feeling all tensed up Lily looked at her food with her cheek already burning red.

"Umm... it's nothing I think.. I tripped yeah I fell" she smiles nervously, "hehe so clumsy of me"

Kyle looks at her and then at Alex suspiciously "I hope you ain't hurt milady"

"No no i'm good",sighs in relief, after taking dinner she prepares to leave.

"Kyle, I'll be taking my leave now. It was quite a lovely dinner but thank you".

"Well I'll be looking forward to inviting you over again. Hope you won't mind?".

"Well it's the future, I will leave It to the future to decide" she laughs "Okay Bye".

"Let me drop you off" the cold voice caught her unaware as she froze on the spot, not daring to turn for fear she didn't hear correctly.

Seems she wasn't the only person shocked by the words that filled the air Kyle turns to his brother in a surprised manner. "That's new" he whispered to himself.

"Is there some kind of special occasion that the Almighty Alex wants to drop her off? Kyle chipped in.

"Shut it kyle", the voice came so cold, it probably would have instilled fear in anyone but kyle.

Lilly was probably not expecting this as she didn't bother to turn and stare back at him unless she was going to Lose her resolve "No.. thanks i'm good" she hastily walks away.

"Did you offend her In any way, looks her, she's avoiding you or I guess so" Smirks and walks away

In Mr Qin's room she's seen sitting on a cushion holding a glass of expensive wine sipping It and going through the net when a call arrives at the private number she picked.
