
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 7

Ding ding, Lilly's phone beeped a few times but there was no response. It came again and again then it ended, a few minutes after a text was sent to her phone.

'I have sent a driver over to pick you up hope you don't mind' she read the message and after a few minutes, Lilly rushes out from the bathroom with a towel on her chest and came out with her hair dripping wet, she literally looked like the goddess of water who literally step out of an ocean.

she texted back in when he had got out of the bathroom 'sorry I missed your call, I will be arriving soon'.

'ohh take your time dear he text back'.

She smiled at his message, she drops the phone and heads into her closet looking for appropriate thing to put on, whatever she tries on looks too stunning on her finally after several choices she decided to just put on a simple red gown with a spaghetti hand that suits well with her baby like skin leaving her hair on a loose buns fluttering around her face she puts on some light makeup.

She stares at herself in the big mirror in her room. "Hmm, I hope this isn't much good, it 's just a simple dinner party at a billionaire's house. What's the big deal you've got this Lilly" she smiled nervously before leaving her room.

Getting to the car the driver opened the door for her, "ma'am please" gesturing her into the car.

"Well thank you", she enters and they zoom off. After several minutes of driving they finally arrive at the destination.

Lilly was shocked beyond words as she couldn't believe what she was seeing she pinched her cheeks serval times to make sure she wasn't dreaming, she didn't know what to call it a house no it wasn't it was way bigger than she thought, her enter village would actually fit in there with lots of space still left.

She steps out of the car as she slowly walks towards the castle looking house. The garden in the spontaneous looking house was as colorful and alluring.

Like the rainbow that comes after the rain, it was quite an exquisite design like it was made that way to purposely draw attention to itself.

She walked closer to the entrance but felt the house wasn't as simple as it was on the outside, she was now closer she noticed that exquisite black and white marble which leads to the big magnificent door main looking at it quite an indescribable height she could see from the walls to the window was quite a magnificent work of Art.

Leading her into the house as Kyle came out to welcome her the door squeaked out and the sight before her left her speechless and in a daze for a few seconds.

Smiling kyle was in view, "you made it on time I was thinking you were gonna spend more time showering and all the stuff a ladies does"

Chuckles sweetly, "really funny huh".

"Oh! Where is my manner please come in my fair lady into my humble abode" he said as he bowed slightly for her.

"You love teasing me now don't you", she stepped inside she was awed she never thought she would ever be graced with such elegance, the colored marbles she saw stretched out and the enormous chandeliers that welcomed her elegantly from the high ceiling.

The hallway had large and beautiful molded panels which looked expensive. As they walked through she saw a small receiving room where people waited also for guests.

She was utterly beyond impressed leading to the dining room, she saw the most perfect man on earth sitting nonchalantly busy with his phone not minding their presence. He was like a God In his own planet sent to earth to burst the heart of ladies, his perfect chin as he lashes fluster. butterflies grew in my stomach, "what an art of perfection".

I could have swore my heart skipped a bit when his eyes met with mine, for a fleeting second, I composed myself and held my pride tight as I was the only thing keeping me in check at this moment.

"Sit" Kyle's voice snapped me from my own world of thoughts, "oh thank you" I sat close to Kyle avoiding to look at the seductive demon sitter right opposite me tempting me at all opportunities it could get.

Kyle's voice cut me off again as he order the chefs to serve the food, "so tell me what would you like me to offer you"

"Anything is good" I said politely but rather I was anxious I stare at him at every given chance I get.

"Stop being polite will you or… shy should i", say he said with a smug on his face and looking at Alex

In a few minutes the table was packed with different kinds of dishes I couldn't have imagined I'd see such amount of food In my life time, it was like a feast meant to a hundred people but we're only three on the table, I swallowed hard as i licked my lips continuously little didn't I know that little gesture didn't escape the eyes of Alex who also stole glances of me.

"Dig in Miss foodie", I had literally forgot that there were two other people with me on the table as I taste every ounce of food my hand could get on savoring the heavenly taste I we busy stuffing food in my mouth as my eyes met with his i choked and coughed hard "here take some water easy there" kyke said patting my back Gently that alone earned him a glare from Alex, I down It all in one goal.

I could have sworn I saw Alex watching me with curiosity and fascination in his eyes.

He stood up and just left. I felt ashamed. I thought he was fascinated. I was wrong about who would be fascinated by a foodie. I thought he left because I irritated him, "did he leave because of me" the hurt was evident in my voice.

Kyle laughs "no you're just over thinking that's just how he is".

"Here take this it will help for indigestion" he interrupts Kyle, now it was Kyle's turn to choke on whatever may be in his mouth.

"Um, thank you", I was so shy and happy at the same time,I had to go but I really wanted to stay.

"I uh.. Have to start heading home now", she stands and turns to move then a hand grabs her by her wrist, she turns to face Alex in utter shock "won't you stay for a drink and games".

Oh my God it is tempting. Did he just invite me for a drink? My skin prickles at his touch. I feel hot under his touch. I was supposed to say no but u guess my mind and body are acting differently now, "O-okey I stammered as a smile creeped into my face.

After a few minutes the table was cleared and we headed straight to the leisure room filled with all kinds of games and appliances. I didn't even know, I was a fan of video games. I loved playing them a lot even as a kid. I kept looking around before Alex came in with three bottles of red wine and some glass cups.

"So.. um let play Truth or Dare game", I said kyle smiles wolfishly "okay let go",

Alex smirked and we played and played emptying all the bottles. I was the one losing. I had already been drunk but I didn't want to accept defeat till I passed out. I was drinking. I didn't know how I arrived at the room.

This morning the sun was shining brightly outside. I was about to turn but I felt strong arms around me cuddling , I screamed.