
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


I was in the midst of a busy afternoon at Lombardi's when my phone suddenly rang, interrupting the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. As I glanced at the caller ID, I saw it was Travis.

With a quick swipe of my finger, I answered the call, bringing the phone to my ear as I stepped away from the chaos of the kitchen. "Hey, Travis, what's up?" I greeted him, expecting the usual banter or perhaps a friendly check-in.

""Bitch, listen, I just heard some tea that I think you need to know about,"" Travis said. ""I've got a friend in the media, and they tipped me off about something that's been brewing behind the scenes.""

According to Travis, a friend in the media had tipped him off about Mrs. McNeil's intentions. Apparently, she had approached the press with the intent of exposing what she perceived as my "wrongdoings" to the world. Initially, her allegations were limited to accusing me of rudeness during our contentious meeting. However, when the media deemed this insufficiently scandalous, she had decided to embellish the story, painting me as someone truly reprehensible.

The thought of Mrs. McNeil spreading lies and half-truths about me to the public filled me with a sense of dread. How could she stoop so low as to manipulate the truth for her own ends? And with such a sensationalized narrative, it was all too easy to imagine people latching onto the story, eager for a juicy scandal to devour.

Instead, I resolved to handle the situation with grace and dignity, refusing to stoop to Mrs. McNeil's level.

If anything, I'll just go lower.

As I dialed Mrs. McNeil's number, my heart pounded in my chest with a mixture of apprehension and determination. I braced myself for whatever confrontation awaited on the other end of the line, steeling my nerves for the inevitable clash of wills.

The phone rang several times before a voice finally answered on the other end. It was Mrs. McNeil, her tone icy and unyielding as she demanded to know who was calling. With a steadying breath, I introduced myself, steeling myself for the backlash that was sure to follow.

"How did you get my number?" Jaspers mom snapped.

"Not only do I know your number, I know you've tried to sell fabricated stories about me to defame me," I retorted, my voice steady despite the rising tension.

"Why did you call? To silence me? You can't!" she said, her tone smug and defiant.

"I can't silence you, I just want to know who you think you are to attempt a stunt like this?" I asked, frustration simmering beneath my words. "You really should be more aware of your place in life."

"I just told the truth!" she stuttered, but her confidence wavered, revealing a hint of uncertainty.

"What truth? When have I gone and done those disgusting things? Which brothel did you see me in and why were you there to see it? Are you a madam or something?" I fired back, refusing to let her evade the issue.

"How dare you?" she snapped, her anger flaring.

"How dare you imply that your son is a cuckold to the public? If you don't like me, slander me, but don't bring Jasper into it anymore," I countered, my patience wearing thin.

"He's just doesn't know what he's doing! You tricked him!" his mom insisted, her desperation palpable.

"Don't be stupid. I get your husband is always at work, but your son isn't him. I'll give you a chance to retract the statement. You have 24 hours before I retaliate," I declared firmly, my resolve steeling against her accusations.

With that, I ended the call, feeling a mixture of frustration and determination coursing through me. This side mission had become a battle of wills, and I was prepared to fight tooth and nail to defend my reputation and protect Jasper from his mother's misguided intentions.

Alternatively, I could indirectly pressure Jasper's mom by leveraging my connections or influence to dissuade her from further defamation. This approach required subtlety and tact to avoid causing backlash against Jasper.

But she was important to Jasper and I couldn't just bully her into submission.

Our marriage, though unconventional in some respects, appeared perfectly legitimate to outside observers, shielding us from prying eyes and potential investigations.

Yet, beneath the facade of marital bliss, there remained a glaring issue: we didn't actually live together. It was a detail that gnawed at the back of my mind, a discrepancy that needed to be addressed sooner rather than later.

As soon as Jasper entered the kitchen in his police uniform, I didn't give him a chance to speak before blurting out what I need to.

"I think we should move in together asap," I blurted out, the words escaping my lips with more force than intended. The sudden declaration echoed through the bustling kitchen, prompting a collective pause among the busy staff. For a brief moment, the rhythmic clatter of pots and pans fell silent as all eyes turned towards us.

Mario, ever the voice of reason, quickly sprang into action, urging the stunned kitchen staff back to their tasks with a wave of his hand. Meanwhile, Jasper, caught off guard by my unexpected announcement, took a moment to regain his composure. With a faint smile, he nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

"Wow, what brought this on?" Jasper asked, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding. "Well, for appearances' sake, I think it's time we start looking for a nice house to live in," I explained, meeting Jasper's gaze with determination. "I guess I was also wondering about what it would be like cohabiting."

A spark of excitement ignited in Jasper's eyes at the prospect of house hunting together. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation myself.

As we spoke, Travis barged into the kitchen in a frenzy, his eyes wide with concern. "Are you guys alright? Did you see?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency.

Confused, I turned to him and asked what he was talking about. Without a word, Travis thrust his phone toward me, displaying an article with a sensational headline. The article cited an "anonymous source" claiming there was trouble in paradise between Jasper and me. It alleged that I had forced Jasper into marrying me and painted me as a nightmare behind the scenes. Worse yet, it suggested that Jasper was secretly seeking a way to divorce me.

Reading the words on the screen sent a surge of disbelief and anger coursing through me. It was clear as day who the "anonymous source" was, and I couldn't believe they would stoop so low after I gave them a chance to quit while they're ahead.

Jasper's expression hardened as he glanced at the article over my shoulder, his jaw clenched with barely contained fury. It was evident that he was just as outraged by the baseless accusations as I was.

Travis looked between us, his concern deepening. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie. As soon as I got the first one taken down and received the call, they posted this story. This is utter garbage," he said, his voice tinged with indignation.

Jasper and I exchanged stunned glances as we scrolled through the article on his phone. The words painted a completely different picture from what I had anticipated. It seemed that Jasper's mom had taken my advice about not involving Jasper in a negative light and twisted it to fit her own agenda.

The article mentioned that Jasper and I didn't live together, a detail that only someone close to us would know.

I turned to Travis, my voice steady but tinged with frustration. "We need to address this immediately. We can't let these false accusations tarnish our reputation or our relationship."

Travis nodded, his expression grim. "I'll start reaching out to our contacts in the media to see if we can get a retraction or correction issued asap," he replied, his voice determined.

The comment section under the post was a chaotic mix of emotions and opinions. Some users expressed discontent that the article had delved into the personal details of a marriage, considering it an invasion of privacy. Others were upset that the anonymous source had made such serious allegations without providing any evidence to support their claims.

There were also those who seemed to be more biased, believing that wealthy individuals often engage in such behavior behind closed doors. These comments were just met with skepticism from others who called out the lack of proof and urged for responsible journalism.

Despite the variety of reactions, one thing was clear: the article had garnered a significant number of downvotes. Many users were quick to express their disbelief and frustration at the lack of credibility in the claims made by the so-called "whistleblower." It was evident that a large portion of the audience viewed the article as nothing more than sensationalist gossip for views.

However, despite the widespread dislike for the article, the damage had already been done. The fact that it was out there, circulating on the internet, posed a potential threat to my business and reputation. It was a sobering reminder of the power of misinformation in the digital age, and the importance of swiftly addressing false narratives before they could cause irreparable harm.

As Jasper read over my shoulder, his expression grew more determined. "I need to speak up," he said firmly, his voice tinged with frustration and anger.

I nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of determination myself. "We can't let this slide," I replied, equally determined. Turning to Travis, I added, "We're going to find the guy who posted this nonsense. He was probably paid off."

Travis, always quick to act, nodded in agreement. "I'm already on it," he said confidently. "And I know where to find the reporter."

Jasper's concern was palpable as he asked, "What will you do to the reporter?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "Nothing if he tells me what I want to know," I admitted.

"Nothing illegal, Alex," Jasper insisted, his voice firm with conviction.

"You could've lied to him!" Travis interjected, his frustration evident in his tone.

"You said not to lie to my husband!" I retorted, feeling a twinge of guilt. "And I'm not going to do anything illegal. I'm just going to do the unethical. I need information, and being nice won't get it."

"Why are you suddenly such a stickler for the rules?" Travis groaned, exasperation evident in his voice.

"Leave your muscle at home, Travis," I rolled my eyes, dismissing his protest. "We just gotta find this guy and get the name of who paid him."

Jasper's expression darkened as he asked the inevitable question. "Who do you think is behind the article?"

I met his gaze steadily. "Your mom," I replied, my tone heavy with resignation.

Jasper let out a heavy sigh, his disappointment evident. "Ah, well, it's... I don't know why she's doing this," he lamented. "I'm sorry. I didn't think she would go this far because I didn't listen to her."

"Has she contacted you?" Travis inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

"Yes, but we haven't spoken since she met Alex," Jasper confessed, his tone somber.

"Since then?" I pressed, curiosity getting the better of me.

"I said I would go back to ignoring her unless she apologized to you," Jasper explained, a hint of remorse in his voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't know she'd do this."

"It's not your fault, Jasper. I'll handle it. You just make a response and make sure to mention moving in after the honeymoon," I reassured him, trying to ease his guilt.

"And where are we going on our honeymoon?" Jasper asked, a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

"I have a passport now, so wherever we want to go," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Okay!" Jasper exclaimed, the prospect of a honeymoon momentarily lifting his spirits.