
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Eunice Johnson

Travis glanced at me, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, as he reached behind the driver's seat and retrieved a peculiar object. It was a pink rhinestone baseball bat, an unexpected sight in his otherwise sleek and professional car.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the flashy accessory. "Where did you get that?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice.

Travis grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "A little something I picked up for emergencies," he replied cryptically.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his choice of weapon. "And you think we'll need that for this little excursion?" I quipped, a smirk playing on my lips.

Travis shrugged nonchalantly. "You never know," he said with a wink, tucking the rhinestone bat back into its hiding spot.

As Travis brought the car to a stop in front of the media station, I couldn't help but be struck by the imposing sight of the tall mirrored building towering before us. Its sleek, reflective exterior gleamed in the sunlight, casting a dazzling display of light and shadow onto the bustling city streets below.

At ground level, the entrance to the media station beckoned with an air of authority, its polished doors inviting visitors into the heart of the bustling newsroom within. A steady stream of people flowed in and out, their movements purposeful and determined as they navigated the bustling thoroughfare.

Travis and I strode purposefully toward the reception desk, where a well-groomed secretary greeted us with a professional smile. I flashed my ID, and her eyes widened in recognition as she quickly rose from her seat, motioning for us to follow her.

With a sense of determination fueling our steps, we trailed behind the secretary as she navigated through the bustling lobby of the media station. The hum of activity surrounded us, punctuated by the distant murmur of voices and the tap-tap of keyboards echoing through the expansive space.

Finally, we arrived at our destination: the office where Eunice Johnson works. The secretary gestured toward the door, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. With a nod of thanks, Travis and I exchanged a brief glance before stepping forward to face whatever awaited us on the other side.

The door swung open, revealing a bustling newsroom alive with activity. Rows of cubicles stretched out before us, each occupied by busy journalists engrossed in their work. At the head of the room sat a large desk, where a figure hunched over a computer terminal sat, their attention focused intently on the screen. The air buzzed with the sound of ringing phones, clicking keyboards, and murmured conversations as reporters chased deadlines and stories.

As the secretary departed, leaving us to navigate the maze of desks on our own, Travis casually retrieved the pink bat from his jacket. Its glimmering rhinestones contrasted sharply with the stark surroundings, drawing curious glances from nearby journalists.

Emboldened by the sight of the bat, I strode forward with an air of confidence, my voice cutting through the din of the newsroom as I announced our arrival. "Hello!" All eyes turned towards us, a mixture of surprise and intrigue evident on the faces of those who dared to steal a glance. "I'm Alexander Todd, the primary investor in this company and its owner. Which one of you is Eunice Johnson?"

As unlikely as this was…please be a guy so you can get beat up, Eunice!

As the hushed whispers filled the room, a young girl timidly raised her hand in response to my question. With a demanding tone, I instructed her to approach us, and after a moment's hesitation, she reluctantly complied, her eyes darting nervously towards the pink bat Travis held.

The young woman who timidly approached us appeared somewhat frumpy, with disheveled hair and slightly oversized glasses perched on her nose. She wore a wrinkled blouse and ill-fitting slacks, giving her an overall unkempt appearance. As she drew nearer, I could see the fear in her eyes, mixed with a hint of defiance. She was clearly shaken by our unexpected appearance, but there was a stubborn determination in her stance that hinted at a deeper resolve.

I frowned, disappointed that even if I thought she had messed up, resorting to violence against a girl was out of the question. It wasn't the solution I was looking for, and I couldn't bring myself to condone such behavior, regardless of the circumstances.

"I just wanted to ask what gave you the nerve to write like you know about my marriage?" I crossed my arms, trying to maintain a stern demeanor despite the anger bubbling inside me.

"An insider called and provided the information!" She defended, her voice shaking slightly.

"You got played, you know that? I fund 95% of this company, you know," I told her, my tone firm. "This is really making me rethink my investment. I heard this place just recently got all the upgrades after receiving my money. It's not too late to turn this building into something else that can turn a profit."

The atmosphere turned cold as everyone realized that their jobs relied on this reporter learning a lesson about who not to mess with. Eunice started to tremble as all eyes fell on her, waiting for her to do the right thing.

"Please forgive me! I was just doing this for money!" The reported whimpered, her voice trembling with fear.

"Who is the insider? If you tell me, I'll let you live," I said, my tone serious but tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Really?" She asked, her desperation evident in her voice.

"Of course. When Alexander Todd says something will happen, it happens. I swore I'd find you and I did," I smiled, though the smile didn't reach my eyes.

"Your good buddy over there sold you out." Travis pointed to another lady in the room who quickly hid her face.

"Lisa?" The reporter gasped, disbelief written all over her face.

"Don't be sad, your friendship was worth at least $300," Travis laughed, though it was more of a grim chuckle. "Lisa saved everyone's job by telling us your name."

"I think Lisa deserves a promotion." I added.

Eunice, now silently crying, scrolled through her phone for the recordings of her phone call and sent them all to my email.

"You should've known better than this. If you want to write about me, make sure you have the facts straight, that's all I asked when I made my investment here. If you know what's good for you, you shouldn't come back to a job in media after today," I shook my head, disappointed by her betrayal, before turning to leave with Travis.

As we exited the room, Travis carefully stowed the bat back into his jacket, the weight of missed opportunity hanging heavy between us. We exchanged a disappointed glance, silently acknowledging the anticlimactic end to our confrontation with Eunice Johnson.

"I was not going to hit a real girl, but I still wanted to smash something!" Travis lamented, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. "We're lucky she folded so easily. Now you can talk to Jasper's mom about this."

I nodded in agreement, relieved that the immediate threat to my reputation had been diffused, yet uneasy about the underlying tension with Jasper's mother. As we stepped outside, the crisp autumn air greeted us, offering a welcome respite from the stifling atmosphere of the newsroom.

A woman walked up to us, her demeanor poised and professional. Her eyes gleamed with curiosity as she extended a hand in greeting. "Excuse me," she began, her voice crisp and authoritative. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Eunice Johnson. Mind if I ask a few questions for our segment?"

Travis and I exchanged a wary glance, unsure of how to navigate yet another encounter with the media. With a resigned sigh, I nodded, mentally preparing myself for the inevitable scrutiny that would follow.

The woman introduced herself as Sarah, a reporter for a local news station, and wasted no time diving into her questions. Her presence exuded confidence, and her probing inquiries were delivered with precision.

"So, can you tell me about the nature of your relationship with Travis Lombardi here?" Sarah gestured towards Travis, who stood beside me, his expression a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

I cleared my throat, composing myself before responding. "Travis and I have been good friends since high school," I began, choosing my words carefully. "We've known each other for quite some time and often spend time together outside of work as the owners of Lombardi's."

Sarah nodded, her pen poised over her notepad as she scribbled down my response. "And what brings you both here today? Is there any significance to your visit to the newsroom?"

I hesitated for a moment, weighing my words before answering. "We were here to address certain allegations made against me in an article published by this station," I explained, careful not to reveal too much detail. "It was important for us to set the record straight and clarify any misinformation in person as I was under the impression that this company is dedicated to truth."

Sarah nodded, her brow furrowing slightly as she processed my response. "And how do you plan to address these allegations moving forward?"

Before I could respond, Travis interjected, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "We're taking all necessary steps to ensure that the truth comes to light," he asserted, his gaze steady as he met Sarah's eyes. "No stone will be left unturned in our pursuit of justice."

"Last question. Will I be fired if I write about you?" Sarah asked.

"Of course not, as long as you write the truth, I won't stop your work," I waved her off.

Sarah nodded, seemingly satisfied with our answers. "Thank you both for your time," she said, tucking her notepad back into her bag. "I'll be sure to include your statements in my report."

As she walked away, Travis and I exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the delicate balance we faced in managing the fallout from the article as my phone buzzed.

Curious, I quickly unlocked my phone to check the notification. Sure enough, Jasper had posted something on Facebook.

I was greeted by a photo of Jasper and me, smiling together at the Snow Festival. The caption read, "Counting down the days until our honeymoon adventure begins! Can't wait to explore the world with my amazing husband. Love you, Alex ❤️ #HoneymoonGoals #AdventureAwaits."

I couldn't help but smile as I hit the "like" button and left a comment expressing my own excitement for our upcoming adventure.

Feeling a mix of surprise and warmth, I scrolled through the photos Jasper had posted. Each image captured a special moment between us, from casual outings to intimate memories shared in private. It was touching to see how Jasper had curated these snapshots of our life together, showcasing our feelings for each other.

I couldn't help but marvel at how seamlessly Jasper had woven our relationship into his social media presence. The images painted a picture of a couple deeply in love, with each picture telling its own story of laughter, affection, and connection.

Among the photos, one stood out—the image of our intertwined hands, displaying our wedding rings for the world to see. It was a simple yet powerful declaration of our commitment to each other, a symbol of the bond we shared as husbands.

"This honeymoon has to be good and expensive," I sighed unable to contain my smile.

Jasper just wasn't playing fair.