
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


As the village faded into the distance behind us, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia mixed with a sense of contentment. The memories we had made over the past few days felt like treasures, each moment etched into my mind with a sense of warmth and joy.

As we journeyed back to the city, I couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed in such a short span of time. The village had become more than just a stop along the way—it had become a place where memories were made, friendships were formed, and love blossomed.

And as the city skyline came into view on the horizon, I knew that although our time in the village had come to an end, the memories we had created would stay with us forever, serving as a reminder of the beauty and the new relationship I had started.

Receiving the call from Travis early in the morning was a welcome interruption to our journey back to the city. His voice carried a sense of urgency, but also relief, as he relayed the news about Mario handling the delivery my sister had demanded.

With Mario overseeing the process, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, knowing that the task was in capable hands. Mario's efficiency and attention to detail were unparalleled, and I trusted him to ensure that everything went smoothly.

His task was to purchase as many vegetables as possible that were on the verge of rotting. It was a bold move, but one that I knew Mario was more than capable of executing flawlessly.

Mario returned with his haul of limp, soft vegetables, to a very upset Travis but didn't get deterred. These seemingly worthless vegetables held the key to our success. Mario wasted no time in soaking them in ice water for an entire day, meticulously 'restoring them' to their former freshness.

As I observed Mario's diligent work with the staff over the CCTV, I marveled at his ingenuity. It was a risky gambit, but one that had paid off handsomely. My sister suspected nothing, and we had successfully turned what could have been a costly endeavor into a stroke of genius.

With the payment for the transportation and profit safely secured, I found myself in a position I hadn't anticipated - the ability to reward my dedicated staff for their hard work and unwavering support. It was a rare moment of financial flexibility, one that I was determined to make the most of.

As soon as Jasper and I arrived at the restaurant, gathering my team together, I announced the news of the raise with a sense of pride and gratitude. Their reactions ranged from surprise to sheer joy, and seeing the smiles on their faces filled me with a sense of fulfillment unlike any other.

For too long, they had toiled tirelessly, often without the recognition or compensation they deserved. Now, I had the opportunity to show them just how much their efforts meant to me. It was a small gesture in the grand scheme of things, but one that I hoped would convey my appreciation for their dedication and hard work.

Travis couldn't contain his curiosity as he noticed my unusually buoyant mood. He probed me about my vacation, eager to hear about my adventures. As I handed out souvenirs from the village Snow Festival, including trinkets adorned with intricate snowflake designs and handcrafted ornaments, Travis's excitement only grew.

But it was the mention of the Tinikling dance that piqued his interest the most. His eyes widened with intrigue as I recounted the lively rhythm of the bamboo poles clacking together and the infectious energy of the dancers. When I showed him a shaky phone recording of Jasper attempting a keg stand amidst cheers and laughter, Travis burst into laughter himself, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected sight.

Travis eyed me intently, his curiosity practically palpable as the last of the staff filtered out of the room to prep with Mario. With a knowing smile, he leaned in slightly, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper.

"So, spill the tea, Alex. How was your vacation with Jasper for real?"

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling a sudden surge of nervousness. Jasper remained silent beside me, his expression unreadable as he watched the exchange unfold.

"Oh, you know, it was... eventful," I replied vaguely, attempting to deflect Travis's probing questions.

"Eventful, huh? That sounds intriguing," Travis pressed, his tone laced with playful curiosity. "Come on, spill it. Did something happen between you and Jasper? Sex?"

I hesitated, feeling a rush of uncertainty. Should I reveal the truth about my budding relationship with Jasper? Would Travis understand, or would he react negatively?

"Um, well, you see..." I trailed off, searching for the right words as Travis's patience began to wear thin.

"Alex, you're not exactly known for being coy," Travis teased, his grin widening. "Out with it."

Taking a deep breath, I finally relented, deciding it was time to come clean. "Okay, fine. Jasper and I... we're dating now."

Travis's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth forming a perfect "O" of astonishment. "That's it? No way! Seriously?"

I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. "Yeah, seriously."

Travis let out a low whistle, shaking his head in amazement. "Well, I'll be damned. Who would've thought you'd really go for it?"

Travis leaned forward eagerly, his eyes practically sparkling with excitement. "Tell me everything! How did it happen?"

Jasper chuckled, his expression softening as he recounted the events leading up to our relationship. "Well, I just wanted Alex to have a good time at the festival, you know? So I made sure we did all the fun stuff, danced, drank, and just had a blast together. And then, when the moment felt right, I just... went for it."

Travis's grin widened as he hung on Jasper's every word. "And Alex said yes?"

Jasper nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yeah, he did. It was nothing too grand or romantic, just two guys having a good time and realizing there might be something more there."

Travis let out an excited squeal, clapping his hands together like a giddy schoolgirl. "Oh my god, that's so adorable! It's like something straight out of a Hallmark movie!"

I rolled my eyes playfully at Travis's exaggerated reaction, but deep down, I couldn't help but feel a warm glow of happiness.

As Travis continued to tease me about my noticeable change in demeanor since returning from the festival, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his playful banter. When I questioned how he could detect such subtle shifts, he simply attributed it to the stress melting away from my face, leaving behind a radiant glow.

While I found Travis's attention to my facial expressions amusingly absurd, I couldn't deny the genuine happiness shining in his eyes. Despite my initial skepticism, his teasing was endearing in its own way, and I decided to let him have his fun.

Meanwhile, Jasper seemed to thoroughly enjoy the lighthearted exchange, laughing along with us as Travis and I playfully argued over trivial matters.

As Lollipop walked into the main dining room and  handed me the flyer promoting my sister's restaurant event, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of annoyance and amusement. The flyer boasted about healthy eating, a new personalized menu, and the presence of renowned chefs—all designed to attract a large crowd.

Despite my sister's efforts to rival our restaurant, I couldn't deny the cleverness of her marketing strategy. It was clear that she was determined to make her mark in the culinary world, even if it meant competing with family.

My plan was unfolding just as I had envisioned. The vegetables I had provided to my sister were on the verge of rotting, and if her chefs failed to notice the decay, it could spell disaster for her restaurant.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of my sister's grand event turning into a fiasco. After all the trouble she had caused me, it was only fitting that she faced some setbacks of her own.

However, I also acknowledged the risk involved in my scheme. If my sister's chefs did detect the spoiled vegetables in time, my plan would be thwarted, and she might even suspect foul play.

Nevertheless, I remained hopeful that my carefully orchestrated strategy would succeed, and my sister would finally face the consequences of her actions, and I'd be out of her silly little contract. It was a risky gamble, but one that I was willing to take to protect our restaurant and ensure success in the long run.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to stir up some excitement and mischief.

"Well, Travis," I began, my smile widening into a devious grin, "I think it's time we go see a little show of our making."

Travis raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my suggestion. "What do you have in mind?"

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve that could make tomorrow's event even more... memorable."

Travis's eyes lit up with excitement as he had no idea what I meant at all. "I'm in," he declared enthusiastically. "What do you need me to do?"

I chuckled, enjoying the thrill of anticipation. "Just be ready to witness some fireworks," I replied cryptically. "And Jasper, are you available to accompany me? It's going to be quite the spectacle."

"Are you asking me out again? You ok?" Jasper felt my forehead. I chuckled at Jasper's playful remark, appreciating his sense of humor even in the midst of our scheming.

"Well, consider it an invitation for both business and pleasure," I replied with a smirk. "And who knows? We might just have a front-row seat to some unexpected entertainment."

Jasper grinned in response, clearly intrigued by the prospect. "Count me in. It sounds like it's going to be quite the show."

As Jasper agreed to join us, I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of my plan coming to fruition.

"So how do you plan to match Jasper's hotness," Travis's comment caught me off guard, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. It wasn't something I had really considered before. I mean, Jasper was undeniably attractive—charming, charismatic, and effortlessly confident. How could I possibly measure up to that?

As I mulled over Travis' question, I realized that comparing myself to Jasper was futile. We were different in many ways, and that was okay. Instead of dwelling on my perceived shortcomings, I needed to focus on being the best version of myself.

"I guess I'll just have to charm him with my wit and intelligence," I replied with a grin, trying to brush off Travis' probing. "Besides, beauty is subjective, right?"

"That's what ugly people say," Travis flipped his hair.