
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Night Terror

In the darkness of my subconscious, memories twisted and contorted into a nightmarish landscape, replaying scenes from my childhood like a horror film on an endless loop. I found myself transported back to the haunting corridors of my past, where shadows danced with malevolent intent and whispers of forgotten traumas echoed through the air.

I stood alone in the dimly lit hallway of my childhood home, the walls closing in around me like vengeful specters seeking to suffocate my very soul. Each step I took reverberated with the weight of years of suppressed anguish, the floorboards creaking beneath my feet like the tortured cries of a wounded spirit.

As I wandered deeper into the labyrinth of my memories, I was confronted by ghosts of the past, twisted caricatures of the people who had once inhabited my world. My mother's voice rang out like a banshee's wail, filled with venomous words that cut deeper than any blade. Her eyes bore into mine with a gaze filled with disdain and disappointment, condemning me to a lifetime of shame and self-loathing.

I was nothing but a helpless child once more, subjected to the cruel whims of those who were meant to protect me. Shadows loomed menacingly in every corner, their sinister whispers taunting me with reminders of my own inadequacy and worthlessness. The walls closed in around me, suffocating me with the weight of my own guilt and shame.

I cried out for escape, for release from the suffocating grip of my past, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. The nightmare stretched on endlessly, a never-ending cycle of pain and despair that threatened to consume me whole. And as I struggled to break free from its grasp, I knew that the true horror lay not in the darkness that surrounded me, but in the darkness of my mind.

As the viscous black sludge encased me like a suffocating shroud, its insidious tendrils snaked around my limbs, dragging me down into the depths of despair. With each futile struggle against its relentless grip, I felt myself sinking deeper into the abyss, my screams of terror echoing through the void.

But instead of reaching out to save me, my family stood by, their faces contorted with disdain and resentment. Their eyes bore into mine with a cold, unforgiving gaze, their silent condemnation weighing heavily on my battered soul. Betrayed by those who were meant to love and protect me, I thrashed against the suffocating embrace of the darkness, desperate for escape from the cruel fate that awaited me.

But no matter how hard I fought, the darkness only tightened its grip, pulling me further into its icy embrace. With each passing moment, I felt myself slipping further away from the surface, drowning in a sea of my own self-doubt and despair.

As I thrashed frantically in the suffocating sludge, my heart pounded with terror, each beat echoing through the darkness like a death knell. I slammed my weight around in a desperate attempt to break free, but the relentless grip of the sludge held me fast, trapping me in its viscous embrace.

Footsteps approached from behind, their ominous cadence sending a shiver down my spine. I dared not look back, knowing instinctively that whatever lurked in the darkness was a horror beyond comprehension. With every fiber of my being screaming for escape, I pushed myself forward, driven by fear and desperation.

But the footsteps drew closer, their menacing rhythm closing in on me with chilling precision. I felt a cold dread creeping over me, a primal instinct urging me to flee from the unseen terror that pursued me relentlessly through the darkness.

Suddenly, a soft impact against my leg sent me sprawling, my heart racing as I struggled to regain my footing. Harsh fingers closed around my ankle, their grip like iron, pulling me back with a force that threatened to tear me apart.

"Please, let me go!" I pleaded, my voice choked with fear and desperation as I kicked against the unyielding hold.

But my pleas fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the relentless pursuit of the unseen horror that haunted my every step. I felt hands pinning me down, their punishing grip rendering me powerless against their strength.

And then, as flames flickered to life around me, I felt a searing heat engulfing my body, burning me from within. The pain was unbearable, consuming me with a fiery agony that threatened to consume my very soul.

"You have to let it take you! It's what you deserve!" my sister's voice echoed in the darkness, her words a chilling reminder of the horrors that awaited me.

But I refused to surrender, fighting against the suffocating grip of the darkness with every ounce of strength I could muster. Even as the creature loomed over me, its shadowy form a terrifying specter in the flickering flames, I clung to the faint glimmer of hope that still burned within me.

And then, as its whispered words filled my ears with dread, I felt a sharp pain lancing through my chest, my body wracked with agony as its grip tightened around me.

"You're mine," it hissed, its voice a sinister whisper that echoed through the darkness like a death knell.

With a final, desperate cry, I surrendered to the darkness, my world consumed by pain and terror as the nightmare closed in around me as I did the last thing I could do.


As I woke up screaming, terror still clutching at my heart, Travis's concerned face came into view. I threw myself forward, my muscles protesting as I pushed through the sheets that clung to my sweat-drenched body. Shaking uncontrollably, I felt Travis's reassuring grip on my shoulders, anchoring me to the present moment.

My nightmare replayed itself in my mind with frightening clarity, the pain and terror as raw as if it had just happened. I cradled my stomach protectively, the memory of the scar on my chest burning and spreading through my veins, sending spikes of agony through my head.

Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, my stomach began to churn, a bitter taste rising in my mouth. Travis moved quickly, grabbing a bucket just in time as I began to vomit. The retching sent waves of pain through my already shaken body, pulling at old scars that seemed to ache in sympathy.

As the ordeal passed and I collected myself, tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I wiped my mouth and handed the bucket back to Travis, accepting a bottle of water in exchange. His gentle touch as he wiped my face with a damp towel helped to ground me, soothing the turmoil within.

"Are you ok?"

"It was just another bad dream," I mumbled to him, my voice barely above a whisper as I tried to calm the storm raging inside me. But deep down, I knew that no amount of reassurance could erase the lingering fear that haunted my every waking moment. "Nothing too bad."

Travis didn't look convinced, but he nodded nonetheless. "If you need to talk about it, I'm here," he offered, his gaze unwavering.

I appreciated his concern, but the last thing I wanted was to delve into the depths of my subconscious with anyone, even Travis. "Thanks, but I think I just need some water," I deflected, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and pushing myself upright.

Travis hesitated for a moment before nodding again. "Alright, but don't hesitate to talk to me if you need anything," he said firmly, his protective instincts kicking in.

I offered him a grateful nod before heading to the kitchen, hoping that the mundane task of getting a glass of water would help ground me back to reality and banish the lingering shadows of the nightmare.

Taking a few deep breaths, I pushed aside the irrational fears that still lingered from the nightmare. My original intent loomed large in my mind, a beacon of determination amidst the lingering shadows of doubt. Nothing was more important than reclaiming my sense of self-worth and dignity.

With renewed resolve, I focused on the steps I needed to take to get back on my feet. I couldn't afford to let fear or uncertainty or trauma hold me back any longer. It was time to confront the challenges ahead head-on, armed with the strength and resilience I knew lay within me.

Making up my mind to venture into the agricultural business, I found myself immersed in surveying various projects around town. However, throughout the week, Travis had gone to great lengths to enhance my appearance, hoping to present a more stylish and approachable image to others, slowing me down. His efforts even extended to attempting to persuade me to wear makeup, resulting in a few friendly arguments between us. Despite his insistence, I remained steadfast in my decision, determined to focus on the practical aspects of my new endeavor rather than superficial appearances.

"A little blush wouldn't kill you. You're so pasty," Travis commented as she helped me get dressed for the day.

Travis's concern was endearing, albeit a bit dramatic. "Just change the detergent. You said you're a man but you're crying over something so little! Did all this cross-dressing get to your head?" I teased.

"I'm worried, okay!" Travis defended.

"Well, it's just a mild rash. Calm down, you Queen," I laughed.

"Know what? I'll just tell Jasper to come over, and I'm going to tell on you for bullying little old me. Then he'll bring down the hammer of justice on you! You wouldn't dare mess with me then," Travis threatened.

"I survived five years in prison, and I basically have him eating out of the palm of my hand. You think I'm afraid of him?" I flexed arrogantly. "Besides, how will he react when he finds out how long it took you to see this rash?"

"You're so ugly on the inside and the outside, girl," Travis huffed. "From what you said, it sounds like there's been some developments after I left you two alone. Are you two a thing now or not?"

"Absolutely not."

"Hm, then how can I get these rashes to go away?" Travis examined my torso again.

I told Travis about something called fish mint, sometimes known as chameleon plants.

Travis grimaced and let me know that he was aware of what I was talking about. "It stinks to high heaven and tries to suffocate my hostas. I have tried to spray it one season and it laughed at me and came back 2 weeks later."

If Travis's home has suitable growing conditions, with a huge market and it being on tread to be on an adjusted diet, this is potentially an unexplored gold mine.

"That's perfect!" I exclaimed, my mind already racing with possibilities. "If it's as resilient as you say, then it's exactly what I need. Its medicinal value is very high, and it will appeal to people who are into healthy living and food sources. There's my new source of income right there."

Travis nodded in agreement. "It's definitely a unique approach. Just be careful, though. That stuff is like a weed on steroids. Once it gets a foothold, it's nearly impossible to get rid of."

"I'll keep that in mind," I assured him. "But if it's as valuable as you say, then it'll be worth the effort."

With our plan in motion, we set out to gather samples of the fish mint, ready to embark on this new venture together.