
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs

Fish Mint

Travis filled me in on the history of the fish mint on their property. "It's been there for generations," he explained. "My great-grandfather planted it thinking it was just a harmless ornamental plant. Little did he know, it would become a never-ending battle for the entire family."

I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the plant. "It's incredible how something so invasive can also hold such valuable properties," I remarked.

Travis chuckled. "Yeah, it's a love-hate relationship for sure. But if anyone can tame that beast, it's you. I can't believe a stupid rash made you think about this," Travis rolled his eyes.

"Hey, inspiration can strike in the most unexpected places," I replied with a grin. "And if a rash leads to a profitable business venture, then I'll take it."

Travis chuckled, shaking his head. "Only you could turn a nuisance into an opportunity. We have the perfect conditions right here, a growing demand for healthier options, and a plant that's been overlooked for its potential. It's like stumbling upon a hidden treasure."

I nodded, my face gleaming with excitement. "I never thought I'd say this about a weed, but it might just be our ticket to success."


"How else am I going to repay you for taking me in and helping me stay undercover?"

As we walked onto Travis's family property, a sense of grandeur surrounded us. The mansion loomed ahead, its majestic facade commanding attention with its imposing structure and elegant architecture. Towering columns flanked the entrance, while intricately carved details adorned every corner, speaking volumes of the family's wealth and status.

The grounds were meticulously maintained, with manicured lawns stretching out in all directions. Vibrant flowers bloomed in meticulously landscaped gardens, adding bursts of color to the lush greenery. Security cameras dotted the perimeter, their watchful gaze a reminder of the importance placed on protecting the family estate.

As we approached the mansion, uniformed security guards stood at attention, their presence a reassuring reminder of the security measures in place. They greeted us with polite nods as we passed, their professionalism evident in every gesture.

We made our way straight to the backyard, where the potential for our fish mint fortune awaited.

The sight that greeted us was nothing short of impressive. Rows upon rows of lush greenery sprawled out before us, the unmistakable aroma of fish mint wafting through the air. Despite its reputation as a stubborn and invasive plant, there was no denying its abundance here.

Travis grinned proudly as he surveyed the expanse of green. "Welcome to the heart of our operation," he said, gesturing towards the thriving fish mint plants. "This is where it all begins."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the sight. Here, in this backyard, lay the foundation for our venture into the world of agriculture.

"Alex?" I heard a familiar voice from behind us.

As Choppy and I exchanged greetings, memories of our time in prison together flooded back. Despite the harsh conditions, Choppy had always been a source of wisdom and support, like a father figure in a place where guidance was scarce.

"It's good to see you, Choppy," I said, a hint of nostalgia in my voice. "And yeah, these eyes haven't changed much."

Choppy's presence brought a sense of familiarity amidst the grandeur of Travis's family estate. His rough exterior belied a kind heart, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for his friendship.

As Travis explained our purpose for being there, Choppy's expression shifted to one of confusion. His blunt question mirrored my own initial reaction to fish mint—a pungent and persistent plant that had proven to be a nuisance in Travis's family garden.

"It's a potential gold mine," Travis explained, his enthusiasm evident despite the less-than-ideal circumstances of our meeting.

Choppy nodded, his curiosity piqued by our unexpected venture. "Well, count me in. If it means getting rid of those damn weeds, I'm all for it."

Choppy's excitement was palpable, and his mention of his father's frustration with the fish mint only added to the urgency of our mission. With a nod of agreement, I followed Choppy to a nearby bench, grateful for the opportunity to catch up and strategize.

Travis and I took a seat, joining Choppy as he settled in, his demeanor reflecting a mix of determination and anticipation.

"So, who's this other guy looking to use the fish mint?" Travis inquired, his curiosity matching my own.

Choppy shrugged, a hint of frustration evident in his expression. "Some random dude claiming it's for some big project of his. My dad wasn't too thrilled about it, but the guy seemed pretty determined."

As we discussed our next steps, I couldn't shake the feeling of deja vu, realizing that our unexpected reunion in Travis's family garden had brought together individuals from vastly different walks of life, all united by a common goal—to rid the estate of the invasive fish mint and potentially unearth a lucrative opportunity in the process.

As Travis's father strode into the garden with an air of authority, it was evident that he carried himself with the same refined demeanor as his son. His impeccable attire and commanding presence left no doubt that he was accustomed to wielding influence within the family estate.

But it was the figure trailing behind him that caught me off guard—the last person I expected to encounter in this setting. Jasper stood there, his expression inscrutable as his gaze met mine. It was as if fate had conspired to bring us together once again, despite my best efforts to avoid him.

A wave of conflicting emotions washed over me, stirring up feelings I had been trying to suppress. There was irritation at the mere sight of him, mingled with a hint of curiosity about why he seemed to gravitate towards me. And beneath it all, there lurked a sense of unease, a nagging suspicion that his presence here was no mere coincidence.

My mind raced with questions, wondering why Jasper seemed to appear wherever I went. Was it mere chance, or was there something more deliberate at play? Did he seek me out intentionally, drawn by some inexplicable connection between us?

Suppressing a surge of frustration, I braced myself for the inevitable encounter, determined to maintain my composure in the face of this unexpected reunion.

"Travis? Come greet my guest!" His father smiled brightly at seeing his son.

"Hey Jasper." Travis said as he and Choppy looked at me.

"Hi, Travis. Alex."

As Jasper's eyes met mine, I could sense an unspoken tension hanging in the air—a silent acknowledgment of the unresolved issues between us. This was not the time or place for a confrontation about my failure to call him or my deliberate avoidance of him in the week following our peculiar dinner.

Despite my best efforts to maintain a composed exterior, a knot of anxiety tightened in the pit of my stomach, mingling with a growing sense of apprehension. I knew that Jasper was not one to let things slide easily, and his unexpected appearance in Travis's family garden hinted at a determination to address the lingering tensions between us.

"Alex? Alexander Todd?"

"Nobody knows where I am." Travis's father's expression shifted, his features morphing into a knowing smile as he registered my unspoken request for discretion. Despite his initial enthusiasm at seeing me, he understood the need for privacy and discretion in the delicate dance of social interactions.

"Of course, Alex," he replied, his tone conveying a sense of understanding and respect for my wishes. "Your secret is safe with me. It's good to see you again, son."

The subtle exchange between us was not lost on Jasper, who observed the interaction with keen interest. I could feel his gaze lingering on me, a silent inquiry lurking beneath the surface. But I remained steadfast in my resolve, maintaining a composed facade in the face of his scrutiny.

"I didn't even recognize you! You look terrifying! I can't believe you came to visit us!" Travis's father exclaimed.

"It nice to see you again too Mr. Lombardi. I'd like to keep it quiet though," I said, the unspoken words loud and clear and easy for someone like him to pick up on.

"Got it."

The atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension, and I glanced at Travis, silently pleading for his assistance in defusing the situation.

"You are also a guest, how can you just leave?" Travis chimed in, his tone light but with a hint of urgency.

"Anyway Mr. Lombardi, I heard you were going to get rid of your fish mint so I shamelessly came to get some." I smiled.

"Oh I can't," Mr Lombardi said. "I already sold it to Jasper."

I arched an eyebrow at Jasper, suspicion prickling at the back of my mind. His sudden enthusiasm for the situation seemed all too contrived, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his reaction than met the eye.

"Officer McNeil?" I asked.

Jasper huffed, his grin widening into a smirk. "Didn't know you had a thing for beauty treatments, Alex."

I bristled at the implication in his words, acutely aware of the insinuations lurking beneath the surface of his playful banter. There was a gleam in his eyes that spoke volumes, a mischievous glint that hinted at hidden agendas and ulterior motives.

Ignoring the taunt, I focused my attention on Travis's father, who seemed oblivious to the underlying tension in the air. "I understand, Mr. Lombardi. Thank you for your honesty."

Travis, on the other hand, was less understanding. "But Dad, I need it for my skincare routine! You know how much I rely on those natural remedies."

Mr. Lombardi chuckled, shaking his head fondly at his son's antics. "I'm sure you'll survive without it, Travis. Besides, it's just a small deposit. There's plenty more fish mint where that came from. They'll be back in two weeks!"

Travis pouted, but ultimately relented, shooting me a pointed look that clearly conveyed his displeasure at being denied access to the coveted plant. Meanwhile, Jasper's amusement seemed to grow with each passing moment, his expression positively gleeful as he observed the unfolding exchange.

I couldn't help but wonder what game he was playing, what hidden agenda lay behind his façade of innocence. But for now, I kept my guard up, determined not to let his antics derail my plans or compromise my resolve. Whatever Jasper's intentions, I would be ready.

"Officer McNeil, you seem determined to have these," I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm always determined to get what interests me." Jasper smiled back at me. "Whether it's a person or some weeds, I get somewhat hellbent over it."

"Can we talk then?" I sighed seeing as I clearly had no choice.

"Alone? If it's not just us two, I'm not interested." Jasper said.


Jasper's words sent a shiver down my spine, his casual demeanor belying the intensity of his gaze. There was a steely resolve in his eyes that made it clear he wasn't one to back down easily, especially when it came to getting what he wanted.

"Fine," I relented, knowing that resisting his persistence would only prolong the inevitable confrontation. "We can talk. Alone."

Travis and his father exchanged curious glances, but wisely chose not to interfere. With a silent nod from Mr. Lombardi, they made their way back into the house, leaving Jasper and me alone in the garden.