
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Goodbye, Mr. Thompson

The next morning, I was jolted from my contemplation by urgent news that hit like a physical blow. Helen had made a move that I hadn't anticipated, striking at the very heart of Todd Corporation's innovation engine—Mr. Thompson and his entire team.

I stood by my office window, looking down at the bustling streets below, trying to process the information. Mr. Thompson, the head of our research and development department, was not just a key asset; he was the mastermind behind our latest news solutions that kept us ahead in the market. The news was that Helen had poached him and his team one day before a big deal, offering them an opportunity they couldn't refuse, one that would undoubtedly bolster Titan Ventures' competitive position while leaving a gaping hole in ours.

The revelation hit me harder than I expected. Jasper's detailed report laid bare the tactics Helen had employed to sway Mr. Thompson and his team. It was a classic approach, yet executed with such finesse that it left me reeling.

"Alex, she knew exactly what she was doing," Jasper explained, his voice steady but with an undertone of urgency. "She first identified any possible dissatisfaction or limitations that Mr. Thompson felt here at Todd Corporation. Then, she capitalized on these by offering not just better compensation but also greater creative freedom and more resources—things that would naturally appeal to someone in his position."

The fact that my mom had done this so stealthily, engaging in multiple meetings to build trust and highlight potential at Titan Ventures, showed her determination and strategic acumen. This wasn't merely a competitive move; it was a calculated strike designed to destabilize a core department of my company.

I felt a mixture of anger and respect. Anger at the loss and the method of attack, and respect for the ruthless efficiency with which my mother operated. It was clear now more than ever that she saw me not just as her emotional son but as a true competitor, worthy of her full arsenal of corporate tactics.

"We need to respond, Jasper," I said, my voice firm with resolve. "We can't let this slide. It's time to reassess our internal operations, improve how we value and motivate our teams, and perhaps look into acquiring new talents who can bring fresh perspectives."

I stood up, looking out at the cityscape. "Also, we need to make our team members feel valued. They need to know that they are not just working for Todd Corporation, but that Todd Corporation is working for them. We'll start with immediate reviews of our compensation packages and development programs. We need to build an environment so strong that no amount of money or promise of freedom elsewhere can lure them away. You know what office workers want, right?"

Jasper nodded, understanding the weight of the task ahead. "I'll coordinate with HR and set up meetings with department heads. We'll turn this around, Alex."

As Jasper left to set things in motion, I stayed at the window, my mind racing with strategies and countermeasures. This was a wake-up call, a reminder that in the world of high-stakes business, loyalty was a commodity, as valuable and as vulnerable as any other asset. I had been outplayed, but the game was far from over.

I took a deep breath, gathering my resolve. The empty R&D labs, the anxious faces of my employees, and the relentless ring of my phone filled my mind, each demanding attention, each a facet of the crisis now unfolding under my leadership.

The next morning, I was the first to arrive. The office was still dark, the quiet before the storm of activity that would soon begin. As I switched on the lights in the R&D department, I felt a pang of loss but also a spark of determination. I knew what needed to be done.

I convened an emergency meeting with the remaining team leaders and department heads. "We've suffered a significant blow," I began, not mincing words. "But this is not just a crisis; it's an opportunity—an opportunity to rebuild and innovate beyond what we've imagined before."

The faces around the table were mixed with apprehension and resolve. I continued, "We will accelerate our recruitment efforts, but we will not compromise on quality. We're going to find the best and make sure they understand the value of what we're building here."

After the meeting, I spoke with Mr. Wallace and Mr. Carter, who had been reaching out to their networks since dawn. "We need people who are not just skilled but adaptable and driven. People who can jump into a project and chart a course without hesitation," I instructed them.

Throughout the day, I touched base with our communications team to craft a message that would reassure our stakeholders without making false promises. "We acknowledge the setbacks, but our commitment to innovation remains unwavering," we decided on the narrative. This balanced approach was designed to maintain confidence while being transparent about our challenges.

Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jasper, simply saying, "Everything will be okay. You've got this." It was the reassurance I needed, a reminder that I wasn't in this alone.

In an outrageous stroke of luck, I managed to secure Jared Jameson for our team. Jared, the newly appointed heir to Jameson Tech and my sister Emily's ex-fiancé, was a critical addition, especially given the recent upheaval. He had appeared inside at company right before lunch time, eagerly extending an offer that could only be described as a lifeline.

Back in the conference room, with Mr. Chambers, Mr. Carter, and Mr. Wallace flanking me, the atmosphere was tense yet expectant as we awaited Jared's conditions. When he spoke, his demeanor was surprisingly light, almost jovial, considering the gravity of our situation.

"Alex, I owe you one for helping me dodge a bullet with Emily," Jared started, a wry smile on his face. "Consider this my way of saying thank you for saving my life. I can immediately fill the gap left by Mr. Thompson, and I'll handle your R&D just like I do at Jameson Tech. I have more than enough employees to bring to you as well."

His offer was more than just generous; it was a game-changer. As part of the arrangement, Jared also proposed to join our board as a 'ghost member,' a strategic move that would allow him to influence without public acknowledgment, keeping his primary allegiance to Jameson Tech discreet.

"We're prepared to transfer half of Mr. Thompson's shares to you," I told him, gauging his reaction. "This should formalize your role and align our interests further."

Jared's eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement. "I'm in," he said quickly. "As long as you help keep my side of things profitable with minimal interference, I'm more than happy to just go with the flow."

We shook hands, sealing the deal. His conditions were reasonable, and with Todd Corporation's resources and network, supporting Jameson Tech's profitability wasn't just feasible; it was beneficial. This synergy could open new doors and opportunities for both companies.

After Jared left the room, a wave of relief washed over everyone present. Mr. Chambers leaned back in his chair, visibly relaxed for the first time in days. Mr. Carter and Mr. Wallace exchanged looks that mixed disbelief with newfound hope.

"We just might pull through this stronger than before," I mused aloud, allowing myself a moment to soak in the potential of our new arrangement.

With Jared on board, not only could we stabilize our shaken R&D department, but we could also potentially leapfrog our competitors, including Titan Ventures. The knowledge and techniques he could transfer from Jameson Tech would invigorate our projects and might even pave the way for innovative breakthroughs we hadn't yet considered.

The sudden ring of the phone cut through the room's newly found atmosphere of cautious optimism. I glanced at Chambers, Wallace, and Carter as I reached for the speaker button, allowing the call to fill the space.

"Alex, this is Mr. Azure," came the unmistakable voice through the speaker, causing an instant reaction. The three men in the room straightened up immediately, their expressions turning serious as they recognized the importance of the caller.

I cleared my throat, responding with a respectful, "Mr. Azure, what a pleasure to hear from you. We've taken care of one of the most crucial problems and have joined with Jameson Tech."

"Glad to hear you've already solved the problem, Alex," he continued, his voice firm and reassuring, "I've been following the developments. I want you to know that the deal is still on. I understand the challenges you're facing, and to help you stabilize everything, I'm prepared to endorse Todd Corporation personally."

The weight of his words settled over the room. An endorsement from Mr. Azure wasn't just support; it was a powerful affirmation of faith in Todd Corporation's future. Such backing could significantly sway investor confidence and market perception, especially at a time when both were teetering due to recent events.

"Mr. Azure, your support is incredibly valuable to us, especially now," I replied, keenly aware of the listening ears of my team. "We are committed to not just meeting but exceeding the expectations of this deal."

"I know you will, Alex. Keep your focus, and keep pushing forward. You have my full backing," Mr. Azure concluded before the line went dead.

As the room returned to silence following the call, the atmosphere shifted palpably. Mr Chambers, Mr Wallace, and Mr Carter exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of relief and renewed determination.

Mr Carter was the first to break the silence. "That's a game changer. I really thought this was the end," he remarked, a slight smile breaking through his usual reserved demeanor.

"Indeed, it is," I agreed, feeling a surge of resolve. "Mr. Azure's endorsement is exactly the vote of confidence we need. It's not just a lifeline; it's an order for us to rally and move forward."

Mr Wallace nodded, adding, "This could stabilize our position in the market and even turn the tide in how investors view the recent turbulence. We need to capitalize on this momentum."

Mr Chambers, ever the strategist, chimed in, "Let's ensure that our next steps fully leverage this endorsement. We should prepare a press release and perhaps arrange a public appearance or statement from Mr. Azure. It's crucial we broadcast this endorsement far and wide."

"Absolutely," I confirmed. "Let's get our PR team on it right away. We'll draft something that underscores our stability and future prospects, aligning it closely with Mr. Azure's support."

As the men filed out of the room to set the wheels in motion, I remained seated for a moment longer, allowing myself a rare smile. Mr. Azure's call had indeed changed the game, providing a much-needed boost at a critical moment. Now, it was up to us to turn this opportunity into a definitive win for Todd Corporation.

The challenges ahead were daunting, but the road to not just recovery but dominance was clear. This was more than just damage control; it was setting the stage for a bold rich new chapter in the Todd Corporations story.