
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Fixing Up

The effects of the Azure family's public endorsement were immediate and transformative. They chose to announce their support during a well-televised charity event—an occasion that guaranteed significant media presence and influential eyes. As the Azures very rarely made public endorsements, this gesture carried an exceptional weight. The patriarch of the Azure family took the stage, and with every word, the air seemed to shift, dispelling the cloud of uncertainty that had hovered over Todd Corporation for the past week.

He spoke eloquently about Todd's dedication to innovation and ethical standards, stating, "Todd Corporation is not just a leader but a cornerstone in our industry. Their efforts drive standards and contribute significantly to our economy. We stand with them, today and into the future, as they continue to set the bar for integrity and innovation."

The statement was broadcast across various high-profile channels, with news outlets picking up the story almost instantly. By the next morning, the narrative around Todd Corporation had shifted dramatically. Stock prices stabilized and then began to climb as investor confidence surged higher than ever. Clients and partners who had been wary were now reaching out, looking to reaffirm and even expand their relationships with us.

In the office, the morale skyrocketed. Employees walked with a renewed pep in their step, their conversations buzzing with optimism and pride. The endorsement had not only countered the negative rumors but had also wiped out any trace of turning on the company.

Mr. Carter approached me that day, a broad smile across his face. "Alex, this changes everything," he said, shaking my hand vigorously. "The market's reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. We're seeing a reversal in investor sentiment already."

"I knew we could count on the Azure family to see the true value of what we're building here," I responded, feeling a profound sense of gratitude and relief. "In light of this endorsement, we need to accelerate our R&D initiatives," I told the team. "Let's also ramp up our marketing efforts to highlight our ongoing projects and their alignment with industry-leading standards."

Mr. Wallace, ever the pragmatic strategist, suggested, "We should also consider a series of open houses with our investors and key clients. It's crucial we demonstrate not just stability, but aggressive progression toward the next big thing in our sector."

Chambers nodded in agreement, adding, "And let's not forget our internal campaigns. We need to continue building on this positive energy within our workforce. Maybe initiate more engagement programs, enhance training for new technologies, and reinforce our commitment to being a top exclusive place to work."

I appreciated the proactive approaches and added, "Let's also ensure that our public relations efforts are sustained. We can't let this narrative slip. Regular updates, success stories from our projects, and transparency reports should be disseminated widely. No exaggerations."

As the meeting wrapped up, everyone was energized, ready to put these plans into action. Walking back to my office, I felt a renewed confidence in our direction. The endorsement had provided us with a protective shield, but it was our response to it that would define our future.

Feeling a mix of vindication and mischief after the successful endorsement from the Azure family and Mr. Thompson's problematic transition to Titan Ventures, I decided to make a call that was part playful jab, part strategic probe.

I dialed my mother, and she picked up after the first ring, her voice as calm and collected as ever. ""Alex, to what do I owe the pleasure?"" she asked, her tone giving away nothing.

"I was just wondering how Mr. Thompson is settling into his new role at Titan. Thanks, by the way, for helping me clean house. It's actually worked out better than expected," I said, unable to keep a slight chuckle from my voice.

Her reply was cool and measured. ""Don't think you've won just because you secured a partnership with the Azure family,"" she countered quickly, her voice sharp.

"I beg to differ," I responded smoothly, feeling the old familiar thrill of our verbal sparring. "Things are looking up for me, more than ever."

""You remind me of a younger version of myself, Alex, but if you were really that smart, you would've taken me out of the game by now,"" she said, a hint of taunt in her voice.

"That's exactly my goal," I replied seriously, letting her know that I was not backing down from the challenge she presented.

""You'll never beat experience,"" she shot back, her voice cold and confident.

Rather than respond, I chose to end the call, hanging up before she could add anything else. As I put down the phone, a mix of emotions swirled within me—frustration, determination, and a renewed sense of purpose. My mother's words, meant to intimidate, only fueled my resolve. I may remind her of her younger self, but I was determined to surpass her, to build on her legacy and reshape it into something uniquely mine.

This was more than just a corporate battle; it was a clash of generations and ideologies. My mother's experience was vast, but I had innovation, the support of the Azure family, and a newly cohesive team on my side.

As Jasper and I settled into our usual spot at Lombardi's for lunch, the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling restaurant brought a sense of relief. It had been over a month since my last visit, and the warm greetings from the staff made me feel genuinely missed.

Mario, ever the enthusiastic guy, spotted us immediately. "Alex! It's been too long," he shouted from the open kitchen, a broad smile across his face. "Let me cook up something special for you guys!"

We were just catching up on some casual talk, mixed with lighter business discussions, when the front door swung open again. I glanced up, and to my surprise, Emily walked in. Her presence was unexpected, to say the least, and her determined stride straight to our table set me slightly on edge.

"Emily, what a surprise," I managed, keeping my voice even and friendly as she approached. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Emily's glare intensified as she took a seat across from me, her expression one of barely contained frustration. "Titan is taking a hit, did you know about it!" she accused, her voice sharp.

I leaned back, raising an eyebrow. "Of course, why do you care?" I replied, genuinely curious about her sudden interest in Titan's affairs, given her usual disengagement from the business intricacies.

"And you really merged Todd Corporation with Jameson Tech?" Emily continued, not missing a beat, her tone suggesting she was far from done with her interrogation.

"Yup, too bad mom's smear campaign didn't work with me," I chuckled, unable to hide my amusement at the turn of events, especially considering how the merger had fortified our position against Titan Ventures' underhanded tactics.

"Is that all?" Emily snapped, slamming her fist into the table, causing a few nearby patrons to glance our way with startled expressions. Her anger seemed disproportionate, even for her.

"This asshole, why is she being like this right now? Has she learned nothing? Did she really feel shameless enough to fight me on something she had no part in?"

Her reaction was puzzling, sparking a thought in my mind. Unless... Perhaps Emily was more involved than I had previously thought. Was it possible that she had some stake in Titan Ventures, or that she had been influenced by our mother to act against me in some way under the guise that she could take Todd Corporation back? Her actions hinted at deeper layers of involvement or personal stakes that she hadn't disclosed.

"The truth is there was a secret contract between me and Jameson Tech and mom just found out about it by chance," I fabricated smoothly, watching her reaction closely.

"By chance?! And she didn't tell me?!" Emily's voice rose slightly, her surprise morphing quickly into anger. Her response confirmed what I had suspected: she was still in close contact with our mother. "Am I just some extra on the street?"

"That's right," I egged her on, seizing the opportunity to rile her up further. She was already teetering on the edge of public disgrace; pushing her over could only work in my favor. "You still don't have any authority with mom."

"You—" She started, her fists clenching, but I cut her off.

"What do you want me to do about it? I don't know what happens on mom's side of things. Did you think you were above me in that aspect?" I teased, my tone mocking.

"What do you say we join forces?" she suggested abruptly, as if grasping at straws. The desperation was evident, but the arrogance in her proposal was almost laughable.

"With you?" I raised an eyebrow, incredulous.

"Exactly. I'll be moving next year so there will be a vacant—"

"Emily, I'm not some idiot kid anymore. You act like you had such a high position with mom but you had no idea what was going on," I chuckled, interrupting her. The naivety of her play was almost sad.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she snapped, her patience clearly wearing thin.

"You're not even being thought of for succession. Imagine that, after you switched sides." I mocked openly, enjoying the flush of anger rising in her cheeks. "Where's dad?"

"Be careful, I may not offer this to you again after I move up," she gritted her teeth, her voice low and threatening.

"I'm not worried about it after what went down," I smiled broadly, the satisfaction of seeing her squirm almost too good to be true. I leaned back, casually playing with the stem of my wine glass, letting her stew in her frustration and doubt.

"You know about who she'll pick for the succession?!" she hissed suddenly, her voice sharp with accusation and a hint of fear.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," I chuckled, enjoying the power play, seeing her grapple with uncertainty.

Her demeanor shifted abruptly, her expression softening as she seemed to gather herself. "Sorry, I just got a bit worked up," she admitted, her voice quieter now.

"Mom might not pick you to succeed her. All I know is that the goal was 'Governance Group Restructuring Plan'." The thought of someone outside the family inheriting moms company would eat Emily alive and set of a chain reaction. "Now that I've told you, and helped you, we never spoke and you were never here."

"Ah yeah," As Emily processed the implications of an outsider potentially taking over the company, her expression shifted from anger to a dawning realization of vulnerability. My words had clearly hit home, challenging her perceived security within the family hierarchy. Her departure was quiet, almost resigned, marked by a profound silence that filled the space around our table.

As she walked away, Jasper, who had been quietly observing the exchange, turned to me with a look of confusion and concern. "You're just going to forgive her?" he asked, his tone a mixture of disbelief and curiosity about my apparent nonchalance.

"Absolutely not," I responded firmly, watching Emily's retreating figure. "I'm messing with that idiot. She's a pawn, Jasper. It's all part of the game." My voice was cold, reflecting the strategic necessity of my actions rather than any familial affection.


It was time for the conversation to take a turn, and now it was time to address another sensitive issue that had been lingering between Jasper and me. "Now let's talk about you, Jasper. I found your journal."