
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Getting Ready

"Hey, didn't you say you handled the deal? Why are you looking like you just hooked up? You better come clean," Travis patted his face mask down.

"Stop your nonsense," I rolled my eyes.

"Is it nonsense? Your face is weird already but it looks even weirder! Come on and be honest!" Travis said. "You and Jasper are a thing!"

"We are not a thing!" I groaned.

"You should fix yourself up to maintain this thing,"Travis's playful teasing grated on my nerves, especially after the tense dinner conversation with Jasper yesterday. I didn't need him adding fuel to the fire of speculation.

"We are not a thing!" I insisted, trying to keep my tone firm despite the frustration bubbling inside me.

Travis raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

I shot him a glare before turning away, hoping to put an end to the conversation before it went any further. But deep down, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that maybe Travis wasn't entirely wrong.

"You can get some money out of him," Travis suggested.

I shook my head at Travis's suggestion, feeling a surge of irritation at his cavalier attitude. "No way, Travis. I'm not going to extort a cop, especially not Jasper."

Travis frowned, clearly disappointed that his plans were being thwarted. "But think about all the money we could make!"

I crossed my arms firmly. "I'm not interested. Let's just focus on our own business ventures and leave Jasper out of it."

Travis grumbled something under his breath but ultimately dropped the subject, and we continued on our way, leaving behind the idea of exploiting Jasper for financial gain.

Preparing for the "date" with Jasper, I mulled over various strategies to handle the situation. I knew I needed to maintain my composure and assertiveness while also keeping an eye out for any ulterior motives he might have.

First, I decided to set clear boundaries and communicate them firmly but diplomatically. I wouldn't allow Jasper to push me into anything I wasn't comfortable with, whether it was emotionally or physically.

Second, I planned to observe Jasper closely during our interactions, looking for any signs of insincerity or manipulation. If anything seemed off or if he crossed any lines, I would address it immediately and assert my boundaries.

Lastly, I reminded myself to stay focused on my goals and not let Jasper's charming demeanor distract me from what was truly important. This "date" was just a means to an end, and I needed to keep that perspective in mind throughout our short time together.

I still couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of nervousness that consumed me as I prepared for this meeting with Jasper. My heart raced, each beat pounding in my chest like a drum. It felt as if my heart was trying to escape, thumping against my throat, making it hard to swallow. My hands trembled uncontrollably, betraying the outward calm I tried to maintain. I feared they might give away my inner turmoil. The butterflies in my stomach were on a caffeine-induced frenzy, fluttering wildly, stirring up a tempest of emotions.

This level of anxiety was unfamiliar territory for me. Even during the most harrowing moments of my life, like facing the uncertainties of prison, I hadn't felt this overwhelmed. It was as if every nerve in my body was on high alert, warning me of impending danger.

But what was I so afraid of? Was it Jasper's presence, his piercing gaze that seemed to see through me? Or was it the unknown, the uncertainty of what this meeting might entail? I couldn't pinpoint the source of my anxiety, but I knew I had to face it head-on.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing thoughts and steady my trembling hands. I reminded myself that I was capable of handling whatever challenges lay ahead.

I gripped the edges of the bathroom sink, my knuckles turning white under the pressure, as I glared at my reflection in the mirror. This was absurd. After all this time, after everything I'd been through, I shouldn't still be feeling this way around him. But there I was, blushing like a scary looking schoolgirl caught in a crush.

Technically, this was a first for me. No one had ever shown interest in me like this before, and it caught me off guard. Maybe that was why I was so nervous.

But I couldn't let my lack of experience dictate my actions. I was a Todd, damn it, and Todds didn't cower in the face of uncertainty.

Well at least I didn't.

I ran my hand over my fresh buzz cut in the mirror, feeling the prickly stubble against my palm. Travis had been the most excited about this haircut, insisting that it would give me a more pristine, masculine look. He even suggested putting some blush on me to make my eyes stand out against my pale skin, but I quickly shot down that idea. I didn't need any help looking more like a clown.

Despite my initial reservations, I had to admit that I looked pretty good tonight. The haircut had done wonders for my appearance, giving me a more polished, put-together look. For the first time in a long while, I felt confident in my own skin, like an attractive guy rather than just someone who excelled at being perceptive and intuitive.

As I straightened my collar and adjusted my tie, I couldn't help but smile at my reflection. Tonight was going to be different. Tonight, I wasn't just Alex Todd, the youngest Todd with a knack for getting into trouble. I was Alex Todd, a guy who had his shit together and knew how to clean up nicely. And that was a refreshing change of pace.

"Alex, I think I found something!" Exclaimed Travis as he waltzed into the bathroom, his arms laden with various bottles and sprays.

My nose was immediately assaulted with the overpowering scent of roses, making me wrinkle my nose in distaste. "Hey! What the hell?" I coughed, waving my hand in front of my face to disperse the cloud of perfume.

Travis just grinned, unfazed by my reaction, and held up the offending bottle triumphantly. "It's perfume!" he declared, as if I couldn't tell by the overwhelming aroma. "It will make you smell pretty."

"I know what it does," I muttered, slightly exasperated. "But why do I need it?"

Travis's grin widened even further, revealing all of his teeth. "Because it's your first date!" he exclaimed, as if this explained everything. "And you want to smell pretty for certain reasons."

I shot him a pointed glare, fully aware of the implications behind his words. Leave it to Travis to always have a one-track mind, especially when it came to anything remotely romantic or sensual.

A knock on the door startled both Travis and me, disrupting the quiet anticipation that had settled over us. My stomach dropped, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, sending tremors all the way to my fingertips. I was momentarily paralyzed by a mix of nervousness and anticipation, unsure of what to expect from this evening.

"I'll get it!" Travis announced with an exuberance that seemed almost out of place, his voice reverberating through the hallway with a touch of excitement that matched the rapid rhythm of my heartbeat.

He skipped through the living room, his steps light and eager, and yanked open the door with a flourish that bordered on excessive. The sudden rush of cool air from outside washed over us, and my nerves jangled even more as I braced myself for the arrival of our guest.

Then, in walked Jasper, his entrance commanding attention as always. With his broad shoulders and confident stride, he seemed to fill the room with his presence. His chiseled features were accentuated by the warm glow of the hallway light, casting shadows that danced across his handsome face. His piercing eyes, a captivating shade of green, sparkled with an inner fire that seemed to draw everyone's gaze toward him.

As he greeted Travis with a warm smile, his lips curved upward in a way that was both disarming and irresistible. His tousled hair, a perfect blend of dark  jet black waves, added to his rugged charm, giving him an air of effortless allure.

Meanwhile, Travis greeted Jasper with an enthusiastic outburst, his excitement palpable as he threw his arms around our guest in a tight embrace. The two of them exchanged pleasantries, their voices blending into a cacophony of cheerful chatter and laughter that filled the room. I tried not to listen too closely, feeling like an outsider in my own home as I watched the scene unfold from the periphery.

As Travis and Jasper continued their animated conversation, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and irritation stirring within me. Despite my attempts to push aside my apprehension and maintain a façade of composure, the underlying tension lingered beneath the surface, casting a shadow over the evening's proceedings.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, I took one last look in the mirror, ensuring that everything was in place and that I appeared presentable for the evening ahead. Satisfied with my appearance, I straightened my shoulders and squared my jaw, summoning whatever resolve I could muster before stepping out of the bathroom and into the main room.

As I entered, Jasper and Travis were in the midst of releasing from their embrace, their laughter and banter filling the air with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. Jasper's eyes immediately found mine, and a warm smile graced his lips as he took in my appearance.

"You look great, Alex," he remarked, his voice tinged with genuine admiration.

"Doesn't he? I did a fabulous job," Travis chimed in, his tone brimming with pride as he gestured toward me with a flourish.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his antics, though a small part of me appreciated his efforts to boost my confidence. Despite my reservations about the evening ahead, their lighthearted banter helped to ease some of the tension that had been building within me.

"Thanks, Travis," I said, offering him a half-hearted smile before turning my attention back to Jasper. "And thank you, Jasper. Shall we get going?"

As we left Travis's house, Jasper took the driver's seat and I settled into the passenger side of his car. The engine purred to life as Jasper expertly navigated the vehicle onto the road, smoothly merging into the flow of traffic.