
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Disaster Date

The atmosphere inside the car was a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, the silence between us punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sound of passing cars. I couldn't help but steal glances at Jasper as he focused on the road ahead, his strong hands deftly maneuvering the steering wheel with ease.

"You look nice."

"You already said that."

"I missed you."

"I came here because of business, stop spewing nonsense."

"How is missing you nonsense? I can't even tell you that?"

"That's enough, Jasper."

"Fine, all that matters is that you're showing up." Jasper flexed his fingers on the steering wheel nervously.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the check Jasper had given me earlier. Holding it out to him, I spoke with a firm resolve in my voice. "Take this back. I don't know why you gave this to me. We have a deal."

Jasper let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly as he accepted the check from me. "Do you have to be so thorough? You know why I did this, and I'll follow through on my word," he said, his tone tinged with resignation.

I met his gaze squarely, feeling the weight of his words lingering in the air between us. "Travis said to give you a chance, and he won't shut up about it. So, I'll give you a chance, which is why I'm giving this back," I admitted, my voice softening slightly with a hint of uncertainty.

As Jasper slammed on the brakes, the sudden halt jolted me forward in my seat, catching me off guard. His intense gaze bore into mine, and I could feel the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air between us.


Jasper's smirk widened into a knowing grin, his eyes alight with a fire. "Once you let me in, I'll never let go."

As the car rumbled back to life and we continued on our journey, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something far greater than either of us could have imagined. What role could Jasper play in my plans? It was a question that lingered in the back of my mind, a puzzle waiting to be solved.

I glanced over at Jasper, his profile illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. There was a sense of determination in his eyes, a quiet strength that I couldn't help but admire. Maybe, just maybe, he could be more than just a fleeting acquaintance. Perhaps he could become a valuable ally in my quest for revenge.

For now, all I could do was keep moving forward, one step at a time, and see where this unexpected journey with Jasper would lead.

It was 8:05 by the time we finally stepped through the door of the restaurant. It was lovely. The lights were low while the tables, set with flickering candles, were spaced far enough apart to give the illusion of privacy. I was kind of impressed; I hadn't even known this place existed. The maitre d' ushered us to our table, and an unobtrusive waiter brought menus.

"Just let me know when you're ready to order, Sirs," the waiter said politely, giving us a nod before disappearing into the dimly lit dining area.

I glanced around, taking in the ambiance of the restaurant. It was cozy and intimate, the perfect setting for a quiet evening meal. Turning my attention back to Jasper, I found him studying the menu with a thoughtful expression.

"So, what looks good to you?" I asked, eager to start our evening on a positive note.


For a while, we sat in a comfortable silence, each of us absorbed in the tantalizing descriptions of the dishes on the menu. It was a welcome reprieve from the chaos of our daily lives, and I found myself savoring the moment.

Eventually, we signaled to our waiter and placed our orders, choosing a variety of Italian delicacies to indulge in.

As soon as we were alone again, Jasper reached across the table to take my hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. But before I could even process the sensation, disaster struck. In his eagerness, Jasper's sleeve caught on the candleholder, sending it crashing to the table.

The flickering flames ignited the tablecloth and napkins, casting an eerie glow over our faces. Panic surged through me as I scrambled to my feet, the heat of the flames licking at my skin. Jasper, ever the quick-thinker, spotted a passing waiter with a tray of drinks and seized a glass, hurling its contents over the table in a desperate attempt to extinguish the fire.

But fate seemed to have other plans. The glass he grabbed turned out to be a snifter of brandy, only fueling the flames further. Within seconds, the fire grew out of control, sending plumes of smoke billowing into the air.

Alarms blared, piercing the chaos of the restaurant, and then the sprinkler system kicked in, drenching everything in sight. The once-elegant establishment descended into chaos as diners abandoned their meals and fled for the nearest exit, the staff frantically trying to contain the inferno.

Amidst the chaos, Jasper and I found ourselves standing amidst the wreckage, stunned and soaked to the bone.

The chaos settled and the firemen arrived on the scene and the once-elegant restaurant now stood drenched and deserted, its atmosphere heavy with the scent of smoke and dampness. The fire had been extinguished by the sprinklers, but the damage was done; there was no way anyone would be dining there that night.

Damp and disoriented, would-be diners gathered in small groups, their evening plans dashed by the unexpected turn of events. The manager, looking harried and apologetic, moved among them, offering assurances of free meals once the restaurant reopened and promising compensation for any ruined outfits or hairdos.

Meanwhile, Jasper approached the manager with a look of genuine distress on his face. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he apologized, his voice filled with remorse. "I will, of course, pay for all repairs."

Pulling out his checkbook, Jasper looked visibly embarrassed, his carefully planned date now reduced to a disastrous mess. It was clear that he was grappling with feelings of frustration and disappointment, wondering how things had spiraled out of control so quickly.

The manager, taking pity on him, offered a reassuring pat on Jasper's damp sleeve. "It's alright, accidents happen," he said with a sympathetic smile. "We'll get everything sorted out, don't worry."

Jasper nodded gratefully at the manager's reassurance, a sense of relief was probably washing over him as he realized that the situation wasn't as dire as he had feared. "Thank you, sir, I appreciate your understanding."

As the manager explained that insurance would cover the damages and expressed frustration with the owner's reluctance to heed his warnings, i couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the beleaguered staff. It was clear that they had been dealing with this issue for some time, and i hoped that the incident would serve as a wake-up call for the owner to prioritize safety measures in the future.

With a final pat on Jasper's arm, the manager reassured him once more before bustling off to attend to other guests. Jasper let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the manager's understanding and relieved that the situation hadn't escalated further.

As Jasper turned mournfully to me, his expression filled with disappointment, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. "Guess there's no point hanging around here, I'd better just take you home," he muttered, his shoulders slumping as he made his way towards the car.

I jogged after him, determined not to let the night end on such a sour note. "Hey, wait up. I thought we were on a date. It's barely been an hour! Do I deserve that?" I called out, hoping to salvage what was left of the evening.

Jasper stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes wide with disbelief. "We were, but it's been a disaster! I set fire to the restaurant, and now we're both wet and the restaurant is closed," he exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice. "After I acted so cocky...."

A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth. "You sat on the flowers too, don't forget that," I reminded him, unable to contain my amusement at the absurdity of the situation.

Jasper groaned and ran his hands through his damp hair, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration clouding his features. "I wanted this evening to be romantic," he admitted, his tone plaintive as he turned away once more.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, the tension of the evening finally breaking as I found humor in the chaos around us. Jasper turned back to me, his expression wounded as he caught sight of my amusement.

But as I met his gaze, I couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him, despite the disastrous turn of events. I stared after him for a moment, the laughter bubbling up inside me uncontrollably. Jasper turned back, his expression a mix of surprise and hurt as he caught sight of my amusement.

"Romantic? No. Unforgettable? Definitely," I managed to say between laughs. "I am never going to forget this evening for as long as I live. But you know what?" I continued, gesturing vaguely around us. "None of this matters. You put on a wonderful show for me, and I really appreciate that. It didn't quite go to plan, but I don't care. We still have the rest of the evening ahead of us; let's not waste it."

I paused, the laughter subsiding as I looked at Jasper with genuine affection. "I was so nervous about tonight, thinking of everything that could go wrong, but I never anticipated any of this," I admitted with a rueful chuckle. "I've never even been on a date before but I even I know this was terrible."

I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I made peace with the chaotic turn of events. "How does Chinese and a bottle of wine at your apartment sound?" I suggested, offering him a lopsided grin.

Jasper stared at me open-mouthed in amazement, his eyes reflecting a mixture of astonishment and gratitude. His usual confident demeanor seemed to melt away, replaced by a vulnerable sincerity that I hadn't seen before.

"Alex, you are the most amazing man I've ever met. What did I ever do to deserve you?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine wonder and appreciation. "I take you on the date from Hell, and you just shrug it off and with a few words, turn it into one of the best evenings of my life."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his melodramatic reaction, feeling a surge of affection for him despite the chaos of the evening.

"Calm down, you drama queen," I teased gently, reaching out to lightly pat his arm. "It really is the thought that went into your plans that counts, not the less-than-perfect reality. And the evening's not over yet. If I go back too early, I'll never hear the end of it."

As I spoke, I caught sight of his soft smile, devoid of the usual bravado, and it warmed my heart in a way I hadn't expected.

"I've got a rather good White Burgundy in the fridge at home, and that little Chinese takeaway i like isn't far," Jasper suggested, his tone hopeful despite the evening's unexpected turn of events. "It might not be the dinner we were going to have, but right now it sounds pretty good to me. We'll get out of these wet clothes and into something dry, put a movie on, and just relax in front of the TV."

"Sounds good to me," I replied with a nod, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of a cozy night in. "I haven't had wine in a while, and I could definitely use some relaxation after all this excitement."

With a shared understanding, we made our way back to Jasper's car.

As we drove back to Jasper's apartment, the enticing aroma of the Chinese takeaway we picked up on the way filled the car, tempting my taste buds with each passing moment. Unable to resist any longer, I reached for one of the containers and opened it, revealing a delicious assortment of dishes. Without hesitation, I began to indulge, savoring each flavorful bite as I alternated between feeding myself and offering morsels to Jasper, who deftly navigated the streets with one hand on the wheel.

The car ride became a shared culinary experience, filled with laughter and chatter as we sampled the various dishes, our hunger driving us to devour the food with gusto. It was a simple moment of enjoyment amidst the chaos of the evening, a reminder that even in the face of unexpected mishaps, there was always joy to be found in the simple pleasures of life.

By the time we arrived at Jasper's apartment, we had already made a significant dent in the feast, our appetites almost satiated and our spirits lifted.

When we reached the apartment, we deposited the remaining dinner containers on the coffee table, shedding our damp clothes and leaving them to dry over chairs. We exchanged our soaked garments for cozy sweatshirts and track pants from Jasper's generous wardrobe, the oversized clothes enveloping me in comfort.

Jasper adjusted the thermostat to a warmer setting and retrieved the wine, glasses, and plates from the kitchen while I took charge of selecting a movie and turning on the TV. With everything in place, we settled onto the couch, our bodies close together as we indulged in the feast before us.

Sharing plates and feeding each other tidbits from the array of dishes, we found ourselves immersed in the warmth of the moment, the glow of the TV casting flickering shadows across the room. Laughter bubbled between us as we engaged with the movie, the lighthearted banter and easy camaraderie creating an atmosphere of intimacy and contentment.

The wine, a crisp White Burgundy, paired perfectly with our meal, its smooth texture and subtle notes enhancing the flavors of the dishes. As we savored each sip, the warmth of the alcohol spread through us, adding to the cozy atmosphere of Jasper's apartment.

Seated side by side on the couch, our shoulders occasionally brushing against each other, we found ourselves engrossed in the movie playing on the TV screen. The storyline unfolded with twists and turns, eliciting laughter, gasps, and occasional comments from both of us as we followed the characters' journey to its conclusion.