
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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176 Chs

Cherry’s Goal

"Once we fire all the old board members who are threatening to resign, promote the section leaders," I said. "Marissa, you can decide who will be head representative yourself."

"Are you really planning on firing all the executive members?" Marissa asked.

"We need to get rid of all the loose ends at this crucial time. I can't risk any scandals. It's also sending a message about what I expect from every employee," I replied.

"I'll be sure to do so. I wish Wallace was here to hear this," Marissa said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Keeping your name from the media. He's been at it all morning," Marissa sighed.

"It's a good idea for you to meet with media representatives who want to interview you," Mr. Chambers suggested.

"I'll think about it once this stuff dies down," I said. "I've already got a lot of shit to do."

"I'll take my leave then," Mr. Chambers sighed, leaving my office with Marissa.

Work today felt extremely exhausting for once. I just didn't have the energy for any of this at the moment. "Damn it, why do reports always have such complicated terms? My head hurts."

My office door opened to a disheveled-looking Mr. Wallace.

"Did I miss the meeting?" he asked.


"Damn it! I knew she'd take advantage of this to get her way!" Mr. Wallace scowled. "I've successfully kept your name out of all publications, and you're very lucky no one was recording you. Mr. Jameson is working with Jasper to make sure the fan club doesn't let out any crucial information about you, so you don't have to worry about them leaking anything, though some of them are seeking information you can use to your advantage so your reputation can't be tarnished."

"And?" I asked.

"Jasper will give a full report later," Mr. Wallace said. "Anyway, I was able to flip a media company in your favor. I promised them triple the ad revenue to only report facts and no publishing articles as exposés unless they have irrefutable proof. They've been waiting for a chance like this."

"Why are you helping me without being asked?" I asked.

"You aren't like your brother, so it's worth the time," Mr. Wallace said. "I'm black, Alex."

"I'm not blind," I said.

"You don't treat me differently or like I'm a threat because of it like your brother did. It's also nice to have some real power around here without having to go through Chambers," he chuckled. "I'm from a different time, but it's nice to be recognized based on merit."

"If anyone is being racist, you can fire them," I said. "The only thing that matters here is business."

"You're a good kid, Alex."

A secretary came into my office without knocking but looking a bit shaken. "Sir! A Cherry Todd for you! She will not leave, and she's a lot to handle! She brought her children with her!"

That uncultured swine. I hated people like her! What the fuck was she doing here, and why did she want to bother me now? Why do I have to deal with my brother's messy life? Where did he find these women?

"I'll be out in a second," I groaned.

"I've heard. This is really getting messy, isn't it?" Mr. Wallace said. "Send her in."

"Mr. Wallace!"

"Relax, we just need to see what she wants, and that will make her go away without any troubles. That's what you want, right?" He said. "Send her in. Sit up and look like a busy CEO, Alex."

I fixed my posture while the secretary went out to get Cherry. Now that I knew she was going to be a nuisance, I had to get rid of her.

Cherry walked in looking as arrogant as ever with her two young boys.

"Mr. Azure?" she said, trying to look as pitiful as possible. She looked like she was crying, but Travis had shown me a makeup trick to look like he was crying, which looked kind of like the makeup on her face. She was planning on putting on a good show.

"To think you even brought your kids into this. Seems like you're in a rush," I commented.

"Are you going to laugh at me too?" Cherry whimpered.

"Are you looking for money?" Mr. Wallace asked. "For the little side company Anthony Jr. started?"

Side company? Oh, so that's how he was supporting her without making his wife suspicious. Damn, Tony was so good he had Cherry running another business right under everyone's noses, and it looked like Mr. Wallace knew about it.

"You know—"

"More than $85 million in real estate was put up as collateral. I can pay it back when it's sold, so please help me pay back the $42 million I borrowed from Helen," she said.

"Figure it out yourself," I scoffed at her just to see how desperate she really was.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" she snapped. She genuinely looked as though she might lose her mind. She must've exhausted all avenues to have to resort to asking me for help. After watching her cry a little more and her children looking at me with big eyes, I felt I'd seen enough.

"We'll buy some stock during after-hours trading tomorrow," I said. "If you don't like that, you can just wait to fail. There should be only $13 million left. If you want to get it, please go back now and don't show up at this building again. Nothing good will come of you running into Helen."

"You should take care of the child support too," she demanded. "And hand over the slush funds he said he left for me."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "I understand you have the right to demand what you want; Tony had a responsibility to you too, after all. But why must I pay child support for my nephews?"

"Well, isn't an heir needed?"

Cherry looked like she was ready to attack me or something bad like that. Was I supposed to be seduced by her damsel-in-distress act? Is that how she got Tony? How greedy can she be? I picked up my phone and pretended to dial Jasper. "Yeah, Cherry is here trying to offer us an heir. Can you make sure she's blacklisted—"

"Wait! At least buy back the stock Helen bought!" Cherry snapped out of her acting role quickly.

"Keep talking nonsense, and you won't get a cent from me tomorrow," I said, pressing the button for security that Jasper installed for me. Within five seconds, as promised, two men in suits burst into my office and went straight for Cherry, much to the dislike of her kids, who started to scream.

"Wait! Are you going to keep your promise? Tell me you'll definitely keep your promise!" Cherry yelled out to me, but I ignored her as she and her children were escorted out. "Let me go, you son of a bitch! Do you know who I am?!"

This woman wasn't someone who'd back down easily.

"Vile woman. What did the kids do to be dragged into this?" Mr. Wallace shook his head.

Cherry's screams echoed down the hallway as the security guards dragged her and her children away. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the kids, but their mother was beyond reason.

"That woman is insufferable," I muttered, rubbing my temples.

Mr. Wallace nodded in agreement. "She's desperate. Desperate people do desperate things."

"Desperation or not, she's not getting a dime from me," I said firmly. "She needs to take responsibility for her actions and stop relying on others to bail her out."

"You made the right call," Mr. Wallace assured me. "But don't underestimate her. She'll find another way to try and get what she wants."

"I know," I sighed. "It's never-ending."

Just then, Jasper walked in, looking slightly worse for wear but determined. "I heard the commotion. What happened?"

"Cherry happened," I said. "She tried to guilt-trip me into paying off her debts and taking care of her kids."

"Of course she did," Jasper said, rolling his eyes. "What did you tell her?"

"I told her to get lost," I replied. "We'll deal with her later if she tries anything else."

Jasper nodded approvingly. "Good. You don't need that kind of drama right now."

"Drama is all I seem to get lately," I grumbled. "Anyway, Wallace, thanks for handling the media. I appreciate it."

"No problem, Alex," Mr. Wallace said, standing up to leave. "Just remember, keep your head down and stay focused. We've got your back."

As Mr. Wallace left, Jasper sat down across from me, looking concerned. "How are you holding up, Sugar?"

"I'm tired, Jasper," I admitted. "This whole situation with Cherry, the funeral, the company... it's exhausting. I'm just worried about what's next. It feels like there's always another problem waiting around the corner."

"That's life," Jasper said with a shrug. "But we've faced worse, haven't we?"

"Yeah, we have," I agreed. "I just need to stay strong."

"I'm sure whatever's next won't be bad at all," Jasper said confidently.