
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 21

As Baraka see's a barrage of houses falling towards him, he quickly starts to run towards them as he was dodging and using his rock hammer to bash through the buildings. As he was doing so, one of the shadow puppet jumps at him to land a blow, but Baraka saw this coming as he easily weaves its punch and kicks it across buildings and starts to chase after it while it was flying through buildings. Baraka then punches the monster causing a devastating shock wave which caused even more damage to the buildings around him, as he jumps into the air and lands a kick at the shadow puppet, another one appears behind him and knocks him down to the ground. Baraka was not fazed as he began to run, but one of the other shadow puppets just appears out of nowhere and punches him. Baraka was able to block it with his rock hammer but then one of the three shadow puppets appeared behind him as it kicks him around the city. The other shadow puppet appeared behind him and then kicks Baraka down and then all three of them began to kick him around like a ball. As Baraka was getting this beat down, he asks himself "Why the hell are these things so strong? I've never fought shadow puppets with this kind of brute strength before! The last person I fought who had this insane strength was garou!". As the shadow puppets were about to deliver the final blow all together, luck flies out nowhere as she kicks one of them so hard that it blew up, the impact of her kick caused a huge amount of building to collapse as they scattered into a pile of rubble. One of the shadow puppets appears behind her as it was ready to punch her, but then a green arrow of flames flies straight towards it and burns it and causes the a large part of the city to burn in green flames. Kazui was standing on a building as he tells luck "You really need to pay more attention, this is a war. Remember!", luck then smiles at kazui, telling him thank you. But then the last shadow puppet just bursts out of the ground with a loud roar as it was ready to bash kazui. Tobi flies out at the speed of light as he slices it into two. Tobi then says "You know what? I'm actually having fun right now." Kazui then turns to Baraka and tells him "You really held in there didn't you? Well you've done well buddy, leave the rest to us!". The giant shadow puppet kazui incinerated jumps back on its feet with a loud roar, kazui then smirks and says he will handle this one, as his hair and coat turns into green flames. Tobi looking at kazui then says "You really want to go all out?", kazui responded "Veronica's order were to not hold back. So yeah I plan to go all out". The shadow puppet tobi cut in half starts to regenerate as it let's out a loud roar with spikes growing off its back, tobi smirks and says "Since everyone is going full power, it won't hurt to do the same now would it?!". Tobi's sword then turns into pure red energy as he says with a smirk on his face "Secret art Stage one:Sword demon", luck then sighs as she says "Oh boy, tobi is about to loose it and kazui is about to do the same. Guess I'll just sit back and watch." Kazui with a smile on his face asks tobi if he's ready, tobi responds with a smirk "Yeah. Let's go!",tobi and kazui then charges towards the two giant shadow puppets with tobi monolouging to himself "I hope you're watching, big sis." Zora on the other hand was just running at an incredible speed while he was using his light arrows to slice through an army of soldiers and assassins trying to stop him. As zora was doing this, he seemed to be having fun as he was just moving like a beam of light and killing people with his light arrows. As he kept on doing this, mori then appears as he cloaked his hand with energy and hits zora across countless buildings, as zora gets hit and ready to stand up, he see's three giant slashes heading towards him as he then creates three giant light arrows and blast it at the attack in order to counter them causing an explosion. The smoke clears and mori is seen standing, zora gets up with a smirk on his face saying "Who the hell are you? You wanna fight?", mori responds "You're one of the dark sign members who escaped from prison a few months back. You also killed two of our strongest assassins, levi and Tomoa.". Zora with a look of non interest responds by saying "Who the fuck are those? You know, I'm not really good at remembering people's names nor the people I kill!". Mori then summons a katana as it was imbueded with a crazy amount of energy, zora gets abit excited as he says "That looks cool, but two can play one game.", as he creats a light arrow and uses it to form a sword. They both charge at each other as they clash there two swords together, causing a giant slash to be released as it wiped out countless buildings. Mori and zora begin to move at light speed as they were clashing swords with each other and slicing buildings into pieces. As mori and zora kept on fighting, mori monologues to himself "I hope the aftermath of my attacks dont affect the battle the others are having!" Zora then compliments mori by telling him that he is strong and asks him how he is so good at his sword play, mori responds telling him "Nothing much. I grew up in a shrine on the mountains. I was training since i was 3 years old", zora just smirks and says "The same goes for me."