
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 25: Vestia Training

Faust was sitting cross leg. He was in deep meditation. He was trying to feel the Vestia inside his body. Steam was coming out of his body. All the sweat on his skin evaporated almost instantly.

"Huff... huff... This is tough... I didn't thought that it will be this tough when you told me about it."

Faust looked at the person leaning on the white pillar. Farik crease his forehead.

"Well this training is design for Alchemist. Of course it is gonna be tough for ordinary people. Controlling and accelerating Vestia all around body can put a huge burden on your body. Even Alchemist take years to refine this technique. You are the weird one here. Your Vestia control is monstrous as ever."

"Well this the only thing I got for me. An ordinary man need one or two things living among unordinary."

"Don't use this often. If you are an Alchemist I will say use this everyday even when you go to sleep but for you, use this only in emergency. This sure can help you explosively increase your physical ability but it also strain your body. I create this technique as a way to practice activating my magic but you use this for Physical boost so two different things alright?"

"This technique efficiency is rock bottom. A lot of Vestia wasted but in terms of power, this technique might be up there. I might modify your technique to fit mine later."

"Yeah do whatever. Give me the process and results if you manage to do it. I want to further my research."

"Got it. I will try in this week."

"Alright then. I think there are no more people coming to lurk around my house anymore."

"More people coming? What do you mean? Are there past people?"

"Yeah the previous people. I gave them a little bit of nightmares. I trap them in total darkness for two days straight."


"I'm going home now. Ciaou."

Farik slowly sink into his shadow while waving at me. This guy was more dangerous than any Mercenary. He really live up to his name as one of the Colours. I pray for those people to not get a lifetime trauma.

My body feels really hot. My heart is thumping loudly. I can hear it in my ears. My senses become really sharp. I can see further, hear every small sound, my skin tingling from the cold surrounding air and my thought process fasten a bit.

This will be my incomplete trump card.

"Stop. How long?"

"30 seconds sir."

"I need to make it longer. The effects are good but it is too much for only 30 seconds. If I lessen the effects maybe it will make the duration longer. I need a constant speed flow. Too slow the effects won't activate, too fast the duration will be shorter. I need to find the minimum. Let's do this again Alex. Bear with me for a while."

"I'm all good sir. May I suggest using this hourglass Artifact?"

"Yeah we can use that. When I said start you are gonna flip that. This might take more than a minute."

After a catching a quick breath. I sit down on the floor comfortably. I can feel some sort of liquid flowing all around my body. Faster. Faster. My body heat started increasing. Slow down. Too much. A little faster.Thump Thump.


I try to maintain the flow but it is harder than I initially thought. Once I quicken the flow, it accelerated on its own until it reach a maximum speed. I need to maintain a speed. Meaning that everytime it accelerated, I need to hit the breaks - constantly. Too much breaks, the flow decelerated and too less breaks the flow accelerated.


"What is the time."

"45 seconds sir."

"Much better but I think I can improve this much more. The duration has become longer but the efficiency is turning crap. I lost a lot of Vestia trying to control Vestia. Modifying Farik technique is so hard. Well, he is a monster after all. I'm trying to downgrade it to human level."

I wiggle around my body. Trying to find if there is any side effect to my mobility. If there is a side effect especially to movement and mobility I prefer using this as a really really last trump card. It looks like there is not.

"Alex can you please bring me a tub full of cold water. I need to cool down my body. And please bring me a jug full of ice lemon juice, my throat is really parch right now."

"Right away sir."

Alex silently and quickly walks out of the basement. I see him out before laying on cold hard floor.

"Ahhh much better."

There are no side effects after the use but there is a side effect during the use of Farik technique. Rapid rising of body temperature. Just one but it can surely brings me disadvantages while fighting. If it is using the technique while fighting, I can practice so I can activate and maintain the flow naturally but the heat. The heat will not go away.

"Should I use an Artifact. I remember there is an Artifact that lower down your temperature when you eat it. Or should I use the wear type one. No, it is too much work. I need constantly activated it while also using the technique.

"And he said this is a simple technique. What a bull. If any Alchemist try to use this technique they will die. Die!"

A week left and still so much work.

*clears throat* H-Hello guys. Your author here. Sorry again for the not so satisfactory writing. I am still improving my English. Remind me if my grammar is wrong. Thank you to anyone who read my novel from chap 1 if there is really anyone. Thank you so much! I will do my best!

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